Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 42 Governor’s Mansion

In the evening, Shi Xuan arrived at the gate of the Governor's Mansion on time and waited. The sound of chanting sutras, shouting Buddha's trumpets, and reciting mantras could be heard all around. It was not until the gate of the Governor's Mansion creaked open and the steward who had registered everyone in the square during the day came out that everyone stopped. He made a move and looked towards the door.

"Exalted gentlemen, the governor is hosting a banquet in the middle hall for everyone. Please follow me there." The steward's voice was loud and he bowed politely, then turned around and led the way inside.

Entering the door is the lobby of the state capital, which looks solemn and solemn. Those charlatans and swindlers involuntarily slowed down and walked cautiously. Shi Xuan looked around with the mentality of observing cultural relics. Several respected people around him looked at Shi Xuan with the eyes of people with shallow knowledge.

Enter through the moon gate guarded by the government officials next to the lobby, pass through several courtyards along the corridor, and arrive at the backyard of the government office, where the governor and his family currently live.

The central hall is very spacious, with bamboo mats placed inside. Outside the hall is a green and clear pond. It seems that the snow has stopped in the past few days, and the sun is shining brightly. There are also servants cleaning up, so there is no ice. Above, the pond is about four or five times the size of the nave, with several rockeries in the middle. Surrounding the rockery are withered lotus leaves all over the pond. Thinking back to summer, the lotus leaves must have been endlessly green, and the lotus flowers reflected in the sun were particularly red. It was a beautiful scene, and successive governors often entertained guests here.

The bamboo mats were placed facing each other along the central axis, with seven or eight rows on each side. Shi Xuan walked to the remote bamboo mat near the window, knelt down on the brocade group, and looked left and right. There are approximately two hundred bamboo mats, with two to three people kneeling on each bamboo mat, and some may occupy one by themselves like Shixuan.

Shi Xuan also saw that Zen Master Zhiguang from the Great Buddha Temple was sitting at the top of the first row. He was indeed somewhat famous. His disciples and disciples were sitting in the second row behind him. When Shi Xuan saw them, they all looked at them. A look of arrogance and disdain.

The food was served very quickly, probably prepared long ago. Shi Xuan was not polite and started eating at the desk, which made those who kept their identity or pretended to be even more contemptuous. From time to time, people looked at him with mocking and disdainful eyes. Shi Xuan was confused. Mind you, the cook in the Governor's Mansion is really good. Now that I'm full, if I meet the great divine envoys or divine kings later, my fighting power will be long-lasting.

Shi Xuan had just finished eating half full when he heard a deliberate cough from the host's seat. He looked up and saw an old man with a gray beard, elegant appearance and dressed in butler's clothes standing at the host's seat. Everyone looked over, cleared his throat and said: "I am the second housekeeper of the Governor's Mansion. I am here to entertain you on the orders of my lord. As you all know, my lord is unwell and I have specially invited all the experts from the world to come for diagnosis and treatment." , but many deceitful people also sneaked in yesterday, so I would like to ask you to show me a few things today, so as not to delay your treatment time. "

Hearing that he was the second housekeeper of the Governor's Mansion, Shi Xuan immediately used the Qi Watching Technique to look at him. The thin and aging white Qi was entwined with traces of red divine light, making the whole body appear energetic. However, there were no traces of his own cultivation. At most, it was just... Can cast spells and command talismans with the help of idols.

Hearing that they needed to show off their talents, most of the people in the hall started to make noises. Someone said in a weird voice: "Does the governor still want to find some patients to try the method on us? You know that the disease is gone like a thread."

The second housekeeper immediately answered: "If you are just an ordinary doctor, please come back." He was not polite at all. At this time, several strong men walked out and stood behind the second housekeeper, holding hands.

The expressions of a dozen people suddenly turned ugly. After weighing for a while, they stood up and left. The servants around them also politely sent them out.

Seeing that the second housekeeper had a tough attitude, the remaining several hundred people discussed each other for a while before reluctantly having no objections. Shi Xuan had no relatives or friends here, so he played with the tea cup and looked at these people with interest. Judging from the aura technique, , there are not many people who are capable of magic. Of course, it is not ruled out that there are some who can conceal the energy.

Next, the first person to walk to the center was Zen Master Zhiguang from the Great Buddha Temple. He shouted the Buddha's name and flicked the rosary beads in his hand. One of them flew out of the window, exploded over the pond, and dropped dots of fire.

After doing this, Zen Master Zhiguang proudly performed a Buddhist salute around him, and then looked at the second steward in the hall. The second housekeeper frowned and looked out the window, then at Zen Master Zhiguang, and finally bowed his hands respectfully: "Master, please go back to your seat and rest first. After everything is over, we can go together to see my master."

Shi Xuan secretly laughed in his stomach. The second housekeeper may have a lot of knowledge in general, but his knowledge in magic is definitely not good. This monk can only recite the ignition technique. He just used the ignition technique to ignite the gunpowder in the rosary. As a result, Shi Xuan, who was sitting by the window, could smell the faint smell of sulfur.

