Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 67 Cave Mansion

After reading the jade slip, Shi Xuan went over the information he had obtained in his mind again. The most satisfying thing was that Luofu Xianpa also had Samadhi Divine Wind Qi, and the second was that it was impossible to cultivate the Yuanshen by relying on elixirs and spirit stones.

Then Shi Xuan checked the harvest tonight. Among the two low-grade magic tools, the golden flying thorn had fifteen layers of restrictions, and the blazing flag had thirteen layers of restrictions. Both were less than two layers of heaven, and each cost about six hundred to nine hundred spirit stones.

Shi Xuan picked up another jade slip, which was the "Common Low-grade Magic Collection". The beginning mentioned that magic was divided into three grades: low, medium, and high.

Among them, low-grade magic was inherently incomplete and could not be cultivated to a higher level.

Both medium-grade magic and high-grade magic can be cultivated to Taoism. The difference between them is that at the same level, which one is more powerful. Of course, this is just a very general classification.

Shi Xuan nodded. This was what he had guessed long ago. Then he continued to read. The following was an introduction to the commonly used low-grade magic. He selected a few commonly used ones to practice, such as the shrinking technique, the far-sighted technique, the positioning technique, and some other five-element magic techniques.

After learning the magic techniques, it was already late. Shi Xuan was very tired both mentally and physically that day. After regulating his breath and luck, he insisted on visualizing once and then fell into a deep sleep.

Shi Xuan woke up from his sleep just after dawn. He opened the window and looked at the slightly bright sky outside. He smelled the salty and fresh air. Everything yesterday seemed like a dream and disappeared in his heart in a blink of an eye.

After a round of boxing and morning lessons, Shi Xuan walked out of the yard in high spirits. There were maids waiting outside the yard. When Shi Xuan opened the door, they brought in towels, copper basins, hot water, dental floss, toothpaste, breakfast, etc.

Shi Xuan didn't care about it at all. He enjoyed it when he could, and didn't mind it at all when he couldn't enjoy it. These were just external things.

After breakfast, Shi Xuan came to the crowded street. He didn't expect that there were so many cultivators so early. Although Shi Xuan had magic tools and other things to sell, the most important thing at the moment was to go to the cliff and book a cave.

Following Yu Cheng's introduction yesterday, Shi Xuan turned onto another stone road and walked along the bottom of the cliff.

There were no cultivators setting up stalls on this stone road, and there were not many pedestrians on the road. He only met a few along the way. Without exception, they were all cultivators in the Qi Induction Stage. Shi Xuan smiled bitterly. He thought that except for cultivators like himself who got rich overnight, most of those who could afford to live in caves were cultivators in the Qi Induction Stage or above.

When he came to the other side of the cliff, the air was fresh and he felt clear-headed after smelling it. He thought it was because of the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The caves were carved on the mountain wall, from the highest to the lowest, and in the distance they stretched to the end of Shi Xuan's sight. There was a lot of distance between them and there was no direct passage. There was only a small stone path leading to the bottom of the cliff.

On the cliff and at the bottom, there were several teams of market guards patrolling. Shi Xuan stepped forward and saluted the guard who passed by and said, "Daoyou, I am here to rent a cave. Can you tell me where I can do this?" The guard politely returned the salute and pointed to the largest cave at the bottom of the cliff: "Daoyou, just go into that cave and choose to register." The cave was not far away, only a few dozen steps away. Shi Xuan walked in quickly. There were several monks wearing black Mingyue clothes, but not tight clothes, but Taoist robes, sitting behind stone tables. Shi Xuan spotted a white-haired monk in his sixties who seemed to be the leader and walked over: "How are you, elder? I am here to rent a cave. What should I do?"

The white-haired monk handed over a jade slip: "My fellow Taoist, please check which caves are empty and how many spirit stones they have. Then tell us and pay a deposit."

Shi Xuan took the jade slip and sent his mind into it. There was an image of the cliff inside. The number of spirit stones in each cave was marked. There were several levels of one low-grade spirit stone, five low-grade spirit stones, ten low-grade spirit stones, twenty low-grade spirit stones, fifty low-grade spirit stones, and one hundred low-grade spirit stones. Those with red light had been selected.

Shi Xuan counted the spirit stones on him last night. If he sold all the magic tools and jade slips he got by accident, plus what he had, he would have about 1,800 low-grade spirit stones. He was going to rent for half a year, 180 days, so he could only choose those with less than 10 low-grade spirit stones.

Moreover, he planned to keep one of the two magic weapons, because he lacked a handy attack magic weapon. The Soul-Bewitching Banner was good at trapping enemies, weakening enemies, and defending, but it was a little worse at attacking. Therefore, he could only choose a cave with a low-grade spirit stone.

After choosing the cave, Shi Xuan told the white-haired monk the location. The white-haired monk was about to mark it on the jade slip, but suddenly his expression became serious and he saluted behind Shi Xuan and said, "Miss, good morning."

Shi Xuan hurriedly turned around and didn't know when Ming Qingyue had walked in. She changed into a purple dress today, which made her look even more bright and beautiful.

Seeing Shi Xuan looking over, Ming Qingyue coughed twice, her cheeks slightly red, and said to the white-haired monk, "Uncle Zhu, this fellow Daoist Shi is a guest in the mansion, so the spirit stone for the cave can be spared." It seems that she is not used to doing these interpersonal things.

