Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 728 Fishing in troubled waters and entering the ancestral temple (two chapters in one)

——A big chapter of 5,000 words. There is one more chapter before twelve o'clock. The remaining 1,000 words will be supplemented, and the monthly ticket will be 500 extra.


"There is an assassin! Xiangzu Temple!"

Shouting continued. In addition to the guards of the palaces where the concubines were, the guards patrolling all over the palace ran towards the ancestral temple. They carried lanterns, swords and crossbows, and carefully searched for the places they passed as they ran. place to avoid missing the hiding assassin.

The crowd was buzzing. Since this was the first time the palace encountered an assassin in more than 20 years, the whole scene seemed a bit chaotic. Often a group of guards would be running around, but because of the search, it would become two and three. But in this way, from Minghua Guards gradually appeared on all the roads from the palace to the ancestral temple. However, due to the concise and concise orders, most of the guards thought that the assassin was near the ancestral temple, so they did not guard them at all levels. Instead, they all went to the ancestral temple. Convergence.

If Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu turned around and fled at this time, it would be easy for them to escape safely due to the vacuum of guards in other parts of the palace. But to escape at this time would be equivalent to handing over the innate Tao embryo to Mu Jing's incarnation. Once she initially took control of Hunyuan Jindou, the two of them would be dead, and there would be no time to escape from this world before then.

Both of them had experienced countless dangers. In a flash of thought, they understood their situation and ran forward without hesitation, trying to beat the slow with speed.

Relying on the ability of spiritual reflection, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu shuttled between the guards, narrowly avoiding the search. However, as the number of guards increased, it became increasingly difficult and almost impossible to avoid them. Even the roofs began to have guards shining lanterns.

Fortunately, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu both understand the principle of making things happen in advance and failing in advance, so they are better prepared for sudden or unexpected events that lead to the two of them being discovered before they even entered the ancestral temple. Getting ready, they looked at each other and made a decision instantly.

At this time, the two of them were on the corridor of a remote pavilion. On their left was an uninhabited and cold house, and on their right was a lotus pond with a radius of about ten feet. The fragrance was overflowing and lotus leaves were all over the water. There were two teams of guards outside the corridor door in front. They gathered from the other two roads, but they should have continued towards the ancestral temple and would not have turned back to search here.

On the fork in the back, there were also two teams of ten guards, running towards this remote path. As they ran, they pushed open the doors of the houses and palaces, and hurriedly took a look to see if the assassin was hiding among them.

There is a jackal in front of Zhenzhen and a tiger behind.

If they hid on the roof, they could escape temporarily, but Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu suddenly separated and went to hide in each other's places.

The two teams of guards entered the corridor one after another, shouting: "There are assassins! Go to the ancestral temple!" The five guards behind looked at the team in front, pushed open the doors of the house one by one, and illuminated them with lanterns. Inside, he simply took the opportunity to overtake them and quickly passed through the corridor door.

Zhang Wen and Zhao Wu opened the door of a house with slightly excited expressions. For these dandy boys like them, who were serving as guards of the palace, although the assassins were dangerous, the numbers of people made them more courageous. It makes them feel a different kind of excitement, and if they can catch the assassin, it will be a great achievement. They may become a first-class bodyguard, or be promoted to a provincial general.

As soon as the lantern was illuminated, the two of them had no time to take a closer look. After a rough scan, they saw that there was no one inside. They immediately turned around and left. Going to the ancestral temple to intercept the assassin was the most important thing at the moment. They could only talk about human affairs now. .

But at this time, the other three guards who were on guard behind the two men suddenly saw a black shadow emerging from the small rockery in the middle of the lotus pond. They threw themselves onto the corridor behind and ran away in the direction they came from.

"Catch the assassin!" One of the guards shouted. Without any time to think, he held a lantern in one hand and a long knife in the other, and chased the black shadow. The other two guards quickly followed.

Zhang Wen and Zhao Wu were startled by the shout. They turned around subconsciously and looked around blankly. When they saw their three colleagues running towards the back road, they suddenly realized where the assassin had escaped!

Just as the two were about to catch up, a black shadow suddenly hung down from the wide open door behind them. It was hanging upside down on its head and feet. Its hands suddenly stretched out, one to the left and the other to the front, holding down the two people. His mouth and nose, and then he used the momentum of jumping down to drag the two of them into the room.

