Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 742: Personally coming to persuade

There was such a big commotion in the Western Wilderness. How could the Tianjun and the real people coming and going not notice it? Seeing that this quiet and beautiful woman wearing a white gauze, a necklace around her neck, and an armlet did not take action against others. , He just makes great aspirations, preaches the truth, and leads enlightened monks and mortals to the depths of the desert.

When there was no danger, they became curious, or came up with ideas, or went there in person, intending to see what the woman wanted to do in the Western Wasteland of Yuyutian.

When her fingertips turned into the "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss", all the converted mortals and monks smiled and walked peacefully into the land of gold, colored glaze, colored trees, etc., gathered around Mount Sumeru, and listened to her words. After Lishenhuangjiao's words, the Heavenly Lord and the real people hiding in the nearby sky suddenly realized.

"It turns out that he is the Emperor of God, who came to Yu Yutian to preach and transform all living beings." A true king from the nearby world appeared, with red eyebrows and a red face, and a special appearance. He didn't care about the words of the divine king Yu who saved all sentient beings, but it was just a grand wish. In ancient times, there was a future Buddha who made a grand wish to save all sentient beings in the universe, and with this grand wish, he turned into a good corpse and became one with the Tao. I haven't seen him really save all sentient beings in the universe. Of course, he can't go one step further and sublimate into the innate Tao seed.

After Wei Boshu returned from the Penglai sect, he invited Master Guiyi to Tianji City to talk about Xuanlong Tao and exchange insights, so they both followed him.

After listening to the words of the True Lord, Wei Boshu frowned slightly and asked: "True Lord Huode, I have often heard from the seniors that the God Emperor has always been domineering and arrogant in preaching. How could he be so ordinary? He is like the Buddha. Coming?"

It is naturally impossible for ordinary heavenly kings to know the specific number of half-step golden immortals in the entire universe, but it can be basically determined to be less than nine hundred. Excluding those in the realm of the universe, the chaos of the wilderness, or those who are free and easy in the wild and remote areas of the universe, all There are no more than twenty half-step golden immortals in the Great Realm, and among them, there are less than half, or even close to half, who are under the Taoist ancestor of this realm. Therefore, the half-step golden immortals outside the Five Elements Sect in the Tongtian Realm are twelve Among them, Shenxiao Palace has been searching for the Tao for nearly seven thousand years.

Wei Boshu has been in charge of Tianji City for about five thousand years. Because of his humble attitude and good nature, he has made friends with many other heavenly kings and real people in the world. Therefore, he has some understanding of the small number of half-step golden immortals in the Tongtian Realm. According to him As far as we know, the God-Emperor is apparently a Pudu, but in fact he is closer to a domineering enslavement.

Before True Lord Huode could answer, a female True Lord named Caiwei next to him smiled and said: "This is not simple. Yu Yutian has the half-step golden immortal of Shenxiao Palace, and True Lord Shi of the Penglai sect has friends with Five Elements Boy and Kong Ran. Well, since the God-Emperor came to Yu Yutian to establish a religion, he would definitely not dare to do anything tyrannical. He must preach the religion in an upright and royal way, not even in person, so as not to get the reputation of bullying the small ones and provoke the intervention of the Five Elements Sect. "

At this time, the real kings nearby began to discuss how Penglai and Guanghan, the two super sects in charge of Yu Yutian, would react.

"I remember that thousands of years ago, a Voodoo Sect wanted to establish a sect in Tianji City. At that time, there was only one Heavenly Immortal, Meng Zhenjun, in Yu Yutian, but she still came to use the Voodoo Sect to destroy the casual cultivator alliance. Killing the True Lord Cursed Spring turned the day when the Voodoo Sect was established into a time of annihilation. Today, Yu Yutian has restored some of the ancient atmosphere. Lord Meng Zhen, Lord Shi, and Lord Hanjing are all powerful in the three tribulations. Moreover, the Penglai sect has a demon saint from the Three Tribulations. How can we just sit back and watch this god establish a religion? It won’t be long before a few powerful men come and drive him away.”

More than three months have passed since the Penglai Dharma Conference, and what happened above is gradually spreading.

Wei Boshu couldn't help but blush slightly when the True Lord mentioned what happened that year. He had gotten a big deal, otherwise there would be no way to take revenge.

True Lord Caiwei also smiled and said: "We should stand a little further away, otherwise we will be wronged by the aftermath of the Three Tribulations powerful fight."

Other True Lords and True Lords even began to discuss which powerful person would take action later.

