Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 765: An expected meeting

——The last chapter is overdue and will be updated next week.


Jian Taiqing was slightly startled after hearing Shi Xuan's words, and finally sighed: "Fellow Taoist Shi's words are very kind, but it's a pity that Jian didn't hear them earlier. Hey, I'd rather take the truth than ask for help from the song!" with a rather regretful look. .

"Thank you so much for what happened just now, fellow Taoist Jian, for speaking out in a righteous manner. Shi Mou would like to thank you here, but Shi Mou still has important matters to attend to, so he has to say goodbye." Shi Xuan said with a smile.

Jian Taiqing seemed to have come back to his senses, and asked casually: "I wonder, fellow Daoist Shi, why did you come to the depths of the Western Wilderness? If you are looking for the ancient Half-Step Golden Immortal or the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord, you and I can join hands and exchange information. , maybe the harvest will be greater.”

With the death of Jiuzang Emperor's incarnation, the space-time storm here returned to its original violence, but the time-space storm that blended black and white and was almost dark, calmed down and became docile as soon as it blew to Jian Taiqing's side. Its ability to manipulate time has no power at all. The aura of fireworks is obviously superior to Shi Xuan, and it requires Shi Xuan and the Immortal Killing Flying Knife to join forces to be able to compare.

And in the depths of this space-time storm, the black space cracks and fragments and the white almost transparent time storm are completely combined, emitting a black-and-white light, no longer crazy and violent, but deep and calm, giving people The feeling is actually more dangerous and terrifying. Those who are not at the peak of the Four Tribulations, or have the ultimate ability to manipulate time, dare not enter.

It is the deepest part of the inner layer of the Western Wilderness. Beyond this area is the core of Yu Yutian in ancient times.

Three Taoist ancestors, more than thirty half-step golden immortals, more than a hundred Four Tribulation Heavenly Kings, and countless other great powers are at their peak. This place is comparable to the current realm. Even in ancient times, it was first-class. Holy land for monasticism!

But now, the wind has long been blown away by the rain and wind.

Shi Xuan guessed what it looked like there, it should be similar to chaos.

Regarding Jian Taiqing's question, Shi Xuan said with a half-smile: "Shi has other important things to do when he comes here, and he is not here to find the ancient Half-Step Golden Immortal or the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord, so I have to say goodbye to you, fellow Taoist Jian. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden bridge on the other side stepped out in the air, extending over a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles. It spanned the deepest part of the inner layer of the Western Wilderness. The golden light on the bridge shone, and the storm under the bridge suddenly subsided. Even those in the deepest part seemed to be black. The white, deep and dark space-time storm is no exception. It is as calm as a picture scroll, as if it has encountered a nemesis.

Taiji Diagram is already a four-tribulation spiritual treasure that has been integrated with time. It is good at suppressing time and space storms, so Shi Xuan dared to go to the deepest part of the inner layer of the Western Wilderness with his current state of entering the four-tribulation realm for the first time.

After flying out of the Golden Bridge on the other side, Jian Taiqing's expression changed slightly. If he fought against Shi Xuan here, even if his strength was close to the peak of the Four Tribulations, he would probably only have the upper hand and would be unable to completely suppress Shi Xuan. Even if he was not careful, he would be defeated. , he had an idea and asked the God Emperor for instructions: "Your Majesty the God Emperor, would you like to stop Shi Xuan? If he is allowed to enter the deepest part of the Western Wilderness, it will be difficult to track."

The God Emperor thought of Emperor Jiuzang's background as the second master of the Buddhist sect, and did not dare to take action directly for fear of summoning the revenge of the Taoist Patriarch of Life and Death. However, he was only an observing disciple under the Taoist Annihilation, so the consequences of taking action rashly were unimaginable. Although Jian Taiqing was The Fourth Tribulation Heavenly Lord, it was natural to confront Shi Xuan, and it was not a big deal to bully the small ones. However, he was able to trace all the way to Shi Xuan, all relying on his own snooping and calculations. To put it seriously, he could not escape from using the big one to bully the small ones. category.

