Celestial being

Chapter 371 The road to self-rescue

Yuan Ming looked at Hai Dafu's body, and for some reason, he felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

Most of the original intentions of those who cultivate immortality are to transcend the mundane disturbances, pursue more powerful power, and live as long as heaven and earth. In the eyes of mortals, immortals are like heaven and earth, omnipotent, and they seem to never feel the pain of the world again. There are no more mortal worries, and you can be at ease in the world.

However, immortal cultivators are originally from mortals. They are favored by heaven and earth and have spiritual roots, so they can pursue the supreme path. However, they are often unable to truly transcend the world. They also have their own emotions and desires, and they also experience joys and sorrows.

Immortals, in the final analysis, are human first and then become immortals.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are grievances and grievances. The same is true in the world of immortality.

Since he entered the path of seeking immortality and seeking immortality, he has actually moved from one river and lake to another, a bloody river and lake that is more chaotic, more dangerous, and more intrigued.

Mortals at least have the public order and good customs in the world, as well as the court of state judges. If they are tired of the mortal world, they can wash their hands in the golden basin and retire to the world.

In the world of immortality, although there are certain restrictions, in fact, most of the time, strong strength represents everything. There is no so-called fairness before there is equal strength.

In other words, if you have no value, no one will stand up for you.

Today, Hai Dafu died in his own hands, died of impulsiveness, and died of the remaining family ties. If he is a little careless in the future, or if his cultivation level stagnates, he may follow in his footsteps, and the end may not be certain. It's good to have him.

Yuan Ming sighed softly, put away his messy thoughts, silently stepped forward, and put away the storage bag and spirit beast bag on Hai Dafu one by one.

The Yaodan monk was born with a weak soul, and he could make him switch sides with almost no effort. After using illusions to deceive Hai Dafu, he also used his emotional ability to amplify Hai Dafu's inner emotions, and after his collapse, Let the insect-armed monk kill it.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. Hai Dafu spent so long in hallucinations, but it only took a few breaths to fall into reality.

Not far away, Yan Sijing saw Hai Dafu making an attack. She was originally worried about Yuan Ming, but she was surprised when Yuan Ming killed Hai Dafu so quickly.

Since there were others present, Yuan Ming did not check the harvest after cleaning the battlefield. Instead, he smiled at Yan Sijing and said, "Miss Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The voice was calm and calm, as if the fight not long ago never happened.

Yan Sijing came back to her senses, with an expression of disbelief still on her face: "I haven't seen you for many days. Fellow Daoist Yuan's strength has really improved."

"Miss Yan is so complimentary. It's just that I happen to master the art of grafting flowers and grafting others on, and I know the secret of controlling these Demonic Pill cultivators, so it's so easy to make them defect in the face of battle." Yuan Ming explained half-truthfully.

Yan Sijing nodded, but she didn't seem to believe Yuan Ming's words. Of course, she also knew that since the other party didn't want to say more, it was inconvenient for her to ask more questions.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect that Miss Yan, you would also form a golden elixir, which is really gratifying. I just don't know why you are now traveling with Ancestor Lei Ming? Where is your sister? Is she ever well?" Yuan Ming He asked, changing the subject.

Hearing this, Yan Sijing's expression darkened, and she immediately sighed: "It's a long story. After we parted ways with our fellow Taoists that day, my sister and I immediately returned to Baidanfang, dismissed the people in the place, and took the savings with us. With the resources, I hid in Lingfeng City, intending to avoid the limelight."

Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows and pretended not to know: "Oh, this is really a coincidence. I happened to live in Lingfeng City before, but it's a pity that I didn't meet you sisters."

"Oh, it's a good thing that fellow Taoist didn't meet us. My sister and I thought we could just hide in the city and wait for the limelight to pass. But unexpectedly, not long after staying in Lingfeng City, I was called another The existence of Ming Yue God was discovered. After my sister learned about this, she immediately took me to another dungeon for refuge. Unexpectedly, Elder Chai happened to be hiding in that city, and his whereabouts were not known to the Five Thunder Sect. People discovered it, which attracted Lei Ming Ancestor personally, and finally found our sisters in the city." Yan Sijing had already learned about this when she was just outside listening to the argument between Fairy Jin Xi and others. She was not surprised at this time and said with a wry smile. .

When this woman was saying this, she stared at Yuan Ming with a pair of wonderful eyes without blinking, as if she wanted to see something from his face. Then Yuan Ming maintained a calm and composed expression from beginning to end, without any trace of it. Strange.

Yan Sijing was helpless and had no choice but to continue: "After Patriarch Lei Ming caught us, he forced us to modify a set of exercises to cultivate Yuanjing, preparing to use us as furnace cauldrons to nourish us. For this reason, I specially modified my He was forcibly promoted to Dan Jie and coerced my sister into ordering me to accompany him in case of emergencies. The two female Dan Jie cultivators who were traveling with me were also backup cauldrons, but they were solely attached to Patriarch Lei Ming. They have long been reduced to their accomplices and have been keeping strict watch over me, and now that they are no longer around, I can have a conversation with fellow Taoist Yuan."

