Celestial being

Chapter 323 Collusion

"Where to go!"

Yue Rong made a seal with her hands, and the yellow light from the remaining flags of the two-phase formation in the thick soil beneath her body shone brightly, forming a huge yellow halo, covering the one-horned man and a tall and thin old man next to him.

At the same time, Gu Sanniang also used a golden small axe, which turned into a large axe, about ten feet long, and struck the one-horned man on the head.

The one-horned man suddenly turned around, flicked his sleeves, and a small cyan flag flew out from it. After swaying in the wind, it suddenly became several feet in size. Countless green clouds appeared, holding up the yellow halo of light.

A yellow light as thick as a bowl shot out from the horn on his forehead, which collided with Gu Sanniang's golden axe.

There was a loud "clang" sound, and the golden ax was blown away, and the sharp ax blade turned into a gray-white color like a rock.

"The magical power of petrification!" Gu Sanniang was shocked and hurriedly took back the ax to check.

The tall and thin old man hurriedly stopped and held out a short black thorn, which turned into a black light and hit Gu Sanniang.

But at this moment, the old man's eyes suddenly became blurred, and then he immediately regained consciousness.

The direction of the short black thorn suddenly changed, and it went straight towards the back of the one-horned man.

The one-horned man noticed it with horror and immediately moved sideways to avoid the short thorns. At the same time, a layer of yellow light appeared on his body.

But then there was a "pop" sound from behind, and Huang Mang was torn apart. His lower back felt cold, and a short black spear pierced through his abdomen, and blood suddenly appeared!

All this happened between lightning and flint, and the distance was extremely close. Even though the one-horned man's cultivation level was slightly higher than that of the tall and thin old man, he still could not prevent this sneak attack.

"Lin Po, what are you doing?" The one-horned man turned his head angrily, and a yellow light shot out from his horn, piercing the old man's chest and blooming into a large blood flower at the mouth of a bowl. A piece of nearby flesh turned gray. of stone.

However, the tall and thin old man seemed to be unconscious, and instead of retreating, he moved forward. A white light flashed in his hand, and seven or eight red talismans appeared. After the red light flashed, they all shattered, and seven or eight firebirds the size of millstones appeared out of thin air. , but it is an upper-level Fire Bird Talisman.

The firebirds shot out like arrows, hitting the one-horned man who was so close that he could not avoid it.

A crackling sound of "boom, boom, boom" sounded, and the one-horned man was drowned by the bursting flames.

"Senior Brother Fang!" Only then did the other Guiyuan Sect disciples react and exclaimed in surprise.

The tall and thin old man did not attack the one-horned man again, but turned around and went straight towards the red gold centipede.

"Stop Lin Po!" The weak voice of the one-horned man came out from the bursting flames.

The other Guiyuan Sect monks originally ran towards the one-horned man, but upon hearing this, they all pounced on the tall and thin old man.

However, the ground suddenly cracked in front of them, and a flowery figure appeared. With a wave of his hands, two long purple-black vines shot out from his sleeves, covered with purple flowers, and swept over like a long whip.

The fragrance spread out, and the Guiyuan Sect monk felt his whole body sore as soon as he got closer. Thinking back to Zuo Qinghui's words just now, he dodged away like a snake or a scorpion.

Manager Liao, the Wang brothers, and Cui Wuran also tried to come over, but were stopped by Yuerong, Ishikawa, Zuo Qinghui, and Gu Sanniang. For a moment, various magical weapons and spells collided fiercely in the air, creating fierce flames. The others were also stopped aside.

The tall and thin old man had already rushed in front of the red gold centipede, and the short black thorn hit one of the red gold centipede's eyes.

The red gold centipede was furious, and it opened its mouth and sprayed out a jet of dark green poisonous mist, flooding the body of the tall and thin old man.

The tall and lanky old man didn't avoid it, and his body immediately began to rot quickly, and he fell completely downwards.

