Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 176 Blood God Handprint vs. Thunder God

——Thanks to friends kexy, toilet ghost, and liushyhp for their tips

Shi Xuan and Xie Fangwei escaped quickly, reaching the distance of less than a hundred miles in the blink of an eye, and then they both landed at the gate of Crystal City.

I saw that the monks guarding there had been replaced by two other monks, with serious but not nervous expressions. There were no abnormalities in the mortals and monks coming and going, as if nothing had happened here just now.

Shi Xuan was not worried at all about the Golden Pill Grandmaster of Crystal City. He and Duan Qingwu had been fighting for so long. They must have known which sect he was a disciple of for a long time, and they would not be in trouble for an out-of-body guard. Moreover, It was still the case that the guard was at fault first.

After entering the Crystal City, Shi Xuan asked: "Brother Xie, I wonder who we should intercept and kill?" Since Xie Fangwei said that he would only kill one person, there is a problem of choice.

Xie Fangwei smiled gently and said: "Brother, I have long wanted to compete with the top three true disciples from other sects. This time, I naturally chose the most powerful blood-handed man to kill King Qinian. At that time, please ask Junior Brother Shi not to interfere. Just plunder the formation next to it.”

Shi Xuan didn't care. He was not a person who wanted to fight bravely. In addition, with the sequelae of Broken Jade Art, facing the Qi-entraining stage was not a big deal. But facing the Soul stage, wouldn't he be seeking death? So he smiled and said: "With blood With Handu Tu’s strength, even if Junior Brother wants to intervene, there is nothing he can do.”

"In other words, although Junior Brother Shi, your current cultivation level is still far behind that of Blood Hand Human Tu, but you have the peerless swordsmanship of Sword Qi Leiyin in your hand, and he doesn't dare to take a peek at you. Speaking of which, , Even among the true disciples of our sect, Junior Brother Shi, your current combat power should be ranked in the top five," Xie Fangwei said with a sincere face.

"Thank you so much for giving me the confidence, senior brother. Don't worry, junior brother will definitely raid the formation well and not let Wang Qinian escape." Shi Xuan half-joked.

After a while, the two arrived at the Teleportation Hall in Crystal City. When he stepped into the teleportation array, Xie Fangwei's entire demeanor changed and he became like an ordinary person, not noticeable at all. Even if he passed by others, they would not be able to remember his appearance afterwards.


At this time, Jiye City is in the season of darkness all day long. The formation under the sky emits a faint white light, and further down are the luminous pearls inlaid in all directions. The soft and bright light and thousands of lights turn Jiye City into a A dreamy city with bright lights and jewels.

As soon as Shi Xuan stepped out of the teleportation formation, he felt that he was being watched. This feeling was vague, but if he was still in the Qi-entraining stage, he would most likely not have noticed it. Shi Xuan's heart was calm, and there was no abnormality on his face. It was just that the Tai Chi diagram in his dantian was ready to go. Even if Xie Fangwei was by his side, even if he was in Jiye City, Shi Xuan still had to be vigilant.

After all, the strength of Blood-Hand Man Tu Wang Qinian can be said to be on par with Xie Fangwei's. Even if it is a little worse, it is not much. When he suddenly attacks, Xie Fangwei may not be able to save him in time. And even in Jiye City, the outskirts of the Guanghan Sect, in most cases, the monks from other sects have to show off their face and will not fight in the city, but they can't stop the blood-handed people from going crazy intermittently. This is blood A common mistake made by low-level disciples of the Demon Sect.

After walking out of the teleportation hall unharmed, Shi Xuan knew that Wang Qinian was normal now, and it seemed that he planned to protect himself first and wait until he left the city before taking action.

Shi Xuan didn't even look in Wang Qinian's direction. He watched and walked leisurely, admiring the city scenery under the polar night. It took him a full hour to reach the city gate.

As soon as he left the city gate, Shi Xuan set up the Shadowless Sword, turned into a ray of clear light, and flew deep into the Arctic Circle. Soon, a billowing blood cloud appeared behind him. It was fierce and rushed towards Shi Xuan extremely fast.

Shi Xuan smiled slightly and swung the Shadowless Sword. He was far away in the blink of an eye. When Shi Xuan stopped, he heard a thunderous sound and the sound of the magic weapon colliding behind him.

After the attack, Xie Fangwei and the Bloody-Hand Man Tu Wang Qinian were seen standing dozens of feet away from each other, facing each other, with all their energy and attention focused on each other.

The Bloody Hand Man Slaughter Wang Qinian was a tall, fat man. He was eight feet tall and had an eight-foot waist. He was dressed like a blacksmith in the secular world. On his round face was a pair of small eyes flashing with fierce light. He spoke slowly: "Xie Fangwei?"

Xie Fangwei just smiled and nodded without saying a word. Around him were seven magical instruments of different luster, including a shield, a sword, a card, a hammer, a cone, a bell, and a mirror, including bright purple, azure blue, dark purple, light cyan, and so on. There are gold, red, and golden cyan, but without exception, they are all related to lightning, and there are strips of electric light flashing around them. You must know that what Xie Fangwei practices is the first true biography of the Penglai sect, the "Shenxiao True Dharma".

Shi Xuan still doesn't know much about Xie Fangwei, the leader of the true disciples in the sect. After all, except for those who are famous, no one will publicize their magical weapons and Taoist skills to the whole world. Shi Xuan only One thing is clear, that is, Xie Fangwei has not yet used his natal magical weapon, the Eight Desolate Royal Thunder Seal of the Eighth Heavenly Perfection.

