Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 491 Reaching the sky in one step requires restrictions

Seeing that the man in imperial robes was so sensible, Shi Xuan was not a cruel and easy-to-kill person. With a slight move of his hand, the Purple Ying Sword flew back happily and wrapped around Shi Xuan.

"Junior Wang Wenhan pays homage to some real people. Come, please show your seats to these real people!" The man in royal robes saluted and bowed, and shouted in a flattering manner.

The Lingxiao Palace is the pinnacle of the Pure Yang Magic Treasure of the Three Tribulations. Yuan Ling is almost incarnate and can communicate with him in the soul, so he knows that the six people opposite him are the real Yuanshen of the Penglai Sect. He is really blind, thinking that he has won the favor of the Pure Yang Magic Treasure. , from being an ordinary soul monk to becoming the Great Heavenly Lord who is the head of the gods, he can do whatever he wants, and he is dismissive of the masters. You can see the fear of the magic weapon Yuanling towards several real people, especially the real person with the Purple Flying Sword. Wang Wenhan I found out that I was really wrong.

The Lingxiao Palace was empty, and he was the only god. Wang Wenhan cursed himself secretly. Just now he was only focused on excitement and ecstasy, thinking about a better life in the future, and he didn't even consecrate a few goddesses. It was really embarrassing.

Fortunately, the Lingxiao Palace itself was a magic weapon. A flash of white light flashed, and six golden chairs appeared next to the dragon chair, and many maids transformed into them, waiting for orders.

"Masters, please take a seat, Master Shi, please take a seat!" Wang Wenhan learned about Shi Xuan's name from Yuan Ling, so he was more respectful than the other five people.

After Lin Luo sat down, he looked at Shi Xuan with a smile: "Could it be that Shi Xuan, you, Six Paths of Reincarnation, pointed out the Dead Blood Shadow True Monarch and frightened the magic weapon Yuanling of Lingxiao Palace?"

Before Shi Xuan could answer, Wang Wenhan's eyes suddenly lit up, his back straightened, and he said stiffly: "Although Zhenren Lin's guess was not right, it's not far off. I only have the Three Tribulations Pure Yang magic weapon. For the God Emperor's half-step gold Immortal Power is like a speck of dust, not worthy of attention at all. It is very difficult to live a normal life. This time, he was selected by the God Emperor because of his special function and was killed by Master Shi. True Lord Blood Shadow, I finally regained my life."

Jiang Zhenren, Lin Luo, Mo Yuan and others all nodded in agreement. Ordinary pure Yang magic weapons, even if they are left unused by their owners and kept as collections, they can also be slowly cultivated and advanced on their own, but it will take more time. When transcending tribulations, A little tougher, no big deal.

The Lingxiao Temple is a Shinto object, and advancement requires the power of faith and will. If the owner does not like it and cannot go out to gather on his own, it will be very dangerous. Moreover, this time the God Emperor uses it as a transfer place for the power of faith and will. It won't get much benefit, so he said this.

Lin Luo and others only understood the first level of the meaning of Lingxiao Palace's words, which was that Shi Xuan killed True Lord Blood Shadow and freed him from being the spokesperson of the God Emperor in Yu Yu's world, but Shi Xuan understood the meaning behind it. In other words, what Lingxiao Palace is even more grateful for is Granny Yu's last purple thunder from the divine sky, which completely interrupted the God Emperor's involvement with it. This is a veritable rebirth.

Therefore, Lingxiao Palace respects and fears Shi Xuan. Firstly, he has the ability to kill Tianjun, which cannot be resisted by his Three Tribulation Pure Yang magic weapon. Secondly, there is a Half-step Golden Immortal standing behind him, who is even stronger. The God Emperor was half-assed, but a thick golden thigh. If Shi Xuan hadn't been the authentic Yuanshen of the Taoist sect and not a Shinto monk, he would have wanted to let go of the central restrictions and recognize Shi Xuan as his master.

Shi Xuan didn't know that Lingxiao Palace still had such thoughts, otherwise he would simply introduce Fang, who had achieved the golden elixir of the divine way. This time, she was in the middle-earth land where monks were barren, and the Blood Shadow Lord was busy. He was facing the real Yuanshen who was besieging Nanman, so he escaped.

