Celestial being

Chapter 335 Fight for freedom

"Fellow Daoist Zuo, what should we do next? If we are in a stalemate here, we will have long nights and many dreams." Feng Ling asked Zuo Qinghui while fighting with Zhu Si.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, the implication was that he was naturally worried that Elder Hai, a monk in the Danjie stage, would probably collapse the force he had just assembled once he appeared.

"Let's do our own thing well and liberate all the mining slaves as soon as possible. Remember, mortals don't give up. As for Elder Hai, my Lord has his own arrangements." Zuo Qinghui said.

"I know what to do." Feng Ling nodded when he heard this, and then moved his lips slightly to transmit the message.

He was the most familiar and had a high reputation among the mining slaves. Soon, through communication with several other people, he divided his foundation-building monks into two groups. Most of them had magic weapons and deep cultivation to resist the Guiyuan Sect monks. , and the other group split up to rescue other foundation-building mine slaves.

As a result, more and more foundation-building monks escaped from the trap and joined the battle. The situation became more and more favorable, and the guarding disciples of Guiyuan Sect were gradually at a disadvantage.

It didn't take long for most of the mine slave monks who were imprisoned here in the foundation building period to recover their mana, and began to show an overwhelming advantage in terms of numbers and momentum.

Over the years, the Guiyuan Sect has successively captured no less than a hundred foundation-building monks into the mine. Due to the secret location of the mine, the blessing of the magic circle, and the fact that all the mine slaves have restricted mana, they have always been safe.

Although Guiyuan Sect did not think that anyone would cause trouble, they did not relax in terms of guarding. Among the guards, there were no less than twenty monks in the foundation-building stage, and more than a hundred disciples in the Qi-refining stage, and there was even a pill-forming disciple. Period monks are in charge.

Now that so many Mine Slave monks in the Foundation Establishment Period suddenly had their mana restored, they started to fight together. The guard disciples who had been temporarily gathered by the Guiyuan Sect were caught off guard. No matter how good they were at cooperating in combat, they could not withstand the absolute power.

Soon the leader Zhu Si and other monks were scattered, and the stronger ones were still able to evacuate. Most of the remaining foundation-building and Qi-refining stage disciples were killed, and the magical weapons they carried were also divided up.

"A monk will never be a slave, believe in the moon god and you will be free!"

"A monk will never be a slave, believe in the moon god and you will be free!"

I don’t know who was the first to shout, and people immediately started to respond. The sound was getting louder and louder. Everyone’s face was filled with excitement and inexplicable emotions. Many of them never dreamed that they would be able to hope for it in their lifetime. Get out of this dark mine.

Feng Ling got his revenge today, and now he led the monks to defeat the guarding disciples here. He felt happy, and he was even more grateful to the God of the Dark Moon. Naturally, he did not dare to forget the instructions of his messenger Zuo Qinghui.

He immediately began to arrange for some monks to guard the entrance of the dormitory, and at the same time, he separated most of the monks to remove the neck rings of the gas refining period mine slaves scattered in the dormitory area.

Not long after, in the relatively open square at the entrance to the dormitory, hundreds of ragged mining slave monks gathered here, including monks in the Qi refining stage. Quite a few of them had no idea what was going on and looked confused. He even showed a look of panic.

The Guiyuan Sect punished the mining slaves who tried to escape extremely severely. These hundreds of them seemed to be powerful, but after all, they had not experienced battles for a long time, and they were even more frightened of the elder Hai who was stationed here, a powerful person in the pill formation stage. .

Zuo Qinghui stood on a high ground, with Feng Ling and others standing beside him. Hua Zhi, dressed in black robe, stood on the other side.

He looked at the crowd of hundreds of monks below and the confused looks on their faces, and thoughts swirled in his mind.

If so many monks could become devout believers of the Dark Moon God and provide their wish power, I am afraid that the soul elixir technique would be perfected in an instant.

It's a pity that the monk has a firm mind and is well-informed during his existence in the foundation-building period, so he can't be so easily attached. But at least after experiencing this incident, you should be grateful to him.

Although the willpower generated by gratitude is not as lasting as faith, it is worse than nothing, and its intensity is far better than that of ordinary people.

"Everyone, we immortal cultivators have been favored by heaven and have mastered the power of magic. We should be free in the world and pursue the immortal way. Now we are thrown into mining here by the Guiyuan Sect. There is no future for us. My master, Ming Yueshen, has learned that Finally, I couldn't sit back and ignore you, so I sent me here to rescue you all. Elder Hai has his own old man to deal with. We only need to be responsible for cleaning up the Guiyuan Sect guards here, and at the same time, release the mortal mine slaves, and then we can leave safely!" Zuo! Qinghui stepped out from the crowd and said loudly.

"God of the Dark Moon?" Many monks in the Qi Refining Stage looked at each other in confusion.

Zuo Qinghui has been preaching continuously during this period. Everyone present has heard about it, but they don't really believe it.

Zuo Qinghui didn't say anything more and turned to look at Feng Ling.

Feng Ling understood and walked out, saying: "Yes, we can get out of trouble only because of the blessing of Lord Ming Yue God. As long as everyone works together, we will definitely be able to leave this place and regain our freedom!"

