Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 189 After practicing Waidan, he will travel

Seven years later, Shi Xuan woke up from seclusion. During these seven years, Shi Xuan followed his own arrangements, first focusing on stabilizing his cultivation, supplemented by sacrificial artifacts. Finally today, I completely merged my spiritual thoughts and soul into one, and achieved a transparent and crystal-clear divine soul. With just one thought, my spiritual consciousness can cover hundreds of miles.

The Taiji diagram was also refined to the perfection of the sixth heaven three years ago. Its power is equivalent to a semi-spiritual weapon. It is only a little bit different from other people's natal magic weapons of the eighth heaven perfection. However, those who have the natal magic weapon of the eighth heaven perfection are often It is the completion of the soul stage. However, it will take twenty-seven years to practice the Tai Chi diagram to the seventh heaven. Counting from now on, it will be twenty-four years. It cannot be completed in a short time.

The yin and yang two-gas bottle is now restricted to the 50th level, and there are still five years left before the sixth heaven is perfected. However, the natal magic weapon is warmed and cultivated in the body day and night, so there is no need for special retreat for sacrifice.

In the past seven years, the Tianlei Fu Demon Sword has also been mastered by Shi Xuan to the eighth level of Tiangang prohibition. In more than a year, it will be perfected at the first level of heaven. At that time, Shi Xuan will be able to exert the power of the spiritual weapon with about five levels of Tiangang prohibition. , which is stronger than Tai Chi Tu. The power of each sword is equivalent to the power of Tai Chi Tu when it unleashes the Yin and Yang Qi with all its strength.

The Ecstasy Banner and the All-Seeing Shadowless Sword are still more than ten years away from the Sixth Heaven. They are the least powerful magic weapons in Shi Xuan's hands. After all, both of them were refined by Shi Xuan when the number of restricted layers was very small. , it is difficult to reach the level of high-level magic weapons without a long period of time. For example, with Shi Xuan's current cultivation level, the tools he uses are either magic weapons or spiritual weapons from the eighth level, or magic weapons equivalent to this power. .

Shi Xuan has now mastered the Lei Ze Divine Sword to more than seven heavens, but it will take another seven or eight years to fully master the eight heaven prohibitions. The set of seven Yimu Qinglong Swords still needs more than six heavens to master. It takes two or three years to fully master it.

Qianyang Qingdeng, Shi Xuan has only refined two levels of restrictions over the years, and its power has not been significantly improved.

In addition, there are Qingfeng Escape, Golden Dragon Armor Curse, Invisibility Concealing Qi Curse, Golden Blade Divine Wind Slash, Qi Watching Technique, and Yin Yang Eyes, which are already seventh-level spells. The next two levels require a total of about a month to practice. Often, most masters of the Divine Soul stage only practice their small innate magical powers to the ninth level after advancing to the Golden Core stage. After all, the time spent on practicing spells by then will be about 30% of what it is now. Shangqing Shushu Lei is still four to five years away from the eighth level.

Shi Xuan also used the roots of the Ten Thousand Years Blue Sky Tree to practice the Jueyin Gan Yang Green Wood Metamorphosis Technique. This is a first-class sneak attack and assassination technique, which shoots two nearly colorless Wanzai Blue Sky Divine Tree Qi from his eyes. After touching the opponent silently, it takes root on the opponent, extracts nutrients, and grows into a towering tree in a few breaths, while the opponent naturally becomes tree fertilizer. Of course, this is an incomplete Taoist technique, and its distance and power are about the same as Gengjin Sword Qi and Virtual Real Fire.

Now, Shi Xuan knows a total of seven Taoist arts: Gengjin Sword Qi, Virtual and Real Fire, Green Wood Metamorphosis Technique, Broken Jade Technique, Thunder God Thorn, Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, and Close Golden Light Escape, which can be regarded as one of the best in the Soul Stage.


After coming out of the retreat, Shi Xuan rested for five days, and then started preparing to refine the outer elixir.

Shi Xuan had already considered the method of refining the outer elixir countless times in the past ten years. Every step and every technique was repeated over and over again in his mind. Now he has reached the first level of the Soul Stage. , the control is greatly increased, and the refining just begins.

Originally, Shi Xuan wanted to switch to the demonic beast inner elixir of lightning, wind, and yin and yang, but this kind of inner elixir was very popular in the sect, and no one had any stock, so in the end he had to make do with the star armored beast inner elixir. After all, Shi Xuan Xuan never thought that he would not be able to achieve the golden elixir. In that case, the outer elixir was only for temporary use, so there was no need to be so picky.

There is a refining room in Tianji Peak's own cave, which contains excellent earth fire resources. However, Shi Xuan is already in the divine soul stage, so he naturally chooses to use his own Samadhi True Fire to refine it, which is easier to control. , the outer elixir after training is also easier to control.

Shi Xuan took out the inner elixir of the star armored beast and other materials for refining the outer elixir from the yin and yang two gas bottles, placed them on the refining table, and then opened his mouth and sprayed the upper, middle and lower elixirs, which is the divine fire. , essence fire, and air fire, the three fires merged into one, and a red, almost transparent flame flew to the mouth of the weapon refining platform.

Suddenly there was a blazing flame under the inner elixir of the star armored beast and those materials. Shi Xuan divided his mind into two things. He first kept typing out the talisman characters written in ancient cloud seal scripts on the inner elixir that was shining brightly and spread by the stars. With the help of the power of Samadhi True Fire, the inner elixir gradually shrank, and finally became the size of a night pearl. The other side spurted out Samadhi True Fire from time to time, and at the same time controlled the power of the flame to keep the materials in a semi-melting state. .

Then, Shi Xuan put those materials into the inner elixir of the star armored beast one by one in order, and used talisman and seal characters to fuse them together.

