Celestial being

Chapter 469 Undisguised

"Haha, fellow Daoist Bishui, fists and feet have no eyes. If Liu is offended in any way, don't be offended." Island Master Liu grinned and said with cupped fists.

"That requires Island Master Liu to be compassionate and not to embarrass the slave family too much." Bishuirou leaned forward and said softly.

While speaking, her eyes moved, and her soft voice gave people a feeling of pity, which was completely opposite to her previous state when she saw Luo Wanshan.

Naturally, this was not because she had any favorable impression of Island Master Liu. On the contrary, she knew that Island Master Liu and Luo Wanshan were the same as each other, and she felt disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

"She is indeed a foxy girl, but it's a pity that I don't like this..." Island Master Liu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He asked himself that he was different from that idiot Luo Wanshan. He never put effort into women, and naturally he would not fall into trouble with women. He didn't know how to cherish women and cherish women, but subconsciously relaxed his guard a little.

"Please." Island Master Liu raised his hand and said.

After saying this, he did not wait for Bi Shuirou to take action first. Instead, he raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist. A stream of light flew out and immediately transformed into a tiger covered in aqua-blue light.

This beast is over ten feet tall, with bright hair all over its body. It flutters in the air without wind, as if it is in the waves at any time, and its extremely long hairy tail is swaying like a lily in the water.

Island Master Liu raised his hand and waved, and the aqua blue tiger ran wildly towards the clear water, bringing up a mist of mist wherever it passed, and thick water vapor also rushed in.

When it was about ten feet away, its huge claws suddenly smacked down, and there was a sound of surging water.

A stream of water vapor condensed under its claws and turned into a wave of water, crashing towards the clear water with the force of a shocking wave hitting the shore.

Seeing this, Bi Shuirou raised her hand and waved it suddenly. Green light spurted out from her palm, turning into an invisible barrier to block it. She was hit by the water wave.

There was a "bang" sound and large water splashed everywhere.

The water wave collapsed first, ripples also appeared on the invisible barrier, and it almost collapsed.

At this time, the huge tiger claws pressed in, and immediately smashed the water curtain away, hitting Bi Shuirou.

The expression on Bi Shuirou's face remained unchanged, but a charming smile appeared in her eyebrows. She moved away like a ghost, letting the tiger claws hit the void.

At the same time, three black lights broke through the sky, revealing three black pointed cones, piercing the aqua blue tiger's face.

Blue light spurted out from the tiger's body, making the piercing black cone feel like it was stuck in mud, and the thrust speed immediately slowed down.

Immediately afterwards, the tiger retracted its giant claws and slapped it in front of it, knocking off all the black pointed cones.

Island Master Liu watched this scene from a distance, secretly guessing Bi Shuirou's strength in his heart, and felt that the other party should not be so weak.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Behind him, a ripple of water appeared in the void, green light surged in it, and a spirit moth no smaller than his Liulan Tiger emerged out of thin air.

The spirit moth spread its wings and flapped slightly. The dazzling lines on the left wing actually formed the face of a beautiful woman. The weird lines on the right wing formed a pattern of skull and bones.

When the left and right wings flap, beautiful women and bones appear alternately, and the picture is strange and strange.

"Not good!" Alarm bells rang in Island Master Liu's heart.

He had no idea when Bi Shuirou released the spiritual beast.

Island Master Liu looked solemn, his eyes only lingering on the intertwined wings for a moment, then he felt his eyes blurred and his vision became a little blurry.

He subconsciously wanted to call back his Liulanhu for protection, but then he suddenly found that the flapping wings of the spirit moth gradually slowed down, and the woman's face on them became more and more animated.

In a daze, a female figure in aqua blue robe emerged from the wings and floated towards him with light steps.

"Master's wife..." Island Master Liu's expression froze and he murmured.

That was the only woman he had ever fallen in love with in his life. In order to get her, he even betrayed and killed his master who had taught him for many years. But in the end, all of this was a scene directed by that woman.

She deliberately lured him into committing a treasonous act, and then teamed up with others to hunt him down and flee overseas.

After many years, when this face appeared in front of him again, Island Master Liu was still unable to resist falling into the illusion.

