Celestial being

Chapter 307 Split Soul Control

At this time, Yuan Ming felt as if he was controlling a spiritual beast by controlling the transparent soul crow.

Fortunately, this transparent soul crow's self-awareness is not strong, and it has a very special sense of closeness to him, and it obeys his orders, which does not pose a problem.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Ming gradually felt relieved. He carefully sensed the transparent soul crow through his spiritual consciousness, and a look of surprise quickly appeared on his face.

This soul crow was not formed through the secret technique of soul cultivation, but it was the transformation of the original power of its own soul. It also had two abilities similar to those of soul cultivation. It could travel far away as a soul and control other objects.

Shenhun Yuanyuan is no different from other soul crows, but it seems to be much further away in terms of distance. As for how far it is, we will not know until we try it in the future.

The control of other objects is also more powerful than the soul crow's control of corpses. This transparent soul crow can not only attach and control corpses, but also control living creatures.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for controlling living creatures. The power of the opponent's soul cannot be stronger than the transparent soul crow itself.

Driven by curiosity, Yuan Ming immediately made the transparent soul crow fly out, merge with Zuo Qinghui's body, and try to control the body.

Zuo Qinghui's eyes, which had been completely dim, took on a new look, his heart began to beat, and his blood and energy began to flow again.

Not long after, "Zuo Qinghui" actually stood up with one hand on the ground.

Yuan Ming couldn't help being shocked when he saw this.

The transparent soul crow was so agile in controlling the corpse. No matter how you looked at Zuo Qinghui, he was a living person. His mouth and nose were breathing slowly, and he seemed to have really regained his life.

After being shocked, he quickly figured out the reason.

First, Zuo Qinghui had just died, and the cause of death was that his soul was killed by the Soul-Destroying Sword. His body was not damaged. The possession of the transparent soul crow was equivalent to injecting a new soul into this body, inspiring The vitality of this body.

The second is that the transparent soul crow's ability to control corpses is far more agile than ordinary soul crows, which increases the probability of the corpse being resurrected.

This kind of corpse regaining breathing is not too unusual. Yuan Ming has seen similar records on the jade slip of the Black Fire Gate Bone Diagram.

The Black Fire Sect is proficient in the art of corpse refining and has refined countless corpses. It is indeed possible for some corpses with minor damage to resume breathing and heartbeat under external stimulation.

This situation is not actually a resurrection from the dead, it is just that the remaining vitality of the corpse is stimulated, allowing the corpse to remain in the world for a while, and the dissipated soul cannot return.

It's just that the corpses resurrected through this method are of great significance to corpse-refining sects like the Black Fire Sect, and can be used to refine some high-level corpses.

But the Zuo Qinghui in front of him was different. If the transparent soul crow continued to possess him, this body would really be able to come back to life.

Yuan Ming checked the condition inside Zuo Qinghui's body and found that many parts of his internal organs had purple and black spots, which were obviously caused by the poisonous incense.

He nodded slightly. It seemed that the seven-step poison-pouring incense also had a certain effect on the monks in the pill-forming stage. However, the magic power of the monks in the pill-forming stage was too powerful to suppress the poison.

He summoned Huazhi to come over, sucked the poison out of Zuo Qinghui's body, and explored his Dantian with his spiritual consciousness.

There is a gold and blue elixir suspended in Zuo Qinghui's dantian. It has broken into several pieces, and most of its mana has been lost, leaving it only at the level of the initial stage of foundation building.

Now that Zuo Qinghui's body was resurrected and possessed his soul again, the mana in his dantian stopped flowing out and began to rotate slowly.

Yuan Ming tried to control this magic power and didn't feel any problem, as if he had gained it through his own cultivation.

He nodded secretly. The transparent soul crow's corpse control could actually restrain the magic power in the corpse. In this way, when he controls the corpse in the future, he can use his magical powers during his lifetime. If used properly, it can have unexpected effects.

He controlled Zuo Qinghui's body for a while and then let the transparent soul crow leave.

