Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 3 Buying medicine and inspecting relics (asking for collection)

After Shi Xuan had eaten and drank enough, he had time to observe this ancient city that was completely different from modern society. While recalling the road to the south of the city, I looked around. Maybe because today was market day, there was a huge flow of people. There were small vendors on both sides, selling some daily necessities. It looked like they had been here for a long time. Vegetable sellers are generally concentrated on a few of these streets. Outside of these streets, you can only see a few scattered ones on the corners in the south direction of the city.

It's June now, and there are indeed many people wearing Taoist robes on the street. Some people even wear Taoist robes and wave folding fans, looking nondescript.

Shi Xuan came to Shuijing Street in the south of the city and found a drugstore that seemed to be the largest and most popular. When he walked to the door, he saw three large characters similar to Wei style written on the door plaque - Tongrentang. Shi Xuan was immediately shocked. Tongrentang was so powerful that it even opened branches in other worlds.

After entering the door, I went straight to the counter and saw that the shopkeeper was greeting the customers. It was a good opportunity. I smiled at the apprentice at the counter, said hello, and then reported several medicinal materials in the prescription. The young apprentice saw that although there were two kinds of precious medicinal materials, there were relatively large stocks, so he didn't ask Shi Xuan any more questions. He just grabbed the oil paper and handed it to Shi Xuan: "Chenghui four or two or three coins."

Shi Xuan was secretly surprised at how expensive the medicinal materials were. These were just a few of them. Judging from this, he might only be able to prepare about fifty medicinal materials with his own property. The medicinal materials purchased each time could be used for about three days and six times. If your soul has not entered the soul-strengthening stage after half a year, you will go bankrupt. The Taoist priest who was poor in literature, rich in military skills, and prodigal did have a certain truth. Of course, martial arts practitioners do not have such magical and precious prescriptions. Generally, the prescriptions used by martial arts practitioners to exercise their bodies cost about dozens of taels of silver a year, and the more precious ones cost about one or two hundred taels. This is also very scary. , You must know that the small courtyard in Shixuan is only worth two or three hundred taels of silver.

Although he was surprised, he kept a calm expression on his face. He took out some scraps of silver and paid for it before going out. Then he went to several medicinal material stores to get all the medicinal materials on the prescription. This way, buying from separate stores can effectively prevent others from seeing the medicinal materials they purchased. Prescription is precious. Thus causing unnecessary trouble.

Then I went to the butcher shop and told the shopkeeper that I planned to treat relatives and friends to a dog meat feast, and asked the shopkeeper to send four live dogs to his small courtyard in the west of the city.

Shi Xuan returned to the small courtyard, meditated and adjusted his breath for a while. After regaining his composure, he went to the left wing to find three spare medicine jars, then he chanted a mantra, mobilized the energy of the five elements of the body and the induction of heaven and earth, and cast a dust-removing spell. , clean the medicine jar. Then according to the last medicine, it was divided into three parts, and each was put in according to the weight of the medicine and the amount of water required. At this time, you cannot use the commonly used medicine jar, because no matter how you clean it, there will always be some residual medicinal properties in the commonly used medicine jar. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem, but now it is a prescription similar to alchemy, and a little bit of excess medicinal properties may lead to failure. .

Carry the medicine jar into the kitchen. There is a row of small stoves here that the old Taoist often uses to make medicine. After putting them away, find the wood and use the ignition technique to light it. Shi Xuan began to feel a little tired. Alas, the soul was too weak. Although he could mobilize the five elements of the physical body to cast spells during the Qi-nourishing period, it would eventually consume the power of the soul. Of course, the five elements of the physical body during the Qi-nourishing period could also be forged by Shi Xuan. The reason why the soul in the body nourishing soul period can cast spells.

Shi Xuan cheered up and did not dare to neglect. He made a good hand and recited the spell, and used the fire control technique. He carefully controlled the fire until half an hour passed. The most difficult part was over. Now he only needed to keep the fire low. Just wait for another two hours and it's done.

Shi Xuan let out a long breath, feeling dizzy all over. He quickly sat down cross-legged, exhaled, and after a while he had the strength to move. Shi Xuan's expression returned to normal only when the butcher shop owner Zheng Sunan sent four dogs, two black and two yellow.

After tying up the four dogs, Shi Xuan fetched a bucket of well water from the small well and drank happily, then went into the house to sort out the old Taoist priest's belongings.

Shi Xuan entered Lao Dao's room for the first time since his death. The room was very tidy. Shi Xuan searched around. Apart from some clothes and commonly used items, there was just a gray package. These clothes were of no use to Shi Xuan. It's too big and my body shape doesn't fit. I don't know how to sew if I want to change it. It seems that the old man has some premonition of his own death, and everything has been received in the package.

Opening the package, there were three things inside, one of which was an ancient book "Gui Zhen Jing", which was the true inheritance obtained by the old Taoist and the method he had practiced before this body. However, for Shi Xuan, he had "Yu Yu from the Shangqing Dynasty". "The True Transmission of Du'e De Tao Bao Lu" is a fundamental Dharma that directly points to the Great Dao, so the practice methods in this sutra are not very useful. However, the Tao methods in "Bao Lu" are all derived from the fundamental Dharma, except Most of the several magical powers that require external objects to practice are Taoist techniques that can only be practiced in the Golden Elixir stage and after. There are more Taoist techniques that can be used in the Guizhen Sutra. Although they are all magic techniques, they are not very powerful due to the limitations of the realm, but the magic techniques are magical and always have various uses.