"This incident happened because of our sect, so Pindao and several fellow sect members came here just to discuss it with fellow Taoist Ling Xiao. If any of them don't want to stay in Heaven, please ask Taoist Ling Xiao. You will release their true spirits, and I, the Penglai Sect, will be responsible for their reincarnation." Lingxiaodian's attitude was respectful, and Shi Xuan naturally responded favorably.

Ling Xiaodian looked at the postures of the six real people opposite and smiled bitterly in his heart, "What can I do if I don't want to? If you join forces, you can refine my treasure forbidden and leave a mark on the center!" It is a pure Yang magic weapon with special functions. , sacrificing the powerful defense and attack capabilities in exchange for the partial integration of the movement of heaven and earth in the world, so even the Second Tribulation Yang Shen Zhenren can force it to recognize its master by spending hard work and sacrifice.

So he was very eloquent and said: "Just follow Master Shi's instructions. If they are unwilling to leave, I will ask Master Shi to consecrate them to the priesthood later." After saying this, he exited Wang Wenhan's body.

Wang Wenhan regained his consciousness and saw that Master Shi Xuan and other masters were quite friendly to him, so he sat back in the dragon chair with a smile, but he felt a little depressed. He had to hand over the imperial priesthood to Master Shi. As a great heavenly master, he was really helpless.

When the disciples of the Penglai sect gathered the monks who had died in vain and the true spirits of the demon clan, Jiang Zhenren explained the specific functions of the Lingxiao Palace to Shi Xuan and others. At the end, he said with a smile: "From now on, the clouds will spread rain, The mountains, rivers and seas have become their responsibilities, it is really hard work." As a Taoist master who likes to be free and easy, this is what Jiang Zhenren said from his heart.

Shi Xuan always felt that there were some omissions, but he did not think of it for a moment, but those true spirits had already walked in under the leadership of the disciples of the Penglai Sect. Many of them were low-level disciples who had never been to the ninth layer of Gangqi layer. This was considered an opening. My horizons are widened and I am inexplicably excited.

"I pay homage to you all, the Great Heavenly Lord." These true spirits followed the disciples of the Penglai Sect and bowed to the real person first, and then subconsciously continued to bow down to Wang Wenhan, making Wang Wenhan hold his head high and his chest flushed.

However, there are not many true souls. After all, there are only divine souls and above.

Jiang Zhenren, Lin Luo and Mo Yuan all looked at Shi Xuan at this time, as if to say, since Lingxiao Palace has asked you to confer the priesthood on your behalf, you will also talk about reincarnation.

Shi Xuan smiled bitterly in his heart and looked at the many true spirits below: "The reason why you are suffering from this great misfortune is because True Lord Blood Shadow attacked our sect and brought disaster to Chiyu, so he has something to do with our Penglai sect. Shi Xuan, a poor Taoist, would like to ask you a question. Stay in heaven and serve as gods, generals, and soldiers, or retain your memory and reincarnate? "Shi Xuan doesn't need to do anything about reincarnation, because Jiang Zhenren has already deduced the secret technique.

Most of these monks and demon true spirits knew the ins and outs, but they still had many questions in their minds and it was difficult to make a decision. A monk in the Soul Stage stood up and said, "I dare to ask Master Shi. How many people are there if he stays in heaven to serve as a god?" How’s your magic power?”

This question spoke to everyone's thoughts, and everyone looked directly at Shi Xuan, even the Penglai sect disciples on both sides were no exception.

Shi Xuan said lightly: "How does magic power relate to the imperial priesthood? The highest one is Leibu Tianzun, which is the magical power of Yijie Yangshen Zhenren. The lowest level is low-level heavenly soldiers, ordinary goddesses, and earth gods. They are only at the level of the out-of-body stage. However, after the lowest level of Lingxiao Temple advanced spiritual treasures, they can absorb monks and mortals with true spiritual seals below the divine soul, which has nothing to do with you. "

The words have not been fully explained. Even now, if any mortal is willing to accept it, he can be conferred as the God of the Earth by the Lingxiao Palace, but he does not have the ability to absorb this true spirit in the entire world.

