Celestial being

Chapter 1056 Front Line

"Of course I know. You want to ask me about the Three Immortals Island, right? Yes, that's what I planned back then." Mu Daoren smiled, as if he had anticipated what Yuan Ming was thinking.

"Senior has long known that I am from Yunhuang Continent?" Yuan Ming was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was reasonable.

"I realized it from the first time I met you." Mu Taoren smiled.

"Senior, can you tell me what the existence of Yunhuang Continent is all about? Why is it located in the abyss of death, isolated from the outside world?" Yuan Ming asked quickly.

"This is a long story. The Yunhuang Continent was actually an attempt of mine in my early years. You should also know that in the abyss of death, there is the corpse of a six-winged cicada. There is a trace of chaos blood in its body. According to legend, it is the key to the realm of true immortality." Mu Taoist recalled the past.

Yuan Ming and Xi Ying listened particularly carefully, and Patriarch Binglan on the side also showed a curious look. It was obviously the first time he heard about this matter.

"After I was promoted to the Mahayana, I have been looking for a way to the realm of true immortals. Naturally, I have also focused on this trace of chaos blood. Unfortunately, the chaos blood is born in response to the sky, and it cannot be transplanted into other people's bodies by any means. The only way to obtain it is to breed creatures within the range of its aura, and wait for someone to be infected with the aura and awaken the true meaning of chaos," Mu Taoist said slowly.

"That's why you used means to move the Yunhuang Continent into the abyss of death." Yuan Ming said with some surprise.

"Yes, I used my means to open up a safe area in the Death Abyss, and moved part of the land from Izumo, and finally formed the Yunhuang Continent into what it is today. At the same time, in order for the people inside to come out, I also Sanxian Island was left as a transit, and at the same time, opportunities and tests were left on the island. Only those who pass can be qualified to go to the outside world," Mu Taoist explained one by one.

"Senior, you probably haven't paid attention to Yunhuang's situation for a long time, right?" Yuan Ming suddenly smiled bitterly.

"After arranging everything, I specially sent a clone to live in Yunhuang for a long time, but I still didn't find anyone awakening to the true meaning of chaos. Later, I encountered all kinds of great changes in the Izumo world, so I recalled the clone and left the matter behind. In the back of my mind, I didn't recall these things again until I saw you." Mu Taoren nodded, with a somewhat incomprehensible expression, as if he didn't know why Yuan Ming asked this question.

Yuan Ming had no choice but to briefly tell what happened on Sanxian Island back then.

"You said Little Gray turned the Three Immortals Island into a dead place? It shouldn't be. I remember that it was quite well-behaved back then and was very close to me." Upon hearing this, Mu Taoist was immediately surprised.

Yuan Ming also did not expect that the arrogant Immortal Tree had such a cute name as "Xiao Hui". He also thought that when he used Nightmare, the Immortal Tree saw the figure of Mu Taoist, and the "Mu Taoist" in Mu Taoist's words "Close" and "well-behaved" don't seem to be unreasonable.

However, the appearance of that figure seemed to be different from that of Mu Daoren. It seemed that Mu Daoren had changed his appearance. No wonder Yuan Ming didn't recognize it.

"Senior's arrangements back then made me suffer a lot! However, without senior, I, Yuan Ming, would not be here today. Yuan Ming will never forget this kindness." Yuan Ming said, and gave a big salute to Mu Taoist.

"To put it bluntly, your achievements were achieved through your own efforts bit by bit. I didn't participate in much. After all, I didn't know your identity until the Three Realms Immortal Boat War." Mu The Taoist shook his head and reached out to lift Yuan Ming up.

"This reminds me of something. When I returned to the virtual world, I also had an adventure and obtained a secret technique from a certain secret realm. It was only after I achieved Mahayana that I realized that it was also an opportunity set up by Taoist friend Mu unintentionally. He After living for such a long time, there is no hidden place in the Izumo world without his presence. I'm afraid there are so many that he can't even count them." Patriarch Binglan also smiled.

"Okay, okay, let's stop chatting here. It's getting late. Binglanqian stays here to help Sima Changqin and the others identify the harvest in Wentian Secret Realm. I will take Yuan Ming to the retreat cave." Taoist Mu. With a flick of his sleeves and robe, he led Yuan Ming out of the underground hall.

Four months later.

Yuan Ming, who was practicing in seclusion, had a look on his face, raised his hand to summon the Tiantian Cauldron, and contacted Wang Fulong.

"Why are you looking for me?" His voice sounded in Wang Fulong's sea of ​​consciousness.

Wang Fulong was praying in an underground palace where the sun was not visible. When he heard Yuan Ming's response, he immediately pointed to a pile of things in front of him.

"Sir, based on the clues you provided, I found the inheritance left by Gongshu Ling. These are my discoveries. You can see what you need." Wang Fulong replied respectfully.

