Celestial being

Chapter 315 Dark Moon God

Hu Ji squeezed into the room from the fat man and glanced subconsciously.

The decoration in the room is not luxurious, but it exudes a sense of mystery. There is a huge statue of two people high against the wall. The sculpture is of a mysterious man wearing a black robe. His appearance is completely different. It was obscured by the shadow of the hood and could not be seen clearly at all.

There were many men and women in black robes standing in the room. Three waves were sewn on their chests with silk thread as signs, proving their identity as followers of the Black River God.

Hu Ji stood in the room, listening to the prayers of those people, and felt very agitated.

But soon, the fat man who took his money bag came out of the back room, holding a wooden box in his hand.

Hu Ji took the wooden box and counted it, and found that the number of pills in it was nearly half less than before. Suddenly, a surge of anger rushed to the top of his head, but when he raised his head, he saw several more naked people appearing next to the fat man. A strong man in black robe.

"Brother Hu, this is a reward from the Black River God. You have to keep it. Otherwise, if you offend the Black River God and receive divine punishment, I won't be able to protect you." The fat man looked at Hu Ji with a half-smile, pretending to be said.

Seeing this situation, Hu Ji could only suppress his anger and asked: "May I ask if the medicine given by the God of God, Heihe God, is so expensive, can it really cure green poisoning? My mother-in-law has been taking it for so long, why is she still not cured? ?”

"How dare you question the Black River God! If your wife's illness cannot be cured, it is because she is not religious. If you go back and ask her to chant the scriptures of the Black River God a few more times, the effect of the medicine will naturally come on. Stop messing around here. !” The fat man snorted coldly, raised his hand, and several strong men on the side pushed and pulled Hu Ji out.

Outside the house, Hu Ji was pushed by them and fell. He managed to protect the wooden box in his hand. When he got up, the door of the house was already closed. Seeing this, he could only get up. Turn around and walk towards your residence.

At the same time, on the roof of the house, a soul crow also had a panoramic view of everything. When it saw Hu Ji leaving, it flapped its wings, disappeared into the ground, and soon disappeared.

Because his wife had already taken the pills, when Hu Ji came back, he put the wooden box away first and then started doing housework.

But in his heart, he unknowingly had a suspicion about the "Black River God", and at the same time there was some inexplicable resentment. But at the moment, he had no other choice but to trust the "Black River God".

Some medicine is better than no medicine.

After he had been busy at home for a while and hung up all the washed clothes, when he returned to the house, he unexpectedly found a man wearing a plain gown talking to his daughter.

Seeing this situation, Hu Ji felt a chill in his heart, and quickly went up to block his daughter, but when he saw the man's appearance, he was stunned.


Yuan Ming smiled and nodded towards him: "I haven't seen you for a long time. Seeing that you are so energetic makes me feel relieved."

Hu Ji knelt down in front of Yuan Ming excitedly: "The villain was blind to Mount Tai before, and was very disrespectful to my benefactor on the way back. Thank you so much for your magnanimity. Not only did you ignore the villain's fault, but you also rescued the villain from the dark wind." , The villain has no repayment for his great kindness and virtue. He is willing to be like an ox or a horse, and he will do whatever the benefactor tells him to do."

Yuan Ming looked at Hu Ji quietly, with a faint smile still on his lips.

Hu Ji is indeed a smart man, and he also knows very well that as a monk, Yuan Ming will not come to him for no reason, so he expressed his gratitude and willingness to do things for Yuan Ming the first time they met.

"I'm here to find you today to help you."

Yuan Ming said, walked straight to the altar table, pointed it as a knife, picked up the tablet of Black River God, erased the words on it, and carved three words again - "God of the Dark Moon".

"From now on, I want you to preach in the city in the name of the God of the Dark Moon. The greater the number of believers, the richer the reward I will give you. After reaching a certain number, even if you are allowed to embark on the path of immortality, It’s not impossible.” Yuan Ming said.

Hu Ji did not hesitate at all: "In compliance with the decree of my benefactor, I will do my best from now on to live up to my benefactor's high expectations. However, I still have something to do, and I hope to get help from my benefactor."

Yuan Ming said directly: "But you want me to cure your wife's illness?"

"My benefactor knows things like a god, and the villain does have this intention. However, this matter is not only out of the villain's selfishness, but also for the sake of my benefactor's missionary work." Hu Ji said.

"Tell me about it." Yuan Ming looked at Hu Ji, with a hint of a school test in his words.

"The villain has mentioned to my benefactor before that the origins of mortals in the Black Wind Desert are mixed, and because it is located at the junction of Qin and Zhao and the Northern Desert, in every city, people from Qin and Zhao and Northern Desert live together. They are from the Zhao Kingdom, and the little lady is from the Northern Desert. People in the Central Plains have no religious habits, while most people in the Northern Desert already have faith, so it is not easy to spread the new religion."

Hu Ji knew that Yuan Ming was testing his own vision and judgment, so he did not dare to be careless in his explanation.

"Besides, all mortals in the Black Wind Desert are slaves of monks. Although their vision is limited, they will not worship ordinary magic just because they see it. If you want to gain their faith, you must be able to effectively solve the problems they face, and Recently in Sand City, the biggest problem faced by mortals is cyanosis, which is the disease that villains and women suffer from. As long as this disease can be solved, perhaps faith will be easy."

