Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 170 A life of birth, old age, illness and death

——Thanks to Fan Xuanzi, I used a tip from a friend to name it. Also, this is the final chapter transition.

He Ji and Cao Yuanze entered Zhou Chen's cabin and saw him lying on the bed with a sallow face, dry lips and unconsciousness. He Ji sighed to Shi Xuan: "Hey, big brother. Calling people to the deck in the middle of the night, the weather is so cold, the wind is so strong, and Brother Zhou is not in good health, it is inevitable to get sick. "

Cao Yuanze said with a smile: "Thanks to Brother Shi who is proficient in medicine and can use the medicinal materials on the ship to prepare effective prescriptions. Although Brother Zhou is ill, his life is not in danger." He was a little bit flattered by Shi Xuan, because he didn't dare He ensured that he would not get sick once during the two-and-a-half-year voyage, and the doctors of the Fan family were expensive and arrogant. The island countries controlled by the Blood Demon Sect in the North Sea were far apart, and they would only meet each other in a month or two. To one.

Shi Xuan didn't care about Cao Yuanze's flattery, and looked at the two brothers Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying who were helping to serve tea and water: "Fortunately, the two children are fine." In fact, if the disciple of the Blood Demon Sect wanted everyone to kneel down or something last night , Shi Xuan will quietly take control of him. Considering Shi Xuan's current strength, it is a very simple matter. Shi Xuan's main concern was that when the passing disciples and elders of the Blood Demon Sect scanned them with their spiritual consciousness, he happened to be cultivating and running his Qi, so he deliberately stopped from the moment he got on the boat.

As for why you don't just use the God-Gathering Soul-Refining Pill to advance, but instead look for this illusory opportunity, that's because there are always unstable situations when using the pill to advance. It can also be made up, it just takes more time, but when it comes to the soul and spiritual thoughts, once something goes wrong, it is very difficult to make up for it.

Many people who dare not take the divine elixir to achieve the middle-grade golden elixir when they reach the divine soul stage are because they made some mistakes when using the divine soul-gathering and soul-refining elixir to advance. The union of the divine soul and the soul is incomplete. If you make a mistake in one step, it will be difficult to make up for it later. The Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill, which can increase the probability by 30%, will naturally not give them the confidence to break through to the middle-grade golden elixir.

As for the possibility of something going wrong when the God-Gathering Soul-Refining Pill is advanced, there may be about ten out of a hundred people, which is not too high and has something to do with one's own cultivation and control ability. Those with strong soul control may only have five or six people out of a hundred. But for Shi Xuan, who wants to achieve immortality, he doesn't dare to take this risk. In comparison, Shi Xuan is more willing to accept some stressful experiences, at least whether it is life or death, he has a certain ability to control it. .

In general, it's just a matter of holding on to yourself, rejecting the temptation of seemingly easy paths, sticking to your heart, and sticking to your choice of path.

"Hey, the two children really suffered last night. But it's okay. Those monks who should have escaped have all escaped. The immortals of the Blood Demon Sect will not come to search again." He Ji's face showed no trace of the previous copper. The embarrassment of having big eyes and bloody mouths exposed.

Cao Yuanze also said easily: "That's right, the sight of that Immortal of the Blood Demon Sect makes my legs and feet weak. It would be better if I never see him again. Okay, Brother He, let's go to the canteen to have a meal, and help me by the way." Brother Shi and the two children will bring one. Well, Brother Zhou can just bring some porridge, right?"

As soon as he opened the door, he heard crying from the corridor on the other side. Cao Yuanze became curious and said, "Brothers, I'll go take a look first and be back soon." After saying that, he immediately walked out.

After a while, Cao Yuanze came back feeling depressed. He Ji asked, "What happened over there? Why are people suffering?"

"Don't mention it, he's dead." Cao Yuanze waved his hand, "It's the white-haired old man named Zhang that I often met. He seemed to be in good health. I didn't expect that he passed away today because he caught some cold last night."

He Ji didn't expect that the cold wind last night actually killed someone. He didn't know how to answer for a while. It took him a long time to ask: "Is that the old man Zhang from the North Wind Kingdom whose granddaughter married an Arctic monk?"

Shi Xuan was not too surprised. Before he boarded the ship in Beifeng Kingdom, he met the old man named Zhang by chance. He could see that his body was strong on the outside but strong on the inside. With a life span of two years, what he didn't expect was that just after arriving in Beihai, he died of cold due to what happened last night, which made Shi Xuan feel a little unpredictable.

Cao Yuanze said: "It's that old man Zhang. Hey, the old man received a letter from his granddaughter this time, asking the old couple to go to the North Pole to enjoy themselves. Who knew that he passed away just after arriving in Beihai? How pitiful."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go to the dining hall. Brother Shi is still waiting!" He Ji didn't want to talk about such a heavy topic, so he pushed Cao Yuanze's shoulder and went out with him.

Seeing the two people leaving, Shi Xuan took Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying to start literacy. In the minds of the two children, Uncle Shi, who is literate, can tell stories, and can also treat their father's illness, is really awesome, much more powerful than those bad guys in red flying around! Therefore, under Shi Xuan's guidance, Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying showed no reluctance at all, but were full of enthusiasm for literacy.

