Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 755 The “partition wall” has eyes and needs to be cautious

Shi Xuan, who had gray hair and deep wrinkles, shook his head humorously and said: "My disciple's state of mind is always eighteen, how can he be considered an experienced Taoist?"

Shi Xuan still has a peak level of cultivation and realm, and the cold light and frozen sky are useless to him. Therefore, Shi Xuan directly sat cross-legged in front of the ice coffin, watching Xu Zhenjun's body rotting inside, and sensed it through his immortal consciousness. , it is certain that Xu Zhenjun's first decline of heaven and human has been stabilized, and there will no longer be a situation of immortality and death. Moreover, Xu Zhenjun is very well prepared this time for the physical decline of Xu Zhenjun again, even if it is not as good as Shi Xuandu's 80% physical decline. The above certainty was close to 70%, so Shi Xuan was relaxed and joked with allusions from his previous life.

Although Xu Zhenjun didn't understand this allusion, it was easy to understand, so he smiled and scolded: "Aren't you hurting the old Taoist because you have an old mind and always think of yourself as an old man?" After experiencing physical decline again, Xu Zhenjun is full of confidence.

After a pause, Xu Zhenjun looked at Shi Xuan, and suddenly sighed softly: "It is certainly a good thing that you are brave and diligent. From the time you joined the sect, the old Taoist has watched you achieve the golden elixir and the soul, and has watched you survive. Heavenly tribulations, declining tribulations, and now that human beings are declining for the fourth time, you are somewhat sure that you may soon become the all-powerful Heavenly Lord of the Four Tribulations. But think about it, after this time, you will have to face unpredictable and extremely difficult times. With your declining Taoist heart, the old Taoist will inevitably feel a little uneasy and worried about you."

In fact, the difficulties of Jindan and Yuanshen are much better than the decline of Taoist heart. Especially Yuanshen is seeking to survive in death and cut off his own obsession. But for Xu Zhenjun, a powerful person who has been immersed in the realm of heaven and man for more than ten thousand years. In other words, the difficulties of Golden elixir and Yuanshen are gone in the past. Relatively speaking, the decline of Taoist heart has become the biggest difficulty at present. Moreover, when Shi Xuan achieved Jindan and Yuanshen, it was only Xu Zhenjun who felt that the potential was not small and he valued it. disciple.

I don’t know how many disciples like this have appeared in ten thousand years, but now, after so many years, the affection between the elders and the younger ones has become extremely strong. Thinking that Shi Xuan will face the decline of Taoist heart so soon, Xu Zhenjun will inevitably have a panic attack. worry.

Shi Xuan chuckled: "Xu Zhenjun, you can't aim too high and forget the path on your feet. The disciple's longevity is declining and there is a final difficulty. Whether he can survive it depends on two things. At this time, the decline of Taoist heart, for It’s too early.”

Xu Zhenjun nodded, not wanting Shi Xuan to be distracted by this. It would be unjust if he fell to the end of his longevity because of this. He just sighed: "In the past 30,000 years, the entire void universe has become a half-step golden immortal." , but there are only five of them, and we don’t have one in Tongtian Realm. Fortunately, our sect is already prosperous, and there will definitely be a Tao Lord who will live forever. "

When he said this, Xu Zhenjun kept looking at Shi Xuan. Obviously, in his mind, Shi Xuan was the most promising one.

In the past two hundred years, Ming Qingyue and Xie Fangwei, based on the experience accumulated by the previous real people, have survived the third heavenly tribulation in more than two thousand years, allowing the Penglai sect to have a record number of three-calamity Yang Shen real people. , in Xu Zhenjun’s opinion, it is very possible to become a heavenly being from it.

However, when Master Jiang was reincarnated before the Heavenly Tribulation, he still had some defects in his Taoist mind. Now he has not achieved the Yuan Shen by leaps and bounds like the reincarnated Master. Instead, he has just broken through to Yin Shen. Can he break through the illusion again? It also depends on his hard work over the years.

"When the number of real people who practice the "Shenxiaodong Zhendao Baojing" gradually increases, the number of heavenly beings in our sect will also increase."

Shi Xuan nodded his head in agreement. In fact, apart from himself and Chu Wan'er, there were other opportunities. The real people of several generations above and below him naturally had disadvantages in their skills. However, if under such circumstances, they could all become gods, then if they could touch the Great Dao This step of the divine marrow is very solid in the heart of the Tao, and the calamity in the future will be more certain. For example, he has already touched the marrow of the Yin-Yang Dao before he even waited for the divine light of the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave to cross the level. For example, Chu Wan'er is currently Working hard in the direction of Time Avenue, such as Xu Zhenjun...

After exchanging a few words, Shi Xuan left Tianshu Peak and returned to his own cave without disturbing Xu Zhenjun to fight against the backlash of the great avenue, quietly controlling the time in the cave to flow back and fight against the passage of the long river.


A vast world located on the edge of the Tongtian Realm, with many time and space storms outside.

Qin Sheng was dressed in a jet-black feather coat surrounded by strands of black energy. This black energy was strange and mysterious, deep, dark, twisted and ferocious, as if it had life and intelligence.

"If you survive the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation here, you won't be afraid that the secrets of the "Taishi Demon Book" will be exposed." Qin Sheng looked around leisurely. This was a remote closed world he accidentally discovered when he was traveling. The cultivation here The world is not prosperous, the highest level of cultivation is no more than the real person Yuanshen, and there are basically no heavenly kings nearby.

Qin Sheng relied on the super-level Taishi Demon Qi to force his way through the mulch, and then used this place as the place where he would survive the fourth heavenly tribulation. Although Shi Xuan and Meng Nichang should have known that they were practicing the "Taishi Demon Book" , but without a strong backing, the fewer people know about it, the better. The nature of many demon kings is to rob and rob.

