Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 770 Don’t dare to go too far

The white sword light emitted from the inner layer of Xihuang seems to contain boundless killing intent, shaking the soul, dangerous and terrifying, making the nearby real kings and real people have a blank mind and a feeling of being frightened by murderous intent. Even the previous The Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords they fought against were no exception.

By the time everyone came to their senses, the white sword light had already flown over Xinghe Beppu. Then the sword light fell leisurely and was inserted into the void in front of the entrance of Xinghe Beppu. The sharp, cold and murderous intent was silent and silent. A little bit of it was emitted, making many real people who rushed here seem to be trapped in a killing illusion where billions of sword lights were plundering. The expressions of fear on their faces changed continuously. The immortals and true kings who were under the fourth calamity also felt uncomfortable. Xu Zhenjun spent nine It took Niu Erhu's effort to suppress his thoughts.

Only Meng Nichang, who not only had a heart as cold as an icy lake, but also had seen the killing intent of the Forbidden God with flying knives, could barely resist the little murderous aura leaked. While she was calm, she saw several Four Tribulation Heavens near Xinghe Villa. Jun quietly stepped back a little and distanced himself from the white sword light inserted in front of the entrance of Xinghe Villa.

"Innate killing sword energy!" Are these Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords ignorant people? They have long felt the breath of the origin of the great avenue in their respective teachers, but now they have just replaced it with many sword lights condensed with killing energy. , "Which Dao Lord took action?!"

Their own teacher cannot come, and they don't dare to compete with people who are half a step above the Golden Immortal level for Galaxy Villa.

But at this time, a brilliant galaxy flew close, and Tian Hengzi sneered: "The one who took action was Shi Xuan, don't be fooled by him! How can he completely control the innate killing aura, even if it is a coincidence, he can pull it A few of them are nothing more than a flowery display.”

As he spoke, the starlight formed by Tian Hengzi flew towards the entrance of Xinghebefu. Judging from the trajectory of his escape light, it seemed that he wanted to bypass the white sword light.

When Tian Hengzi said this, the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords suddenly realized that if a Dao Lord with half-step Golden Immortal level took action, why hide his head and show his tail, just inserting a sword light in front of the entrance of Beipu, fearing that Shi Ran would have been killed long ago. , boldly entered the Galaxy Villa and swept away all the treasures.

The gap between the Four Tribulation Heavenly Lord and the Half-step Golden Immortal is huge. How could a normal Taoist Lord take him and others seriously and scare them with the light of his sword?

"It seems that Shi Xuan got some opportunities deep in the inner layers of the Western Wasteland and was able to attract some innate killing energy!"

As the thoughts flashed, they saw that Tian Hengzi was about to bypass the white sword light. Several Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords hurried forward, trying to catch up, but they suddenly had a sudden impulse in their hearts, and a feeling of extreme danger arose.

This whim was not felt by their own souls, but was caused by their respective half-step golden immortal teachers across the void and the vast world. So they did not hesitate and stopped, together with the four calamity heavens who had just arrived and did not have the half-step golden immortal elders. Jun, feeling strange, the escape from light came to an abrupt end.

An instant later, another green sword light flew out from the solid yellow sand in the strong wind. The sword light was clear, and it seemed that the endless killing energy condensed into tiny green lotuses inside.

The cyan sword light was extremely fast, slashing towards Tian Hengzi before he could escape the light. There was very little change and it went straight.

Tian Hengzi's Galaxy Escape Light quickly approached the entrance of Beppu, but he suddenly felt a condensed and monstrous murderous intent coming towards him. The sword energy was dense. Fortunately, he was prepared for it. A statue of a saint appeared in the galaxy. , changed one after another, and had already changed direction before the green sword light fell.

"The saint is nameless", the Xinghe Sect's "Xinghe True Dharma" is much more perfect than the Penglai Sect's "Xinghe True Dharma"!

The cyan sword light was inserted into another void crack in front of the entrance to Beppu. The cyan light spread out like water waves, and blossoming lotus flowers emerged within it.

Seeing this, Tian Hengzi breathed a sigh of relief. He was slightly overjoyed but suppressed it. He calmly and eagerly changed direction, hoping to enter the Galaxy Villa before the other Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords: "Shi Xuan is really just a coincidence. , can pull the innate killing energy in the inner layer of the Western Wilderness, but it is completely unable to control them. Although the innate killing energy is strong, it is neither fast nor changing, so how can we reach the peak of the Four Tribulations. Jun!”

"Emperor Youhai should be able to tell Shi Xuan's whereabouts from the method of drawing innate killing energy and using the 'Infinite Dharma Eye to Observe Life and Measuring Death'. I have lived up to the secret instructions of Songli Taoist Ancestor."

As the thought flashed, Tian Hengzi bypassed the green sword light and got closer to the entrance of Xinghe Beppu. However, at this moment, he felt a cold and fierce killing sword intent coming towards him, so he hurriedly changed again. Xinghe dodged the sword light glowing with a strange red light.

The red sword light did not pursue Tian Hengzi in succession, but fell into a space crack on its own, and was inserted there in the same way.

But Tian Hengzi was not relaxed. As soon as he changed the direction of his escape, making the time around him strange, a dark sword light came quietly, with restrained murderous intent but terrifying, and slashed towards the direction of his escape, killing him. All forward changes are blocked!

"Can Shi Xuan mobilize so much innate killing energy?!"

Seeing that he was about to be struck by this sword light, Tian Hengzi didn't know what kind of magical technique he used. The dazzling galaxy escape light suddenly exploded and turned into countless starlights scattered. It stopped dangerously, allowing the dark sword light to be inserted into it. In the strong wind of yellow sand not far in front of me.

