Zhao Qin followed her with a smile, his eyes always staying on Chen Xue's back.

"You go ahead." Chen Xue seemed to be able to feel it, and stopped angrily.

Zhao Qin had no choice but to walk forward. He suddenly understood that Chen Xue must have been a little uncomfortable just now, because at this moment, he also felt that someone had been staring at him, and he also felt a little unnatural.

After checking in, Zhao Qin put his luggage directly in the luggage rack on the belly of the car. No one except him and Chen Xue knew what was inside. The more he acted non-seriously, the less attention he attracted.

The two of them bought tickets for two consecutive seats. Zhao Qin asked Chen Xue to sit by the window, while he sat on the aisle.

The car started, and Chen Xue deliberately ignored him. He smiled and said, "If you're sleepy, just take a nap. I'll call you when we get there."

"Huh, I never fall asleep in the car, so don't get carried away."

Having said that, it turned out that within 20 minutes of the car driving out, Chen Xue might have not slept well last night, and her head had already started to pound a little bit.

Zhao Qin originally sat upright, but when he saw her like that, he slid down a little, making his shoulders slightly shorter. After a while, Chen Xue fell asleep on his shoulders.

The distance is less than 200 kilometers, and the bus takes just over two hours to get there.

"Hey, wake up." He woke up Chen Xue, and then he realized that there was a small patch of wetness on the shoulder of his shirt, "Why are you drooling while you sleep?"

Originally, Chen Xue felt a little embarrassed to rest on his shoulder. After hearing what he said, she glared again and said out of nowhere, "It's all your fault."

Zhao Qin touched his nose and couldn't figure out what the drooling had to do with him.

After getting off the car, someone picked him up, a young man. Zhao Qin wanted to pick up the box, but Chen Xue greeted him first with a smile on his face.

When Zhao Qin came to the two of them, the young man was obviously stunned and asked: "Sister, this is..."

"Hey, this is my cousin. I'm Zhao Qin, your sister's friend. Why are you so embarrassed to ask you to pick her up?" Zhao Qin stepped forward with a smile and held the young man's hand.

Chen Xue was numb. He had never seen such a familiar person before. Moreover, the words sounded right at first, but upon further reflection, it seemed that this guy was taking advantage of him again.

"Oh, brother-in-law, right? My name is Liu Chun."

"No, no, we can't call her that. Don't get me wrong. Your sister and I are not who you think." Although he said this, Liu Chun clearly felt that the smile on Zhao Qin's face was acknowledging this relationship.

"Liu Chun, don't scream." Chen Xue's face was filled with blush. She wasn't really angry, but felt embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, I understand, let's go, get in the car first."

Chen Xue watched Zhao Qin carry the box and follow him unceremoniously. She clenched her fist hard behind her and then smiled without leaving any trace.

It wasn't that far away, and soon I arrived at Liu Chun's shop, which was a wholesale market. His house was connected by three shops, and the shop area was quite large.

"Axue is here, is this your friend?" A middle-aged man saw them coming in, stood up and greeted them with a smile.

"Uncle, this is Zhao Qin. My father asked me to accompany him."

Chen Xue didn't know how to introduce Zhao Qin and admit that he was a friend. She understood that her uncle meant something when he said friend, but it seemed too unfamiliar to say that he was a client of the family. She didn't want to, so she could only A vague introduction.

"Hello, uncle, I am Zhao Qin, you can just call me Aqin." Zhao Qin said hello again without anyone noticing.

Chen Xue touched her forehead. Sure enough, she guessed that this guy would call him this. She wondered if her uncle would call her father to say something bad about Zhao Qin or say something good about him?

Suddenly I felt worried about gain and loss, well, if I had known better, I wouldn't have come with this guy.

"Haha, Aqin, you are quite tall and handsome. Come and sit upstairs."

Liu Naixun smiled and walked upstairs first, followed by Zhao Qin.