Zuo Qinghui's body remained motionless again, but the breathing from his mouth and nose did not stop. It was like a living dead standing there, and the mana in his dantian began to continue to overflow.

Yuan Ming nodded, controlled the transparent soul crow to fly towards the thunderstorm, and submerged into his body in an attempt to control living creatures.

Leiyu's eyes flashed with mist, and he immediately regained his clarity. He fluttered his wings and flew towards Yuan Ming, landing next to him.

Yuan Ming could clearly feel that the thunderstorm at this time had been completely controlled by his transparent soul crow.

Just like controlling Zuo Qinghui's corpse, the transparent soul crow can control the demon power in Leiyu's body, perform lightning strikes, fly rapidly, and even summon Leiyu's magical powers.

There was a trace of satisfaction on Yuan Ming's face, and he quickly controlled the transparent soul crow to leave the thunderstorm and fly into the distance to see how far the transparent soul crow could travel.

The transparent soul crow is formed by the pure power of the soul. It is much lighter than the ordinary soul crow. It can easily penetrate the stone wall and fly away quickly. The flying speed is about three times that of the ordinary soul crow.

In just a moment, it flew fifty or sixty miles, and it still didn't reach its limit.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Ming continued to make the transparent soul crow fly forward. It took another cup of tea to fly, and then he felt that it was difficult.

The transparent soul crow has flown one hundred and fifty miles away at this moment.

"A journey of one hundred and fifty miles!"

Yuan Ming couldn't help but feel a little excited in his heart. The surprise that splitting the soul gave him was too great. This was far beyond the scope of the soul cultivator. Even Xi Cangqiong at that time probably had no ability to interfere in a place 150 miles away.

He didn't let the transparent soul crow stay outside for too long and immediately recalled it.

Yuan Ming calmed down, stood up and went to Zuo Qinghui's body, picking up the golden ruler magic weapon, the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear and the blood-red cylinder.

The golden ruler magic weapon is only two feet long, but it is very heavy, weighing forty or fifty kilograms. I don't know what kind of material it is made of.

Although this treasure has not been activated, the surface still has a faint aura and looks very gorgeous.

Yuan Ming summoned his consciousness and tried to invade the interior to check, but was blocked by an invisible force. Trying to inject mana into it was like a mud cow pouring into the sea, with no effect.

"Sure enough, the magic weapon can only be used by monks in the alchemy stage." He shook his head and murmured to himself. He carefully looked at the golden ruler in his hand for a moment and found that there were two tiny characters engraved on the bottom: GOLDEN Positive.

Yuan Ming picked up the Purple Star Nine-Dragon Gun again and found that the weight of this gun was not light. His spiritual consciousness was also unable to detect the internal situation. Naturally, there was no way to find out the connection between this gun and the secret treasure in the East China Sea.

Although he couldn't use them, he still couldn't put it down and played with the Jinyang Ruler and Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear for a while, then carefully put the two treasures away, and turned his eyes to look at the blood-red cylinder.

Judging from the aura, the blood-red cylinder was just a top-quality magic weapon, but Zuo Qinghui's ability to take out this object at a critical moment must have something extraordinary about it.

After Yuan Ming took a moment to look at it, he released his spiritual consciousness and submerged it into the blood-colored cylinder, and his face soon showed a look of surprise.

The blood-red cylinder had a strange structure and was divided into two parts, the front and back. Four strange blood-red runes were engraved on the front, and he did not recognize any of them.

A blood-colored projectile the size of a red date was suspended here, trembling slightly, as if it was ready to go.

The part behind the cylinder is a bloody space similar to a spirit animal bag, which seems to be used to store something.

After thinking about it for a while, Yuan Ming came to some understanding.

This blood-colored projectile seemed to be a means of attack, but before he understood its origin, he did not rashly activate it, but put away the blood-colored cylinder.

He took the storage bag from Zuo Qinghui's waist, his consciousness sank into it, and his face suddenly lit up with joy.

