Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 737: Plans are not as fast as changes (First update)

——Monday is very busy. The next update is at 11 o'clock. There is no way to make up for yesterday's missed update today.


Yongle World, Longmen Temple.

A slender girl with a determined expression mustered up the courage to knock on the door of the Taoist temple. After a while, a boy with braids opened the wooden door of the Taoist temple: "This girl, I don't know if you are here." What’s going on at Longmen Temple?”

Through the wooden door, the girl saw that the Taoist temple was an ordinary palace. Although it was continuous and difficult to count how many it weighed, it really did not look like the residence of a powerful man of three tribulations. Moreover, Longmen Temple was neither located in famous mountains or rivers, nor She was in the sky and on the earth, but on an ordinary mountain in the secular world, which made her very confused.

But no matter what, when she got here, the girl still said softly: "Junior Yuan Yingning, I want to see the True Lord Chongyang. More than ten generations ago, there was an ancestor in the family who had an old relationship with the True Lord Chongyang, and he gave him a token. , I said that if I go to Longmen Temple, I can ask for something."

As Yuan Yingning spoke, he anxiously handed the jade paper-like token to the Taoist boy. His thoughts fluctuated in his mind. Sometimes he thought that he must not go to the wrong place. I don’t know how many times more than all the real Yuanshen in the world of cultivation. He is a heavenly figure who has been famous for tens of thousands of years. The dragon has never seen its head and tail, and he has created a world of his own. An ordinary Qi-inducing monk like himself, who can’t even see the real Yuanshen, rashly Would it be counterproductive to ask for help?

The Taoist boy took the jade paper, looked at it, and nodded: "It is indeed a token of the temple master. I wonder what you want from Miss Yuan?"

Yuan Yingning quietly breathed a sigh of relief and showed a smile: "My father was fighting with others and was cursed. His body and soul are festering. The medicine and stone are ineffective. Please ask True Lord Chongyang to save him."

The boy shook his head: "The temple master was invited by True Monarch Tianxuan to go to the Shangqing Shenxiao Realm to attend the Penglai Dharma Ceremony."

Yuan Yingning was stunned for a moment, where is the realm of Shangqing Shenxiao, and which immortal is True Lord Tianxuan? How could she possibly know about such an immortal being able to travel around the world? She hurriedly asked, "I wonder when True Lord Chongyang will return?"

"How can the temple master and the others be so sure about things like this? Maybe one or two years have passed before we can start talking about it." Seeing Yuan Yingning's disappointed expression, the boy couldn't help but smile, "It's just a curse, I, Zijin boy It can be cured."

I thought proudly in my heart that the master ordered me, this spiritual treasure, to guard the door and not go out unless there was nothing wrong. But this girl Yuan holds his old man's token. I went to cure the curse. Isn't it nothing? Hehe, just going out to have some fun.

When Yuan Yingning heard this, he was overjoyed. The gatekeeper boy who was so powerful in the Three Tribulations would definitely not lie. He hurriedly said gratefully: "Thank you boy for your help."

After she finished speaking, she saw Zijin Boy closing the door more anxiously than she did, and she couldn't help but feel a little doubtful in her heart.


The world of Shangqing Shenxiao.

Penglai disciples couldn't help but marvel as they watched the many colorful escaping lights outside the cave sky cut through the cloudless, clear and clear sky, coming from far and near, like long rainbows.

"This is the first time I have seen so many real people." A disciple looked at the many escaping lights with dazzled eyes, with deep yearning in his tone.

Another disciple sighed: "There is no accident in our sect. There will be such a grand event every six thousand years, but how many of us can see it next time?"

"At worst, if I accumulate good deeds and ask for a divine talisman written by Patriarch Shi, I will govern the rivers and mountains and enjoy tens of thousands of years of life." An already quite old inner sect Qi Qi disciple seemed to have planned this path for a long time, but He sighed again, "But good deeds require a lot. Without a chance encounter, it would take more than a thousand years to save enough. And that's without exchanging pills or utensils."