"Hanjing Tianjun is an ancient spiritual treasure that reaches the sky. It has reached the fourth calamity. His strength is second to none in Yu Yutian. Of course, she is safer to take action."

"But Mr. Shi Zhenjun's swordsmanship is superb and has been improving by leaps and bounds. How could he know that his current strength is not enough to fight against nearly four calamities?"

"The Heavenly Lord Han Jing is said to be Lord Meng Zhen's spiritual treasure. If Lord Meng Zhen takes action, he can naturally use the Yuan Guixuan Ice Mirror. Wouldn't this be more appropriate?"

But after waiting for a while, none of the true monarchs from Penglai Sect and Guanghan Sect arrived, which made the true monarchs start to feel surprised.

"It's not like Shi Zhenjun and the others have given in, right?"

"But giving in without even trying is not like the character of Shi Zhenjun and Meng Zhenjun?"

"Are you making complete preparations?"

Many True Lords began to feel that there was something wrong. True Lord Huode said: "The Divine Emperor is a half-step golden immortal. He naturally makes decisions before taking action. Since he sent this Divine Lord, he must not be bullying the small with the big. , and will not be easily defeated by Yu Yutianjun."

The reputation of the Half-Step Golden Immortal has been spread for a long time. As soon as these words came out, all the True Lords nodded frequently. Suddenly, a heavenly immortal recognized the identity of the woman through the words of True Lord Huode:

"She is the direct disciple of the God Emperor, Lord Rakshasa!"

"The Land of Ultimate Bliss" was quiet in the middle of the sky. Most of the true kings did not know who the God Emperor's direct disciples were, but the Rakshasa God King was the most famous one. This was because of his other identity, the direct disciple of the Taoist Annihilation. The Taoist companion of his disciple Fu Kong Daojun, he was once the direct disciple of the Taoist Ancestor of Annihilation.

Wei Boshu only knew the Half-Step Golden Immortal of the Tongtian Realm. Seeing the strange behavior of the True Lords, he hurriedly asked True Lord Huode: "Senior Huode, what is so special about the Lord Rakshasa?"

Zhenjun Huode sighed: "She is the direct disciple of the God Emperor, and the Taoist companion of the Half-Step Golden Immortal Bu Kong Taoist. The Fu Kong Taoist is the direct disciple of the Ancestor of the Annihilation Taoist. Her status is not trivial, and she is the third tribulation master." Da Neng is of the same rank as Shi Zhenjun and the others, so there is no way for the big one to bully the small ones. In this way, the Five Elements Sect will never get involved in this matter."

The half-step golden immortal from the Buddhist sect is called the future Buddha, while the half-step golden immortal from the Taoist sect is called the Taoist Lord.

With the background of the Taoist Ancestor of Nirvana, the Five Elements Sect naturally has to abide by the default rules in the world of cultivation.

Unexpectedly, the Rakshasa God Lord had such a powerful background. Master Gui Yi was shocked for a moment, and then said in confusion: "At most, there will be no help from both sides, but she is only a powerful person of three tribulations, how can she be able to withstand our Yu Yutian and several True Lords?" Join forces?"

Another True Lord sighed: "It seems that Yu Yutian is going to undergo earth-shaking changes."

Then he explained to Wei Boshu and Guiyi Zhenren: "The power of the Rakshasa God is terrifying. Using the Buddhist techniques of the twenty-four heavens to protect the law, combined with the method of the God Emperor's wish power to incarnate, he has sacrificed and refined three bodies and four calamity levels of wish power. Although each of the incarnations is not as good as the real Four Tribulations separately, together they are enough to fight against the inferior fourth-level Heavenly Lord. They are almost as different from those powerful ones who are close to Four Tribulations and have transcending levels of immortality. Yu Yutian and several other three calamity powers can resist it."

The Buddhist art of protecting the Dharma from the twenty-four heavens is the fundamental method of a Buddha who has combined the acquired "incarnation" path. Although Rakshasa God only learned it roughly from the Annihilation Taoist Patriarch and did not obtain the essence, he can still do it. To this extent.

Wei Boshu, Guiyi Zhenren and several other Yu Yuzhenzhen looked at each other, they were really terrifying opponents.

"Shi Zhenjun has many friends, so he must have known that he was the Rakshasa God Lord. No wonder they didn't come!" You Zhenjun said suddenly.

Lord Caiwei agreed: "Both Shi Zhenjun and Meng Zhenjun have a bright future, especially Shi Zhenjun, who is expected to be a half-step golden immortal, so why rush for a while. Anyway, the Rakshasa God Lord uses upright methods to preach, and it will be difficult to achieve them in less than a few thousand years." Penglai and Guanghan are forced to a desperate situation. With this time, Shi Zhenjun may become the real four calamities. Then he will be able to handle it easily. What's the harm in enduring it for the time being? "

The other True Lords all nodded, saying this was a great kindness, but True Lord Huode sighed: "Facing the enemy's advancing step by step, I can only retreat and give in. It's really frustrating."