He said decisively: "There is no need to take action. Since he doesn't know that you are my subordinate yet, then continue to befriend him. Wait until this incident in the Western Wilderness is over, and then visit more. Shixuan's trip to the Western Wilderness looks very similar. Lure the snake out of its hole!"

When the God Emperor saw Shi Xuan leisurely walking on the Golden Bridge on the other side, he could not help but guess that the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death was planning the plan. With his cautious character, he would naturally rather give up.

Jian Taiqing received the instructions from the God Emperor to say a few more words to Shi Xuan, who was halfway across the Golden Bridge on the other side, so as to leave an excuse for future visits.

But suddenly, Shi Xuan turned around, smiled and saluted: "By the way, please ask fellow Taoist Jian to take Shi to say hello to the God Emperor."

Jian Taiqing's expression suddenly condensed on her face, and she was speechless. She could only watch Shi Xuan continue to move forward on the other side of the Golden Bridge. In an instant, he walked to the other side and put away the other side of the Golden Bridge.

The calm space-time storm lost its suppression and suddenly erupted, almost breaking the time barrier around Jian Taiqing.

The black and white storm of time swept across his eyes, covering everything, and Jian Taiqing could no longer see Shi Xuan's trace.

The God Emperor's expression was indifferent. After a moment, he said coldly: "It seems that Ziqian died in his hands and was captured alive to search for his soul."

No one except Dao Ancestor could figure out the secrets in the chaos. It was not until today that the God Emperor found out that Peng Ziqian was killed by Shi Xuan.

Then the God Emperor said to Jian Taiqing: "Taiqing, please return to the depths outside the Western Wilderness. There may be some things and changes about to happen there."

As a half-step golden immortal, he has a keen sense of heaven's secrets.


The seventh level of Jiuyou, the paradise of Jiuzang.

Sitting on the golden tenth-grade lotus platform, Jiuzang Emperor felt that his incarnation had fallen, but he was not moved at all. Shi Xuan's choice was expected by her.

She turned her head with a smile and looked through the void to the depths of the Western Wilderness: "The Emperor of Youhai is willing to take a strange risk and test Shi Xuan for me. That's the best thing."

The lotus flower made of golden colored glaze around it emits pure and natural light, making the Nine Nether Barrier transparent, allowing it to "see" the scene and the heavenly secrets more clearly.

As if sensing Emperor Jiuzang's words, a cold snort suddenly came out from the ninth level of Jiuyou, in the endless underworld sea.


In the deepest part of the Western Wilderness, in the deep and calm space-time storm that seemed black and white, an all-encompassing and transcendent long golden bridge suddenly flew out. All the storms, cracks, debris, etc. under the bridge were calmed down, but there seemed to be chaos in it. Open up, the creation scene of the differentiation of yin and yang is derived from this scene that is both like a frozen lake and a strange solidified picture, which is extremely wonderful.

In this mysterious scene, there is a young Taoist in green robe walking leisurely on the long golden bridge. He is holding a vermilion gourd in one hand and a simple and mysterious small clock in the other. All the storms of time and space are frozen in place, making it difficult to cause any disturbance. The body is indescribably calm.

"I didn't expect that the God Emperor was also coveting the Taoist Fetus of Life and Death." Shi Xuan was thinking about this matter as he moved forward. He thought that after the Jiuyou incident and becoming a half-step golden immortal, the God Emperor would no longer pay attention to him. Who knows that a combination of circumstances could have the opposite effect, "But if he obtains the Taoist fetus of life and death, whether it is dedicated to the Taoist Ancestor of Nirvana, or a personal disciple of the Taoist Lord of Jie Mie, it can deepen his connection with the Fangcun Mountain lineage of Wusi Great World. No longer an estranged disciple, he will be able to act more boldly in the future. Anyway, he is still far from being a enslaved person or a disciple of enlightenment."

"If the Annihilation Dao Ancestor is firm on the path, and the Yin-Yang Dao is in sight, or if his disciples personally teach the Dao Lord, no one can ascend to the life and death Dao, and returns the life and death Dao embryo to him, it will be an unexpected surprise. After such a dedication, one return, With the endorsement of the Annihilation Dao Ancestor, the Houtian Dao Ancestors no longer dare to have the idea of ​​​​a life and death Dao Fetus. Even the Xiantian Dao Ancestors have many plans. Therefore, for the God Emperor, obtaining the life and death Dao Fetus is of great benefit and no harm. ”

The more he analyzed, the more Shi Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head. In this way, the God Emperor might pay more attention to himself than before.

