Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 706 The world in the tripod is also strange (second update)

——My thoughts were a little smoother, and I thought I could finish writing it soon and update it in advance, but I was seriously sleep deprived and felt sleepy while writing, and it was still eleven o'clock. Well, I will catch up on some sleep today, and the first update tomorrow will be postponed to around 4 p.m., in the evening Nine o'clock, so that I can resume my normal schedule the day after tomorrow, and then I will make up for the additional updates. It seems that I am almost two updates away. .


After hearing Mo Jingqiu's answer, Shi Xuan nodded slightly. From the perspective of Taoism, this is indeed the case, and it is said that if you want to be in harmony with Taoism, there must be no deviation in Taoism, otherwise even if you take the last step, you will die in Taoism. Xiao: "Then seniors Xuan Xiao and Chi Xiao never discovered it?"

In fact, this sentence was just a casual question from Shi Xuan. If he really found out, Sanxiao Palace would not be in the current situation, and Shi Xuan suspected that there was probably a real Taoist or Demon Ancestor behind Mu Jing, otherwise Jiangxiao, the innate Taoist Ancestor, would definitely There is no clue or clue, but it is difficult to guess the candidate. After all, since Jiangxiao's reincarnation, there have been several golden immortals who have fallen.

Thinking of this, Shi Xuan couldn't help but guess in a bad way, could it be that the unlucky Taishi Demon Ancestor was behind this? The evil path can be sublimated into Taichu, while Taichu has the opposite path to the bad luck, the inner demon skill. Although the method is not similar, it is also one of the confirmations. The more unlucky Xinghe Daozu is also possible. Shengde can restrain bad luck. Once it can be used as a foundation, good luck can be expected in a short time: "It's a pity that they all lost to If the fierce Yujing Taoist is really one of them, it would be a real tragedy, and the plan was in vain. "

Mo Jingqiu shook his head, with a hint of sadness on his dignified and elegant face: "I suspect that Senior Chi Xiao has died. Most of the Senior Chi Xiao in the sect today are the transformations of the Ancestor of the Heart Demon, and Senior Xuan Xiao , she was already traveling when I started, so it’s hard to tell whether it’s true or not. Okay, Fellow Daoist Shi, you must have guessed what I want to take.”

"Aren't you afraid that I will regret it later and steal the Hunyuan Golden Dou? Even the direct disciples can't control the temptation of the innate Tao fetus, not to mention that our karma oath is not permanent." This is the strangest thing about Shi Xuan. , but Mo Jingqiu, a peerless genius who went straight to the road of innate destiny, put the innate Tao fetus in front of him. Isn't this sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Mo Jingqiu calmed down and smiled: "Friend Taoist Shi, which avenue is your soul on? I can't tell, but I can be sure that it is definitely not the avenue of bad luck."

After a pause, he explained: "Regarding this, apart from Mu Jing, the only one who can be seen in Sanxiao Palace is me, the Heavenly Lord who has also received the true inheritance of Patriarch Jiangxiao. Haha, I have seen Taoist Fellow Shi According to the record of your sermon at the Celestial Ceremony, it seems that you followed the path of sublimation and killing with lightning. Only in this way can you completely kill the inner demon heavenly king. Besides, this time you discovered the inner demon heavenly king by chance and caused the incident. There was a tremor inside the door, and I was worried that Mu Jing would clean it up secretly, so I didn’t care so much and could only come here in a hurry. "

"And if you really can't stand the temptation, what's the harm in giving it to you? If my character is sufficient, I can be in harmony with the Tao even if I have an innate Tao fetus. If my Tao heart is impure, even if I use an innate Tao fetus, I can't escape death. ." Mo Jingqiu's slightly rounded chin tilted slightly.

To be honest, Shi Xuan was almost frightened by Mo Jingqiu's first sentence. If someone could easily tell which avenue he was relying on, then if he eliminated thunder, lightning, killing, destruction, etc., he would It was obvious that the heel was the Yin and Yang Dao. Fortunately, Mo Jingqiu's words dispelled Shi Xuan's doubts. Only the Tao Ancestor's true biography of the corresponding Tao type can be seen. In this way, at least there is no need to worry about destruction.

