Celestial being

Chapter 18 Decision

"Haha, congratulations to Brother Yuan Ming for mastering the art of fur covering and successfully surviving the first month." Wulu did not leave immediately, but looked at Yuan Ming and said with a smile.

"Both each other. Speaking of Ulu brothers, why don't you see that La Ge?" Yuan Ming said in a change of tone.

"Brother Lago went out hunting alone a few days ago, but unfortunately he was killed by an animal." Ulu said with a calm expression.

"That's such a pity." Yuan Ming nodded, said no more, and turned to leave.

Wulu watched Yuan Ming go away, his eyes flickering, wondering what he was thinking.

Yuan Ming did not go to the other side of the canyon to continue hunting animals, but returned to the hiding cave.

There is no need to rush into hunting ferocious beasts, what he needs most now is to improve his strength.

He blocked the entrance of the cave, sat cross-legged on the ground, and ran the Nine Elements Technique, and the spiritual energy from heaven and earth suddenly gathered.

Time flies so fast, twenty days have passed in the blink of an eye.

On a century-old giant tree outside the Green Fox's lair, a tall white ape stood quietly. It was Yuan Ming who had used the furry technique.

Compared with Twenty-Tian, ​​White Ape is much taller, and his muscles are more muscular and powerful.

Not long after, five or six green foxes ran out of the nest in the col, and soon they went separate ways.

After several previous attempts at luring enemies and hunting them, Yuan Ming already knew the habits of these green foxes very well. They dispersed to look for food.

He followed one of the green foxes skillfully and came to a black pine forest.

This place is four or five miles away from the mountain col nest. Even if there is any movement, it will not reach the mountain col nest.

Yuan Ming increased his speed, surpassed Qinghu in just a few breaths, jumped down from the tree, and blocked the way.

The green fox was startled at first, and then realized that it was just a white ape. The fox's eyes loosened and it pounced fiercely.

This green fox was a bit bigger and faster than the ones he had hunted before. A blurry green shadow flashed past. The green fox arrived in front of Yuan Ming in the blink of an eye and grabbed it with its dark green claws!

However, with a slight sway of Yuan Ming's body, the person disappeared on the spot, leaving Qing Hu in the air.

Qinghu was startled and hurriedly stabilized his body.

However, before it could be completely stabilized, Yuan Ming fell from the sky, carrying a terrifying force of wind with his right foot, and kicked the green fox hard on its back.

A terrifying force surged into the green fox's body, and with a "click", the spine broke.

His body collapsed directly to the ground, and blood surged from his mouth.

Before he could struggle to get up, Yuan Ming's other foot dropped from the sky and stepped on Qing Hu's head.

Amidst the crisp sound of bone cracking, the green fox's head was crushed to pieces, white brain matter overflowed, and the fox was completely lifeless.

Yuan Ming retracted the soles of his feet and looked at the dead green fox, stunned.

He chose to continue hunting green foxes. On the one hand, he already understood the habits of these green foxes and felt that they would not be in danger even if they were defeated. More importantly, he wanted to test his own strength.

Twenty days ago, the green fox was still a powerful and ferocious beast that was difficult for him to defeat, but twenty days later, the fox could not even make two moves in his hands.

Unknowingly, his strength has surged to this point!

Yuan Ming suppressed the excitement in his eyes, took out the blood storage bag and collected the green fox's blood, then returned to the green fox's lair to guard the other green foxes.

One day passed and he successfully hunted three green foxes.

The next day, he continued outside the mountain col and hunted two more green foxes without much effort.

The task that I struggled to complete last month is now easily accomplished.

"Now I haven't completed the first level of the Nine Yuan Jue. The power of using the fur technique is so powerful. If I continue to practice according to this trend, once I have achieved success in the first level of the formula, I can even break through to the third level. On the second floor, can't I just walk sideways in this jungle?"

Yuan Ming touched the ape skin on his body. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. The more he thought about it, the further he thought. He felt that he had discovered a shortcut to becoming stronger.