After Zen Master Zhiguang returned to his seat, he was immediately surrounded by praises from all around him. Although he tried his best to act like a worldly master, the expression on his face that almost glowed gave him away.

After that, everyone walked to the center in order of seating to show off. Unfortunately, most of them were street performers, and the second steward could see through them at a glance. A small number of them had martial arts skills, but the second steward did not invite them to wait. The next time we entered, there were some wandering doctors and others who showed some prescriptions, but they could not satisfy the second housekeeper.

At this moment, there was only one person and one person, each of whom demonstrated a technique. One was to condense a faint thunder light in the palm of his hand, and the other was to freeze the tea in the tea cup into ice cubes. Only then did the second housekeeper nod with satisfaction and asked They were waiting at their seats.

Perhaps there were three masters selected, and the second housekeeper was not in a bad mood, so he did not kick everyone else out. He just asked them to leave on their own after it was over.

Since Shi Xuan's position was close to the window, when it was time for him to play, there were only two or three people who had not yet played. And judging from their looks, they probably didn't want to go up to show off and would just wait to leave later.

Shi Xuan stood up, stretched his body, and walked slowly to the middle of the nave. He felt the looks from both sides, some were looking at the show, some were disdainful, some didn't take it to heart, and some were mocking looks from the people at the Great Buddha Temple. You can even hear private whispers: "You come here at such a young age, you can't just be a mess."

"At his age, I was still working as a coolie for the master."

"Tsk, tsk, you have a hairless mouth and can't do your job well."

"I wonder what tricks this little Taoist priest is going to perform, haha."


Shi Xuan had made up his mind before to show off vigorously and strive to see the governor immediately, so when the first few people were showing off, he was making some preparations and quietly placed a spell on the window to speed up the outdoor operation. The air was brought in.

Amid the ridicule and disdain around him, Shi Xuan stood in his own room and said to the second housekeeper with a relaxed expression: "Let's see what the poor man does." He made a gesture as if no one else was watching and whispered a spell. , then pointed his finger in the air and launched the long-prepared large-scale spell "Drip Water Turns into Ice".

"Haha, I didn't expect this kid to be so impressive. He must have performed on the streets a lot."

"Amitabha, this little benefactor has put in a lot of hard work, but it's a pity that his image is not like his spirit."

"That's it, that's it. How can I compare to you, Master? You can kill him with just one hand."

"Uh, why is it a little cold?"

"It's not like you were exposed just now, and now you feel cold. Oh, it's indeed a bit cold."

"Ah, ah! What is that?"

Everyone looked around in surprise and saw beautiful hexagonal snowflakes flying in the air, some falling on their heads, some falling in teacups, and some falling on their hands, bringing a chill.

In the mid-air, a little snowflakes were still condensing, and then flew freely along with the wind blowing into the central hall. The snow fell heavier and heavier, and everyone stared at the scene in front of them in stunned silence, looking at this misty and beautiful scenery of flying snow.

Someone stood up in surprise and knocked over the tea cup in front of him. Someone looked out the window suddenly and shouted: "It's not snowing outside!" Following his voice, everyone discovered that the night outside was bright, even though it was winter. It was the twelfth lunar month, but it was certainly not snowing.

They were truly shocked, including the well-informed second housekeeper, and Zen Master Zhiguang of the Great Buddha Temple, who looked up to the top. In the snowy house, across the goose-feather-like snow, they looked out of the clean window and were speechless for a long time. .

Shi Xuan was very satisfied with the effect he had caused. The trick of dripping water into ice itself was not that powerful, but it was severe winter. Although the sun had been out for a few days, it was still very cold at night, so the cold air from outside was brought in first. Then after nearly an hour of preparation, we achieved this snow-filled sky in one fell swoop.

When the snow gradually stopped falling in the hall, everyone came back to their senses, but they didn't say a word and carefully controlled their breathing, for fear that if they were a little louder, they would annoy the little Taoist priest in plain clothes in the middle of the hall.

After all, the second housekeeper had met the Chixia Divine Lord. After coming back to his senses, he stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "This Immortal, please come back and wait a moment. I will send the rest of the people away and lead you to see him immediately. My lord."

After the remaining two or three people had seen such a magical Taoist technique, they naturally did not dare to show anything else. They immediately got up and left, and hurriedly followed most of the people outside the house. Even the three who had magic techniques were there. The monk who was naked also showed that he wanted to leave.

But Shi Xuan stepped forward and stopped them: "Everyone, I have something to ask privately. I don't know if it's convenient." His tone was very tactful and his attitude was firm.

Among them, Zen Master Zhiguang turned pale with fright at the thought of offending the little Taoist priest in front of him, and the legs and feet of the little novice monks behind him were trembling. Zen Master Zhiguang finally suppressed his fear and replied: "Of course, the little monk knows everything and will tell you everything." The other two people also agreed with livid faces. PS: Stick to the update on Christmas Eve and please vote for recommendations~

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