Celestial being

Chapter 298 Soul Sword

At this time, Yuan Ming had figured out the details of the black sword energy, and was no longer as at a loss as before. While flying back, he raised his hand and swung back, throwing out four thunder talismans in one breath, and at the same time, a black needle The shadow also shot out from the sleeve robe and disappeared in a flash.

Almost half of the first-level upper-level talismans he purchased in Xiaohu City were Heavenly Thunder Talismans. It was precisely because the thunder attribute had a certain restraint on soul cultivation that he now used them all.

Amidst the thunder, four thick thunder dragons flashed out and hit the black sword energy.

Although the black sword energy was powerful, it could not withstand the combined blow of the four thunder talismans, and it turned into blue smoke and disappeared.

At the same time, a blurry black line flashed before the eyes of White Eagle, who was hovering near the thundercloud in mid-air. Before he could react, the black needle penetrated White Eagle's head with a blur, and White Eagle plummeted down.

After upgrading to the best magic weapon, the Black Needle's attack power has reached an unimaginable level before, and its speed has also been greatly improved. An ordinary second-level monster like White Eagle has no power to fight back.

"Hagon!" Shahao felt great pain in his heart at Bai Ying's death, and rushed towards Hagon desperately.

However, the thundercloud in mid-air boomed, and a silver thunderbolt fell and struck Shaho. It was much larger than the previous thunderbolt.

Shahao didn't dare to be careless, so he had to stop, move the gray umbrella, and release the golden shield to resist.

The silver lightning struck the golden shield, causing the shield to tremble.

Shahao's expression changed slightly. It was obvious that the power of thunder and lightning was beyond his expectation, and the previous poisoning and two consecutive slashes of the Soul-Destroying Sword also caused considerable damage to him.

But this electric shock was just the beginning. There was a loud roar in the thunder clouds, and the same thunder and lightning attacks fell one after another, shaking the golden shield to the point where it was almost on the verge of breaking.

The spiritual light on the surface of the spinning gray umbrella suspended above his head also dimmed, and his spirituality was greatly damaged.

Shahao's face was as gloomy as water, and he roared in his mouth, and made a series of seals with both hands on the gray umbrella, causing the gray umbrella to suddenly glow with golden light, and finally stabilized the light shield.

When Yuan Ming saw this, he immediately made a seal with his hands.

The dark clouds summoned by the thunderstorm in mid-air quickly grew larger and thicker, becoming several times larger in an instant, and the thunder and lightning rushing within the clouds also became more than twice as large.

Leiyu, who was hidden in the dark clouds, was overjoyed, and the lightning on his wings exploded, shooting purple arcs around him.

The thunder and lightning in the rain cloud seemed to be attracted, and they all converged towards the center, intertwining and intertwining.

There was a loud "boom", and a silver thunder column as thick as the mouth of a bowl fell from mid-air and struck Sha Hao on the ground.

Shahao shouted loudly when he saw this, and all the clothes on his body bulged up, and then shattered, revealing a golden half-armor. A steady stream of golden light flowed out from the inner armor, like a light curtain, covering the sand. Hao whole body.

Just after he finished all this, "Crack it!", the golden shield shattered like glass, and the gray umbrella was also defeated at the same time.

The power of the silver thunder pillar continued to hit Sha Hao unabated, making a loud noise.

The golden light curtain was shaken violently, and electric light flashed on the surface, making a harsh roar.

The light curtain quickly became thinner, and cracks appeared faintly.

Shahao's face was extremely ugly. The muscles on his face were twisted. He bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the golden inner armor.

Liquid-like golden light emerged from the inner armor and circulated throughout the body again, causing the golden light curtain to not only return to its original shape, but also seemed to be a bit thicker than at the beginning.

Shahao breathed a sigh of relief, but a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, and the suppressed green energy surged into his cheeks again.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly stirred up his spirit, suppressed the discomfort, and urged the silver ball to shoot out a bright silver light, shooting towards the void somewhere.

"Bang" sound!

A black shadow was blown away by the silver light. It was Yuan Ming's top magic weapon, the Black Needle!

However, the mist on the other side moved slightly, and two golden talismans and a green ball flew out. They were two first-level Jin Ge talismans and the last heart-breaking thunder.

Two golden shadows about ten feet long and a thick thunder pillar appeared out of thin air and struck at the golden shield.

Shahao was startled and tried to use the silver ball to block it, but it was too late.

Three attacks struck hard at the golden light curtain around him, causing the light curtain to tremble violently and causing Sha Hao to stagger.

Before he could stabilize his body, the black needle weapon was shot from behind again, piercing the golden light screen and submerging nearly half of it. Then it twisted like a poisonous snake and burrowed inside.

The golden light curtain trembled and became exhausted again.

Sha Hao's heart was filled with fear. He made fists with both hands like wheels, and then he roared, pressing one hand firmly on the golden light screen, pouring mana into it.

But at this moment, there was a flower in the white mist opposite the black needle, and the White Ape King Kong appeared. He held the pestle with both hands, swung it up and struck it hard!

There was a loud "bang"!

The golden light curtain trembled violently, and cracks appeared on the surface, as if it could no longer hold up.

Sha Hao was shocked and turned pale. Just as he was about to repair it at all costs, a rich green color suddenly appeared on his face and the poison in his body completely exploded.

His body trembled, a mouthful of green blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground.