The red gold centipede opened its mouth wide, bit the skinny old man's body directly, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked, and the Guiyuan Sect disciples were startled.

The flames around the one-horned man had gone out and he fell to the ground. Nearly half of his body was burned black, but his life was intact.

"General Jin Centi, kill all these people, leave no one behind!" The one-horned man took out an emerald green talisman and placed it on the wound on his lower back, slowly stood up and said in a cold voice.

Something strange flashed in the red gold centipede's eyes, and then it returned to its original state. Its huge body flew towards Zuo Qinghui, Yue Rong and others.

The monks of the Guiyuan Sect took out the antidote pills and took them into their mouths. They took out masks to protect their mouths and noses. They followed closely behind the red gold centipede and outflanked him.

There was fear in Ishikawa's eyes, and he suddenly broke away from the battle group, holding up a flaming flying sword to hold up his body.

The flying sword turned into a red rainbow and flew dozens of feet away in the blink of an eye, planning to escape from the battlefield.

Seeing this, Gu Sanniang couldn't help but cursed, and Yuerong frowned.

"Don't worry about him, you two are also ready to retreat." Zuo Qinghui's somewhat indifferent voice made Yuerong and Gu Sanniang stunned.

As soon as he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred!

The red gold centipede that was rushing towards Yue Rong and others suddenly changed its direction and went straight towards Manager Liao and others, opening its mouth and spitting out a stream of dark green poisonous mist.

Manager Liao and the other four were caught off guard and were immediately submerged in the poisonous mist, screaming in pain.

The red gold centipede penetrated into the poisonous mist like lightning, and bit Cui Wuran, who was desperately resisting the poisonous mist. Just like it had swallowed the tall and thin old man before, it opened its mouth and swallowed him in.

The centipede's body immediately twisted, and its thick and long tail swept towards the Guiyuan Sect people.

The ground nearby suddenly cracked, and thick vines shot out, covered with purple poisonous flowers. They also swept towards the Guiyuan Sect monks, forcing them back again.

The one-horned man was shocked when he saw this, but no matter how he called, the red gold centipede ignored him. Yuerong and Gu Sanniang were surprised when they saw this scene.

"Let's go!" Zuo Qinghui sent a message to the two girls, and waved his hand to shoot out two sword-shaped golden lights.

The golden light passed over the bodies of Yue Rong and Gu Sanniang, rolling out two transparent thread-like insects as thin as hair.

Gu Sanniang looked surprised, obviously not knowing when these two bugs appeared on their bodies.

"Fellow Daoist Zuo, what should you do?" Yue Rong's eyes showed gratitude and she asked via voice transmission.

"I have my own way to escape. You guys, hurry up!" Zuo Qinghui urged.

"Thank you so much, fellow Daoist Zuo, for today's great kindness, I will definitely repay you in the future!" Yuerong did not hesitate, bowed to Zuo Qinghui, and held up a silver speed car in the shape of a flying bird.

The two women jumped into the car and worked together to drive it.

The bird-shaped flying car shot out and turned into a ball of brilliant silver light and rushed into the air.

Zuo Qinghui's figure flickered, and the next moment he appeared next to Huazhi.

The red gold centipede swam over quickly. Zuo Qinghui and Huazhi jumped on the back of the red gold centipede, waved their hands and hit out several cyan talismans, which were attached to the red gold centipede. They were all light body talismans, wind talismans and other accelerating talismans.

The red gold centipede's body became light, its feet moved extremely quickly, and its long body turned into a blurry golden shadow, not much slower than Yuerong's bird-shaped speeder.

With this series of changes, Zuo Qinghui and the others were all gone in the blink of an eye!

"Damn it, don't worry about other people, chase the red gold centipede!" the one-horned man shouted anxiously.

However, at this moment, a large piece of thick white mist appeared out of thin air nearby, and it instantly flooded all places in all directions, and the power of divine consciousness could not be dissipated.

Several people had been frightened by Zuo Qinghui's many strange and cunning methods, and they subconsciously stopped for fear of being ambushed if they continued to move forward.