The countless starlight points gathered together and turned into a simple old man with a feather robe and star crown, which was as big as 10,000 feet and seemed to be made of endless starlight. His feet were on the brilliant stars, his left hand was holding the Taiwei Star Wall, and his right hand was holding the Tianshi Star Wall. , the crape myrtle hanging high above the head is exactly what is recorded in the "True Law of the Galaxy". The power is second only to the "Wuji Star Master", an immortal technique that is second only to "stars enter the Milky Way, and saints with clear water come out". It needs to be consistent with the natal spiritual treasure. If you can use it, you can bring about the destruction and birth of countless stars with just one movement of your hands!

Tian Hengzi saw that the innate killing aura pulled by Shi Xuan was endless, so he simply used the "Wuji Star Master", hoping to rely on this tyrannical magic with both change and power to resist the invasion of the innate killing aura and enter the galaxy. .

But just as he transformed into the "Wuji Star Lord", he suddenly discovered that the white killing aura had filled the nearby void at some point, and condensed into fresh and refined innate killing green lotuses that cut off all worries.

There are souls and troubles, and only by cutting them off can we transcend to the other side!

Faced with this, Tian Hengzi looked around in astonishment, and saw that in the distance to his left, right, front and back, they had transformed into a tall flag door. They were extremely mysterious, as if they were condensed by the infinite innate killing energy, and the door was filled with cyan. Lotus flowers, and above the flag gate, there are flying swords hanging with the sword tips downward.

The left hand is a white flying sword, the right hand is a strange red sword, the front is a cyan sword, and the back is a jet black sword.

"The Immortal Killing Sword Formation!" Tian Hengzi recognized this first killing formation in all the heavens and worlds with horror and astonishment.

Then, without thinking, he flew out all the stars from the "Wuji Star Lord" and turned them into brilliant stars hanging down. The water waves were surging, crystal clear, nourishing all things, and the meaning of holiness emerged spontaneously.

"The stars enter the Tianhe, and the saint of clear water emerges." Tian Hengzi risked backlash and used this magical technique. As soon as he wrapped his soul, he wanted to break out of the Zhuxian Sword Formation before it unfolded.

At this time, the four swords of Zhu, Jue, Trap, and Stab on the four flag gates shook slightly. Each sword tip released a sword light with strong murderous intent, some were green, some were white, some were red, and some were black. Immediately, billions of endless sword lights erupted within the sword formation. Plunder, nothing else.

Tian Hengzi didn't even have time to hum before he turned into ashes under the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation!" Those Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords who stopped in time and did not follow Tian Hengzi forward looked at the four swords of Zhu, Jue, Trap, and Stab above the four flag gates, half shocked and half glad. The ground broke out!

In the ruins of the cave, a black shadow's eyes emitted a faint light, and he quickly deduced the details of Shi Xuan's technique.

But when the four swords of Zhu, Jue, Trap, and Stab shook slightly, and the Zhuxian Sword Array erupted, the black shadow let out a terrifying scream, and two feet-long ghostly light suddenly shattered, and black streams flowed out from the eyes. The pus filled with the meaning of death, then the black shadow slowly dimmed and turned into nothing.

And in the ninth level of Jiuyou, the endless river of death was calm, and suddenly a huge wave arose. A majestic middle-aged man in black robe stepped out, covered his eyes, and let out a cold snort. With deep pain, he just let out his thoughts, but unexpectedly, he was backlashed by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, caught off guard, and implicated in his true body.

After a long time, his eyes slowly recovered.

In the vast world of death, the old Taoist shook his head: "Although the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord, who has fallen into the decline of Taoism, is easy to deceive, he is really a little too impulsive, eh."


The Zhuxian Sword Formation stood at the entrance of Xinghe Villa, blocking the entrance tightly. White, green, red, and black sword lights crisscrossed the sky, and innate blue killing lotuses bloomed all over the sky.

Just when all the True Lords and True Lords were stunned, a peaceful voice sounded: "Those who trespass into the other palaces of the Galaxy will be killed."

This sound seemed to come from the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but also seemed to come from the inner layers of the Western Wasteland through countless time and space storms, space cracks, etc.

He was gentle and indifferent, and did not contain the slightest murderous intention. However, Tian Hengzi was killed by the Zhuxian Sword Formation without even the slightest effort to fight back, which added countless majesty and murderous intent to these words.

As well-informed powerful men, the vast majority of True Lords recognize that this is not the real Immortal Killing Sword Formation, at most they have only scratched the surface of it, but the innate killing aura alone is the origin of the Great Dao and the half-step Golden Immortal level. One blow, not to mention the fact that it was a pseudo-Executive Immortal Sword Formation with four innate killing auras converging into four sword lights, it might even be able to block a Half-Step Golden Immortal!

So all the foreign heavenly kings and real people stood in place, not daring to make the slightest move. However, the real kings and real people in Yu Yutian secretly thought in their hearts: "It is indeed Shi Xuan!"

Everything was quiet around Xinghe Villa. No one dared to step beyond the Thunder Pond in front of the Zhuxian Sword Formation!


In the Demon Ancestor Palace, Ehuang didn't even look at the changes in front of the Galaxy Villa. Instead, she looked through countless voids and vast worlds at Shi Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the golden bridge on the other side of the Pseudo-Zhuxian Sword Formation, trying to find Traces of the intervention of the Taoist ancestors of life and death.

"Isn't it the old ghost of life and death who wants to lure the snake out of the hole?" She frowned slightly, and as soon as she thought about it, those half-step golden immortals who were bound by the invisible power of virtue immediately found themselves back to normal!

One sentence spoof extra:

When the Zhuxian Sword Formation erupted, Emperor Youhai, whose eyes glowed with light, screamed and covered his eyes: "Dog eyes, my krypton gold dog eyes!"

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