Hearing this, Yuan Ming asked: "What you are talking about, are these things that the Black River Divine Sect has done?"

"Yes, the Black River Divine Sect is the new religion that made its fortune through this incident. Now it has also gained a large number of believers by selling magic medicine. As long as the benefactor can teach the villain to make a slightly more effective elixir, he can recruit them. All the believers will be included." Hu Ji nodded.

"You don't have to worry about this. Their medicines are just some clay balls. They don't have any spiritual energy fluctuations at all. They are just things to fool people. Just soak my bottle of elixirs in water, turn it into a slurry and distribute it. The effect will be They are thousands of times better than them."

Yuan Ming shook his head, took out a bottle of low-grade detoxification pill, and placed it on the altar table.

Hu Ji was overjoyed and quickly got up, took the elixir, said something to Yuan Ming, and hurried into the bedroom.

Yuan Ming didn't take it seriously and didn't follow him in. His eyes swept across the room casually. At this time, Hu Ji's daughter walked up to Yuan Ming with a bowl in both hands and said in a crisp voice:

"My benefactor, please have tea."

She was only six years old and didn't know Yuan Ming's status as a monk. Seeing how respectful her father was, she subconsciously served Yuan Ming tea according to the treatment she used to treat distinguished guests in the past.

Yuan Ming was moved by her sensibleness, but when he lowered his head and glanced at the tea in the bowl, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Only a few broken leaves were seen floating in the light green tea water, and the hot steam was steaming up, bringing not the fragrance of tea, but a sour smell.

Yuan Ming had never drank this kind of tea, but looking at the girl's sincere eyes, the remaining softness in his heart was touched. He couldn't bear to refuse, so he had to take a sip and drink it.

However, as he drank the tea, Yuan Ming suddenly frowned, raised his hand, and called out the flower branches.

Suddenly there was a rattan monster before the girl saw him. She was startled at first, and then she boldly touched Huazhi's arm with a curious look on her face.

Yuan Ming had no time to care about her. He directly handed the tea bowl to Huazhi and said, "Look where the poison in the tea comes from."

Huazhi took the tea bowl, dipped her fingers in the tea, twisted the broken leaves inside, and swallowed it into her body in one gulp.

After a while, he came to the conclusion: "Master, the water is poisonous."

Yuan Ming nodded, and at this moment, a surprise cheer came from the bedroom, and then he saw Hu Ji supporting his wife and walking out, and the spots on her wife's face were actually much lighter than before.

"My benefactor, this is..." Hu Ji looked up and saw Huazhi, and was suddenly startled.

"This is my partner. Don't worry about it for now. I have a question for you. Where does the water in your home come from? Has anything been left in it? Or has it been touched by anyone?" Yuan Ming asked.

Hu Ji thought for a moment and shook his head: "This water is drawn from the well every day. Although it doesn't taste good, the amount is enough. Each family draws their own water. There will be no contact, let alone spilling. Something."

"Where is the well? Take me there." Yuan Ming ordered.

Hu Ji nodded, helped his wife sit down, and then immediately led the way, taking Yuan Ming to the well.

Soon, Yuan Ming arrived at the well and released a soul crow to explore along the wellhead. However, when he followed the well water all the way down, Yuan Ming discovered that the underground river connected to the well was located at an extremely deep place, and the water flow was It was so turbid that it was impossible to see what was inside.

Yuan Ming thought for a moment and then came up with another idea. Using illusion magic, he released flower branches again and ordered him to drill into the well and go down the underground river to find out the source of the poison in the well water.

Huazhi immediately took the order, dived directly into the ground, and fled towards the underground river.

After spending a long time, Huazhi arrived at the underground river. The turbid river water obscured his sight, and Huazhi could not tell the direction, but he could feel the flow of toxins in the river and went directly upstream towards the source of the toxins.

Not long after, Hua Zhi suddenly emerged from the water, only to find himself in a wide underground air cave. In the air cave, there was a green body, resembling a ladybug, with tentacles on its head, but the size of an ordinary person. The insect monster was lying on the stone wall, happily eating the corpses of other insect monsters.

From its back, green body fluids dripped to the ground, gathering into a shallow pool of water, and eventually flowed into the underground river.

Seeing this situation, Huazhi immediately rushed forward and fought the insect demon until they reached a point.

This insect monster is only a second-level low-level insect. In terms of strength, it cannot even bite the vines summoned by Huazhi. The highly toxic body fluid on its back has no effect on Huazhi, so it quickly fell into a disadvantage. About to be killed, the insect demon suddenly became frightened, its body curled up, and the tentacles on its head trembled and lowered, stretching in the direction of the flower branches.

Huazhi felt its surrender, so she stepped forward without hesitation, stabbed the insect demon's body lightly with the vine, leaving a mark in its body, and then called it to follow her and return to the ground together.

On the ground, Yuan Ming listened to Huazhi's explanation of the cause and effect. He was happy to learn that the toxins in the water had been removed, and he also began to think about whether he could use this matter to increase his will power collection.

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