But he suddenly thought of something again, and a look of deep thought appeared in his eyes.

Although he was new to the path of cultivating immortals, he still found it a bit strange. This hair-covering technique was too easy to use. He could use it as long as he had mastered the magic power, and it was so easy to increase its power.

Of course, the Nine Yuan Jue played a big role in this, but he still felt a little uneasy.

In addition, this is quite different from the kind of immortal cultivator I imagined, who moved mountains and filled seas, and called for wind and rain. Could it be that after cultivating a body of magic, he could only show his strength by turning into a half-man, half-beast monster? This immortal should also be It’s so frustrating.

As soon as this idea came into his mind, Yuan Ming couldn't help but feel that something was wrong the more he thought about it, but he couldn't tell what was wrong specifically.

He barely suppressed his thoughts and thought about it again for a while. He felt that he really couldn't think of a reason for a while, so he simply put the matter behind him, walked towards the cave, and soon came to the vicinity of the canyon.

Yuan Ming was about to go down when a low moan suddenly came from his ears.

He looked surprised, how could there be anyone here?

Following the sound, I found a figure in black robe lying in the grass, his body trembling, and the exposed skin turned blood red.

Yuan Ming did not approach rashly. After observing the man for a few times, he suddenly let out a soft sigh, broke a small tree in the nearby jungle, and turned the black-robed man's body over.

This person's face was then revealed, and it was Ulu.

Yuan Ming had already noticed some clues from his back and was not surprised.

Wulu's face was also as red as blood, his lips were trembling, his eyes were white, and he had long lost consciousness.

"Is this some kind of disease?" Yuan Ming guessed secretly.

At this moment, blood was flowing from Ulu's nostrils, ears, eyes, etc., and his breathing suddenly became rapid, but his breath was weakening rapidly.

Yuan Ming hesitated for a moment, then squatted down to check Wulu's condition, and soon discovered something: "It seems that there is something wrong with his heart."

Wulu's heart was beating violently, ten times faster than an ordinary person's. The meridians near the chest were disordered, the muscles were spasming, and the flow of qi and blood was greatly hindered.

Yuan Ming mobilized his magic power and tapped Wulu's chest quickly with his fingers a dozen times. Finally, he pressed his palm on his chest, and his magic power surged out to unblock the meridians.

A quarter of an hour later, he withdrew his hand, sweating slightly on his forehead.

There are no medicinal materials or equipment in this place, so he can only do this. Whether Ulu lives or dies depends entirely on his own destiny.

It may be that Ulu's life should not have been terminated. The energy and blood in his body slowly returned to smoothness. The blood redness on his cheeks faded a lot, and he woke up.

"Yuan Ming...is that you?" Wulu said with difficulty.

"Your condition is very serious. Qi and blood all over your body are flowing back to your heart. How could this happen?" Yuan Ming asked.

Wulu opened his mouth but stopped talking.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. It's just that your condition is very serious. I can only help you with some relief. There is no root cause at all. It will relapse soon. Do you have any medicine for the disease?" Yuan Ming waved his hand and asked.

Ulu looked hesitant, but soon became determined and looked at his waist.

"Is there medicine here?" Yuan Ming asked.

"Yes...Brother Yuan Ming, please...get it for me..." Wulu said with difficulty.

Yuan Ming didn't say anything, and took out a cloth bag from there, which contained a lot of sundries, including four sealed bamboo tubes, two dark red stones, a white jade pendant, and a black jade bottle.

"But this jade bottle?" He picked up the black jade bottle.

Ulu looked happy and nodded immediately.

Yuan Ming opened the jade bottle and poured out a dark red pill. It had no medicinal smell, so he couldn't tell what kind of pill it was.

He didn't bother to pay attention and put the pill into Ulu's mouth.