The gods enshrined by the Lingxiao Palace must be at least two levels lower than it is, and the Great Heavenly Lord as the center is five levels lower. However, his strength does not lie in himself. As the person who controls the ink pen, the seal of the gods, and the list of gods, The Great Heavenly Lord can command all the gods in the Lingxiao Palace to kill and seize other gods.

"The longevity is related to the Lingxiao Palace itself. It will have at least 30,000 to 40,000 years before it can survive the fourth heavenly tribulation. In other words, you have a minimum lifespan of 30,000 to 40,000 years. If it can survive successfully, The catastrophe will last for hundreds of thousands more years," Shi Xuan continued to say calmly.

This is also the reason why the Penglai sect is willing to retain the Lingxiao Palace. It can be regarded as finding another pseudo-immortality path for its disciples. Even if the Lingxiao Palace advanced spiritual treasure is used, it will still be restrained by the Sanjie Yangshen Master because of its special function. Yes, there is no need to worry about something happening, let alone now.

As soon as Shi Xuan said this, there was an uproar in the Lingxiao Palace. All the disciples of the Penglai Sect, including all the disciples, gasped. Thirty or forty thousand years of life? Even a seventh-level true dragon can’t compare! For them, it is considered immortality! And his magical powers are not low either!

"It's such a good thing! It's really a blessing in disguise!"

"One step to reach the sky! One step to reach the sky!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that when my life is about to end, I can become a god and enjoy tens of thousands of years of life. Thank you to Lingxiao Palace, thank you to Master Shi, thank you to True Lord Blood Shadow..."

... Needless to say, these monks and demon true spirits were happy and noisy, but most of the disciples of the Penglai Sect standing next to them were also quite envious and jealous.

"We work hard to practice, but in the end we will probably end up with a cup of loess. They are really a blessing in disguise, with tens of thousands of years of life!"

"Don't belittle yourself. If you really succeed in cultivation, like Patriarch Shi, who can live forever, be carefree, take charge of the Lingxiao Palace, confer priesthood, and be majestic, wouldn't it be better?! So compared to gods, my Taoist sect Yuan Shen is better!"

"But among the countless monks, how many can achieve Yuan Shen?! Hey, I wonder if I commit suicide now, will the Lingxiao Palace accept me as a true spirit in the out-of-body stage?"


When the uproar subsided, Shi Xuan looked around Lingxiao Palace: "Have you thought about it? If you are willing to reincarnate and practice, please come forward."

From what the disciples said just now, Shi Xuan already knew what he felt were the omissions before. If Lingxiao Palace was allowed to confer gods, the foundation of the Taoist sect would collapse, and it would probably become a master-disciple inheritance like the nameless world. It must be restricted later! !

There were only three monks who responded. They were all high-grade golden elixir masters before them, and the road to the soul had not yet been cut off, so they were willing to reincarnate and practice: "Report to Master Shi, and the younger generation is willing to reincarnate." As for the pain of death. Yu and Gu Qi, on the other hand, were robbed of all the true spirits by True Lord Blood Shadow due to their greed.

"Very good." Shi Xuan nodded and asked them to stand among the disciples of the Penglai sect. Then he looked at the remaining monks and mortal true spirits and said: "After being consecrated to the priesthood, if a high-level monk deliberately strangles the true spirits, they will also die. It’s gone, there’s no way to save it, are you still willing?”

Zuo Si and several other dead disciples stood up and said happily, excitedly and firmly: "Return to Master Shi, disciple is willing!" The others answered together: "Report to Master Shi, junior is willing!"

Shi Xuan said no more and was about to stand up and prepare to consecrate him to the priesthood, but he remembered that he could not use Yuanshi. Although he could hold the charter in his mouth and let Lingxiao Palace write it by itself, it was not beautiful.

Before looking at Mo Yuan and the others, Chu Wan'er stood up as if understanding and went to salute in front of Shi Xuan: "How can I bother you, Master, to do such a small matter as conferring a priesthood on your behalf? If Wan'er is brave, please do it for me. !”

What a good apprentice! Shi Xuan applauded in his heart, nodded and said: "Good." He also secretly told Chu Wan'er about several priesthoods and candidates he liked.

In the eyes of everyone below, Master Shi Xuan's identity is even more prominent. After all, this kind of thing is done by powerful people behind the scenes who draw up the list and then leave it to their subordinates to do the hard work.

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