Naturally, Zhao Qin would not be free to litigate the two companies. Although he had done something wrong before and took the case without complaining, he knew he was wrong and could pay for it.

The rice wasn't cooked much, and Ah He didn't eat more or less, so Zhao Qin wasn't full at all.

At the age of 22, he didn't eat in the morning and had a bucket of noodles at noon, so he just pointed at the meal in the evening to fill his stomach. Naturally, he wouldn't feel burned anymore and he was too lazy to buy instant noodles.

After kicking Ah He out of the house, he would lie down after taking a bath, and he would not be hungry anymore when he fell asleep.

I slept too much in the afternoon, so I didn’t feel sleepy at all. After thinking about it, I got up and took out my mobile phone from the box. I haven’t used this mobile phone since I dropped out of school. It’s been almost two years. Don't know if it can be used.

This was before my mother passed away, when she learned that he had been admitted to a key university, and she was so happy that she spent a lot of money to buy him a Nokia 1100. It didn't have many advantages, except that it was durable, could make phone calls, and could occasionally be used as a hidden weapon.

Plug in the charger and give it a try after charging for a while, and it really turns on.

But now there is no TikTok or the like for him to use, and the mobile phone number should have been in arrears for a long time and has no signal. Don't worry, I can get some more money in two days and get a new mobile phone number.

After calling up the game, he started playing Snake. Not to mention that he missed it a lot, and it was already past ten o'clock.

I put down my phone to go to sleep, and I was always in a daze. The fan was old and the wind was not strong enough to blow away the mosquitoes, so I was woken up by the bites after a while.

I looked at the time on my phone and realized that it was only two o'clock in the night. I turned sideways to continue sleeping, but when I turned my head sideways, the familiar system display screen came up.

Luck value: 193+28.

Merit value: 0.

I turned off the display irritably and went to sleep.

As a result, after a few seconds, he bounced straight up as if he had borrowed a corpse and returned to life.

"I'll go. I made a thousand yuan with a luck value of 18. Now it's 28. I'll just sleep and make money."

He shouted excitedly, stood up and turned on the light. He quickly took off his shorts and vest, and looked at the big pendulum underneath. Well, I have enough money and am in a better mood.

I put on my clothes, thinking that I wouldn't have to wear a hat or wrap my face at night, but the next moment I thought of the mosquitoes that had just tortured me, and I shivered all over, so I wrapped myself up again.

Throw two sand shovels into the bucket, carry the bucket and walk out. The weather is good at night. There is still a moon today, so you can see the road clearly.

When he arrived at Ahe's house, he knocked on the back window a few times. This was his and Ahe's secret signal. The movements were gentle and did not affect the old lady sleeping on the other side.

"Brother, is that you?" This kid was quite alert when sleeping.

"Get a pot of water. By the way, do you have a flashlight at home?"


"Take it with you too, hurry up."

After a while, Ah He carefully opened the door and the two of them met.

"Brother, didn't you say you washed your hands in the golden basin during the day? What's going on now? You just smeared lime on your mouth, was it all in vain?"

Zhao Qin handed the bucket out and patted him on the head angrily: "You are full of jingles. You want to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Come on, let's go catch the sea."

"Ah, are you going to catch the sea in the middle of the night?"

"If we want to be better than others and make your face shine, we must work harder than others."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Let's go to the beach before?"

"Don't worry, a flashlight is not enough. It's best to have a headlamp. Let's go to the canteen."

Arriving at the canteen by the pier, Zhao Qin showed off his previous aggressiveness and started banging on the door.

The security in the village is okay, but the canteen dare not be deserted at night.

"Who is it? You stayed up late at night and smashed your eggs. Believe it or not, I smashed your balls."

"Lao Zhu, open the door. If you don't open the door, I will knock down your canteen."

The bamboo bed inside made a creaking sound, which must be Lao Zhu getting up.

"Aqin?" The other party asked again before opening the door.

"You know better than to hurry up."

Lao Zhu muttered angrily, not knowing what he was talking about. He opened the door, and when he saw the two of them, he said: "It's okay to commit petty theft, but robbery is against the law. Don't be stupid."

This is the common concept in the village. If you steal no more than 100 yuan, if you know who did it, you will be compensated. If you don't know, you will be unlucky. No one will actually call the police. It's not enough time.

"Do you have any headlamps? Two headlamps, two pairs of gloves, and two packs of soft Tashan."

"I said you can't buy things during the day."

"I can still knock on the door at night if I can think of anything during the day. Come on, besides, why do you sleep so much every day? You don't need to sleep too much during your lifetime. You can sleep forever after you die."

Lao Zhu couldn't help but raised his hand and nodded at him: "You are really a cultured man, he talks in one way, tell me, is it really your plan to start a fight between the Lai family and the Lin family?"

"Get out of here, hurry up."

"I've got the headlamps for you. One is 25 yuan, two are 50 yuan, two packs of Tashan 13, gloves are 2 yuan, total 65 yuan. Forget it, you can give me 60. I'm afraid you'll come up with a trick one day to earn your money. Trick me again."

Zhao Qin took out the money and cursed: "You are the only one who keeps talking. I already told you that it has nothing to do with me."

After walking a few steps out of the door, he suddenly thought of doing manual labor in the middle of the night and losing strength when he was hungry. Then he turned around and started banging on the door again.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Lao Zhu wanted to cry. He wanted to beat them, but he couldn't beat these two boys. He didn't dare to scold them. He felt like a coward.

"Is there boiling water at home? Help me make two buckets of noodles."

"You are my biological father." Lao Zhu said angrily.

"Don't you have to pay for those two buckets of noodles?"

Lao Zhu:......

In fact, Lao Zhu is not very old, in his thirties. He broke his leg while moving machinery at the dock earlier, so he is now a bit lame. With the money lost from the dock, his family raised some money and built this small shop.

I can't make a fortune, but my life is good.

"Lao Zhu, your thermos needs to be replaced. It doesn't keep warm at all, and the noodles haven't been soaked at all." Ah He said while eating.

Lao Zhu rolled his eyes.

In fact, this is also thanks to the local people's habit of drinking tea. Otherwise, who would have hot water on a hot day?

The two of them were half full after a bucket, so they really left with the bucket this time.

Lao Zhu watched the two of them get off the beach, then cursed and closed the door and went to sleep.

When I came to the beach where I had been browsing during the day, I found several flashlights swinging there.

"Have you found out clearly that Zhao Laoer really dug it on this beach?"

"My mother happened to be catching oysters during the day and Zhao Laoer was catching the sea. She said this was the area."

After hearing the conversation between the two of them, Zhao Qin patted Ah He and said, "Let's go, there is nothing to dig here."

If the system is powerful, it may happen that others can't dig but he can dig, but this is too difficult to explain. Anyway, there are many tidal flats here, so just change it to one with no one.

"What the hell, what the hell, these people are really nothing. We discovered this place. Brother, why don't you go over and beat those people up." Ah He was indignant.

"You tiger, there are at least seven or eight people on the other side of the light, can we fight? Besides, the sea is not ours, no one can come, let's go, let's switch."

The tide may have just gone out at night, so there were quite a few people rushing to sea.

It’s no wonder that it’s summer vacation now. It would be great for a young boy to not only have fun but also earn some pocket money.

"Brother, why don't we go to the mudflat? Maybe we can still pick up crabs."

"Okay, then go over there."

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