Wulu swallowed the elixir with difficulty, and his face quickly turned blood red again, even redder than before. The veins on his forehead protruded, squirming like a living creature, and an extremely suppressed growl came from his throat. It seemed Suffering from extreme pain.

Yuan Ming frowned, looking at Wulu's appearance, it didn't look like he was sick.

After a full meal, Ulu's condition began to improve, the blood on his face gradually faded, and the protruding veins slowly returned to their original appearance.

He looked extremely tired, and he forced himself to sit cross-legged, doing exercises and regulating his breath.

Yuan Ming jumped up to a nearby big tree and sat down on a thick trunk several feet above the ground, using his energy to restore the mana he had just consumed.

After a long time, Ulu's complexion completely recovered, and a red light flashed across his body. The tiger skin around his waist rolled up and stuck to his body. In the blink of an eye, he completed the hair transformation and transformed into a head of about ten feet. Tall pied tiger.

Yuan Ming's pupils shrank slightly. Wulu's body was half the size he saw last time by the stream.

His cultivation level continues to improve, and the height of White Ape Transformation is also increasing, but his growth rate seems to be slightly less than that of Uru.

Wulu looked at Yuan Ming on the tree, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

"I saved your life just now, why is Brother Wulu looking at me like this? Is this how people in southern Xinjiang treat their saviors?" Yuan Ming said with a smile.

"Why did you save me?" Ulu asked in a deep voice.

"You and I entered Biluo Cave at the same time. No matter how good or bad our relationship is, we can all be considered companions. These are all easy tasks for me. Why not save him?" Yuan Ming said calmly.

After hearing this, Wulu's expression softened a little, but the cold light in his eyes still did not fade away.

"It seems that Yuan is meddling in his own business. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone what happened today. I'll see you later." Yuan Ming stood up, patted his butt, and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Wulu suddenly called out to Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming stopped and turned around to look down.

"In any case, I would like to thank Brother Yuan Ming for saving me this time. I will never thank you for your kindness. This piece of fire-patterned iron is my reward." Ulu took out a dark red stone from the bag and threw it up.

Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows. When he just opened the Ulu cloth bag, he realized that the two stones were not ordinary objects. They emitted slight fluctuations of spiritual power and should be items needed by immortal cultivators.

However, he did not catch the fire-patterned iron and threw it back with his hand.

"I rescued you not because I wanted your property." Yuan Ming said calmly.

Wulu caught the fire-patterned iron, was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Since brother Yuan Ming refuses to accept this fire-patterned iron, I owe you a favor. If you need help in the future, as long as I can, I will never refuse. "

"You're welcome, see you later." Yuan Ming smiled faintly, jumped away, and disappeared into the forest with a few breaths.

Wulu stood silently on the spot, looking quite desolate for some unknown reason.

After a moment, he turned around and went down the canyon, and his figure quickly disappeared into the mist at the bottom of the canyon.

Yuan Ming did not go far at this moment, hiding in a big tree on the edge of the cliff more than ten feet away, watching Ulu leave.

He is not a bad person. The reason why he took action to save Ulu just now is that the two of them are companions after all. Since Ulu can be saved with a little effort, he will not be so cold-blooded as to sit back and watch Ulu die.

On the other hand, Yuan Ming is also very curious about the speed of Ulu's cultivation, and wants to use this to bring the two closer and find out about Ulu's situation.

However, Wu Lu's reaction was somewhat beyond his expectation. This person seemed to be very concerned about his illness being known to others.

"There is indeed something wrong with that disease." Yuan Ming murmured.

However, he didn't delve into it. He jumped down from the tree, quickly crossed the canyon, returned to the cave, and continued to practice behind closed doors.

The Ulu incident is just a small episode. For Yuan Ming, only by improving his strength as soon as possible can he have a chance to return to the Central Plains.

No matter what, his intuition told him that practicing Nine Yuan Jue was always the right thing to do.

Three months passed in a flash.