As she spoke, Yan Sijing let out a long sigh, and there was a hint of resentment in her words: "Fellow Daoist Yuan, I heard from my sister that when you destroyed the Guiyuanzong mine, you used the name of the Ming Yue God in Lingfeng City. Could it be that the Moon God came because of you and happened to find me?"

"Perhaps that's the case. I had reported Yuhong's incident to the God of the Moon before, and then formed a pill in Lingfeng City. The God of the Moon did indeed come to bless me personally, but he didn't mention it to me." Yuan Ming sighed softly when he heard this, but did not explain the truth.

Yan Sijing was silent for a moment, and suddenly became excited: "Fellow Daoist Yuan, please forgive me, since the God of the Moon really exists, he also promised me that if you encounter danger, you can recite his name silently to pray for protection. I read it when the ancestor came, but why didn't he show up? He obviously has great supernatural powers, and at the time he was in the mine under the banner of allowing everyone to freely control their destiny, so why didn't he want to lend a helping hand to us? "

Yuan Ming did not answer, but silently watched Yan Sijing vent her emotions.

When Yan Sijing saw Yuan Ming's reaction, a look of despair suddenly flashed across her face, she pursed her lips, turned around and said no more.

But at this moment, Yuan Ming suddenly said:

"God is omnipotent, but God does not watch the world all the time. Did Miss Yan worship and pray after hearing the oracle? As an envoy of God, I live in Lingfeng City, so God will naturally set his sight. Falling towards Lingfeng City, but in a city without believers, how can God pay attention? What's more, if you ignore God on weekdays and only pray to God for help when you are in danger, what kind of God will care about you? That kind of people?"

"Only believers can be saved. How dare such a god claim to save all sentient beings?" Yan Sijing looked back and sneered.

"You are wrong. It is not that only believers can be saved, but only those who are awakened can be saved. Only by saving oneself can one be saved. God has great power in the world, but all living beings are suffering. God will not give or ask for anything, because that is not salvation. He is a man who harms others, and his redemption is to point out a way for us to save ourselves. Only by following God’s figure and walking on the road can we finally complete our own redemption.”

Yan Sijing was slightly startled when she heard this, and a thoughtful look flashed through her big black and white eyes.

Yuan Ming glanced at the woman and continued calmly:

"It's just like the battle at the Guiyuan Sect Mine. Although I took action to deal with Hai Qing, the remaining guarding disciples in the foundation building and Qi refining stages were still solved by the mine slaves who were trapped there. Luna allowed me to untie the shackles of their minds and let them win freedom on their own."

"Similarly, if you sincerely pray to the God of the Dark Moon, God may send me to give you the technique to form a pill. Then when you face Ancestor Lei Ming, even if you are defeated, you may still be able to escape with your sister. If you can't even escape, then God will personally help you deal with Ancestor Lei Ming."

Hearing this, Yan Sijing pursed her lips, seemingly unwilling to give in, but in the end she couldn't say anything to refute, and in the end she just let out a faint sigh.

"Oh, it's too late to say anything now."

However, Yuan Ming shook his head and said, "As long as you are sincere, it's never too late."

Yan Sijing was stunned, but saw Yuan Ming continue to explain: "As an envoy, I am here, which means that the God of the Moon is watching here. From now on, as long as you sincerely believe in the God of the Moon and recognize his ideas, he will I will disregard past grudges and give you grace when you need it most.”

"Giving grace? What kind of grace? Help me kill Ancestor Lei Ming personally? Or do you want to send me and my sister directly to a place where Ancestor Lei Ming can't be found?" Yan Sijing asked with a smile.

"I said, God is almighty, but He will not give or ask for anything. Now that you are in jail, you are like a slave trapped in a mine. Ancestor Lei Ming is the collar stuck on your neck. As long as you pray sincerely , the Moon God will help you remove the neck ring, but your sister still needs you to break free and rescue yourself." Yuan Ming shook his head and said.

A little hope lit up in Yan Sijing's eyes, and she was finally persuaded, and she quickly said: "Okay, I promise you. From now on, I will sincerely pray to the God of the Dark Moon, if he can really help me kill Lei Ming Ancestor, let me gain the power to rescue my sister, and I will also let my sister believe in the God of the Dark Moon. When Baidanfang is rebuilt in the future, we will also let everyone in the square believe in the God of the Dark Moon and become his believers."

"The God of the Dark Moon is watching this Immortal Palace. Your words will reach his ears. Just remember that you are not the envoy of the God of the Dark Moon yet. Your prayers must be sincere. The God of the Dark Moon will tolerate it once, but not There will be a second time." Yuan Ming nodded and warned again word by word.

"I remember, I will not make fun of my sister or my own life and fortune." Yan Sijing solemnly made a promise.

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