Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 163: Die before your ambition is fulfilled

——Thanks to Tiandi Xingyu’s natural friends for their rewards and comments.

Ganzhou Jianya.

Xu Ping held his sword arrogantly and stood guard at the mountain gate. As a child from a poor family, he could enter the prestigious Jianya sect and have a promising future. How could he not be proud?

The last few days have been the Sword Cliff Conference held once every ten years. The Lord of Sword Cliff, Tianjian General Gu Juejian, Iron Fist Li Chenfan, Xuanyi Sanren Qi Taichong, Chang He Luo Ri Zuo Xing Qi, Master Nian Hua Yi Xiao Zhi Xiu and others are vying for the No. 1 spot in the martial arts world. One's name, and determines the fate of the "Book of Immortality". Therefore, Jianya was heavily guarded, and rising stars like Xu Ping were sent to guard the mountain gate.

Thinking of "The Book of Immortality", Xu Ping felt longing and sighing. After his uncle Du Yuhan got this secret book, he half-stepped into obscurity in just six years. He was probably the youngest martial arts master. Unfortunately, he also died because of "The Book of Immortality". The "Book of Immortality" brought about the disaster of death. Ten years ago, it was surrounded and killed by several masters of the same realm. Master Gu Juejian was a step too late, so he could only kill everyone and bring the "Book of Immortality" back to Jianya.

In order for people in the martial arts world to stop killing each other because of this secret book, Gu Juejian sealed it under his futon. Unfortunately, they could not suppress the four masters including Chang He Luo Ri Zuo Xingqi, who was as famous as him. They went to Jianya together to ask Gu Juejian to hand over this secret book.

Of course Gu Juejian refused, so he proposed a sword competition to determine the fate of the secret book. In the end, he defeated the other four people and left the "Book of Immortality" in the sword cliff, and became the number one martial arts master passed down by people in the world. At the same time, the five people agreed to compete again ten years later. However, not only the four great masters are here this time, but also the rising stars in the world who have entered the micro realm in the past ten years.

How great would it be if one day I could become a grandmaster, defeat other masters of the same level in sword-fighting competitions, and become the veritable number one martial arts master! Just when Xu Ping was in a state of reverie, a faint voice rang in his ears: "This little brother, is this Jianya? I'm asking you to find out about someone."

Xu Ping looked up and saw a young man in ordinary clothes appearing in front of him as if out of nowhere. Xu Ping was so frightened that he took two steps back and drew his sword: "Who are you? How did you get here? Me Jianya?"

Shi Xuan put his hands behind his back and smiled and said: "How did you come here? Little brother, Pindao came over just now when you were in a daze." When he left, Shi Xuan knew that Yan Jujian turned out to be Gu Juejian's junior brother, who also lived in Jian Juejian. Ya, at that time secretly complained that this master's naming skills were simply worse than his own.

Shi Xuan's words made Xu Ping blush for a while. He had indeed been daydreaming just now. Huh, this young Taoist doesn't look very old, but he actually called me little brother! However, seeing that Shi Xuan's demeanor and demeanor were extraordinary, Xu Ping didn't like to speak harshly: "I wonder who this little Taoist priest is looking for? I'm holding a sword discussion conference in Jianya these days, so I'm afraid it's not convenient to receive him."

"Pindao is here to find an old friend named Yan Jujian. I wonder where he is? If it's not convenient to receive him, I can ask him to come out and meet him." For Shi Xuan, it is easy to sneak into Jian Cliff to find Yan Jujian. One thing is asking for trouble, so it would be easier to ask directly.

Xu Ping exclaimed: "It turns out that the Taoist priest is here to find Master Yan's uncle, but Master Yan has passed away five years ago. Doesn't the Taoist priest know?"

Shi Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he was a little surprised, it was reasonable. Yan Jujian was already fifty-two twenty years ago. He was injured too many times when he was young and middle-aged, which damaged his original essence and could only survive. It's normal to be sixty-seven years old, but Shi Xuan still feels a little melancholy in his heart. Speaking of which, Yan Jujian is the one who has the most determined heart to pursue the truth except Chu Wan'er, a child who has no other desires. Unfortunately, his ambition has not been fulfilled. Death, Shi Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

"I wonder where Yan Jujian is buried? Can I take Pindao there?" Shi Xuan sighed and asked. As Yan Jujian's nominal uncle and de facto master, it was considered appropriate to offer incense in the past. meaning.

Xu Ping answered smoothly at first: "Master Yan's uncle is buried in Jianxuan." Then he immediately realized: "But Taoist Priest, you can't go to offer incense in the past few days. There is a sword discussion conference going on there."

It's a pity that he didn't hear that Shi Xuan's tone was not a request, but a statement. So he saw a faint light flash in Shi Xuan's eyes, and he felt dizzy: "Then I will lead the Taoist priest." After saying that, he immediately turned around and led the way.

Shi Xuan silently followed Xu Ping to the Burial Sword Pavilion. No other Jianya disciples came up to question him along the way, because these days were a sword discussion conference, and some famous figures and hidden masters in the world were expected to come. When participating in the battle or watching the battle, Shi Xuan had Xu Ping leading the way, so those disciples misunderstood.


Buried in Jianxuan, the sword-discussing field in front of the graves of the masters of the past generations of Jianya was bustling with people.

