Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 767 The magnificent scenery at the core of the Western Wilderness

This is a world of extreme tranquility and death, with a dark breath of death rolling everywhere, but apart from that, there is nothing else, no ghosts, no zombies, and no various kinds of dead creatures. Because of strictness and In other words, these are alternative "living" spirits, not real death.

The rolling aura of death suddenly gathered together and transformed into an old Taoist wearing a dark robe, an immortal Taoist body, but his eyes were slightly raised.

He showed a wry smile, shook his head, raised his eyes to the sky, and sighed: "Ehuang is such a generous person, even a poor man can't match it."


In the dragon world, Zulong, who was wearing a double bun on his head, slowly opened his closed eyes, glanced at Yu Yutian, who was in more than a dozen realms and billions of worlds away, and said with a laugh: "I didn't expect this otherworldly place. There will still be a day when Fu will be born, and it will be born in this way.”

Its pupils are deep and dark, like a vast starry sky, with countless brilliant stars moving in mysterious trajectories, but strangely, what these stars emit is not starlight, but waves of time undulating like water, like a dream. .


A vast and vast river comes from the void and flows into the void. It occupies 30% of the entire world. It is magnificent and breathtaking.

As the river flows, it seems like there are stars floating and sinking, and their bright light spreads all over the long river.

This galaxy suddenly became turbulent, and streams of sparkling starlight spurted upwards, turning into a large lotus leaf. On the lotus leaf, there was a beautiful woman with ice and snow skin, graceful and graceful. She made some calculations. : "It turned out to be the birth of Xinghe Beppu! If you can obtain the "Galaxy True Dharma" and perfect yourself, you can complete the foundation of the Dao and take one step closer to the Dao!"

But when she wanted to descend directly to Yu Yutian, she found that she was unable to move, as if she was bound by some invisible force!

This invisible force of restraint is deep and heavy, with a sense of kindness, without any dangerous, oppressive, or powerful aura. However, after this woman manifested her Half-Step Golden Immortal Dao Fruit similar to Qingyun into a brilliant galaxy, , the power of invisible restraint has not faded or weakened at all.

This kind of strength and this naked attitude made the woman suddenly quiet down: "It seems that there is another mystery behind the birth of Xinghe Beifu. Since I am not allowed to wait for the Half-Step Golden Immortal to come, then I will send a disciple to try."

There was no problem. The two Heavenly Lords of Four Tribulations moved towards Yu Yutian through time and space without any hindrance.

There are still some similar situations in all the worlds, but those who are half a step into the Golden Immortal realm are restrained, and only the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords, Three Tribulations Heavenly Lords, etc. can go there, but no matter what, there are still a lot of them.

Moreover, in the Western Wilderness, those true kings and true people who were looking for caves and relics here were all excited when they saw Daozu's birth in Bifu, and they were ready to go and take a look. If there is a chance, the unowned things left by Daozu , no one cares if they get it!

Outside the Western Wilderness, major sects and casual cultivators in the North Pole, East China Sea, Southern Barbarians and other places all sensed the spectacular scene of the birth of the galaxy. Many real people came to the outer reaches of the Western Wilderness with the idea of ​​luck. Even if he is not qualified to compete with the Dao Lord and Tianjun level figures, just the things they leave behind and leak out from the gaps between their fingers are extremely precious to him.

The water outside Xihuang suddenly became turbid and turbulent!

Even Emperor Youhai and Tian Hengzi in the depths, Emperor Jiuzang, God Emperor, etc. who had been watching all thought that Ming Qingyue had a great opportunity and relied on Tian Hengzi to open the restriction in the wrong place. I bumped into the real Beppu of the Galaxy, what a coincidence!

Only Emperor Fengdu, who had lost traces of Shixuan for a long time and returned from the deepest part of the Western Wilderness, smiled and said: "Senior Ehuang intercepted the Xinghe Dao Ancestor's Beefu Dongsheng Shengsheng from somewhere and moved it there. But in this way, I'm afraid, It’s hard for the master to find out who is behind it, and Shi Xuan only thinks that the little girl deserves this opportunity.”

As for the problem of provoking the Half-Step Golden Immortal and making Shi Xuan afraid to take action, Emperor Fengdu believed that Ehuang would never make such a simple mistake.


Looking at the cave in front of her that seemed to be condensed by stars, time, and water waves, Ming Qingyue was stunned for a moment, and then on a whim, inspired by the aura of the "Galaxy True Method", she sensed that there was an opportunity to perfect her own skills, and then she came back. God came and realized that he had truly opened "Galaxy Beppu"!

"It's not the location given by Senior Tian Hengzi, but it relies on the opening of the restriction given by him. Is the oath of cause and effect established or not?" This was the first thought that came to Ming Qingyue's mind, but with this thought, she suddenly realized, The causal oath was unknowingly and strangely lifted on its own, "When was it lifted?"

There was no time to think too much, Ming Qingyue knew very well that the noise of Daozu's birth in Befu just now was too great, and I am afraid that the entire Xihuang, and even the true king and true master of Yu Yutian would have sensed it, and they would arrive soon, maybe From all over the world, powerful figures who are good at calculating heavenly secrets will also come. How can Taozu’s other residences just wait and see!

"With my realm of the Three Tribulations Yang God, I have no power to resist in front of powerful people. I must fight fast and slow to try to see the "True Law of the Galaxy" before they arrive." All kinds of thoughts flashed through, Ming Qingyue We made a prompt decision and entered Xinghe Beppu without any delay.

She only wanted to watch the "True Method of the Galaxy" once and perfect her own skills. She did not think of taking the "True Method of the Galaxy" and other things in Beppu away. Firstly, it was too late, and secondly, she left the skills and things behind. Others fight for it, so that you can fish in troubled waters and get away unscathed!