Regarding the matter of conferring gods, Penglai, Guanghan and other large sects have strict rules. Since the first time, for thousands of years, there have been less than a hundred people in total. Instead, they have accumulated negative virtues and merits and been conferred by Lingxiao Palace. Most of them.

On the festive day, these disappointing topics were drowned out in an instant, and everyone talked enthusiastically about the Sanxiao Palace, Youxian Palace, etc. that had come all the way from afar.

Mo Jingqiu, Sang Yu, Ren Yunzong, Shen Yimo, etc. all arrived a few days in advance, and brought many masters and disciples with them, in order to allow them to communicate and learn from the masters and disciples of the Penglai sect, broaden their knowledge, and enhance their horizons. .

Such a move was naturally welcomed by Shi Xuan. He specially asked all the real people who could find time to come back one by one. There were not many opportunities to communicate with the same level monks from the super sect.

Hua Qianluo stood on the Yingke Island, recalling yesterday's battle with the Yuanshen of Sanxiao Palace's Jiangxiao lineage. The Xiantian Douyun Dao was really the nemesis of all magic. If his cultivation level hadn't been slightly better than hers, I'm afraid... He would be defeated cleanly and instantly. Even so, he finally used that magic weapon and blessed Xiao Qian's power to win with difficulty.

Suddenly her eyes lit up and she saw a dark golden light appearing in the distance: "Zhenren Wei arrived not too early or too late." Wei Boshu's behavior was consistent with the sword cultivation inheritance he received. He was low-key and cautious, virtuous and modest, and popular. It was excellent and had a good reputation, so he got the tacit approval of Penglai Sect and Guanghan Sect to take charge of Tianji City.

Wei Silk Shu flew in the Gang Qi layer, and saw the white Gang Qi separated one by one along the sword light. The sea beneath his feet was vast, and the islands were like tiny bits of sesame seeds. He felt extremely happy in his heart. He first entered the path for this purpose. Pursue this sense of freedom and ease of flying.

Suddenly, a cave-like world appeared in front of him, hidden in the white clouds. Wei Boshu hurriedly pressed the escape light and went to Penglai Sect's welcoming island.

Halfway down, he saw more than a dozen escaping lights coming from other directions, all of them were Yu Yutian's famous Yuanshen Daoist. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It really feels like thousands of immortals are coming to pay homage."

"Friend Gui Dao, you have indeed been invited by the Penglai sect." Wei Boshu saw an acquaintance and said hello from a distance. Zhenren Guiyi is Zhenren Yangshen of the Second Tribulation. He is currently educating one party, collecting moral energy and condensing a secret treasure to overcome the tribulation.

Master Gui Yi rode a small donkey and seemed to be walking slowly. He smiled leisurely and said, "Master Wei, you are here and well."

During the exchange of greetings, the two of them arrived at Yingke Island, and when they saw Hua Qianluo, the real soul of the soul, greeting them, they both humbly said: "The Penglai sect's etiquette is too much." This kind of thing is usually the responsibility of the high-grade Golden elixir master.

Hua Qianluo smiled and said: "There is no distinction between high and low when it comes to welcoming guests. I happened to have nothing to do, so I just came over to help. And I have to thank Master Wei for helping me last time."

"It's a small effort, but it doesn't matter." Wei Boshu waved his hand indifferently, and then, led by Hua Qianluo, they passed through the vast sea of ​​clouds full of fairy energy, thunder and lightning in the Shangqing Shenxiao Realm, and arrived at the top of a mountain that was not high but wide. , the hot springs above are turbulent, fairy flowers are in full bloom, and there are already twenty or thirty real people sitting there.

When Wei Boshu and Guiyi arrived at the top of the mountain, they each greeted their familiar Taoist friends.

