Celestial being

Chapter 347 Murderous Intent

Young Master Beiyan and others were being suppressed by their opponents. Seeing the formation of the trap, they felt even more desperate.

When everyone was in confusion, when they heard Yuan Ming say this, they all seemed to grasp at straws. They didn't bother to think about whether Yuan Ming could really break the formation, and everyone said yes.

But outside the formation, Mr. Guo laughed twice and said: "You junior, you really don't know the heights of the world. This formation is a trap that I carefully researched. You are allowed in but not allowed out. It is a monk in the Danjie stage." It takes a lot of effort to do it, how dare you, a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, dare to speak so loudly? Haha, if you can really do it, I will eat this formation plate in front of you!"

Yuan Ming glanced at Mr. Guo with a half-smile, and said lightly: "Senior, you should prepare more water to moisten your throat."

After finishing speaking, he flipped the bloody knife in his hand, and a flash of sword light flashed, with bloody knife shadows crisscrossing the sky. The foundation-building monk who was fighting with him suddenly had his eyes blurred, and he stood there in a daze, motionless, and the magic weapon in his hand could not move. Hanging in mid-air.


With a flash of blood, the monk's head easily rolled to the ground, but his body stood erect on the spot.

Huazhi also showed off his power at the same moment, tightly binding his opponent through the purple and black vines extending from the ground, and injecting a large amount of poison, causing him to lose his ability to fight on the spot.

Then Huazhi swayed and stood beside Yuan Ming.

Almost at the same time, Yuan Ming patted the storage bag, and King Kong appeared on the other side of Yuan Ming.

Before the smile on Mr. Guo's face faded, two of his own monks were defeated in the formation, and there was an extra golden-haired monster ape as tall as one person. The smile on his face suddenly froze.

When other people present saw this, they also had different expressions, and their attention was focused on Yuan Ming and the Huazhi King Kong beside him.

"It turns out there is a powerful monster nearby. No wonder you have such confidence."

After Mr. Guo finished speaking, he opened his mouth and spat out a small bronze cauldron, which spun around in the air and suddenly became one foot in size. Then many patterns carved on the cauldron lit up one after another, and several golden fireballs the size of human heads erupted from the cauldron. It emerged from the middle and roared towards Yuan Ming and Huazhi King Kong.

However, King Kong saw this scene and had no intention of dodge.

But he took a sudden step, opened his arms, and hit his chest with a fist as big as a casserole, making a dull sound like a bell.

Immediately afterwards, he turned sideways, put his arms behind his back, and his fists were at waist level. At the same time, his breathing became stronger, and even thunderous breath came out of his nose, and his internal organs beat violently like a drum.

The golden fireball penetrated the formation and came to King Kong in an instant. At this moment, King Kong suddenly inhaled. Everyone in the camp suddenly felt as if a strong wind was blowing, and even rolled them towards King Kong. Two steps.

The next moment, King Kong's right fist suddenly punched out, and invisible and immaterial punching power surged out from his fist. Everyone felt their ears were silent for a moment, and then there was a violent sound, and the incoming fireball exploded out of thin air, and those flames were blown away. The strong wind brought out by the fist force ravaged and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The force of the fist continued unabated, and in the next breath it hit the formation mask, tearing a hole out of thin air. There was a burst of glass shattering, and the formation mask collapsed instantly, but the fist force was not there yet. Dissipated, continued to move forward, heading all the way towards Mr. Guo.

"Hundred-Step Divine Fist!"

Seeing this, Mr. Guo turned pale with fright, shouted in panic, and then quickly retreated back a hundred steps away.

King Kong's punch followed him like a shadow, faster than Mr. Guo. However, although this punch was extremely fierce, its power was greatly reduced after a hundred steps away. When it fell in front of Mr. Guo, only a trace was left. The breeze caressed his cheek.

Even so, Mr. Guo looked frightened. Judging from the expression on his face, he seemed to have recalled some bad memories.

During the formation, Yuan Ming had a calm look on his face from beginning to end, as if he had already anticipated the power of King Kong's punch, and did not show any surprise.

However, the moment King Kong broke through the formation, he immediately put the King Kong and the flower branches back into the spirit beast bag, then summoned Thunderstorm, turned over and jumped on it, escaped from the gap opened by the formation, and headed southwest The direction galloped away without looking back.

Yuan Ming didn't know the truth about Baidanfang's escort mission. At this moment, the situation was changing rapidly, so naturally he would not work hard for Baidanfang, especially Chai Jiujin's weird reaction when he encountered the enemy attack. It made him feel that there must be something hidden in this escort.

As for the elixir-cleansing liquid, Yuan Ming knew that he had many means. After knowing its whereabouts, it was not difficult to get it. There was no need to get involved in unnecessary disputes and get himself into trouble for a promise that he did not know whether it was true or false.

But he wanted to get out, but Mr. Guo didn't want to let him go.

Seeing Yuan Ming riding away on the spiritual beast, Mr. Guo's face darkened.

He glanced at the other people in the formation who were still fighting fiercely, and saw that his men seemed to be able to hold on to these people for a while, so he decisively took out a green talisman and slapped it on his body, and pinched the spell with his other hand. , the figure suddenly rose from the ground, turned into a ray of light, and chased Yuan Ming.

Chai Jiujin and the young monk chased each other, and flew hundreds of miles away in the blink of an eye. The distance between the two had narrowed to thirty feet.