Qin Sheng had a mocking smile on his lips, looked up at the sky, and thought to himself: "In the past, the "Taishi Demon Book" suddenly appeared in my Zi Mansion in Tianji City. The cause is unknown, so how could I not be on guard? No matter what idea you have secretly, it will all come to nothing this time!"

After achieving his soul and seeing his true nature, Qin Sheng was sure that his soul had not been tampered with.

After calming down, Qin Sheng resolutely triggered the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation, and a purple thunder fell, making a million miles around suddenly become brighter.

When the Nine Heavens God's Thunder Tribulation was triggered, near the mulch outside Qin Sheng's sense of consciousness, there was a tall, fat, bald old man in a blood-colored robe standing quietly, watching the thunder strike, his old and ordinary face With a faint smile, he put his hands in his sleeves, and traces of mysterious and twisted black energy kept flowing in and out: "You don't trust me, ancestor, and you almost made me miss watching the fourth time when Taishi Tian's demonic energy crossed the sky. Fortunately, Ancestor, I am not taking it easy. I had already guessed that you would do this, and finally managed to deal with it."

"The "Taishi Demon Book" came out of the blue, aren't you worried about the weirdness? With my ancestor to protect it, at least it will be a lot safer." The ancestor of Blood River shook his head and cursed with a smile.

And on a star in the void not far behind the ancestor of Blood River, a black-robed monk sat cross-legged. His aura was illusory and uncertain, and he was actually harmoniously integrated with the void, and he seemed to be carrying something extraordinary, that is. Ordinary Three Tribulation Heavenly Lords will feel empty when their immortal consciousness sweeps here, which is extremely normal.

With his delicate appearance, he is just like Xiao Zhenzi of Yingzhou School!

It's just that compared with the normal Xiao Zhenzi, this one now has a hint of evil in the corners of his eyebrows and eyes, and is shrouded in black aura. He doesn't look like a real person from the Yingzhou sect with strict disciplines, but looks like the inner demon Tianjun or the devil. Heavenly Lord!

He looked at the unaware Ancestor Xuehe in front of him with a smile, and seemed to be able to see through the void Qin Sheng who was going through the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation. He patted his knee lightly with his right hand and said, "It's quite cautious, but I If I want to deal with you, I can easily do it with Taishi's newly created transcendent magic technique 'Taishi Hongmeng Qingqi', which restrains Taishi's demonic energy." The implication is that there are still some powerful things in him.

After a few moments, the black air in the sky rolled up in the world, and collided with the Taixiao Dao Lei carrying endless malice, and then a wild and proud laughter sounded: "Finally, I succeeded in relying on the avenue of evil! I also It’s the Immortal Lord!”

Ancestor Xuehe smiled and said, "Well, the harvest is not small." Then he turned around and left.

Xiao Zhenzi, who was above the stars, chuckled: "Teacher Taishi's lineage of Taoism has finally been passed down."

Then he stood up and sighed softly: "The unity of good and evil is extremely difficult. I wonder if I can cross the barrier between heaven and man and successfully rely on the innate Taichu Dao."

The Yingzhou School's exercises are inherently flawed. Although they claim to point directly to the Great Way of Taichu, in fact they can only rely on the Way of Goodness. However, they were noticed by Taishi Demon Ancestor, and they were stunningly beautiful. Combined with their own exercises, after hundreds of thousands of After years of deduction, scrutiny and experimentation, a supreme method was created, which can pass through a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, study "Taishi Tianmo Book" and "Tai Shang Xiang Er Nine Precepts Commentary", and achieve the goal of becoming a heavenly being. At that time, he combined the two skills into one, relying on the Taichu Dao, and practiced the "Taichu Hongmeng Qingqi", a cross-level immortal skill. However, before its skills were named, this generation of genius was involved in the Golden Immortal War, and completely fell into the world. Under the sword of Taoist Yujing.

"Let's call it "The Scroll of Taichu Hongmeng"." As Xiao Zhenzi slowly stood up, the breath on his face changed erratically, changing back and forth between the delicate, polite, and indifferent Xiao Zhenzi and the evil and devilish Xiao Zhenzi. It seems that it is very difficult even for him to restrain himself. With the body of the evil demon order and half magic weapon before reincarnation combined with the demonic thoughts in his heart as one side, and this life as the other side, before becoming a heavenly being, the struggle is very fierce, and Xiaozhenzi has been defeated several times. Almost out of control.

"Fortunately, the truth has never been revealed." Xiao Zhenzi just sighed, and suddenly his heart moved. He looked to the side and behind, and saw that time was shaking slightly. It seemed that he could see Yu Yutian through countless voids, and saw a white-haired vicissitudes of life. The old man was beckoning to him with a smile. Next to the old man stood a little girl in a purple skirt.

Xiao Zhenzi said in shock: "Shi Xuan?!"

He actually saw everything from beginning to end!


The passage of time in Shixuan Yuanshen Cave has almost stopped, and the power of manipulating time can still be reflected to the outside world. Although it cannot slow down time, it can travel across the world.

"The Taishi Demon Ancestor is indeed the most talented and accomplished person in the history of the Demonic Way, but such a person still cannot block the sword of Taoist Yujing." Shi Xuan sighed, gathered his mind, and began to welcome the backlash of the Dao. The final madness of force comes.

When the passage of time completely stopped, Shi Xuan felt that the long river of time in his soul seemed to be angered, and suddenly set off a huge wave, breaking free from the shackles of his reverse control of time, and surged forward.

More and more worlds are being destroyed, and more and more time and space storms and terrifying mixed holes are being born...

Shi Xuan's white hair fell out and became sparse, his skin was dull and wrinkled...

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