Celestial being

Chapter 160 Giving Gifts

"It doesn't matter, just remember what you promised me. After I take a short rest and adjust my condition, I can help you carve the talisman to fill the spirit." The third cave master handed over the herring sword and said.

Yuan Ming immediately took it with respectful hands, only to feel that his hands were cold, as if he were holding a piece of solid ice, and there were still strands of coldness seeping into his body. After he weighed it for a moment, he felt that the sword was slightly heavier than before. But not much has changed.

Huo Greedy crawled along his arm, wrinkled his nose and sniffed it. He immediately showed a look of disgust, turned around and crawled back to Yuan Ming's shoulder.

It only likes it hot, and the hotter the better.

"Right now, it has not been engraved with talismans, so it cannot contain the cold and cold air. Once the talisman is carved and imbued with spirit, the cold and cold air will no longer leak out without the need for magical stimulation." The third cave master added.

As soon as she finished speaking, the disciple's shout sounded outside the door again.

Without waiting for her instructions, Yuan Ming immediately trotted to the front yard, opened the door, and led the disciple over.

"The big cave master asked you to come, didn't you say something was wrong?" The third cave master asked directly.

"No, I just know that besides you, the Second Cave Master and Elder Mengshan have also been invited over." The disciple said quickly.

The third cave master couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this.

After a moment of hesitation, she raised her hand and a rectangular metal box more than three feet long appeared in her palm.

When Yuan Ming saw this, he suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

"This is the Soul Containing Sword Box, which can ensure that the spiritual power in the sword body will not be silenced. Now put the Herring Sword in it. Come to me tomorrow morning to help you carve a talisman to imbue the spirit." The third cave master said.

When Yuan Ming heard this, he naturally didn't say anything and could only nod in agreement.

"Huo Greedy'er will follow you first." The third cave master glanced at Huo Greedy who was lying on Yuan Ming's shoulder and said.

When the latter heard this, his bean-like eyes lit up, and he was obviously very happy.

"Yes." Yuan Ming responded immediately.

After returning to his residence, Yuan Ming was so excited that he couldn't calm down for a long time. He wanted to open the sword box and take a look, but he was worried that there were any taboos, so he could only put it on the bedside.

He himself took out Master Kuroki's manuscript and carefully read the runes recorded on it, guessing what runes the Lord of the Third Cave would choose to engrave?

It was not until late at night that Yuan Ming calmed down his uneasiness, sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and planned to practice the Ming Yue Jue.

Huo Chan'er also came over happily, planning to lie down next to Yuan Ming.

At this time, it suddenly raised its neck and looked out the window, a pair of small bean-like eyes rolling around.

Looking at its reaction, Yuan Ming knew that the silver cat was nearby.

"Xiying, come in quickly." Yuan Ming said.

No one answered outside, but after waiting for a moment, a light figure slowly walked in.

"This time I went to Fangshi and bought a gift for you." Yuan Ming said.

Hearing this, Yinmao was obviously stunned. He didn't expect Yuan Ming to say this.

"No need to show your courtesy." But when the voice was transmitted again, the tone remained calm, as if he didn't care too much: "What good things do you have? I don't want cheap goods."

Yuan Ming turned his wrist, and a black wooden box appeared in his palm, which contained gilded gauze.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the wooden box, held up the gilt gauze, and with a flick of his wrist, the golden gauze floated and unfolded in front of the sunset, with golden light flashing on each thread, and the scene was like a dream.

Yuan Ming shook again, and the gilt gauze suddenly grew several times longer, surrounding it in front of the sunset, with layers of golden gauze flying up and down, like a huge golden streamer.

"It's so beautiful, and it's a medium-grade magic weapon? Are you rich?" Silver Cat asked in surprise.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Ming turned his wrist again, and the golden gauze suddenly shrank and returned to the black wooden box.

"I went to Fangshi this time and got a windfall unexpectedly. I have been thinking about you, so I bought it specially for you." Yuan Ming said.

"I don't want it. If you use this to bribe me, are you asking me for help again?" Silver Cat replied.

"It's really okay." Yuan Ming defended.

"Hmph, tell me how you got rich?" Xiying raised her chin and waved her claws, and the golden gauze floated in front of it. When it raised its claws and touched it, it disappeared.

Yuan Ming told how he met a clown in the city and assassinated people from Bailong Island, and then was rescued by a barefoot woman, while he used vines to steal the storage bag.

During this period, it asked this and that from time to time. When it heard the clown, the silver cat snorted. When the tall, barefooted woman in white appeared and used strange escape techniques to lead the clown away, Xiying asked a few more questions, and her eyes couldn't help but move. It lit up.

After listening to the story, Xiying's mood seemed to improve.

"Would you like me to give you some more advice on Ming Yue Jue?" Silver Cat felt better and began to care about Yuan Ming's practice.

"It's going well for the time being, but the memory fragments that occasionally arise in the sea of ​​consciousness are a bit confusing, which often makes people feel a little confused." Yuan Ming said.

"Your amnesia is caused by the trauma to your soul. The practice of Ming Yue Jue can help you repair the damage, but it will also take time. Maybe when you reach the third level of practice, you will be able to recall all your memories." Xiying said: "You If you want to become your teacher, I will consider helping you restore your memory immediately."

"No." Yuan Ming refused decisively. According to the current speed of cultivation, his memory will be fully restored sooner or later. A generation short of Xiying for no reason always feels like he has suffered a loss.