"Don't stop! Otherwise, the Red Gold Centipede will be kidnapped, and we won't even be able to survive. Hurry up and chase!" The one-horned man managed to stop the bleeding from his wound and chased after him first.

Seeing this, the others gritted their teeth and chased after him. However, they were not in danger and quickly chased him out of the white mist.

However, there was no trace of the red gold centipede after just this moment of delay, and there was no trace left on the ground.

"The red gold centipede can't fly, so how come there are no traces? Could it be that it has been put into the spirit beast bag? This is impossible!" There was an unbelievable look in the eyes of the one-horned man.

"Senior Brother Fang, what should we do now?" The square-faced man next to him looked at the one-horned man in fear.

They came here today under someone's order to capture the monks in Shasha City. Not only that all their targets had escaped, they also lost three people. The red gold centipede was also controlled and taken away by the enemy using strange means. They just went back. It will definitely be an ugly death.

Others also looked at the one-horned man, who had no idea at this moment.

Manager Liao and the Wang brothers also flew over. The three of them were covered in poisonous spots, and their eyes held a hint of fear for the rest of their lives.

The one-horned man glanced at the three of them and ignored them.

"I still have one of my tobacco worms, attached to that bearded boy from the Huo Yuan Sect." A short female cultivator next to her said suddenly.

"Chase and catch this person no matter what!" the one-horned man ordered decisively.

The red-haired young man lifted up a white flying boat and carried the group of people roaring forward, chasing in the direction of Ishikawa's escape.

After the one-horned man and others left, the ground rippled slightly, the condition of the sand changed drastically, and traces of two rows of centipedes appeared.

The ground not far away suddenly cracked, and the red gold centipede slowly came out.

Yellow light flashed on the sand, and Zuo Qinghui, flower branches, and Yuan Ming's figure also appeared in a flash.

"Master, since you have arrived and it is easy to capture these people, why do you want to let them go?" Huazhi looked at Yuan Ming and asked in confusion.

"These are the disciples of the Guiyuan Sect. Killing them all will have too much impact. I don't have time to clean up the mess. My target is the red gold centipede. Catching this beast is enough." Yuan Ming said lightly, turning to the red gold centipede.

The red gold centipede opened its mouth wide and spit out two people. They were the tall and thin old man and Cui Wuran.

Yuan Ming asked the two of them something, so instead of letting the centipede melt the two of them with venom, he managed to remove the poison from the two of them in his belly.

The two of them were still alive at the moment, but their breath was extremely weak.

Yuan Ming came to Cui Wuran's side, put his palm on his head, and used his soul-searching magical power.

Cui Wuran has obviously colluded with these people for a long time. Yesterday's exchange meeting was a conspiracy set up by this person in advance, so what he said at the exchange meeting may be false.

When it comes to forming pills, he must find out whether those two methods are true or false.

A trace of black light shone in Yuan Ming's palm, and he quickly found the memory of the two auxiliary pill-forming secrets and breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from Cui Wuran's memory, those two methods are true, but the content of the grafting method is missing a lot.

This secret technique was indeed obtained from a corpse in the desert, but it was not found by chance. It also came from these Guiyuan Sect monks.

Cui Wuran has long been colluding with the Guiyuan Sect monks. For some unknown reason, those Guiyuan Sect monks have been arresting monks all over the Black Wind Desert, mainly during the foundation building period.

The area of ​​Black Wind Desert is already chaotic and disorderly, and monks disappearing is commonplace, so even if someone gets tricked from time to time, it still doesn't attract anyone's attention.

Cui Wuran joined them by chance a few years ago when he was in poverty.

This person was average in strength, but eloquent, and was known for his courtesy in dealing with others. After gaining trust, he used various temptations to lure some monks to the Black Wind Desert, and delivered them to the Guiyuan Sect monks to earn huge rewards.

Just like today, if Yuan Ming hadn't been here, the other party would have succeeded.

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