The monks in the Changchun Guanjie Dan Stage are indeed wealthy. There are more than 50,000 spiritual stones in Zuo Qinghui's storage bag. As for other spiritual materials, there are also many pills.

Among them, there are about five or six pieces of spiritual materials. At first glance, they all seem to be of good quality. Three of them should be enough to refine the best magic weapons.

As for those elixirs, they can only be taken by monks in the elixir-forming stage and cannot be used for the time being.

Yuan Ming's eyes swept over those things, his attention quickly shifted, and he took out three more items from the storage bag, a blood-red flying knife and two jade slips, one white and one red.

The blood-red flying knife was more than a foot long and as thin as a cicada's wing. The blade shone with a fascinating cold light, giving people a feeling of indestructibility.

There are four runes engraved on the flying knife, and it seems to be a top-quality magic weapon. The spiritual power fluctuations it emits are still on the silver light beads and the Jueying Needle.

Yuan Ming's spiritual consciousness detected the runes on the bloody flying knife, which were very similar to those on the bloody cylinder. The two were obviously the same type of magic weapon.

He immediately inspected two jade slips. The white jade slips recorded a skill called "Golden Shadow Sword Technique". It was very mysterious and complete, and could be practiced to the peak of the alchemy stage. It seemed to be the inheritance of Changchun Temple.

Zuo Qinghui's body has returned to life. If it is preserved properly, he can continue to practice the Golden Shadow Sword Art to see if it can improve his cultivation.

Yuan Ming's consciousness sank into the blood-colored jade slip, and his eyes soon showed a solemn look.

The blood-colored jade slip contains a side-traditional technique called "Blood Transformation Kung Fu". The formula is very complete and can be practiced to the peak of the pill formation stage.

The practice process of transforming blood is very strange. It actually requires swallowing the blood of monsters and taking the beast blood containing spiritual power as elixirs. The more advanced the monster, the stronger the spiritual power contained in the blood. The greater the help.

This skill is sinister and vicious. After practicing it, it will affect people's consciousness and gradually become bloodthirsty and easy to kill. Compared with these shortcomings, the blood-transforming skill is also very powerful. The magic power is very corrosive and can directly corrode the magic shield. It can also directly absorb the enemy's essence and blood during battle.

There are also several powerful secret techniques attached to the back of the jade slip, including the astonishingly powerful Blood Flame Secret Technique, the Blood Spirit Technique that combines killing enemies and self-protection, and the blood transfusion technique that can cure diseases and save lives, which makes Yuan Ming find everything new.

"Hey!" His eyes suddenly lit up and he looked towards the end of the bloody jade slip.

The refining methods of two magic weapons are recorded here. One of them is called "Blood Star Cylinder". The description is exactly that of the blood-red cylinder. Unfortunately, it can only be refined to the level of the best magic weapon.

The four runes in this magic weapon are all blood-transforming, corrosive and other types of runes. After putting the monster corpse into the space behind the blood star tube, the four runes can refine the monster corpse and transform it into a kind of corrosion. The bloody bullets are particularly good at corroding and breaking the body's protective magic and magic weapons.

The power of the blood-colored bullets depends on what kind of monster is refined. If it is a blood bullet made from the corpse of a third-level monster, it can even threaten a monk in the elixir formation stage.

When Yuan Ming saw this, he quickly took out the blood star tube and looked happy.

During the fierce battle just now, Zuo Qinghui had taken out the blood star tube. The blood-colored projectiles inside were certainly very powerful. They might have been formed by refining the corpses of level three monsters.

As for another magic weapon recorded in the jade slip, it is called the "Blood Transforming Knife". The description is exactly that of the blood-red flying knife.

The rune effect of this knife is similar to that of the blood star tube, and it is more focused on attack. If you are scratched by the light of the knife, you will be poisoned by blood. If there is no antidote, you will soon turn into pus and blood and die.

(I hope fellow Taoists will come to the Qidian Chinese website to support genuine reading)

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