Upstairs is a reception room, a place where customers usually come to have tea. Liu Naixun deliberately motioned for the two of them to sit together, and each looked at it and laughed.

"Aqin, Daddy Axue said that he has some fresh bird's nests for sale. I know a lot about making dry goods. Let's check the quality first."

"I'm really sorry for troubling you, uncle."

Zhao Qin said, putting the box down, and after opening it, Liu Naixun couldn't help but exclaimed: "So much? It must weigh more than ten kilograms."

"I came in a hurry and didn't weigh it. You check the quality first."

He said, picked up a ziplock bag, opened it, and placed it on the coffee table.

Liu Naixun picked up a piece and took one look at it before exclaiming again: "Oh, the Yanzhan is in good condition, and there are not many impurities. It is of high quality, and it is Cave Yan, so rare."

Bird's nests are divided into cave nests and house nests, so the name suggests that cave nests are picked from caves, and house nests are picked from houses. As for the advantages and disadvantages, there are different opinions.

Some say that cave swallows are too dirty and not as clean as house swallows, and others say that house swallows do not have as many trace elements as cave swallows. But when it comes to being more expensive, cave swallows are still more expensive because they are more difficult to pick.

"Uncle, how much do these cost per pound?"

"Last year, the market price was around 25 yuan. I haven't heard about it this year. Don't worry, I'll make a call first to ask."

Liu Naixun took out his mobile phone, made two calls in succession, and hung up after a moment, "It still depends on the quality. The price they give is usually between 30 and 35. If you are in good condition, I estimate it will be at least 33 yuan."

Don't worry, they will come over after lunch, let them take a look then. "

Zhao Qin naturally wanted to finish the matter in the morning, but when he came here, he naturally listened to Liu Naixun's arrangements.

As for the price, even if it is 30 yuan per gram, 15,000 yuan per pound, it is higher than he expected. He thought that the maximum price of one pound is 10,000 yuan. If it is really 30 yuan, the items he brought can be sold for more than 200,000 yuan. .

After chatting for a while, Liu Naixun also asked Zhao Qin about his family background. Zhao Qin did not deliberately conceal or exaggerate, and just said that he was a dedicated fisherman.

This made Liu Naixun a little confused. What was going on with his brother-in-law? Do you really want A Xue to marry an ordinary fisherman?

Of course, he was just an uncle and would not express any opinions. Soon after dinner time, Chen Xue's aunt also came, and she brought Liu Naixun's little daughter with her.

On the way to the hotel, Zhao Qin paid attention to the neighborhood and saw a store selling jewelry, so he made a note of it.

As soon as he entered the hotel, he excused himself to go to the restroom and quickly went to the jewelry store to buy a small box for jewelry. He also grinded his teeth with the waiter for a few minutes before he was willing to sell him one after saying good things to him.

He took out a small bag from his pocket, took out a pearl of similar quality and put it in the box, then ran into the bathroom and washed his face before arriving at the reserved box.

After entering the private room, Liu Naixun was waiting for him to order. He quickly said it was casual, but he couldn't stand it anymore, so he casually ordered two.

While waiting for the food to be served, Zhao Qin took out the small box, pushed it in front of the children and said: "When I went to sea before, I encountered a few beads and it was fine. I made the box myself. It's not worth a few dollars. Give it to the children." My sister keeps it for fun."

Liu Naixun's wife smiled and declined. Seeing that Zhao Qin was a little anxious, she accepted it. She thought it would not be good to open it in person, but when Liu Naixun heard that it was Haizhu, she took it and took a look.

"What kind of shell did such a big one come out of?"


"Aqin, this is too expensive for children to use..."

"Uncle, let's not refuse. Look at how sweaty I am. I'm stupid and can't speak well."

Hearing him say that he was stupid, Chen Xue almost couldn't help laughing.

Liu Naixun's wife wanted to refuse before, but when she saw such a big pearl, her eyes became even more joyful, "I'll just keep it. We are all a family anyway."

"Aunt, we are not..."

"Know it's not now."

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