Zhang Wen and Zhao Wu were caught off guard, and their first reaction was to shout out, but with the hands firmly pressing their mouths, they could only make a small, dull sound of whining, which was unable to alert the colleagues in front who were focused on tracking the assassins. Their eyes were open and desperate. He watched them turn around the corridor and disappear from sight.

Then the two men swung their lanterns and swords wildly, but they didn't know where to cut, so they couldn't help but fall back inside.

After the black shadow landed on the ground, he leaned forward, pressed his hands on their mouths and twisted them outwards. With two clicks, Zhang Wen and Zhao Wu's necks deflected, and they fell limply to the ground, and their breathing stopped instantly.

This black figure was Shi Xuan. While twisting their necks with both hands, he still had time to kick back twice and slowly close the door.

A few breaths later, the team of guards who had gone out from the corridor door heard the voice of "catch the assassin" and hurriedly turned back and passed by the room in a hurry. They didn't feel anything wrong with the door being closed. They also I thought Zhang Wen and Zhao Wu found the assassin while searching the room with the wide open door in front.

Shi Xuan was not in a hurry, but quickly peeled off Zhang Wen and Zhao Wu's soft armor, robes, and hats. Then he took off his own robes and put on Zhang Wen's clothes. The muscles twisted and moved strangely, and in a blink of an eye they were 60-70% similar to Zhang Wen. Based on Shi Xuan's current ability, this was already the limit.

Putting on his hat, lowering the brim and lowering his head slightly, Shi Xuan looked like another Zhang Wen. As long as no acquaintances looked carefully, it was enough to fish in troubled waters in the dark.

After waiting for more than ten breaths, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Mo Jingqiu stepped in, carefully closed the door, and chuckled: "It's not easy to get rid of them. Fortunately, the further you run to the back, the fewer guards there are. Finally, with the help of The eaves, rockery, etc. are back."

As she spoke, she quickly took off her outer robe and put on Zhao Wu's clothes that Shi Xuan had laid out. She was fully dressed in a few breaths, twisting the muscles on her face to look like Zhao Wu.

However, her appearance was graceful and stunning, and there was a big difference between her and Zhao Wu. After some changes, she only had a three-quarter resemblance. Fortunately, the sky was dim and could cover up a lot. In a panic, at first glance, she looked no different from Zhao Wu.

While lowering her hat, she helped Shi Xuan stuff the two corpses, changed clothes, and blown out lanterns into the two cabinets.

After everything was done, the two of them took the long knives and calmly opened the door, walked out, controlled their voices, and imitated the voices of Zhang Wen and Zhao Wu before shouting: "There is an assassin! Xiangzu Temple!"

The voice was so lifelike that it could almost be real. While shouting, the two men grabbed their long knives and ran towards the door of the corridor.

When the guards who chased Mo Jingqiu confirmed that they had lost his trace and returned to the ancestral temple, they discovered that Zhang Wen and Zhao Wu were missing, but they did not find it strange. It was dark at night and there were many places in the palace. It is also cold and remote. It is normal for someone to fail to catch up while running quickly, or to intercept him from another road on his own initiative. Even among the three people who chased him together at the beginning, one of them is missing.

And their shouts of arresting the assassin caused many guards to gather over. The number of people going to the ancestral temple was greatly reduced in a short period of time. It even made the guards who had already arrived at the ancestral temple relax a little. It turned out that the assassin was still relatively far away. The place.


Along the way, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu shouted slogans from time to time, but they ran towards the ancestral temple without stopping, passing many guards who were distracted and searching everywhere. The guard who turned around passed by.

"Hey, aren't those Zhang Wen and Zhao Wu? What are you doing running so fast? Do you want to show your face in front of the emperor?" While an acquaintance of the dude was sweeping the grass with a long knife, he couldn't help but see the two running towards them. He said with a smile.

The guard who turned back to catch the assassin sighed: "He is so dedicated and focused, even giving up the temptation to catch the assassin. He is a true example of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. We can't match it."

The further they ran, the more guards there were, but most of them, like Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu, hurried to the ancestral temple. After taking a quick look at these two colleagues, they felt that they looked familiar and they were not strangers. Pay more attention.

Thirty or forty breaths later, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu could already see the ancestral temple from the corridor sandwiched between two walls.