Since he was just here to raid the formation, Shi Xuan was not polite. He found a higher snow hill and sat cross-legged on it. The Tai Chi diagram above his head turned into a golden bridge and thousands of golden lights hung down to protect his whole body. In a duel between masters of this level, the light The aftermath of the battle that was leaked was very terrifying, and I was suffering from the sequelae of the Broken Jade Fight. If I was accidentally injured and asked about it in the future, I would have no face to answer. I couldn't say that I was watching others fight. Maybe he was accidentally injured.

At the same time, the All-Seeing Shadowless Sword turned into clear light and circled around him. As long as Wang Qinian wanted to escape, he would fly away with the sword to stop him.

Wang Qinian knew that he was being plotted, so he did not dare to be careless. A seven-story bloody pagoda flew out from his dantian. It was his natal magic weapon - the Blood Demon Pagoda. On the Blood Demon Pagoda, each level had four sides, and each level had four sides. There is a terrifying and ferocious face on both sides, emitting bursts of shrill, plaintive, sad, or fearful sounds. It is said that it is a magical weapon that was deduced from the ritual sacrifice after the ancestor of Blood River advanced to the Yang God. The method requires thousands of blood sacrifices for the initial refining alone, and the blood of monks of different realms and numbers in each subsequent heaven is required. It can be regarded as a very brutal magical weapon.

Looking into the sky, the seven-story bloody pagoda grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a giant tower, pressing towards Xie Fangwei. Thousands of bloody lights were released from the tower, which bound Xie Fangwei on the spot, and then suppressed him under the tower. The faces on each level displayed different Blood Demon Sect spells. Dozens of spells flew down at once. At the same time, those faces screamed, cried, laughed wildly, or sighed deeply. Shi Xuan was watching hundreds of Zhangwai felt dizzy when he heard it. Jin Qiao was slightly shocked before he calmed down.

Xie Fangwei's expression was calm, and among the seven magic weapons around him, the Thunder Hammer and the Lightning Cone were raised up to meet him. These were imitations of famous ancient magic weapons, and even the names had not been changed. In the process of approaching, the hammers and cones collided with each other, making rolling thunder, suppressing all the disturbing and demonic sounds on the Blood Demon Pagoda. Moreover, at the same time as the collision, dozens of hammers and cones appeared next to them. Thunderballs of different colors exploded the thousands of bloody lights emitted from the pagoda into pieces.

At the same time, each sword and bell flew towards Wang Qinian. The sword light was blue, the bells sounded melodious, and the cards and mirrors also emitted bursts of thunder. Wang Qinian smiled slightly, and the blood cloud around him suddenly turned into a big hand with five fingers. He made an extremely weird handprint and grabbed it for the sword, bell and thunder. The bloody handprint was surrounded by the sound of ghosts roaring. Wherever it passed, blood rolled and the space faintly froze. This was the Taoist technique for which Wang Qinian became famous. This is also the origin of his nickname - Blood God Mahamudra. This is a Taoist technique that can be practiced in the Blood Demon Sect during the Qi-Entraining Stage, but it requires very high character and qualifications. Before Wang Qinian, the last person to successfully practice it during the Qi-Entraining Stage was the Blood River Ancestor.

While Wang Qinian used the big hand seal of the Blood God to grab Xie Fangwei's sword, he activated the Blood Demon Pagoda with all his strength. He saw that the blood on the huge tower of the Blood Demon Pagoda surged, and the faces actually stepped out of the Pagoda. , turned into twenty-eight ancient and wild blood-colored demon gods. Among them, there were those with ram's horns, some with two blood-colored dragons on their feet, and some surrounded by blood lotuses... all of them bared their teeth and claws to kill Xie Fangwei, using their magic skills. Some have fists, some have magic weapons. For a moment, Xie Fangwei seemed to be under heavy siege.

Suddenly, a noble and solemn purple thunder light lit up from the twenty-eight blood-colored demon gods. It crackled and shattered a few of them, forcing the rest back. Then Shi Xuan saw a small flashing light floating on Xie Fangwei's chest. The purple jade seal exudes an aura of incomparable nobility. The sword, bell, hammer, and awl have retreated at some point, and together with the shield, cards, and mirrors, they are surrounding the jade seal in worship.

Wang Qinian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xie Fangwei's natal magic weapon, the Eight Wilds Royal Thunder Seal, was forced out. It seemed that the gap between the two sides was not too big. With a move of his hand, the shattered demon gods immediately flew back to health. Mofutu then stepped out again intact, and killed Xie Fangwei together with the other demon gods who were forced back.

A big bloody hand flew out from the blood cloud again, and grabbed Xie Fangwei. The five fingers of the big bloody hand kept changing handprints, and were surrounded by bursts of howling and screaming. Wherever it passed, blood flowed. After changing eight hand seals in a row, the big bloody hand just flew to Xie Fangwei's head and performed the last hand seal.

As soon as this hand seal was used, the howling and screaming stopped, and the seven magic weapons seemed to be still. Only the small purple jade seal in front of Xie Fangwei was still shining.

The twenty-eight demon gods and the big hand seals of the blood god fell together, but Xie Fangwei did not panic. He threw the eight wilderness royal thunder seals, and the small seal turned into a huge, vague-faced ancient thunder god, wearing a Ping Tianmian, wearing purple thunder emperor clothes, has one eye in his forehead tightly closed.

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