"However, the God Emperor's involvement in the matter of life and death may be the source of his complete downfall!" There are many big shots involved in the Jiuyou matter!

Precisely because he did not expect that the God Emperor would covet the embryo of life and death, when Shi Xuan saw Jian Taiqing at first, he did not even think about the lineage of the God Emperor. It was not until Emperor Jiuzang used the method in the "Wu Sheng White Lotus Ying Jie Sutra", The God Emperor was shocked, and the thoughts that came to him were slightly out of control, causing Jian Taiqing to behave quite strangely.

That is an emotion that is very familiar and yearning for the "Wu Sheng White Lotus Ying Jie Sutra".

Therefore, Shi Xuan began to suspect that it was from the Nirvana lineage. With this reason, he recalled the information collected from Peng Ziqian one by one, and quickly confirmed Jian Taiqing's identity. In fact, even if Peng Ziqian had never met Jian Taiqing, he had With such suspicion, Shi Xuan was able to discover the "transformation seeds" hidden in Jian Taiqing's Yuan Shen through Peng Ziqian's memory.

Shi Xuan's heart suddenly tightened, and he suddenly stepped aside. Then he saw a white gas, flying leisurely from front to back. Even if there was a Tai Chi diagram to suppress everything nearby, it only made it slightly slower. A little bit!

Just looking at this white gas, Shi Xuan felt his soul shaking, and he felt as if his mind was shaken by the intention of killing.

Within the white gas, tiny green lotus flowers loomed, and the murderous intent was restrained.

"Innate killing aura!" The Immortal-Zhan Feidao was very familiar with this white aura, and he cried out in surprise, but at the same time he was full of yearning.

Shi Xuan was not surprised, but said to himself: "It seems that we are close to the core of the Western Wilderness."

A long time ago, Shi Xuan heard Grandma Yu talking about the inner layer of the Western Wilderness. In the past, when she traveled abroad and learned that the Golden Immortal War broke out in Yu Yutian, she immediately returned to Tongtian World and waited until Taoist Yujing killed two people. The Great Golden Immortal's sword light rose into the sky. After leaving with a long roar, he quickly returned to Yu Yutian to suppress the aftermath.

But the aftermath of the Daozu war is not easy to deal with. Even if Granny Yu comes back, it is already the aftermath of the aftermath, and she only suppresses a small part of it to prevent them from spreading, but it also makes her seriously injured, and then she is swept away by the thought of annihilating Daozu. After passing the soul, tracing back all the memories, I was traumatized again.

However, this experience turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Granny Yu, who witnessed the heretical practice and recovered hundreds of thousands of years earlier than anyone expected.

After reaching the peak of the Golden Immortal, Grandma Yu once entered the Western Wilderness again and stopped at the core. She told Shi Xuan all these things exactly: "In the deepest part of the inner layer of the Western Wilderness, close to the core, There will be innate murderous auras, and there will be more and more of them. If you can't find a safe way, then unless you are a person who has witnessed the heretic performance, ordinary half-step golden immortals will not be able to get in. "

She also said thoughtfully: "Actually, Shi Xuan, if you have a chance to go to the core of the Western Wilderness, you might get some benefits." As for what is there, Granny Yu kept it secret.

Therefore, as soon as Shi Xuan saw the innate killing aura appearing, he knew that he was approaching the core of the Western Wilderness and needed to be extremely careful and cautious.

At this time, in the deep space-time storm in front, an emperor suddenly appeared with a high crown and a black robe, with a black base and a crown covering his face. Behind him, a scroll full of endless endings loomed.

Shi Xuan smiled slightly and said, "You're here."

"He's here." Emperor Fengdu replied solemnly, but he had no intention of taking action immediately.

Under the mutual aura, he could detect Shi Xuan's whereabouts deliberately revealed, and Shi Xuan had naturally sensed his arrival a long time ago.

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