
Chapter 149: foreman

In the cold winter and twelfth month, the wind outside the window swayed with snowflakes wrapped around it. In the room that Ning Zhe rented, he, Wang Hai and Fatty Li sat cross-legged at the table. According to human standards, this pot of vegetables was a failure. Almost a large pot was full of soup, but Ning Zhe and Fatty Li preferred this method. For most of the years before entering the city, he and Fatty Li had a total of I haven't had a few soups, but I started drinking water in revenge after entering the city. For the situation of refugees, the scholars of Fort 87 also defined a new term for them, called "water shortage phobia".

The gift boxes that Wang Hai brought to Ning Zhe were all high-end gifts. In addition to the fruit, there were also two bottles of liquor. Ning Zhe opened the liquor directly out of hospitality. After three rounds of wine, Wang Hai also opened the chat box. : "Brother Ning, I came to see you today because I have a good job for you! This morning, I received a call that I was going to be transferred back to the administrative area by the head office to be the department manager. The freight manager of the company became vacant. After I learned about this, I recommended you as soon as possible! Don't think that this is a contractor, but it is definitely a fat poor!"

Ning Zhe did not expect that Wang Hai came to him for this matter. He put down his glass and asked, "Foreman? Is that the job you did before?"

"Yes!" Wang Hai saw that Ning Zhe didn't seem to know much about the wharf, so he explained: "There are a total of twelve wharves along the moat in our urban area, all of which are public properties of the management center, and the person in charge of the wharf is also It is dispatched by the management center, but the business of the terminal will be tendered to the outside world! Take the coal transportation terminal as an example, there are a total of seven handling teams, each with 20 people, and the Jiaou labor dispatch company I work for won the bid through bidding. The management rights of three of the teams, and the job of the contractor is to manage the personnel of the handling team, of course, the official job of the contractor is called the freight manager."

Ning Zhe nodded: "Aren't the people you manage all temporary workers? What else is there to manage?"

"Temporary workers are not because we are in the Outer Fourth District. The administrative region has perfect laws. Even porters at the wharf have to sign labor contracts, but the Outer Fourth District is much more relaxed, and it is possible to hire temporary workers. Maximize the interests of the company and the foreman below." Wang Hai smiled and had a cup of tea with Ning Zhe and Fatty Li: "Brother Ning, I really didn't tell you that, don't think that the job of a foreman is inconspicuous, But it is definitely a fat shortage, if I don't recommend you, you may not be able to buy it with money!"

When Fatty Li heard the word money, he asked brightly, "Brother Wang, how much money does this contractor earn each month?"

Wang Hai slammed his mouth and calculated the account for the two: "Let's calculate it like this, the monthly basic salary of the contractor is 3,000, and at the same time, 10% of each worker's labor fee can be drawn, and there are 60 people in three teams. , even if it is ten yuan a day, that day is six hundred. If you are lucky, you can find that you can work the whole month, and your monthly salary will easily exceed twenty thousand! Even in normal times, how can you pay more than ten thousand yuan? It’s definitely no problem to make a few hundred thousand down.”

"Damn it! So many?!" Fatty Li was shocked when he heard this. Now that he can work as a waiter in a hotel, he feels a little buoyant to get a monthly salary of 900 yuan. As for the monthly salary of tens of thousands of yuan. , In his eyes, there is no specific concept, the only feeling is that with so much money, he can definitely eat whatever he wants.

Wang Hai was very satisfied with Fatty Li's shocked appearance, because his emotions had already confirmed the value of his gift, and then continued to say to Ning Zhe, "Xiao Zhe, you are my son's savior, I am here today. You, I really hope you can do well, believe me, work as a manager at the wharf first, wait for me to gain a firm foothold in the head office, and then slowly find a way to promote you, you will have a good life!"

Fatty Li held the cup with a smile on his face: "Brother Wang, I'll give you a toast! As the old saying goes, if you want to achieve success, you have to work hard for three points and seven points of luck. You are my brother's noble!"

"Brother Wang, if I become this foreman, do I have to sign a contract with your company?" Seeing this, Ning Zhe accompanied him with a glass of wine, and asked the question he cared about most, Wang Hai's What he said was indeed very attractive to Ning Zhe. Now that he was trapped in the fortress, he naturally needed a stable living space, but his identity as a black household also gave him too many constraints.

"Yes, the contract must be signed! Because this is also a guarantee for you, but I can't sign it for the time being, because the head office also needs to inspect you. There is a three-month trial period. If you The contract can only be signed if the work can be done well!" Wang Hai patted his chest and assured: "But don't worry, I will take care of you, you will be fine!"

"Okay! I'll take over this job! Brother Wang, thank you!" Ning Zhe heard that he didn't need to sign the contract temporarily, so he brought up the wine glass again. His idea was very simple. Let the first three months pass, and wait for the big deal. When signing the contract, he found an excuse to quit his job. In this way, the salary he earned in the past few months was enough for him to start some small businesses.


Wang Hai spent most of his savings in order to work in the head office, and the purpose of all this was just to get a hukou in an administrative district so that his children could receive a better education. Although what he said was an understatement, in fact In order to arrange Ning Zhe as the foreman, he also spent a lot of money in private, but since it was to repay his gratitude, he did not tell Ning Zhe too clearly.

For the next two days, Wang Hai has been leading Ning Zhe to familiarize himself with the work at the wharf. This job is actually relatively simple. The company that needs to transport the goods will negotiate with the wharf, and then the wharf will issue the workers' salaries to the labor service company contracting the business. , after deducting 40% from the head office, it will send the remaining money to the contractor, and the rest will be ignored. The transportation teams in the outer four districts all hire temporary workers when they are alive, and hire temporary workers when they are not. Sitting in a daze in the office can save a lot of money. Ning Zhe also took advantage of the convenience in the fortress to go to the bookstore to buy a lot of books, and read in the office every day, from literature to ~From novels to famous novels, he reads almost everything.

After all, Ning Zhe was an educated person, and he quickly became familiar with the work that a foreman should do. Ning Hai also went to work at the head office. There were three people in the labor service company's office at the wharf. In addition to the foreman Ning Zhe, there were also A middle-aged woman named Li Mei. She is a financial officer from the head office. She usually comes to see when she is alive. Youth, he is the same age as Ning Zhe this year, and he is an assistant to Ning Zhe.

Originally, Ning Zhe planned to arrange Fatty Li to the wharf as well, but he did not have the right to appoint personnel during the probation period, and Fatty Li also felt that the work of the waiter was good, and he felt that he had worked for so many days, if he resigned , the previous efforts were in vain, and he was still ready to continue. Ning Zhe also felt that it was not bad to let Fatty Li go out to work and learn more about life in the fortress, so he ignored him.

During the two days that Ning Zhe took office, there was no business at the terminal. Early this morning, he was reading Dream of Red Mansions in the office, and Ma Bo pushed the door and walked into the office: "Manager Ning, the people from the dark horse company are at the door and want to follow you. Let's talk business!"


Ning Zhe groaned when he heard the words "Dark Horse Company".

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