"I want to save face." Xiying said and left.

After Yuan Ming waited for him to leave, he sat cross-legged and meditated again and continued to practice.

The silver cat Xiying returned to her den in the tree hole.

It waved lightly, and the gilded gauze like a golden ribbon floated out, like a mattress, spread under the thick fur and silk satin.

Xiying touched the golden gauze with the tip of one of her claws and easily refined it.

Then, a bit of its mana flowed into the golden gauze, and the gilt gauze shimmered slightly, reflecting golden starlight in the originally dark tree hole.

The silver cat lay on the bed, feeling the silky coolness under his body. He suddenly felt as if he was hanging in the clouds. It was so comfortable and comfortable that he couldn't help but stretch.

"What a wonderful filial piety, haha..." It remembered Yuan Ming's appearance when he gave the gift just now, and couldn't help laughing.

Then it thought of something again, raised one front paw, took out a blue book from somewhere, and flipped through it casually. When it turned to the last page, its expression darkened.

This page draws a group of hamsters, happily eating together.

At the end of the page, it is written, "Jin·Yuan Ming"

It gently touched the book with one of its forepaws, a complex emotion flashed through its eyes of different colors, and after a while it sighed softly:


After a night of silence, Yuan Ming carried the sword box to the small courtyard of the third cave master early in the morning.

As a result, he shouted outside the door for a long time but received no response.

After putting Huo Chan'er inside and looking around, Yuan Ming was dumbfounded. The third cave master was not in the courtyard at all.

"Isn't she breaking the appointment?"

Yuan Ming guessed that it was probably because of the big cave master's meeting yesterday, so he went to find Brother Fangge for confirmation.

"What are you doing with Master?" Fang Ge asked with a frown.

Yuan Ming then told him that he had asked the Third Cave Master to help him refine his sword.

"Junior Brother Yuan, I really didn't expect that I could actually ask the Third Cave Master to personally help you refine your sword." Fang Ge also had an exaggerated look of surprise on his serious face.

"Everything is just for Huo Gan'er's sake." Yuan Ming explained with a smile.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the Third Cave Master, in addition to looking at Huo Gan'er's face and the request he mentioned, probably also looked at the face of the Herring Sword itself, so he personally took action to help him refine it.

"Master didn't explain this time. She must be in an emergency. But since she promised to help you refine the sword, she will definitely do it." Fang Ge said, his eyes falling on the sword box in Yuan Ming's hand.

"Is this the Yunling Sword Box?" he asked.

Yuan Ming nodded.

"That's no problem. Master, she will definitely come back within three days." Fang Ge said confidently.

"Why is this?" Yuan Ming was puzzled.

"The Yunling Sword Box can keep the sword's spiritual power from falling silent, but it is only effective for three days, so Master will definitely return within three days." Fangge explained.

"What if I can't come back?" Yuan Ming asked with a frown.

"In case of being unable to come back, once the spiritual power of the sword body is silent, it will no longer be possible to carve talismans and imbue the spirit. Previously, without adding the key spiritual materials, it could still be forged a second time, but now it is no longer possible to forge it again, which is basically the same as It’s useless.” Fang Ge explained with an embarrassed look on his face.

When Yuan Ming heard this, his heart sank, and yesterday's bad premonition was confirmed.

"Don't worry, Master, since she agreed, she will definitely return within three days." Upon seeing this, Fang Ge quickly comforted her.

When Yuan Ming heard this, he felt even more uneasy. It was precisely because the Third Cave Master was a man of his word that today's broken promise seemed a bit unusual.

"No, I'd better go find Senior Brother Amuhe to find a solution..." After he said this, he held the sword box and went to the Qilu at the back.

Yuan Ming held the sword box and hurried to Qilu and went straight to Amuka's room.

"Tuk Tuk"

After he knocked eagerly a few times, the door creaked inwards. Amuhe had sleepy eyes and a tired look on his face. After seeing Yuan Ming, his voice was a little vague and he said:

"Junior Brother Yuan, is something wrong?"

"Brother, help me." Yuan Ming said as he squeezed into Amuka's room.

"Yunling Sword Box? What's in it?" The latter didn't pay much attention. After closing the door, his eyes fell on the sword box in his hand and he frowned slightly.

"My sword was made with the help of the Third Cave Master, but something went wrong..."

Yuan Ming quickly told him the matter.

"I feel that Master is probably in a hurry, and I'm afraid he won't be able to escape for the time being." After hearing this, Amuka scratched his messy hair.

"Brother, you have to help me." Yuan Ming said with a bitter look on his face.

"Uh... Well, it's not that I won't help you. As you know, the task of imbuing souls cannot be done by a refining master above the Foundation Establishment stage. I can help you carve a talisman, but I can't do it either. "Amuhe said helplessly.

"I know this too. Can you please come forward, senior brother, and ask the elders of our Huolian Hall for help? I can pay the remuneration, and the price is negotiable." Yuan Ming said quickly.

"Haha, that's a big deal. How can you, a registered disciple, get the rewards for refining magical weapons from the elders? I'll go and ask for you. Don't have too much hope." Ammuhe obviously didn't believe it. , but still agreed.

"Thank you, senior brother." Yuan Ming quickly said, cupping his fists.

Amuhe waved his hand and told him to wait a moment before he turned around and walked out of the room.

"You wait here." Amuka left after saying that.

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