Celestial being

Chapter 276 Escape


Shi Dian was in mid-air. He was overjoyed when he saw this. With all his strength in his arms, he slashed the thunder-shrouded giant sword towards Yuan Ming's back, almost slicing Yuan Ming in half.

However, in the face of his attack, Yuan Ming still did not look back. He just flexed and flicked his fingers, and the Hanxing Sword turned into a white light and flew out, also shooting at Sha Hao.

Just when the lightning beam was about to fall, a huge shadow suddenly appeared behind Yuan Ming.

It's the White Ape King Kong!

King Kong opened his mouth and roared, and his two thick arms faced the blue lightning light. His palms instantly turned into gold, and he grabbed the cutting edge of the giant sword.

The next moment, there was a loud "crackling" sound.

Countless cyan electric lights pulsed in the white ape's palms, sputtering out dense arcs of electricity that easily tore apart the golden light in Vajra's hands and scorched his palms black with electricity.

The tall body of the white ape was trembling, but it refused to let go at all. No matter how hard Shi Dian tried, he couldn't break free from the white ape's hand.

Shi Dian looked shocked. His thunder-patterned giant sword was an extremely rare high-grade magical weapon with thunder attributes. In the past, no matter how strong his cultivation was, his enemies would lose the ability to move if they were hit by the blue thunder emitted by this sword. White Ape can actually bear it!

Just as he was about to increase the power of the blue thunder of the giant sword, golden light flashed across the back of the diamond, and two thick golden ape arms appeared out of thin air, and the blade-like ape claws clawed at Shi Dian's chest and abdomen.

Shi Dian hurriedly let go of the giant sword and retreated, but there were still two wounds on his chest and abdomen that were deep enough to show the bones.

Shi Dian narrowly escaped death and was about to run away further so that he could cast spells to heal his wounds. However, after running a few steps, the ground beneath him suddenly cracked. Several vines shot out like poisonous snakes and suddenly wrapped around his legs. But it was Huazhi who took action.

Half of its body was killed by the lightning power of the Bronze Thunder Mark Array, and its aura was also weakened by half, but it was more than enough to deal with Shi Dian, who was also seriously injured.

Shi Dian felt numb all over his body and couldn't move. The rattan wrapped around him exerted a huge force and pulled downwards suddenly.

His burly body was slammed to the ground, and more vines immediately emerged from the cracked ground to tie him up, pulling him and sinking into the sand, disappearing in an instant.

"Monkey, thank you." Huazhi's spiritual thoughts came from the ground.

A dull and shrill roar came from deep in the ground, and soon fell into deathly silence.

On the other side, Sha Hao faced the green-glow dagger thrown by Yuan Ming without dodge at all.

When the two came into contact, the dagger passed directly through his body, and Shahao's figure was instantly torn into pieces. However, there was no sight of blood and flesh flying everywhere. His figure slowly dissipated like water vapor evaporating. .

Sha Hao's figure appeared behind Yuan Ming out of thin air, holding a slender long sword tightly in his hand, and slashed at King Kong.

King Kong rolled around, stood up and raised his hand towards Shahao before punching him.

However, his punch on Shahao still penetrated his body, and Shahao's body collapsed like a bubble again, and it was once again an illusion.

After King Kong punched the air, he stood there blankly, looking left and right, at a loss, and fell into Shahao's illusion.

Although the white ape is physically powerful, he has no means of defense against illusions.

Yuan Ming sent a message to call for King Kong, but it had no effect. He was secretly frightened. He immediately recalled the Hanxing Sword, floated a white light in front of him, and released his spiritual consciousness to search for traces of Sha Hao.

Yuan Ming suddenly turned around and looked to one side, where he saw a trace of rippling water emerging in the void, and then a figure appeared out of thin air, which was naturally Sha Hao.

Yuan Ming subconsciously released a burst of soul power to cover Sha Hao.

Shahao's eyes were a little confused, but he recovered immediately.

"Illusion? Are you also a soul cultivator? Maybe you have something to do with me." He gently shook a black folding fan in his hand and said as he waved the black folding fan towards Yuan Ming.


A gust of howling wind sounded, and a black whirlwind about ten feet high, like a twisted demon dragon, rushed towards Yuan Ming.

When Yuan Ming saw this, he did not dare to be careless and immediately took out the blue feather fan and waved it suddenly.

I saw more than a dozen wind blades the size of door panels coming out side by side, whirling like rolling plows, and colliding with the black demonic dragon.

The black demonic dragon was instantly cut open and dissipated into smoke.

At the same time, two black hooks passed through the smoke and went straight to the door in front of Shahao.

This time, Shahao did not dodge, but raised it with one hand. A silver-white metal ball appeared in his palm and floated into the air.

The next moment, the runes on the silver ball flashed, and a dazzling silver light shot straight from the ball, hitting the flying Wushan Claw.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the Wushan claw that had just flown in front of Shahao exploded.

As the Wushan Claw exploded, Yuan Ming was shocked, and immediately felt a sweet taste in his throat, which was obviously a backlash.

At this moment, the silver ball suddenly lit up with dazzling light again, and a ray of light rolled straight towards Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming hurriedly waved his hand in the air, and the nine-ringed golden sword clanked and slashed towards the silver light.

The nine-ringed golden sword flashed with light, and a sharp edge shot out, colliding with the silver light.

The golden sword light was completely defeated by the silver light. It exploded at the moment of contact, and the silver light rushed straight down and instantly hit the nine-ring golden sword.

There was a "boom" sound.

The nine-ring golden sword trembled violently, and the nine golden rings hanging on it exploded and flew in all directions.

