“What’s wrong? Wasn’t it a pleasure to shoot last time? Or……”

Kurosaki turned and looked at the other party

“Because we spent time together, you can’t stop?”

With no choice but to do so, Futian had to turn around and prepare the fracturing bomb.

But he was still hesitant during the loading process.

The scene of fighting with Xiaoyou recalled in his mind. He was distracted for a moment.

In the end, he was killed by a A petite figure appeared out of nowhere and snatched the weapon loaded with fracking bombs from his hand.

Taking a closer look, he saw that the opponent was Mitsuki Mizusawa.

He was also a member of the Aoyama team that had almost been wiped out.


Mizusawa Yuu, who easily kicked Qianyi who was knocked to the ground aside, noticed the sudden appearance of Mitsuki.

After seeing that she was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, Mizusawa Mitsuki was holding the gun The stolen gun was pointed at him

“Who is that girl?”

Kurosaki frowned and said over there.

“He was a newcomer from the Aoyama team who had just finished training.”Ichiro Sasori recognized Mizuki Mizusawa.

Just when Xiaoyu was confronting his nominal sister, he suddenly took off the belt and released the transformation.

It seemed that he didn’t want to fight with the other party at all.

He also believed that she would not attack him.

“Meiyue, I am relieved to see that you are fine527, but why did you join the exorcism class?……”

He tried to step forward.

As a result, Mitsuki stopped him.

And answered him coldly:”Didn’t you say that everyone has the right to choose to fight, and this is my choice.”

After Xiaoyou heard this, he immediately smiled and asked:”Are you, in order to fight?” kill me……”

Mizusawa Mitsuki looked at him, her eyes seemed very firm

“If it’s really necessary, I’ll do it”

“This bullet is specially made. It can completely crush any rice dumplings. Please obey us honestly.”

“Sorry, he can’t go with you.”

A voice came slowly from a distance.

Everyone turned around and saw that it was Raven.

Kurosaki immediately felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

“It’s that guy!”

His fists immediately clenched tightly.

After all, the injuries on his body that have not yet healed were all caused by Raven.

“Is he your companion?”

Looking at the same belt worn by Mizusawa Yuu on Raven’s waist who has released his transformation, Mizusawa Mitsuki couldn’t help but ask.

“It was he who told (bdbg) that you were here.”

Xiaoyou said

“who are you?”

Mizuki Mizusawa turned around and pointed the gun at Raven again.

“Someone who wants revenge?”

Raven said as he touched his chin.

“It’s not right to say this. I am not a human being now… nor am I a mother.”

He said jokingly to himself.

From the day he was transformed, he has been different from humans.

What’s more, he later swallowed the power of so many weirdos and fused with the golden fruit.

“revenge? Sure enough, you still want to eat people?”

Kurosaki and others said extremely unkindly.

“If you say yes, then that’s it.”

Raven’s figure flashed and suddenly appeared next to Mizusawa Mitsuki.

He also put his hand on her hair.

“what happened?!”

Everyone looked at this scene in shock.

Without the transformation, the speed was already beyond what the naked eye could recognize.

“No wonder the last fracking bomb missed him.”

Futian said in shock.

“What do you want to do!”

When Xiaoyu saw Raven suddenly approaching Mizusawa Mitsuki, his expression suddenly became tense, and it seemed that his emotions were gradually uncontrollable.

Mizusawa Mitsuki’s body froze even more, unable to move at all.

She let Raven’s hand , playing with her long hair. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She knew that at this moment, her life was completely in the hands of the other party.

“Ah ah——!”

Suddenly, a figure rushed out not far away, with a sword extending from his arm, aiming to stab Raven.

It was Qianyi who had been dormant for a while and was ready to go after being kicked away by Xiaoyou.

He thought that no matter what, he could defeat Raven and rescue Weiyu who was kidnapped.

That’s the only girl he’s attracted to.


Raven didn’t even transform. With a beautiful side kick, he kicked Qianyi away in his knight form.

Finally, he hit an empty water tower in the water plant.

A big hole was created.


Everyone couldn’t help but swallowed when they saw this scene.

So powerful without transformation?

What kind of monster did the director create?

“let her go——!”[]

Mizusawa Yu completely exploded.

Under the influence of strong emotions, he ignored Raven’s strength.

He directly transformed into the form of Grandma’s Rice Dumpling Knight and rushed over.

“Is this urgent?”

Lei Wen looked at Xiao You who was rushing towards him playfully.

“It seems like your brother is very worried about you. Are you treating him like this?”

Raven put his mouth to Meiyue’s ear and said softly

“You…what do you want?”

Mizuki Mizusawa was overwhelmed by Raven. For some reason, after being approached by Raven, the tension and fear in her body disappeared.

Instead, there was an inexplicable heat.

Even her heart began to beat wildly. Get up.

Why is this happening?

I am obviously not the kind of woman who falls in love with handsome guys easily.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen to you.”

Raven dodged and appeared on the other side with Mizuki Mizusawa, and then let her go.

At this time, Xiaoyu was obviously still angry and almost lost his mind.

After all, everyone has something untouchable in their hearts. The bottom line, and for Mizusawa Yu, his sister is the bottom line.

Qianyi is also a weakling who cannot be killed. He stood up again from a distance and faced Raven at the same time as Mizusawa Yu.

“Joining forces is indeed a good choice.”

Raven said

“Let me see your strength”


Qianyi and Xiaoyou took action almost at the same time, besieging him from the left and the right.

Raven still hasn’t transformed.

He was just fighting against them with his physical strength.

This also makes the battle look intense and does not present a flash-kill plot.

Of course, this was Raven’s intention.

Many of his abilities were not displayed.

Otherwise, just use it casually, and it will be enough to kill them both instantly.

Unless both of them break the limiter and use all their strength to transform into a weirdo.

In that case, it would be interesting


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