Yuan Ming probed with his spiritual sense and saw that there were many kinds of things in front of Wang Fulong, including not only exercises and magic weapons, but also elixirs, spiritual materials, etc., all of which were precious.

However, for Yuan Ming today, the things inside are either temporarily unavailable or can be obtained through other methods. As for the techniques and weapon refining inheritance, he does not have time to practice them.

But soon, his eyes fell on the hilt of a broken sword.

The appearance of the sword hilt was the same as the black sword Su Wu held before, and the fierce aura exuding from it reminded Yuan Ming of his own Soul-Destroying Sword.

There is no doubt that this is the last fragment of the Great Freedom Demon Sword.

There was a palm-sized light grey token placed beside the hilt. This token was quite peculiar. It was slightly transparent and looked ethereal and illusory, like clouds and mist. The words "Three Realms" were suspended in the center of the token, and they were also slowly rippling like flowing ink.

"Sacrifice the hilt, the token, and the inheritance of refining equipment. As for the rest, you can keep it for your own practice. I don't need it for the time being." Yuan Ming said.

"It's all up to you, sir." Wang Fulong naturally had no objection.

Not long after, Yuan Ming got all three things in his hands by stealing the Tianding.

The Three Realms Immortal Token felt very light, and it was like holding a pool of clear water in his hand. Yuan Ming took the Token in his hand and played with it for a while. He did not refine it immediately, but called Xihezi.

Xihezi did not like fighting. After learning that Xiying was going to drive the Shura Palace to Guixu, he took the initiative to move out and stayed in the cave in Changqingdao with Yuan Ming. He borrowed the power of the time array to continue studying the way of refining equipment.

"Here is the weapon refining inheritance left by Gongshu Lingren. See if it can help you." Yuan Ming said, handing over the jade slip recording the inheritance.

"Yes, this Gongshu Lingren is still quite capable. This thing is very useful to me. Thank you." Xihezi took the jade slip and looked at it, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"As long as you like it. Come, help me see if there is any hidden trick left in this token. In addition, help me refine this hilt and Su Wu's black sword into my soul-destroying sword." Yuan Ming smiled and ordered immediately.

Xihezi was happy and didn't think it was troublesome. He waved his hand directly: "Okay! Leave it to me, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Yuan Ming smiled and told Xihezi to deal with it as soon as possible, and then he rushed into cultivation again.


One year later, Guixu.

As the front line of the conflict between the Izumo Realm and the Demon Realm, the Izumo Realm monks built a total of 36 border cities and 72 fortresses here. All the city walls and fortifications were connected in a line, surrounding the entire Guixu, forming two solid defense lines without any gaps.

At this moment, looking north into the city.

On the city wall, two monks were chatting casually.

"Tell me, how long have we not been so comfortable here?" The young male cultivator in dark armor said with emotion.

"Hehe, when has this broken place of Guixu ever been comfortable? It's only in the past few years that Lord Xiyue has come, and with the power of Shura Palace, we can have some free time." The long-bearded male cultivator beside him said, raising his hand to worship the sky.

"Yes! In the past, the demons attacked almost every day, and people died every day. I heard that several fortresses farther away were almost lost several times, and finally they were snatched back with human lives. I don't know where the demons got so many people. The number of high-level cultivators is almost twice as much as ours." The young male cultivator looked scared, as if he recalled the battle at that time.

"It is said that the area of ​​the demon world is larger than ours. Many people die every day, but there are more people left behind. Once the space channel is opened, they are sent to us in batches. The last time the demon world invaded, it took advantage of the weakest time in Guixu's space. The demon world forcibly broke through a large-scale space channel, and even Mahayana could enter and exit, and finally broke out." The long-bearded cultivator also showed a lingering fear.

"It won't happen now. As soon as the demon's space channel appears, it will be defeated by Lord Xiyue God driving the Shura Palace. Their replenishment of troops is getting less and less, so we are so idle." The young cultivator looked pious.

"But I heard that several Mahayana ancestors seem to be preparing for war. I'm afraid that the demons will have to invade on a large scale sooner or later." The long-bearded monk said worriedly.

"Maybe! But at least we have survived this time. Now the spatial strength of Guixu is gradually recovering. The weakest time has passed. No matter what the demon world plans, it will have to wait until the next weakest time comes. By then, at least you and I don't have to guard this city wall anymore." The young monk stretched his body and spoke with gratitude.

But the next moment, the two of them suddenly heard a roar, and the sky above them suddenly darkened.

They looked up in surprise, and saw that there were ten huge black fingers in the sky without any warning, all as huge as pillars supporting the sky.

And as these ten fingers grabbed hard on both sides, a black and red crack that stretched for tens of thousands of miles suddenly appeared and was torn apart bit by bit.

In an instant, boundless demonic energy surged out from the cracks. At the same time, countless demon monks walked out of the cracks along with the demonic energy. Among them there were even several terrifying figures. As soon as they appeared, the heaven and earth changed, and all kinds of strange sights appeared.

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