Ming Qingyue acted decisively and always had self-awareness. She would never expect that with the "True Law of the Galaxy" and many secret techniques, secret treasures, ancient records, rare treasures or unrecovered spiritual treasures, she could still use the three The strength of Jie Yang Shen's real person, in the snatching of many heavenly kings, dodges and jumps, relying on various chances and coincidences to escape narrowly and narrowly.

Being greedy and insufficient is a taboo in spiritual practice!

As for whether the sect should compete for things in the Galaxy Villa, that was a matter that Shi Xuan and Xu Zhenjun could decide. Ming Qingyue did not place any hope on Shi Xuan arriving in time, and was willing to take extraordinary risks. "Others can rely on it but cannot rely on it." "!

If she only read "The True Law of the Galaxy" once, Ming Qingyue would be 10% sure that she would be able to successfully obtain it and escape back to the Penglai Sect among many true kings and real people who coveted it.

One percent, for matters involving the chance of enlightenment, is already very high. Sometimes, even if there is little hope, many monks who yearn for the avenue will still take action without hesitation and without hesitation, just like moths flying towards the candlelight.

The starlight fluctuated like water, causing ripples. Ming Qingyue's figure disappeared into the entrance of Beppu covered by the yellow sand and strong wind.


In the ruins of the cave, the black shadow recovered after only being silent for a moment, and said in a hoarse voice: "It is really better than Beppu. In this way, it is just a normal adventure in the Western Wilderness. There is nothing weird about it. Shi Xuan Presumably, there will be less vigilance, and the number of attacks may increase. Tian Hengzi, prepare to take action."

Tian Hengzi put away his dumbfounded expression and nodded with the acquiescence of the man standing behind him: "If this junior knows, just wait for Shi Xuan to arrive."

However, there were mixed feelings in his heart, which finally turned into a long sigh: "Comparing people to others will make people mad!"

The black shadow laughed hoarsely: "If you can let me see whether Shi Xuan's skills are perfect or not, Tian Hengzi, I will not only transform your breath into the state of real death, but also It will also help you fight for things in Galaxy Beppu."

"Thank you, senior!" Tian Hengzi said with some surprise.


In the deepest part of the inner layer of the Western Wasteland, Shi Xuan shook his hand, and a golden bridge stretched out and fell into the distance, suppressing all the time and space storms, causing the innate killing aura that had gradually increased nearby to lose their breath sensing, and became "Ten thousand" without any stress. The swords were fired in unison, and they continued to slowly cut through the space-time storms, some struck from deep, and some drifted sideways.

Even so, Shi Xuan still encountered the innate killing energy coming straight at him from time to time.

These auras can be felt by oneself from afar, and without anyone to control them, one's soul is almost completely blank.

Fortunately, Tai Chi Tu suppressed it, and there was a divine light from the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave in the soul that was indestructible. In addition, the immortal-killing flying knife was well adapted to the shock of the innate killing aura. Shi Xuan recovered quickly and narrowly avoided being shot. The killing energy that came over was similar to the sword light.

In this regard, Shi Xuan had to sigh: "Fortunately, Granny Yu gave me this safe road."

The so-called safe road means that when the innate murderous energy on this road cuts through everything, it is not as fast and violent as in other places, allowing you to have a gap to escape. If you change to other roads, not to mention that you can rely on it. The Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord can enter only by suppressing everything in Tai Chi Tu. Even the half-step Golden Immortal who has perfected his Dao foundation will have to die!

The closer it got to the core of the Western Wasteland, the more excited it became with the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife. It said to Shi Xuan full of yearning: "How spectacular will the traces left by Taoist Yujing behead the two Golden Immortals?! I would have I just wanted to take a look at the core of Xihuang, but it’s a pity that I don’t have enough strength, so I didn’t ask for your blessing until today.”

The Immortal-Decapitating Flying Knife was able to combine the innate killing skills of Taoist Yujing in advance, causing it to be unable to be born. Even if it was born, affected by the killing aura, it would be the culprit of the madness. It did not have any feelings of hatred and resentment, but instead carried with it A little reverence.

"It should be the chaotic chaos that only retains the avenue of killing." Shi Xuan guessed, "Haha, in fact, I also yearn for this tyrannical senior who can single-handedly kill two immortal Tao ancestors."

I just yearn for his heaven-defying tyranny, not his nature and methods.

The Flying Sword of Killing Immortals was leisurely fascinated: "Although Shengde is the road to restrain the bad luck, it will still have the upper hand in the opposite of the road of killing. Palming the killing sword with the heart of Shengde is not just a casual talk. Even so, the battle Among them, Taoist Yujing still killed the two golden immortals together, causing a violent moment that shocked the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Xuan and the Immortal Killing Flying Knife bypassed a storm formed by the innate killing energy. When they saw the scene in front of them, their souls were blank and they were stunned on the spot.

This is a boundless and vast land, filled with white killing energy. There is no gap between them, and they merge into blue lotus flowers. The murderous intention is restrained, looking ethereal and refined.

In this vast world, the green lotuses condensed with the killing energy seemed to blend and transform into four flying swords that penetrated the sky and the earth, namely green, white, red, and black.

The four flying swords released hundreds of millions of sword rays, forming a fairy formation with only sword rays and sword energy. Its changes are endless, and its killing intent is overwhelming. It makes people feel that even the golden immortal Taoist cannot escape the fate of the dead soul under the sword!

"The Immortal Killing Sword Formation!"

The divine light of the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave naturally circulates, dividing the meaning of killing and shock, so Shi Xuan woke up earlier than the Immortal-Zhan Feidao, and saw this looming scene that looked like residual traces.

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