"Where is Hunyuan Jindou? By the way, besides Senior Jiangxiao, which other Taoist ancestors know where this place is?" Shi Xuan saw that the immortal consciousness cannot penetrate the space barrier of Yuji Cauldron. If there are any weird connections such as cause and effect, fate, etc. If not, the secret of heaven is as difficult to guess as in the secret cave of time, so I am very satisfied with the world inside the tripod.

The spiritual treasure has been hidden for a long time. As long as Daozu didn't discover this place accidentally and hid here for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, it would be difficult for Daozu to find it.

Mo Jingqiu didn't know whether to be joking or serious. He finally held back his laughter and said, "The Patriarch Jiangxiao was a figure nearly two million years ago. I don't know how many Taoist ancestors know about it now."

"At that time, there was a Half-step Golden Immortal and a Four Tribulation Heavenly Lord who discovered this place before her. Since the Ancestral Dragon occupied the Tao Seed of the Universe, although everyone had never met each other, they all tacitly kept the secret for the sake of reincarnation. Some important things can be hidden here, and they can hide in when trouble occurs. Compared with these, the innate spiritual objects that interrupt its evolution are not so precious."

"Since I, a heavenly being, have traveled to all major realms, there has never been any news about this. It can be guessed that there are no more than ten Taoist ancestors, half-step golden immortals, and heavenly kings who know this place."

Then she pointed to the thunderstorm void: "The Yuji Cauldron was born according to the path of the innate universe. Naturally, there are countless worlds within the cauldron, which are similar to many places outside. This world is the land of thunderstorms in the prehistoric era of the universe. Haha, say Come on, Senior Shenxiao is a powerful heaven-reaching spirit treasure that was born in the land of thunderstorms and followed the two paths of acquired thunder and lightning. As a result, it was obtained by Taoist Yu Yu who had not yet become a half-step golden immortal at that time. "

Shi Xuan had never heard Granny Yu tell this ancient secret. It turned out that her origins were like this. No wonder even if the Tao of Thunder was combined with others, when she was reincarnated, she could still recite "Zhu" without any care. I am the one who respects the thunder and lightning from the sky.”

"Given the nature of Yuji Cauldron, there is probably a space barrier between the countless worlds that is difficult for both immortal consciousness and soul to penetrate. How to find Hunyuan Jindou? How to enter the next world?"

Mo Jingqiu took in the breath near the exit and matched it with the palm of his own soul: "It is because of this that several seniors regard this place as a place to hide important things or hide themselves. If there is no combination with the breath of all walks of life here, Even if the imprint is found here, it will take tens of thousands of years for the Golden Immortal Taoist Ancestor to find it in countless worlds. Of course, they can directly destroy all the worlds here. "

"And there are countless exits in each world. Some of them turn into trees, and some turn into stones, thunder gods, chaotic alien species, etc. You have to find them slowly. Only by relying on a little brand of telekinesis can you not get lost in countless worlds. , Hunyuan Jindou is near the source of Yuji Cauldron, and fellow Taoist Shi can collect the source by himself."

"Then let's set off." Shi Xuan also followed Mo Jingqiu's example and took in a little of the breath near the exit and put it in his left hand. Sure enough, even if he closed his eyes and withdrew his immortal consciousness, he could intuitively feel the breath with this breath. Wherever the exit is and where Hunyuan Jindou is, Jiang Xiao must have left a mark.

Mo Jingqiu nodded: "Okay. But you need to be careful. These countless worlds are constantly rotating. If you encounter a world similar to chaos and prehistoric times, you are likely to encounter the chaotic alien species of the Four Tribulations, the real lost... Dao Chaos, and there are other dangerous places.”