However, the general situation is such that if he can't suppress even this small amount of mental emotions, he is not worthy of being called a peerless genius who is expected to be half-step to golden immortality.

And it seems that Shi Xuan and Meng Nichang have made the right decision.

Wei Boshu and other Yu Yutian people looked at the eastern sky, as if they were still expecting a miracle.


In the world of Shangqing Shenxiao, Shixuan Cave Mansion.

Time and space gathered together, twisted together, and chaos flew out, wrapping it up and forming a small black dot on Shi Xuan Yuan Shen.

After Shi Xuan warmed up for a few days, opened his eyes, and sensed his time in the cave, he could practice the secret technique of "Void Opening". It took him three full months to successfully practice it, and he was also the fourth person after the decline of heaven. Before joining the path, the fundamental concepts contained in "Baolu".

At this time, Qinglang triggered the sound transmission ban: "Master, Meng Zhenjun of Guanghan Sect is outside asking for an audience."

"It seems to be the God Emperor's business." Seeing Meng Nichang coming in person, Shi Xuan immediately understood the reason and sighed secretly.

As a junior, Shi Xuan personally welcomed him out.

Meng Nichang was with Hanjing Tianjun. After seeing Shi Xuan, he said cleanly and straightforwardly: "This is Rakshasa Divine Lord." Shi Xuan had already shared the memories he received from Peng Ziqian with Meng Nichang.

"The God Emperor is indeed cautious enough." Shi Xuan smiled bitterly. He obtained the Four Tribulations Killing Treasure. Due to its special and difficult to calculate relationship, only the Golden Immortal Dao Ancestor could confirm it. The rest were just rumors, so God The emperor still sent the disciples of Rakshasa God Lord, who was in the realm of the Three Tribulations.

Anyway, if you really have the ultimate killing treasure at the peak of the Four Tribulations, then the God Emperor and Taoist Fu Kong will naturally rescue the Rakshasa God Lord. As long as you don't take action on yourself, it doesn't count as bullying the small. You can't let other Taoists do it. , the master watched his death and did not save him. In other words, the God Emperor or Fu Kong Daojun would always be distracted and pay attention to this side. If any clues were revealed, it would be a disaster.

Pressing harder and harder, Shi Xuan had to take action. This was a test!

If Granny Yu hadn't deceived Tian secrets for him before, under the attention of Half-Step Golden Immortal, the things about his unclear origin might have been exposed.

Meng Nishang said calmly: "I'm here to persuade Shi Xuan to be patient for the time being. Although you have many friends, the Lord Rakshasa is no better than the other disciples of the God Emperor. There are many disciples under the disciples of Daoist Bu Kong and Ancestor Annihilation. Young friends. If you invite your friends, they can naturally follow the trend. The disciples of the Nirvana Sect who are also powerful in the Three Tribulations and whose natal spiritual treasure is the Bodhi Tree are much more difficult to deal with than the Lord Rakshasa. And your killing The Immortal Flying Sword has not been restored."

"Your three flying swords will be able to transcend ranks in a thousand years. With your swordsmanship, with the help of Taoist friend Han Jing and me, are you afraid that you will not be able to defeat the Rakshasa God Lord?" Meng Nishang and Shi Xuan have known each other for so many years. Can you tell that Shi Xuan's three flying swords can transcend levels?

Since the Rakshasa God Lord is ostensibly targeting Yu Yutian, it is the default rule that Yu, Yu Tianzhen Lord and Zhenren can join forces. Of course, there must be some who are afraid of the God Emperor and are unwilling to take action.

At this time, the situation is no more dangerous than when True Lord Blood Shadow attacked. Now that Lord Rakshasa is coming in a dignified manner, Meng Nishang will naturally not take risks if he has plenty of time. However, his temperament of being willing to bend rather than bend has not changed, and he will not flinch, even if the God Emperor The target is Penglai, not Guanghan.

Shi Xuan nodded. If the Rakshasa God came directly to attack Dongtian, and had the ability to suppress time manipulation with the Immortal Killing Flying Knife, he, Hanjing Tianjun, and Meng Nichang could each use the Dongtian Immortal Formation to deal with an incarnation of the Four Tribulations. After all, It is only equivalent to the heavenly king who has entered the fourth calamity for the first time.

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