Lightning flashed at the fingertips of the young monk, and a slender purple lightning shot out, but it turned out to be a small purple electric sword.

The purple sword was incredibly fast. It covered a distance of thirty feet in a flash and stabbed Chai Jiu into the back of the heart.

At this moment, nine earth-yellow flying knives shot out from the ground, forming a knife network and covering the small purple electric sword.

After a series of loud noises of gold and iron, the small purple electric sword was knocked back, and the earth-yellow flying knife was also knocked away.

The young monk was startled and quickly summoned his purple sword, turned around and tried to escape.

However, the void behind them fluctuated, and five or six figures appeared, led by a heavy-backed, yellow-haired man whose cultivation had reached the middle stage of pill formation.

Yan Sijing and Yan Siyun stood on a white flying boat, suspended near the yellow-haired man.

Everyone else is also in the middle of the foundation building stage and has reached the later stages of cultivation, and no one is weak.

Chai Jiujin also flew back and joined forces with Yan Sijing and others to surround the young monk.

"All the two major alchemy-formation offerings of Baidanfang are here. It seems that Baidanfang is well prepared this time and has made a special arrangement to arrest me." After the young monk panicked, he immediately regained his composure.

"Bitch thief, you robbed my caravan and killed my uncle. Today's retribution has arrived!" Yan Sijing shouted sternly, raised a black giant pen magic weapon, and was about to strike it out.

"Who is your Excellency? Why do you keep getting in trouble with me, Baidanfang?" Yan Siyun stopped her sister and asked.

The young monk remained silent.

The yellow-haired man suddenly shouted, and a white ancient mirror appeared in front of him, shooting a dazzling crystal light into the void more than ten feet away.

A piece of white crystal light exploded, and the figure of the young monk emerged.

The figure of the young man surrounded by the crowd shattered like a bubble, turning into a crystal white talisman, and then completely shattered with a bang.

"Stand-in charm!" Yan Sijing was shocked and angry.

The tall man with yellow hair, with a figure like lightning, blocked the young monk again.

"Since there is no answer to the question, please leave your life here today." Yan Siyun said lightly.

When Chai Jiujin and the big man with yellow hair heard this, they immediately controlled the magic weapon and took action.

With a flicker of the ice jade ring, it turned into five illusory and real ring shadows, and enveloped the young monk's body.

The nine-handled flying knife of the big yellow-haired man was faster, and with afterimages, it stabbed the young monk's vital parts.

Yan Sijing raised a huge black pen, and hundreds of black filaments shot out from the tip of the pen, hitting all of them at the young monk.

Other foundation-building monks swooped over, sacrificing magical weapons one after another, and started hitting each other with overwhelming force.

"Damn!" The young monk was shocked and angry, and hurriedly activated the small purple electric sword and the large jade seal to resist. Various rays of light appeared frequently, and the two sides fought together.

Mr. Guo's escape speed far surpassed that of Thunderstorm, but perhaps because he was afraid of the existence of King Kong, he always hung behind Yuan Ming, maintaining a distance of at least a hundred steps. At the same time, he activated his magic weapon and shot orange-red fireballs the size of a human head towards Yuan Ming. Come hit Mingzhi.

Yuan Ming controlled the thunderstorm and nimbly avoided the fireballs. When he turned around and saw Mr. Guo chasing after him, he suddenly felt an unknown anger in his heart.

When it comes to fighting alone, he is not afraid of Mr. Guo, he just doesn't want to cause trouble, but the other party is so unrelenting.

As soon as he thought of this, his mind moved. In the clouds above Mr. Guo's head, a soul crow suddenly appeared. Its beak opened, and a black sound wave directly hit the unsuspecting Mr. Guo.

Mr. Guo was hit by the crow, and his consciousness suddenly shook, and his soul trembled. He was briefly dizzy for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he found that he was still standing in mid-air, but the Yuan Ming he had just chased had already disappeared. He disappeared, replaced by the young monk who went to hunt down Chai Jiujin.

At this time, the young monk had a corpse on his left and right hands, and it looked like they were Chai Jiujin and Yuan Ming.

"Trash, I asked you to kill those people, and you actually let them escape! If I hadn't arrived in time, how would you have ended up?" the young monk scolded.

Mr. Guo suddenly panicked and immediately stepped forward: "Young Master, please forgive me, I..."

But at this moment, a cool feeling suddenly came from his waist and abdomen, and it rushed into his sea of ​​​​consciousness instantly, as if someone poured a head of ice water on his head, making him wake up instantly.

The scene in front of him also changed rapidly. The figure of the young monk disappeared instantly, and was replaced by Yuan Ming standing on Lei Yu's back, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

At the same time, a ray of blood-colored sword light struck towards him blankly, only seven or eight feet away from him.

Mr. Guo was so frightened that he almost lost his soul. He immediately squeezed the magic formula with his right hand, and a burst of red magic power surged out from his sleeves. In the blink of an eye, a flame shield condensed in front of him, blocking the bloody sword light.

Because the spell was cast in a hurry, the strength of the flame shield was not high, and it was defeated after a moment of stalemate with the bloody sword light. However, this short time was enough for Mr. Guo to recall the small bronze cauldron and use the magic weapon to protect his body.

Yuan Ming was unwilling to fight with the magic weapon with the blood-melting knife, so he immediately recalled it. At this time, Mr. Guo's attention was no longer on the blood knife. Instead, he stared at Yuan Ming with fear in his eyes.

"You are a soul cultivator for this level of illusion!"

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