Yuan Ming's hands were shaking violently. When he held the knife in his arms, he saw that the blade was covered with cracks and was seriously damaged.

At this time, on the other side of the earth, the earth suddenly shook and earth and rocks flew away.

After Huazhi killed Shi Dian, he rushed out of the ground and waved his hands forward. Under the green light, dozens of tree vines turned into dozens of wooden flying swords and shot straight towards Sha Hao.

Following Feijian, Huazhi dragged the giant bronze sword on one arm and also chased after Sha Hao.

However, before he could rush forward, a ray of silver light had already penetrated, shattered all the wooden swords, and hit the vital part of his chest.

Huazhi hurriedly blocked the sword in front of him, and at the same time formed a tree and vine shield to block it.

In the explosion of "boom", countless vines exploded and shattered.

The giant bronze sword broke into two pieces, and Huazhi himself was blown away.

Huazhi just stood up with the broken sword, and wanted to attack again, but suddenly there was a flash of red light in front of his eyes, and he realized that he was surrounded by blazing flames, with scorching flames all around him, and he was unable to move at all.

He wanted to contact Yuan Ming, but found that the perception between them was also cut off, and he had no idea where Yuan Ming was.

Yuan Ming looked at Huazhi standing there blankly, and knew that he had also fallen into an illusion, and he couldn't help but frowned.

Huazhi and Baiyuan were his two great helpers. In the past, they were always invincible when encountering other situations, but now they were restrained by Shahao's illusion.

Although he was barely immune to the other party's illusion, he had to be wary of the metallic silver ball that might be a top-quality magic weapon.

Yuan Ming glanced at the severely damaged nine-ring golden sword in his hand, and he couldn't help but want to retreat.

He took out a cyan feather fan and fanned it forward.

A huge green storm spurted out, carrying dust and grass blades, and rushed towards Sha Hao. There was chaos within a dozen feet, and nothing could be seen.

At the same time, his sleeves and robes shook slightly, and three slender black lights were mixed in the storm dust and shot towards Shahao. They were three black knives like willow leaves.

This set of magical artifacts was obtained from Zheng Da's storage magical artifacts of the Zhenling Sect. It is called the Willow Leaf Chain Knife. Zheng Da and others are just minions of Gu Qiulong, and their worth is shabby. The storage magical artifacts of the three people are more Come to think of it, the only valuable thing is this set of medium-grade magic weapons.

Sha Hao smiled, lightly swiped the black folding fan in his hand, and a black light shield appeared in front of him, easily blocking the Willow Leaf Serial Knife.

However, at this time, Yuan Ming disappeared.

Sha Hao hurriedly searched for it. Yuan Ming appeared like a ghost in a flash near the frozen Vajra. He rolled up the object with his sleeves and put it into his spirit beast bag.

Without stopping at all, he rushed out again and headed straight for the flower branches on the other side.

Only then did Sha Hao realize that Yuan Ming was pretending to be useless, but he was actually trying to paralyze himself so that he could take the opportunity to rescue the two spiritual beasts.

Bai Yuan and Huazhi are very powerful, and it would be very bad if they were rescued by Yuan Ming.

Shahao shouted low and activated the silver ball again, shooting out a dazzling silver light and heading straight towards the flower branches.

Yuan Ming had seen the power of silver light and hurriedly raised the water cloud flag to block the dazzling silver light.

With a "hiss" sound, this medium-grade magic weapon that had been with Yuan Ming for many years exploded and turned into fragments. However, the silver light was also deflected and flew past the head of the flower branch.

Yuan Ming felt sorry in his heart, raised his hand to grab Huazhi's body, put it into the spirit beast bag, and immediately swept it away.

"Don't leave!" Shahao was fooled, his face was very ugly, and he immediately chased after him.

At the same time, under the blood light between his eyebrows, a blurry blood shadow flew out from it, but it was a bloody bat.

"Blood bat! Is this the incarnation of his soul? It's the same as the Great Elder's." Yuan Ming felt awe-struck in his heart.

The blood-colored bat was extremely fast, far superior to the soul crow. It quickly approached Yuan Ming and was about to catch up with him.

Suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the mid-air, and a purple thunderbolt as thick as an arm fell, striking at the bloody bat. However, Leiyu flew back at some point. At this moment, Leiyu lost a feather on his back, leaving a wound. The one that chased it before The white eagle also flew over from a distance.

The blood bat was transformed by the soul and was quite afraid of lightning attacks. Shahao hurriedly controlled the blood bat to dodge.

Yuan Ming took the opportunity to recall the Willow Leaf Chain Knife, raised the white jade flying shuttle, and jumped on it. The magic power in his body was continuously injected into the jade shuttle from his feet.

The white jade flying shuttle turned into a white rainbow and rushed into the sky. Leiyu's figure circled and followed behind.

At this moment, the bodies of Huazhi and King Kong in the spirit beast bag trembled, and they broke free from the illusion one after another and recovered.

Yuan Ming sensed this situation and felt relieved. He was about to try to break the illusion possessed by the two beasts, but unexpectedly they woke up on their own.

At this time, Sha Hao was not in such a good mood as Yuan Ming. He looked at the direction Yuan Ming was escaping from and pointed his finger in the air.

A ray of black light flew out of his sleeves and headed straight towards the thunderstorm. It was a short snake-shaped cone, moving at an extremely fast speed.

However, Lei Yu flapped his wings and made a turn in the air. His body turned into a black phantom, easily dodging the short cone attack and chasing Yuan Ming, easily keeping pace with the white jade shuttle.

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