The ancestral temple is a magnificent and solemn palace, located on a square with a radius of more than ten feet. There are several copper tanks placed at the corners to prevent water leakage.

The nearby guards have gathered here, and the temple itself is heavily guarded, with many soldiers armed with strong bows and crossbows guarding it. Therefore, the outside of the ancestral temple is brightly lit, surrounded by guards and soldiers, with swords and long knives reflecting the light of the fire. , flashing unsteadily, all the strong bows and crossbows were cocked, pointing outside. Once something was wrong, an overwhelming rain of arrows would fall.

The general Huang Qi who commanded the soldiers here had quite the demeanor of a general. In the chaotic scene where the guards were rushing in from all directions, he commanded calmly and shouted loudly from time to time, asking them all to move slowly, to receive recognition, and not to attack this circle of guards. Anyone who disobeys orders will be killed without mercy, to prevent assassins from fishing in troubled waters.

The guards who accepted the identification were arranged by him outside the circle, trying to form two lines of defense. In this way, even if the assassin had any supernatural and terrifying qualities, after breaking through the guards in front, he would not be able to escape the strong bows and crossbows behind him. .

However, after the shouts of "catch the assassin" rang out in the distance, Huang Qi's concentrated and alert mind relaxed a little. The assassin was still far away. After the chaos was calmed down and thorough preparations were made, they would Don't even think about breaking through to the ancestral temple even if you have two wings on your back.

"Finally, my life and fortune have been saved." If assassins really broke into the ancestral temple, Huang Qi, as the general guarding the temple, would be punished by the nine clans. He gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "Damn assassin, wait until he is caught. You will be cut into pieces by a thousand swords.”

At this time, several guards ran out of a corridor. One of them ran the fastest and shouted loudly: "General Huang, please report the news of an assassin in this humble position!"

While shouting, he kept walking, but when he got close, the guards immediately surrounded him to distinguish him, so he couldn't help but slow down.

Huang Qi looked at the guard and asked, "Who is this?"

A familiar guard said loudly: "Reporting to the general, this is Zhang Wen, the second son of Lord Zhang's family. He is currently a third-class guard."

Seeing that someone recognized him, Huang Qi felt relieved and said loudly: "Ask him to come over and answer."

The guard over there carefully looked at the appearance under the hat, but no matter how bright the lights were at night, it was still quite dim under the current conditions, causing the hat to cast some shadows on his face, so he nodded: "It is indeed Zhang Wen."

One of the meritorious disciples who was familiar with Zhang Wen frowned slightly: "How come he looks more like Zhang Wen's elder brother? Maybe it has such an effect under the light, but speaking of it, the two brothers do look very similar."

While thinking this, he looked at Zhang Wen's back as he walked over. The more he looked at it, the more strange he felt.

"Okay, just answer here." Seeing Zhang Wen reach the defensive line formed by the peripheral guards, Huang Qi cautiously asked him to stop.

"Zhang Wen" said anxiously: "Reporting to General Huang, the brothers in our team found traces of the assassins in Guangming Tower, but their fierce martial arts were really difficult to resist, so they retreated steadily. Fortunately, the surrounding brothers reinforced them and slowed them down. If you are trapped, please ask the general to send some guards to help."

He seemed very anxious and walked towards Huang Qi while talking.

Just as Huang Qi was about to speak and sent dozens of guards to follow Zhang Wen, he saw him rushing toward him, and his heart suddenly trembled: "He is an assassin!"

And the meritorious disciple who was looking at Zhang Wen's back also woke up: "He is a little taller than Zhang Wen!" Usually Zhang Wen is shorter than himself, so he is used to being laughed at by himself, but when they met today, Zhang Wen was actually the same as him. Equally high!

Shi Xuan dodged and ducked into the guards, blocking with his left and right.

The surrounding guards swarmed up and surrounded Shi Xuan, who was disguised as Zhang Wen. Shi Xuan kept walking and shuttled among the crowd. The light of his sword lit up from time to time, cutting down the guards, and he always avoided them in dangerous ways but just right. The long swords of the guards were in perfect harmony as if they were practicing martial arts on a daily basis.