The incident happened suddenly ten years ago, and many famous people in the world were unaware of it, so only the five great masters themselves participated. Ten years later, the sword discussion conference has become widely known, and many hidden masters and new masters have come to attend the conference. They each brought their own disciples, plus some well-connected people in the world, and the number of people in the sword field was dozens of times greater than ten years ago.

After Zuo Xingqi defeated a new grandmaster in the sunset of the long river, he also defeated Master Nianhua Yixiao Zhixiu with half a move. Now it was the time when he was satisfied with his ambition, and his thin and gloomy face also showed a smile, facing the remaining The two masters, Tianjian Gu Juejian and Iron Fist Li Chenfan, said: "Today Zuo wants to see who is the best in the world!"

As soon as he said this, his disciples, followers, and friends felt proud, and they all spoke out to support Zuo Xingqi.

Li Chenfan looked at his fists affectionately and said with a smile: "Mr. Zuo, you have already fought two times in a row. Li doesn't want to take advantage of you. You just have a rest and wait until Li and Senior Gu have a showdown before fighting again." You fight." His defeat at the hands of Gu Juejian ten years ago made Li Chenfan respect him more.

Of course, Gu Juejian also meant the same thing. He nodded and said: "What Gang Leader Li said is absolutely true. Brother Zuo, you should rest for a while and wait for the two of us to decide the winner."

The Quanqian Gang, Jianya disciples, and other martial arts observers all marveled at the upright and open-minded demeanor of these two masters.

Zuo Xingqi was not a fool. He was indeed a little tired after the two battles. He said, "Then Zuo will watch here first. Don't let Zuo wait for too long." Then he retreated to the side of the field and led to Jian Cliff. Masters of all ages have practiced breathing before the road to their tombs.

The scene gradually became quiet, and everyone was holding their breath for the battle between the two great masters. At this time, someone suddenly shouted: "Hey, Xu Ping, how do you go to the sword field?!"

Suddenly everyone's eyes were focused on the entrance of the Burial Sword Pavilion. They saw a Jianya disciple leading a young master, walking towards the sword field without hesitation. They didn't seem to be walking very fast, but the strange thing was that , those Jianya disciples who wanted to stop them could not catch up.

Li Chenfan looked at the young master, his pupils shrank slightly, and then quietly stepped back a few steps to get out of the way. Only Zuo Xingqi still stood there so unruly. He didn't think anyone could make him retreat.

In the blink of an eye, the Jianya disciple and the young master walked up to Gu Juejian. Gu Juejian asked: "I don't know who the visitor is. What do you want to see me for? Xu Ping?"

But the young master and the Jianya disciple didn't seem to hear them at all. They kept crossing Gu Juejian and continued to go behind, leaving Gu Juejian in a daze for a moment. What were they doing here?

Soon, the two of them came to Zuo Xingqi. Because Zuo Xingqi happened to be blocking the intersection, they stopped for a moment. I saw Zuo Xingqi saying in a deep voice without any hesitation: "Are you two looking for Zuo?"

The young master said calmly: "You are blocking Shi's way, please give way." Shi Xuan didn't want to fly over, so walking was a sign of respect for Yan Jujian.

Zuo Xingqi's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Blocking the road?" This was a big joke, so he was sure in his heart that this was to cause trouble. He has never been a good person. Once he is sure, he will immediately attack first.

With a wave of Shi Xuan's sleeves, Zuo Xingqi flew three feet away, rolling on the ground and groaning in pain. He tried to get up but couldn't stand up.

This incredible scene caused a sudden silence in the scene, and they watched Shi Xuan and Xu Ping disappear on the path in the tomb.


"Taoist Master, that's where the tomb of Uncle Yan is." Xu Ping pointed vaguely to a tomb not far away.

Shi Xuan nodded, withdrew the spell, and then walked over. Xu Ping had a clever idea. He shook his head and suddenly woke up. Then he found himself in a group of tombs. He was so frightened that he was cold and shouted that he was a ghost. He walked back the way he came without daring to look back.

Slowly walking to Yan Jujian's grave, Shi Xuan picked up the three remaining incense sticks beside him, lit them and put them away, and then looked at Yan Jujian's tombstone.

I saw the tombstone written: "Junior brother Yan Jujian's tomb, senior brother Gu Juejian here." After that, there was a series of inscriptions, and it was not written until the end: "Junior brother left a few words before his death, and they are now engraved here. Hate! Hate! Hate! I hate that I can’t meet my uncle ten years earlier! Hate that I’m young and frivolous! I just wish I could see the truth in my next life! ! Disciple Nan Tian is so ashamed of his uncle!'"

Shi Xuan sighed and said slowly: "What a pity." With a sigh, Shi Xuan turned into clear light and left. Yan Jujian's last words touched Shi Xuan deeply. The road to immortality is really merciless. Opportunity and hard work are both indispensable. Otherwise, no matter how firm your Taoist heart is, you will only be able to achieve your goal when your life is approaching. Can only lament to oneself. Likewise, we must guard against the slightest mistake and take good care of ourselves.

Now that I have both the opportunity and the longevity, if I continue to relax, I will not even be able to compare with my nephew, Yan Jujian. These words will be my warning words on the road ahead in the future.




When Gu Juejian came with his disciples, this sigh seemed to be echoing in the wind.

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