During this period, Yuan Ming spent one or two days every month to hunt the green fox, complete the Biluo Cave mission, and replenish food. The rest of the time, he did not go out even half a step, and devoted himself to practicing the Nine Yuan Jue.

With such hard training, coupled with the mystery of the Nine Yuan Jue, his magic power increased rapidly.

On this day, Yuan Ming was meditating, and the increasingly thick magic power suddenly rolled like boiling water, flowing out of his Dantian and pouring into the meridians of his body.

His body trembled, and a clicking sound like bones colliding suddenly came from inside his body, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and vomit.

A burst of blue light spurted out, turning into a piece of green glow that circled around his body.

There was a spell in the glow, and the hovering green light quickly dissipated, and Yuan Ming's figure had already stood up.

"The first level of Nine Yuan Jue is finally completed!" Yuan Ming looked at his hands and murmured.

Now, he is equivalent to becoming a first-level monk in the Qi Refining Stage, and he has officially entered the ranks of immortal cultivators.

Yuan Ming's mana increased several times compared to three months ago. He couldn't wait to see how far the fur-cloaking technique had reached. He got up and went outside the cave to perform the technique.

The white ape skin around his waist swept up and wrapped around his body. Countless blood threads appeared on the inside of the white ape skin, piercing deep into his body.

Yuan Ming was used to the pain and gritted his teeth to endure it.

The excruciating pain quickly passed, and a white ape about ten feet tall appeared.

"The height is still about the same as before. It seems that it has reached its limit." He gestured to a big tree next to him and murmured.

In the past few months, as Yuan Ming's mana continued to increase, the size of the white ape he transformed into continued to grow, reaching the current height of ten feet two months ago.

But since then, no matter how much his magic power has increased, the height and body shape of the white ape have not changed much, and it has obviously reached the limit of the furry technique.

The height has not increased, but the muscle density of the white ape has greatly increased. The huge and strong muscles are bulging, showing the amazing power contained in them, which is far from what it was before.

He clenched his fist in his right hand and punched out, making a dull and shocking sound, hitting a big tree.


The big tree as thick as a bucket was directly blasted off, half of the tree fell to the ground, dust flew up, and the birds and beasts retreated in fright!

Yuan Ming retracted his fist with a look of satisfaction on his face.

With his current strength, it is no problem to deal with the green fox. Even the yellow armadillo, which is good at defense, I believe he would not dare to face his full blow.

"With my current strength, I wonder if I can cross the Hundred Thousand Mountains and return to the Central Plains?" He was so excited that he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​escape.

But thinking of the poison of the Corrupt Heart Pill in his body, his blood turned cold again.

"Staying in this forest where there are only ferocious beasts and furry beast slaves, no matter how strong you are, what's the use! No, you have to find a way to really get out of here!" Yuan Ming clenched his fists.

His current identity is a furry beast slave in Biluo Cave, and he has no chance to contact the outside world. The only channel to contact the outside world is Elder Huhuo. How could Elder Huohuo give him the real antidote to the Corrupt Heart Pill?

"By the way, now that a few months have passed, I wonder if the incense burner can light incense again? Maybe it can connect with the outside world through the incense burner?" Yuan Ming slapped his forehead, wondering how he had forgotten that treasure.

He immediately canceled his fur transformation, returned to the cave, and activated his magic power to summon the incense burner.

Yuan Ming held the incense burner with both hands and felt a wave of heat seeping into his mind through his palms, and he suddenly felt energetic.

It's just that at this moment, he didn't care to feel the pleasure of being invigorated, and his eyes were fixed on the green incense burner in front of him.

The incense burner seems to have changed a lot compared to what I thought before. A small part of the Tai Chi pattern on it has become shiny, while other areas are still dark.

"It seems that this Tai Chi pattern will automatically return to brightness after a certain period of time. I wonder if it will be able to travel through time again?" He secretly guessed.

Just looking at the recovery speed of this Tai Chi pattern, it will take quite a long time before it becomes completely brighter.

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