The first few steps took Shi Xuan half a month to complete. However, at this step, the basic work was completed. After that, the nine sets of restrictions were entered one by one according to the method of sacrificing magic weapons. Finally, when the nine are combined into one, you are done.

One month later.

Dozens of bright starlights suddenly fell from the sky above Tianji Peak. They were dazzling for a moment. Unfortunately, it was noon, and these starlights were blocked by the peak-protecting formation. They disappeared after a while. The entire Penglai sect saw this scene. No more than ten people.

At this time, Shi Xuan was playing with a night-shining pearl the size of a longan in the weapon refining room. At first glance, this night-shining pearl looked ordinary and normal, but when he looked closely, he felt that this night-shining pearl was shining like the stars in the sky and contained infinite magic power. Looking inside, it seemed that there were countless stars rising and falling according to mysterious trajectories, and the huge galaxy was slowly rotating, just like looking at the starry sky at night.

Tie this external pill with Ao Han's dragon tendons and then hang it close to your body. Originally, Shi Xuan wanted to make the external pill rotate on a circular trajectory around his head like the Ion Stone in the novel he read in his previous life. That would look cool and mysterious, but this was his secret method, and it would be bad if others found out at once, so after thinking it over, Shi Xuan decided to keep it close to his body, one to keep it secret, and two to be able to call on the golden pill divine light and Taoist magic and magic inside at any time.

The outer pill refined by the inner pill of the Star Iron Beast can provide the Mysterious Gold Star Light. The power of each attack is equivalent to the first-level Taoist magic, and the same is true for defense. In addition, the four innate magical powers of the Star Iron Beast are also in this outer pill. They are all second-level Taoist magic. However, when Shi Xuan uses them, they are at most between the first and second levels. Only by going to Guanghan Sect to ask for that method can he play the power of the second-level Taoist magic in a short time.

These four innate magical powers are: Seven Stars Big Handprint, Mysterious Gold Body Protection Skill, Star Demon Slaughtering Sword Qi, Ten Thousand Stars Silk Net.

However, it can be seen that this Star Iron Beast was killed not long after the pill was formed, and many star or gold magics have not yet begun to be practiced, only the first level.

In addition, it seems that with this outer pill, Shi Xuan's first-level Taoist magic, seventh- and eighth-level magics are temporarily useless, but one is the essence and the other is the exterior. One has unlimited possibilities for advancement in the future, and the other can only maintain its current power. How can they be compared?

After refining the external pill, Shi Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, in the entire world of the soul, his self-protection ability can also be ranked in the top three. After refining the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan, he will go to the Western Wilderness to explore the cave of the ancient Shinto monk.

After learning the small teleportation technique, Shi Xuan had some ideas about how to trigger the space force contained in the blue phoenix feather, but for the sake of safety, he still went to ask the master and the real person to avoid wasting materials.

With this in mind, Shi Xuan walked out of the refining room and prepared to go to Master Mo Yuan.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, he saw the huge black dragon coiled next to his cave guarding. Seeing him come out, Ao Gu hurriedly bowed his head to greet him, with fear and trepidation. This was the sequelae of seeing Ao Han's miserable condition. Besides, since he has been captured, it is better to have a better attitude in exchange for a better life.

The four servants in Shi Xuan's original cave had already broken through to the Out-of-Body Stage. Some became outer disciples, while others returned home to enjoy wealth and glory. Currently, two little Taoist children, a boy and a girl, helped Shi Xuan take care of the affairs of the cave. Shi Xuan named them Qingfeng and Mingyue out of fun.

It happened that Mo Yuan did not retreat today. It was unknown whether the celestial phenomena caused by the outer pill had alarmed him. Anyway, Shi Xuan did not ask and he did not say anything.

After explaining the refining ideas, restrictions and small teleportation techniques of the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan to his master, Shi Xuan just watched Mo Yuan thinking.

Mo Yuan, who was thinking, showed more expression than usual, frowning from time to time. After half a day, he pointed out the mistakes in the restrictions and techniques that Shi Xuan was going to use, and asked Shi Xuan to consult Master Jiang again, so that the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan would not be able to advance to a spiritual weapon due to its own defects after it became a magic weapon, which would be a waste of materials.

Before leaving, Mo Yuan suddenly said, "Are you going to explore the cave in the Western Wasteland?" Shi Xuan had nothing to hide about Guanghan Sect's requirements and his own thoughts, and he had already told his master.

Shi Xuan nodded, knowing that Mo Yuan had something to say about this, so he just listened quietly.

"In fact, you can go as a Jindan Grandmaster. First, if you have external pills and spiritual tools, your strength is 50% of that of a lower-grade Jindan. No one will doubt you unless you fight to the death. Second, as a Jindan Grandmaster, you will avoid a lot of trouble. In the end, if you don't compete with the other three Jindan Grandmasters for what they want, they will definitely not take the initiative to provoke you. Compared with the existence of the Soul Stage that they can easily destroy, your safety is greatly improved. Third, as a Jindan Grandmaster, most of the Soul Stages will not dare to compete with you, which can avoid accidents." Mo Yuan rarely said so many words.

Shi Xuan was originally planning to go as a Soul Stage. With many trump cards in hand, it should not be a problem to save his life. Even if he suddenly attacked, he could still gain something. But after hearing what his master said, Shi Xuan thought about it and realized that it made sense. If he went there at the Spiritual Soul Stage, he would definitely be tested again and again. After all, no one wants to share the treasure with one more person, unless he can prove that he has the ability to destroy the token that is neither gold nor wood before they kill him. This is difficult to grasp and it is even easy to expose his trump card.

However, there is a biggest problem with going there as a Jindan Grandmaster. Shi Xuan asked doubtfully, "But the Tianji List?"

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