"Arqiong...Arqiong..." Zhou Chen, who was sleeping on the bed, spoke with slurred speech and a painful expression, and then shouted: "Xiaoyi...Xiaoying..."

Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying looked at each other and pouted, "Dad often talks like this in his sleep."


After Old Man Zhang passed away, people from the Fan family fleet came forward to build a small mourning hall on the deck so that the Zhang family could mourn.

After the first seven days, the Fan family sent someone to pile a wood pile there and put Old Man Zhang's body on it to prepare for cremation. Old Man Zhang's wife didn't have any objections. After all, there were still more than two years to go and there were more people on the ship. There are no monks, and the corpse is not as strong as a monster. It will definitely not be preserved for that long. Compared with water burial, cremation can at least leave some ashes.

The deck of the Fan family fleet was fireproof, so they were not afraid of the spread of fire, so Shi Xuan, He Ji, Cao Yuanze, Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying stood in the distance and watched the cremation.

Zhou Chen recovered from his illness for a long time, but he was still very weak and could not get out of bed. Shi Xuan, He Ji, and Cao Yuanze took turns taking care of the two children every day.

Seeing the excitement here today, Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying clamored to come and take a look, so the three of them had to bring them over.

"Don't those fires hurt your body?" Zhou Ying asked curiously as she watched the fire gradually ignite.

Zhou Yi looked at his sister with contempt: "He is already asleep, how can he feel pain!"

"That's right, brother, when you are asleep, I can't wake you up no matter how hard I pinch you." Zhou Ying's words drew Zhou Yi's glare.

After a while, after the fire stopped, Zhou Ying hurriedly pulled Zhou Yi: "Brother, the man is gone! Is he doing some magic?"

"You are stupid. Huozang (burial) means hiding."

"Oh, then will he show up yet?"

"How do I know? You should ask him!"

The words of the two children were very good, and Cao Yuanze looked bad. The more childlike and innocent they were, the more cruel they felt about death.


Half a year later, the Fan family fleet arrived at an island outside the Blood Demon Sect. All the medicinal materials, spiritual herbs, and monster corpses brought on board will be unloaded here. The two Blood Demon Sect disciples will also leave here. As for the future, Whether the Fan family's fleet capsized or sank has nothing to do with them.

Fan Han respectfully accompanied the two inner disciples of the Blood Demon Sect into the island. The stewards directed the boatmen to carry all the items to the island. After that, they would buy the unique spiritual herbs and magic weapons of the Blood Demon Sect.

However, this has nothing to do with Shi Xuan and the others. They leaned on the railing of the boat and looked at the ordinary people on the island who were in good spirits, and then casually instructed Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying to do some basic exercise routines.

After Zhou Chen recovered from his illness, he felt the importance of good health. In addition, he heard the well-informed He Ji bragging that most monks had been exercising since they were young, so he asked Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying to learn how to read and write. , spend an hour every day doing some boxing. There are many people with martial arts skills on the boat, and there are always people passing by to give some advice, so Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying are doing a good job. Of course, Shi Xuan also helped to remove some unreasonable movements, which made He Ji, Zhou Chen and others sigh for a while. Mr. Shi is really good at both civil and military skills. Well, he is also proficient in medicine.

"Uncle Shi, look, we have grown taller again!" Zhou Yi said excitedly, calling Shi Xuan from the unconscious uncle to the obvious uncle Shi.

Zhou Ying also stood by the boat rail, comparing the line drawn last month, and found with satisfaction that she had exceeded it by a lot. For children of their age, they are growing taller every day, and when they start to exercise, the effect is even more obvious.

Zhou Chen looked at his two children growing taller and taller. He was relieved and sighed: "They are growing up slowly, and I am getting older. Hey, I am getting older." The illness half a year ago made Zhou Chen more pregnant. There are some gray hairs and wrinkles, and he looks four or five years older.

He Ji patted Zhou Chen on the shoulder and said with a smile: "This is a normal thing. When children grow up, parents will naturally grow old. However, your Xiaoyi and Xiaoying will definitely be successful in the future. Brother Zhou, just wait and enjoy peace and happiness." "Yeah." He paused and continued: "Tsk, I'm so envious of me. I really want to go back to Crystal City right away, marry a wife, and have a fat boy." He is only a year or two younger than Zhou Chen, but. After arriving at the North Pole, he was busy working hard, but he hadn't gotten married yet.

After he finished speaking, he saw Shi Xuan and Cao Yuanze smiling and saying nothing, so he joked: "What, two brothers, do you want me to be a matchmaker for you? There are many beauties in Crystal City, they are taller and stronger. , but it’s very even. It’s convex where it should be and concave where it should be.”

It was not that Shi Xuan and Cao Yuanze had never seen a woman before, so they did not blush. They casually said a few words and changed the topic: "This fleet has only arrived at the Blood Demon Sect for half a year. How could it last for nearly two years? ?”

"Don't you understand this? The Blood Demon Sect is located in the south. To the north, there is the ocean where icebergs often float across. The ship does not dare to travel too fast. It has to slow down at night. If it encounters a heavy snowstorm, it must be slowed down. Find an island to hide in. It was only a journey of less than a year, but it took two years." He Ji proudly showed off his knowledge.

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