"This skill is beyond imagination and amazing. It's a pity that I became an assassin." Huang Qi regretted it. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers holding strong bows and crossbows slowly pushed forward, preparing to surround Shi Xuan. Now everyone Having the upper hand, Huang Qi did not dare to let the archers shoot without scruples, otherwise the guards surrounding the assassin would be shot dead. Many of these guards were meritorious sons. Unless it was absolutely necessary, even the emperor would This decision will not be made.

Anyway, once the archers surround him and the guards slowly withdraw, they can kill the assassin with random arrows.

As the archers surrounded him, Huang Qi made other preparations. He ordered several sharp archers around him to find an opening to shoot the assassin. If they could hit the target, it would not be difficult to capture him alive under the siege of so many guards. This would be comparable to killing the assassin directly. Much credit is given.

But just when everyone was focusing on the surrounded Shi Xuan, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side. His body was buried very low. In a few steps, he rushed past the unprepared archers and jumped from the first line of defense. He rushed to Huang Qi's side, the sword light fell, and flickered away Huang Qi's saber, fell on his neck, and held him hostage.

"Stop it all!" Mo Jingqiu shouted loudly. She had deliberately walked at the end. Before she could be interrogated and distinguished, she took advantage of Shi Xuan's deliberate discovery and rushed over with many guards. When the archer moved forward, His attention shifted, and he launched an attack, capturing Huang Qi in one fell swoop.

The general was captured, and the guards and soldiers were in panic. Without anyone to direct them, they all stopped and allowed Shi Xuan to pass through and meet up with Mo Jingqiu.

Huang Qi wanted to shout, "You don't need to worry about me. Shoot me together. Otherwise, if the assassin enters the ancestral temple, I will not die alone, but the whole family will be killed and the nine clans will be killed." But how could Mo Jingqiu do it? Let him speak at this time while holding his mouth firmly with the other hand.

After meeting up, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu didn't delay at all. Using Huang Qi as a shield, they walked backwards towards the ancestral temple. Although their footsteps were broken, they were extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, they climbed up the steps and arrived at the gate of the ancestral temple.

At this time, two figures ran over from a distance. The first one was wearing a black gauze skirt and had a beautiful appearance. He shouted from a distance: "Fire the arrow! If you are assassinated and enter the ancestral temple, you will all die!"

The guards and soldiers were stunned, who is this?

Zhu Shang who was following behind was running out of breath. This frail and beautiful woman was not what she looked like. When he saw that the guards were not moving, he ran and held up his token: "The emperor's token is here, shoot the arrow! Even if General Huang Even if he dies, he can be granted the title of wife and son. Don't you want to kill his whole family?

"It's the imperial master." The guards and soldiers were shocked. They saw the emperor's order flashing again. They were aiming at Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu, and they were about to release their ready-to-go crossbows. At this time, they were far away from the gate of the ancestral temple. There are still a few steps left.

But at this moment, they all suddenly felt dizzy, as if something hit their souls. They lowered their hands involuntarily, and arrows rained down from the sky and hit the steps.

Taking this opportunity, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu pushed Huang Qi, and with the help of the counter force, he flew into the air, knocked open the door of the ancestral temple, fell in, and quickly rolled to the sides and hid behind the wall.

Shi Xuan's face turned slightly pale, and his head was buzzing. The last move that shocked the soul, although it only lasted for an instant and was not as long as that of the national master Zhu Shang, it was just right and had a wide range. It was not like Shi Xuan's three calamities. Tianjun's spiritual reflection cannot be triggered, but it is a pity that it has not reached the power of the magic. Otherwise, all these soldiers should have collapsed to the ground, and it would be impossible to draw their bows and arrows again now.

The ancestral temple is solemn. Without the emperor's personal order, the soldiers did not dare to shoot bows and arrows. If they shot down every plant and tree in the ancestral temple, it would be a crime of disrespect.

Seeing Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu entering the ancestral temple, Mu Jing suppressed her anger and quickly passed by the soldiers and rushed towards the gate. Zhu Shang hesitated for a moment and followed, and at the same time greeted more than a dozen martial artists. Together with the incredible bodyguards, their strength in numbers, and their own means of assistance, the two assassins could still turn the world upside down.

However, within the ancestral temple, there are spiritual tablets, offerings, etc. everywhere, and there is not much space to move them. If there are more people, and the assassin is not caught but the spiritual tablets of the late emperor and the late emperor are destroyed, ten heads will not be enough. cut.

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