"Zhenren Su, I haven't congratulated you for overcoming the second catastrophe." Wei Boshu looked at a young girl with bright eyes, white teeth and picturesque features and smiled, "By the way, where is Master Meng Zhenjun? What happened back then, Wei I have always wanted to express my gratitude in person, but unfortunately I have been rejected by Meng Zhenjun many times.”

Su Yingzi smiled sweetly and said: "My master said that she was just doing what she should do back then, not to avenge you. She is currently in Shi Zhenjun's cave, chatting with him."


In the Shixuan Cave Mansion, Meng Nishang was still dressed in white, and her cold and distant appearance could not hide her stunning appearance.

She never liked small talk, and she and Shi Xuan had known each other for a long time, so there was no need to ramble on before getting to the point, so she said straightforwardly: "Recently, I found traces of the God Emperor's men in Yu Yutian."

Because of the Blood Shadow True Monarch incident, Meng Nishang knew that the God Emperor had a grudge against the Penglai sect, and also knew that Grandma Yu had asked a good friend to look after Yu Yutian for ten thousand years. Therefore, even if her expression was unimpressed and her tone was indifferent, Shi Xuan still heard a hint of concern and doubt.

"Things are a little strange." Shi Xuan frowned slightly. Logically speaking, the half-step Golden Immortal's care would at most miss a few true kings and true men who had benefited from the God Emperor and were only doing spying. Meng Nichang was in the Taixu Dharma Assembly. I have met Peng Ziqian above. Since he said so, he must be a direct subordinate of the God Emperor.

Meng Nishang also returned from traveling not long ago. She thought about what she had heard and seen over the years, and said calmly: "Could it be that something went wrong with Senior Shenxiao's friend? Even though Half-Step Golden Immortal can't do anything, Invasion, no decline, no calamity, but there will also be murders and calamities.”

"Well, I'll ask Fellow Sword Daoist and Fellow Daoist Kong about this later." Shi Xuan thought that he had not yet started planning to kill the God Emperor, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the plan could not change as fast as it did.

Afterwards, the two talked about their experiences over the years and communicated with each other.

The Yuji Cauldron was of great importance, so Shi Xuan naturally ignored it, but he told the story of Taixu Illusionary Realm in a different place and with a different title, so that Meng Nishang would not be helpless when encountering similar situations in the future. clue.

After listening, Meng Nishang pursed her lips slightly: "The things I encounter, the things I see on a daily basis, and the thoughts in my mind are actually many 'false'. I have to see the truth and have an understanding of the illusion. I really benefit a lot."

After a pause, she suddenly spoke slowly: "Shi Xuan, you should actually open up the underworld in Yu Yutian."

Meng Nichang said simply, but Shi Xuan understood the meaning of her words tacitly. This sentence came from the fact that he could sense the underworld. If the underworld was opened in Yu Yutian and connected to the first level of Jiuyou, If there is really any danger, you can pass through the underworld and escape into the Nine Netherworld. After all, the time and space beacon gate blessed by Granny Yu needs to be calm to be activated, and the Taiji Diagram, a treasure of yin and yang morality that has been used for three calamities, can completely restrain the underworld. Water.

Shi Xuan smiled and nodded. Just as he was about to speak, Qing Lang came in and said, "Sir, Lian Yu, the Lord of Hell, said that he has something important to see."

Lian Yu did not go directly to the place where the Dharma meeting was held. Instead, he went to his cave first. It seemed that something important was really important. Shi Xuan stood up and went out to greet him in person.

Lian Yu, who had a tall nose and thin lips, did not exchange greetings when she saw Shi Xuan. Instead, she spoke directly like Meng Nishang did: "Fellow Taoist Shi, when Lian came, my ancestor mentioned something about Empress Xuannu's lifelong enemy, the Red Emperor. He has made great progress in cultivation and has returned from the chaos."

Xuannv, the head of the Celestial Clan, a half-step golden immortal, is Granny Yu’s friend.

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