
Chapter 730: self-recommendation

Remember [New] for a second,! After hearing Ning Zhe's words, Lu Meng thought for a moment: "Do you really want these people to go to Mobei as refugees?"

Ning Zhe nodded: "These people are with me, and they have been classified as bandits. If they want to go home and can't go back, if they don't come with me, they can only starve to death in this place."

"Okay, since you insist on taking them, I have no objection." After listening to Ning Zhe's words, Lu Meng didn't take it seriously: "After all, Mobei is so big, it's not bad for a few hundred people, but you need to take them It's impossible to take it away at one time. Well, I can contact some private companies that are qualified to cross the Qiongling battlefield and let them go to Mobei in the name of workers, but I want to transport so many people there, yes A very long process."

"no problem."

"Also, Huang Ming and the people he brought are gone. You can choose a few people and go to Mobei with us. They can occupy the number of guards."

After listening to Lu Meng's response, Ning Zhe followed the exit of the carriage and glanced at the sky outside: "It seems that the snow shouldn't be too heavy, prepare the team tonight, and we can set off early tomorrow morning. ."

"Are you willing?" Lu Meng smiled: "Leave the place where you grew up."

"The refugees have no roots." Ning Zhe rolled over and got out of the car, waving at the crowd: "Get on the car separately, the woman and Fatty Li..."

Ning Zhe wanted to say that the woman and Fatty Li were in the same car. For a long time, he had become accustomed to protecting Fatty Li. This subconscious behavior made his heart sting suddenly.


Today, the battle of the four clans on the Qiongling battlefield is still going on. It is a tedious thing to pass through the battlefield. Ning Zhe had already experienced this once before when he went to the Qiulin mining area.

There are only three trucks in their team, and the number of people that can be taken away is limited, so Ning Zhe only took the main members of Wu Hao, Li Lin, Ma Si, Jiao Balzi and Zhao Yi, and returned them to the others. The people left some medicines and let them execute the crossing of Pei's jurisdiction.

When Ning Zhe was in the refugee area last time, because he was attacked, he mistook the bobcat beside Hu Yihan as a traitor, and Ma San lost his life because of it.

Although things have come to light now, proving that Fatty Li was the initiator of all this, but Ning Zhe thought about it again and again and did not tell the truth to everyone.

At the beginning, Ning Zhe told Hu Yihan that the lynx died in the attack. If he wants to bring these things up again, he must confess to Hu Yihan that he killed the bobcat, and at the same time, he will also reveal the scars in Ma Si's heart. At this node in Mobei, he hesitated for a while, but decided to hide it.

The road to Mobei is not easy to walk. When Ning Zhe was in charge of the transport team of the Dark Horse Company, he took a land fortress and a large vehicle and walked for more than half a month.

It stands to reason that a diplomat at the level of Lu Meng should be protected by someone from a chaebol when he travels in Pei's jurisdiction. It was not bad for Lu Meng to leave Fortress No. 87. Naturally, he would not be given any preferential treatment, and it was even more impossible for someone from the Lu family to cross the border to come to the Pei family to pick him up.

Ordinary military vehicles travel much slower. Not only do they always fail, but they are also harassed by bandits and beasts from time to time. Because the vehicle is not well sealed, and if there is a slight strong wind outside, the inside of the compartment will be blocked. Fill with sand.

After tossing around for nearly a month, the group finally arrived at Qiongling.

Wu Hao, Li Lin and others in the team have lived in the desert since childhood, and have never seen such a large continuous mountain range, and their eyes are full of novelty.

Taking advantage of the preparation of the team, Ning Zhe began to let Hu Yihan and Shangguan Xiaohu lay a mezzanine in the carriage to hide the gold bars and medicines they were carrying. When they were busy, they found Qin Xiaoyu, Song Jia and Zhao Yi, and then Handed them a box: "You take this."

"Shoe polish?" Qin Xiaoyu looked at Ning Zhe curiously: "We are all girls, what are you doing for us?"

"You put this shoe polish on your face, and then stick some soil on it." Ning Zhe saw the puzzled appearance of the three and explained: "In the Qiongling Mountains, although the soldiers of the four clans are stationed, the long-term war , it has made them crazy. When I passed by here last time, these guys even robbed our team of vegetables. They are more ruthless than bandits. If they see you women, what will happen? , let's be cautious, you guys try to disguise as men."

"I agree, the battlefield is indeed a place where people lose their minds." Song Jia nodded, then looked at Ning Zhe: "I want to talk to you alone, can I?"

"Speak here." Ning Zhe nodded, then walked to the side.

Song Jia walked over to Ning Zhe and handed over her kettle: "After going to Mobei, what are your plans?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Ning Zhe shook his head: "But don't worry, I will not restrict your freedom. I promised to take you out of the fortress, and now I have done it. You can choose the next path by yourself. In the Pei family or in the Lu family, this is your freedom."

Song Jia shook her head slightly: "I want to leave the fortress, but I don't want to be a refugee."

"This is easy to handle." Ning Zhe received Song Jia's favor before, and after listening to her words, he quickly responded: "I can tell Lu Meng that I will give you the identity of a citizen of the Lu family, let you enter the fortress, and then I can give it to you. Funding to a certain extent can at least ensure that you can live a normal life.”

"It's not enough, and this is not what I'm going to talk to you about." Song Jia shook her head: "Ning Zhe, I can work for you."

"Work for me?" Ning Zhe and Song Jia looked at each other and said with a smile, "You saw it too, I'm in a precarious situation right now, and I don't know where to go next, so I can't provide you with a job, and... …”

"You can deceive but you can't deceive me." Song Jia interrupted Ning Zhe: "You have a strong purpose in going to the Lu family, and you have made a lot of preparations for this. , the gold bars and medicines you carry are the best proof."

"What does this mean?" Ning Zhe looked at Li Lin and others who were cutting trees in the distance and preparing to lay a mezzanine in the carriage, and pointed: "You saw it too, we have a lot of people here this time, let's go. Lu's life has to be guaranteed, so I bring some gold and medicine, isn't it normal?"

"What about the lovely person?" Song Jia smiled: "Since I knew you were going to bring the Three Hundred Gangsters to Mobei, I understood that going to the Lu family was not on your whim, but a long-planned preparation. He came from an espionage man. You can fool Lu Meng, but you can't fool me. He is willing to let you bring people to the Lu family because he doesn't believe that these three hundred refugees can pose any threat, but he ignored the revolutionary army. What happened to the destruction of Fort 87?"

Seeing what Song Jia said so straightforwardly, Ning Zhe took out his cigarette case: "It's not that Lu Meng didn't see this, he just didn't think I would have the ability as Su Fei, because among the three hundred gangsters of mine, no Like the Revolutionary Army, there are a large number of officers who protect the army, but also because he believes that I will not harm him."

"So, this is the purpose of my self-promotion." Song Jia smiled: "I can change all this."

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