King Kong's eyes glowed with bloodthirsty excitement, golden light flashed under his ribs, and two ape arms emerged, turning into two afterimages and hitting the golden light screen, and the nearby air buzzed and trembled.

The light curtain finally shattered into pieces under King Kong's hammer, turning into countless golden lights that scattered.

The black needle instrument that escaped from the trap immediately turned into a blurry black line, passing through Shahao's Dantian.

Shahao groaned miserably, and all the remaining magic power in his dantian dissipated, and he half-knelt on the ground.


Another silver thunder pillar fell with a crash, submerging Shahao's body. The two blood bats coiled around him were also shrouded in the power of thunder and lightning, and their screams were directly wiped out before they could be heard.

The bright and dazzling lightning quickly dissipated, revealing Sha Hao's charred body. He had passed out and his breathing was extremely weak, with only half a breath left.

A silver ball rolled down next to it, motionless.

There were a few obvious scratches on the surface of the ball, but the mana fluctuated steadily and no major damage was suffered.

In his other hand, he still held the strange black sword tightly. The aura on its surface was a little dim, and the black light on the sword flashed chaotically, giving people a feeling that it was about to collapse at any time.

Yuan Ming walked out of the white mist, took out the Hanxing Sword, and touched the two magic weapons, but there was no response from either of them.

He activated the Hanxing Sword to condense thick white ice crystals on the two magic weapons and wrap them up. Yuan Ming then put the two away, then came to Sha Hao's side and made a move with one hand.

The black needle magical weapon flashed in front of Sha Hao and was aimed at the center of his eyebrows. As long as Sa Hao made any abnormal movement, the black needle would immediately pierce his skull.

Shahao's illusion skills are powerful, and he has to be careful to guard against them.

However, Shahao didn't make any movement, his breath became weaker and weaker, and it looked like he was really dying.

Yuan Ming finally felt at ease and took off the inner armor and storage ring from Shahao. He placed his right hand on his head and used his soul-searching power.

He quickly retracted his palm and stood there, silent.

Through soul searching, Yuan Ming roughly figured out what Sha Hao experienced after the destruction of Biluo Cave.

When Biluo Cave was destroyed that day, after Sha Hao woke up from Xiying's illusion, he found that the soul-suppressing pot he was guarding was missing. Firstly, he was afraid that the great elder would pursue his fault. Secondly, he felt that the great elder would not be Xiying's opponent. People paid attention to him and hurriedly fled Biluo Cave.

But before leaving, he took away all the items stored in the cave by the great elder without stopping, and traveled to the Central Plains.

Then Sha Hao changed his name to Pu Zhengqing and began to hunt monks all over the Central Plains. It was not for the purpose of making money. The great elder's collection fell into his hands. There were a lot of spiritual stones, materials, and elixirs, which would be enough for him for a long time. The expense, and the reason why he hunted monks everywhere was precisely for that strange black sword.

Yuan Ming took out the black sword and his eyes became eager.

According to Shahao's soul memory, this sword is called "Soul Destroyer", and it is a truly top-quality soul-cultivating weapon.

Sha Hao is a disciple of the Great Elder. He spent ten years collecting precious materials and asked the Great Elder to ask Blackwood to refine them for him.

The Soul-Destroying Sword is made of Nine Netherworld Iron as the main material, and is made from many yin-attributed spiritual materials in Southern Xinjiang. The Soul-Destroying Sword light emitted after being activated has the effect of attacking the soul and ignores the defense of ordinary defensive weapons. .

Nine Netherworld Iron is the top yin attribute spiritual material. Yuan Ming has seen this record in "The Record of Strange Stones". Nine Netherworld Iron was born in the extremely yin place. It is the fusion of Yin Qi and Netherworld Iron Ore. The product is extremely hard in texture, and unlike ordinary Yin-type spiritual materials, it is suppressed by lightning, flames and other objects and is extremely difficult to be destroyed.

In addition, Nine Nether Iron has another characteristic, that is, it can absorb soul power, so it is also known as "Soul-Absorbing Iron". The souls killed by the Soul-Destroying Sword will be absorbed and devoured by it, enhancing its own strength.

The refining of the soul-killing sword is extremely difficult from the embryo forging step. The runes on the sword are the runes copied by the great elder from the soul-suppressing pot. When Master Blackwood reached the final step of refining and carving the talisman, he found that the sword was vicious and looked for an opportunity to escape secretly. Master Blackwood's defection led to the collapse of the Soul-Destroying Sword Rune.

At this point, Yuan Ming couldn't help but think of a self-statement in Heimu's Notes, "I stumbled upon refining a special secret treasure." Master Kuroki's last sentence also said "If this continues, everyone will die!".

It turned out that it was related to refining the sword, and Heimu decided to leave Biluo Cave.

The Great Elder had no choice but to finally order the Third Cave Master to take action. The Third Cave Master continued to explore and spent a lot of time and energy to re-carve the four runes, and then Sha Hao usually stored them in a yin cave to warm them up. In order to make this sword stronger, a large number of souls needed to be incorporated into it, so Shahao secretly hunted and killed casual cultivators everywhere to collect souls.

During the sect-killing battle in Biluo Cave, Sha Hao was directly subdued by Xi Ying with a powerful illusion, and he didn't even have a chance to draw his sword.

Now this soul sword, which combines the power of Heimu and the Three Cave Masters, was advantaged by Yuan Ming and fell into his hands.

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