Feng Ling has great prestige among the mining slaves. After hearing what he said, those monks in the Qi Refining Period who didn't know the inside story felt a little calmer.

"Fight for freedom! Kill!" Zuo Qinghui and Feng Ling did not elaborate, and began to rush out with their army of monks.

Almost at the same time, a fierce battle was also raging in the underground cave ahead.

King Kong fought in the hollow, trying to attract the guards as much as possible, buying time for Zuo Qinghui, Huazhi and others to rescue the mining slaves, and for Yuan Ming and others to destroy the magic circle here.

More and more Guiyuan Sect monks rushed over. There were more than ten monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage alone. Under the leadership of the one-horned man Fang Dafu, they tried to surround King Kong.

However, King Kong has a flying figure and overwhelming power. The ordinary monks in the foundation-building stage are no match for him, let alone the guards in the Qi-refining stage.

In the blink of an eye, many of the guard disciples of the Guiyuan Sect died here. The ground was covered with broken limbs and blood, and the entire cavity was filled with an unpleasant smell of blood.


The door of the four-story building suddenly opened, and Elder Hai's figure flew out.

"Elder Hai!" The guards of Guiyuan Sect became energetic.

When Fang Dafu saw Elder Hai appearing, his expression was a little complicated, but he was relieved.

Seeing the situation in the underground cavity, a trace of anger flashed in Elder Hai's eyes, and he made a gesture towards King Kong.

A white bone knife shot out of the air and slashed at King Kong.

The handle of the bone knife is a ferocious skull, and the blade emits a flame-like white light, but it has no warmth at all. Instead, it gives people a cold and fierce feeling.

The white bone knife cuts through the air and kills. The strong sword energy forms an extremely cold aura that can almost freeze a person's blood, and it slashes hard at King Kong's head.

King Kong's body was shrouded in the cold aura emitted by the bone knife, and his body trembled, but a layer of golden light immediately appeared on his skin, and he returned to normal in an instant. A purple shadow flashed in his hand, and an extra purple spear appeared.

This gun was the Purple Star Nine Dragon Gun obtained from Zuo Qinghui's storage bag. He raised it up and stopped the white bone knife with a "clang" sound.

Elder Hai looked slightly surprised. The aura of King Kong was strange. Although it also exuded demonic aura, it was not very strong. On the contrary, his physical body looked extremely powerful.

There was also the purple spear and the cold flame bone knife that easily stopped him. It was definitely a magic weapon, but it was not activated to its proper power. The white demonic ape in front of him seemed to use it purely as a weapon.

While thinking about it, Elder Hai made a key point, and a large bone-white flame ignited on the white bone knife, and it rushed towards King Kong like a living creature.

King Kong's arm shook, and the tip of the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear shook violently, and a huge force exploded, causing the white bone knife to fly away.

It made a circle with its arms, and drew left and right with the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear. Two astonishing blasts of gun wind roared out, tearing apart all the white flames that came towards it and sending them flying.

"This is..." Elder Hai was startled.

King Kong did not tangle with Elder Hai and immediately pounced on the foundation-building monks.

With the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear in hand, its combat power is even more terrifying, and the shadows of the spear are like fireworks.

Within the scope of the gun shadow, there was a hole between the eyebrows and the heart of the monks. Any body-protecting magic weapon and spell were in vain and would be broken at the touch of a touch.

"Everyone, stay away. This monster ape is an individual cultivator. Don't engage in close combat with him!" Elder Hai shouted angrily and flew towards him.

The white bone knife was stopped by the flying white bone knife, and they went straight to King Kong to kill him.

However, at this moment, King Kong's flying figure suddenly stood still, his left arm glowed with golden light, and instantly turned into pure gold and punched the white bone knife.

With a loud "bang", the white bone knife was knocked away, and a deep mark was made on the diamond fist. A ball of white cold flames adhered to it, burning fiercely.

King Kong ignored it, his right arm suddenly became twice as thick, and he threw the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear in his hand.

call out!

A purple phantom shot backwards, heading straight for Elder Hai's chest.

This change of moves was extremely sudden. When Elder Hai reacted, the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear was already in front of him.

Elder Hai hurriedly stopped and pushed his palms forward.

Two long blue ribbons shot out and wrapped around the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear. Although they were immediately crushed into dozens of pieces of rags, they still gave the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear a slight pause.

When Elder Hai found this opening, his right eye suddenly turned dark blue, and became twice as big. A vertical line appeared in the center of the eye, which looked quite ugly. It also emitted strange fluctuations mixed with demonic energy and mana.

A cold blue light shot out from the strange blue eyes and hit the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear.

Just hearing a loud "clang" sound, the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear was shaken and flew backwards.

An extremely cold aura erupted from the blue light, and a blue iceberg several feet high suddenly appeared, sealing the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear in ice. A layer of blue ice crystals also appeared on the ground nearby.

"What kind of magical power is this?" King Kong's spiritual wisdom was not long opened, and he was very surprised by Elder Hai's methods.

However, King Kong was warlike and easy to kill, without any fear. His figure disappeared in a flash, and the next moment he appeared near the iceberg and punched it.

The tall iceberg exploded in response, turning into dozens of large and small ice cubes, and smashed towards Elder Hai. Each ice cube contained the huge power of King Kong and made a terrifying air-piercing explosion sound.

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