The white-haired monk marked the cave on the jade slip, and then said with a smile: "Since you said it's free, then it's free." Seeing the white-haired monk's smile, Ming Qingyue didn't answer, turned around and left. Shi Xuan took the cave token and followed him out. As soon as he walked out, he saw Ming Qingyue stopped by the stone path. Shi Xuan stepped forward to salute and said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, Miss Ming. I have saved another sum of money."

Ming Qingyue's cheeks were very red. She pointed at her face and said to Shi Xuan: "I don't do these things the most. Look, I, a monk in the Qi Entrainment stage, can't control my blushing!"

Shi Xuan was a little confused: "Miss Ming, you don't seem to owe Shi anything, why do you force yourself to do these things?"

Ming Qingyue turned her back and didn't answer: "I'll take you to the cave." After saying that, she walked forward without waiting for Shi Xuan.

"Well, Miss Ming, you are going the wrong way, you should go this way." Shi Xuan said, waving the token.

Ming Qingyue staggered and almost fell. She came over angrily and took the token: "You didn't tell me earlier. You want to see me make a fool of myself."

Shi Xuan followed Ming Qingyue, and it was a blessing to see her graceful figure walking upwards in front of her. However, Ming Qingyue's walking was not ladylike at all.

After a while, Ming Qingyue saw that Shi Xuan had not spoken, so she walked forward and said calmly: "Actually, I have to thank you for what happened last night, otherwise the two senior brothers and uncles would be killed by them when they came back. You know, if there is such a big thing in Fangshi, they will be laughing their heads off if we haven’t caught the culprits yet.”

"I always want to be strong, and this time I want to show it off in front of my father, mother, two senior brothers, and uncles, so I asked my father to send my two senior brothers and uncles to Yaoguang Island to celebrate my birthday, so that I can take charge of the city's defense. Show your skills. However, I encountered this kind of thing. If I hadn’t caught the bad guy in the end, I would have been embarrassed to see my father, mother, two senior brothers, and uncles. That’s why I just wanted to repay you, but I never did. I almost made a fool of myself after doing such a thing, and you still laughed at me!"

Shi Xuan had no choice but to apologize sincerely, and Ming Qingyue didn't care about it. The two of them walked up while talking. Suddenly, Shi Xuan saw two guards carrying what seemed to be a burnt corpse of a monk coming out of another cave. Pointing there curiously, he said: "Miss Ming, why did that monk die? Could it be that everyone in the cave was attacked?"

Ming Qingyue looked at it, shook her head with a smile, and said bitterly: "It wasn't an attack, he killed himself."

"Miss Ming, please elaborate." Shi Xuan became even more curious.

"If you are in the Penglai sect, the masters will always warn you that after breaking through to the Qi-entraining stage, you cannot immediately receive the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. You must be guarded by the masters before you can start, because this is extremely dangerous. Process." Ming Qingyue said softly.

Shi Xuan nodded in agreement. "Baolu" made it very clear that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is a very violent thing. You can only draw a small amount of it for the first time. It must be within the range that you can subdue. Otherwise, you will wait for the violent heaven and earth. The spiritual energy explodes from within, tearing apart the meridians, internal organs, and flesh.

Perhaps considering that Shi Xuan was a rustic from the Middle Earth, Ming Qingyue continued to explain: "When the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is mixed together, it is violent and dangerous for the soul, but it is very safe for the body, so it can breathe, Breathe in and out. But during the Qi-inducing period, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is separated and the spiritual energy needed for one's own practice is collected. This is very dangerous. For example, fire spiritual energy. Think about it, fellow Daoist Shi, flames are very dangerous things. , You don’t dare to put your palms directly on the fire without using magic, right?”

After a pause, he continued: "The body, which is extraordinarily strong after being forged, does not dare to be directly burned by flames. So how can the meridians and internal organs, which are weaker than the body, withstand a large amount of more dangerous fire spiritual energy? This When there is only internal energy, there is no magic that can protect the meridians and internal organs!”

"Therefore, when you receive the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, you can only receive a sliver of it for the first time, and let it slowly pass through the physical acupoints and enter the meridians. How much of this sliver you have depends on the balance between your physical body and your inner qi after you exercise and nourish your qi. The intensity, as well as the degree of control of the soul over the body and inner energy, must be within the range that they can bear. It is better to have less than more, otherwise it will be the fate of the monk just now. "

Ming Qingyue said somewhat sadly: "A dozen days ago, he came back from a strange encounter in Falling Star Sea. With years of savings, he bought a few Taishang Sensing Pills, hoping to break through to the Qi-entraining stage. When he came here to fix the cave, , I was very happy for him when I found out. He accumulated it openly instead of plundering everywhere. It was really not easy to get to this point because everyone in casual cultivation is aware of the dangers of this step. , so I didn’t remind him again. Unexpectedly, he still didn’t restrain himself.”

"I think that if I absorb more spiritual energy from heaven and earth, my cultivation level will increase faster. I completely ignore the endurance of my body, meridians, and internal energy. I have also relied on elixirs for many years to increase the power of my soul. The soul's influence on itself, my body, meridians, and internal energy. The control ability is also very poor. Add the two together, and I don’t know how many casual practitioners die when they reach the most joyful breakthrough in life. "

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