Shi Xuan thought that it was not very powerful, so he thought of a magical channel technique in "Baolu" that needs to be cultivated with external objects, Taiyin Lung Yang Geng Gold Sword Qi. This magical power requires finding a piece of Geng Gold, and then using a secret method to absorb the Geng Gold Qi. It is stored in the lungs, and the secret method is used day and night to finally take shape. It is said to be extremely powerful, and it does not require the time of making spells and chanting like casting a spell. It is extremely fast to use, and even the monks in the soul stage may not be able to block it. Of course, whether you can hit it or not is another matter, because this magical power has a distance limit and a limit on the number of times. Of course, as the sword energy slowly warms up in the future, the power and distance will become greater.

But just thinking about it, this magical power requires at least the out-of-body period to be practiced, because without subtle control over one's own soul, what can be used to control Gengjin Qi, and without strong inner Qi power, what can one use for the lungs? Resist the sharpness of Gengjin Qi. Plus, Gengjin is so easy to find! ! Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t use Geng Gold. Taiyi True Gold, Western Gold Essence, Taibai Essence, these legendary artifacts for practicing immortal swords can be obtained. It’s just that the name of the magical power has been changed. Of course, these are also encountered but not sought. .

Strangely, Qingyunzi said in "Baolu" that you must practice this magical power and the other four magical powers before the golden elixir stage (shaoyin heart yang deficiency and excess real fire, jueyin liver yang green wood transformation) Jue, Taiyin Spleen Yang Mountain Zhenxing Gong, Shaoyin Kidney Yin Ice Soul Divine Light), when the time comes to enter the golden elixir stage, there will be great benefits. What are the specific benefits? Qingyunzi has no idea.

Closer to home, the "Gui Zhen Jing" is also a fundamental part of the true transmission of Taoism. It also lacks the foundation for weapon refining and alchemy refining, which is really a pity.

Shi Xuan put the "Gui Zhen Jing" aside and suddenly thought that if he majored in "Bao Lu" in the future, wouldn't Xu Laodao's orthodoxy be lost? Although he and Xu Laodao had no actual master-disciple relationship, Xu Laodao The old Taoist's care for Du Bai was also seen through the memory fragments. Since it is his own body now, he must be grateful and repay his kindness. It seems that he can only wait until he travels around the world to find another good man. The tradition is passed on.

Shi Xuan looked at another thing. This was a stack of talismans and seals tied together. There were about ten of them. They were self-defense items prepared by Xu Laodao for his disciples in his last year. You must know that even if he enters the stage of nourishing qi and strengthening the soul, he can Use spells, but the spells at this time require many steps and take a long time, so the talisman is often drawn in advance. At that time, only a spell or even a little soul power is needed to activate the talisman, and Xu Laodao, as a master, The masters at the Qiao stage must have many more talismans left behind than Shi Xuan, a disciple.

Shi Xuan carefully checked the talismans. There were seventeen chapters in total, among which there were four of four types: the invisible qi-containing talisman, the earth-absorbing talisman into armor, the qi-drawing thunder talisman, and the golden light soul-breaking talisman. The other one is a talisman written in ancient cloud seal script (there are ancient thunder patterns and ancient cloud seal script in "Baolu") - Taiyi Bang Tianlei, with thunder light looming on it, and the handwriting is simple. It does not look like Xu What a seasoned Taoist can draw is either inherited when he received the true biography, or acquired through adventures while traveling.

The last thing was a mirror and a piece of paper posted on it by the old Taoist. It said that this was obtained by the old Tao from an abandoned temple in Laoshan, Huxi. This mirror fixed a hundred-year-old ghost in the temple for who knows how many times. Ten years ago, Lao Dao passed by without knowing where he was. He moved the mirror and let the old ghost escape. After a good fight, Lao Dao almost died. In the end, he used one of the two Taiyi Bangtian Thunder Talismans he got when he met Zhenzhen to kill him. The century-old ghost's mirror was also affected and shattered. Although Xu Laodao could not recognize the material of the mirror, he finally picked up the largest fragment of the mirror and made it into a mirror again. However, it no longer had the power of the past, and could not even use the algorithm anymore. He could only be determined to be weak due to his natural supernatural powers. ghost.

However, precisely because the material was very good, Xu Laodao planned to leave it to his disciples so that he might be able to re-train it into a magical weapon if he had the opportunity in the future. As mentioned earlier, before the Golden Core stage, there are various steps for casting spells. Although a lot of casting time will be saved as the level increases, some people always find spell casting slow, so they come up with various alternative methods, such as talismans and magic weapons. . In Baolu, borrowing foreign objects to practice magical powers can be regarded as an alternative method.

A magic weapon is a magic weapon that is made with appropriate materials, appropriate restrictions, and time to refine. It is powerful and easy to use, and is the most favored thing among monks. Of course, it is also rare and unusual. Magical artifacts are divided into four levels: magical artifacts, spiritual artifacts, magical treasures, and spiritual treasures. To refine the magic weapon, you need to use the corresponding earth evil restraint. If the magic weapon earth evil is successfully integrated into the Tiangang restraint, it will be upgraded to a spiritual weapon. At this time, you can continue to refine the Tiangang restraint. The restrictions on magic weapons and spiritual treasures are called treasure restrictions and spiritual restrictions respectively. Generally speaking, magical weapons and spiritual weapons are considered to be objects in the Qi training stage, while magic weapons and spiritual treasures are objects in the Yuan Shen stage.

Shi Xuan checked the relics left by the old Taoist and put the scriptures close to his body. The talismans were placed in the hidden pockets in his belt and sleeves for easy access. Only the mirror was received in his own package. There are no other suitable materials now. , there is no refining technique, and it is no use thinking about the device until you are drooling.

Shi Xuan took a short rest, and it was time for the medicinal ingredients to be cooked.

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