According to Mo Jingqiu's induction, the two of them turned into escape light and headed towards the depths of the thunderstorm void. Due to the strong blocking force of space, the innate wind and thunder escape was slower than when Shi Xuan first learned. Fortunately, this was not a real prehistoric thunderstorm. The land is not too big.


A streak of red lightning containing the life and death of the illusory world struck, but it dissipated on its own as soon as it hit Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu. Shi Xuan swung his sword and slashed out, turning into a mighty lightning with stars looming around the sky. Sword light.

With a bang, the sword light passed by, and the group of monkey-faced and sharp-mouthed Thunder Lords that were materialized by lightning returned to the subtle lightning. There was only a majestic man with a body made of various colors of lightning, a human face, and three eyes in his forehead. Remains.

Its eyes have no intelligence, but with every movement of its hands, the thirty-six thunder methods of Shenxiao and the one hundred and eight kinds of thunder methods of Tiangang Earth Demon come in a mighty manner. Each of these thunders has the real world constantly opening up and destroying, as if It is the eighth level peak immortal technique.

This majestic man is currently just the product of the aggregation of thunder and light, but if he evolves in hundreds or tens of millions of years, he may not be able to produce a trace of spiritual wisdom and become a true Thunder Emperor.

Shi Xuan was happy to see the hunter's heart, and signaled Mo Jingqiu not to do anything. As soon as he thought, a cloud flashing with red, green, yellow, white, purple and other colors of thunder appeared in front of him, and it expanded in an instant, facing the countless thunderbolts fired by the majestic man.

Halfway through the flight, these thunders turned into purple one after another, and the colorful thunder clouds became purple thunder clouds, exuding the aura of subduing the thunder and lightning of the heavens. It was extremely noble, and the "Shenxiao True Thunder" became "Shenxiao Purple Thunder" .

Countless electric lightning snakes exploded and danced in the void, but the purple thunder of Shenxiao was unstoppable, blasting away thunder clouds and falling on the three-eyed man.

A loud rumbling sound was heard, and the majestic man turned into lightning again, and these lightning slowly condensed into a simple door shining with electric light.

"I have no spiritual intelligence, and I really don't have enough changes. I was defeated by the Shenxiao Purple Thunder who had just entered the eighth level for the first time." Shi Xuan sighed, and at the same time was a little strange, "The appearance is like the one in the "Five Directions Thunder God True Shape Diagram" The Nine Heavens responded to the sound of thunder and transformed the Heavenly Lord. By the way, Kui, Ji, Ze, Lei Gong, etc. just appeared. Could it be that Patriarch Yu Yu gained insights from observing thunderstorms and perfected the basic part of "Baolu"? "

Mo Jingqiu chuckled: "Fellow Daoist Shi, you are at ease here. You are worthy of being the true successor of Shenxiao. Okay, let's go in quickly, otherwise we have to wait for it to materialize again."

The two escaped from the light and passed through the thunder door.

There was another sense of change in time and space. When Shi Xuan calmed down, he realized that this world was a normal world with green mountains, green water, blue sky and white clouds. The only abnormal thing was that the space was still so powerful, and the immortal consciousness spread out less than a hundred miles, and the light escaped. The speed can be imagined.

"Are there any monks?" Shi Xuan's current cultivation level is better than that of Mo Jingqiu. He soon found a group of monks approaching the two of them. The light-escape aura showed that there were two real Yuanshen, but their speed was only equivalent to six or seven levels of magic. "Did human race and immortal cultivation techniques really evolve from this cauldron?"

These monks just discovered that Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu appeared out of thin air, and were frightened. For the monks in this world whose space is so powerful that it is difficult to tear apart, this situation is really weird. However, with the help of the four great immortal sects, the heavenly kings are encircling and suppressing the hearts. The main altar of the Demon Sect was nearby and could be reached in a moment. Then he flew over and said loudly: "Who among you actually broke into the place where we are stationed? Are they the monks of the Demon Sect who want to take advantage of the opportunity to escape?!"

"Inner Demon Sect, there are also inner demons here?" Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

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