The onlookers who were outside the martial arts stage could not see the illusion. They could only see Island Master Liu standing still, with the strange spirit moth suspended in the air in front of him, waving its wings and scattering... Hallucinogenic light green phosphorus powder.

The Liulan Tiger was still following its master's instructions and kept chasing Bi Shuirou, but it had obviously fallen behind.

When the onlookers saw this scene, they all felt that the overall situation had been decided, but they were all a little surprised. They did not expect that Liulan Island would be defeated so easily.

"This idiot fell into the illusion so easily." Luo Wanshan couldn't help but cursed angrily when he saw this scene.

On the other side, Xiying approached Yuan Ming and asked, "What did you and Bi Shuirou say before going on stage? Could it be that you were instructing her on how to fight?"

"No, I just reminded her to be careful and be careful of Liulan Island's tricks." Yuan Ming shook his head.

"Did you discover anything?" Xiying asked with a frown.

Previously, her attention had been on the Fuso Sacred Tree in the distance, but she did not pay attention to Liulan Island. After all, these guys could not enter her eyes and were not worth paying attention to.

"It's nothing, I just saw that Luo Wanshan was walking a little close to him, so I just wanted to remind him." Yuan Ming shook his head and said.

While the two were talking, Bishuirou on the martial arts stage had knocked Liulanhu to the ground, and rushed towards Island Master Liu who was trapped in the illusion.

Approaching within ten steps, Bi Shuirou used her magic power with both hands and suddenly slapped her palms forward.

I saw two green rays of light surging out like waves, heading straight towards Island Master Liu's back and heart.

Just when he was about to hit, Island Master Liu's eyes suddenly surged with blood, and he suddenly broke free from the control of the illusion, turned around and slapped a palm towards the back.

As he waved his palm out, a small dark green seal was also wrapped in a gurgling aqua blue mana and smashed towards Bi Shuirou.

The dark green seal grew bigger and bigger in the aqua light. When the two of them were in the middle, it had suddenly grown as big as a bucket, dissipating the large green light and pushing it towards Bi Shuirou.

At the same time, Liulanhu, who had been defeated, was also under the control of Island Master Liu and launched a surprise attack on Bishuirou from behind.

Seeing that Bi Shuirou, who was being attacked from both sides and was about to fall into decline, a smile appeared on her face and her figure disappeared like a bubble.

The next moment, on the flapping wings of the phantom moth, a figure separated from the pattern of the white skeleton. It was Bi Shuirou's true body, and it rushed towards Island Master Liu who was wholeheartedly attacking the illusion.

When the latter noticed the abnormality, it was already too late, so he had to turn around in a hurry and exchanged a palm with Bi Shuirou.

The moment the palms of the two people collided, there was a huge collision, and Island Master Liu was directly blown away. His back hit Liulanhu, who was coming towards him, and they fell out together, defeated.

Amid the cheers and cheers of the crowd, Bishuirou bowed and flew back to the square.

Island Master Liu had blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and returned to his position in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

Seeing his appearance, Luo Wanshan couldn't help but feel contempt and said: "The defeat was really quick..."

Island Master Liu raised the corner of his mouth and sneered, then threw the black vial back.

The moment Luo Wanshan took over, he noticed something was wrong. He quickly opened it and found that it was empty. His expression froze at first, and then he said with great joy: "Brother Liu, is it done?"

"Stop talking nonsense, when will the reward be given?" Island Master Liu was too lazy to talk to him.

"Give me two days. After verification, Brother Liu will be satisfied." Luo Wanshan said happily.

On the other side, seeing Bi Shuirou returning victoriously, Xiying glanced at the square again and said to Yuan Ming: "I won't look at it anymore. I won't look at it anymore. It's very boring."

Yuan Ming thought for a while. Anyway, the manpower sent by each island in the three rounds of competition could not be repeated, so there was no chance to observe the opponents in the next round. It was indeed meaningless to continue watching, so he nodded.

"Those two will leave first. I want to watch them for a while longer," Bishuirou said.

Unlike Yuan Ming, she wanted to take this opportunity to observe the changes in the strength of each island.

"Okay, let's go first." Yuan Ming stood up and said goodbye before leaving with Xi Ying.

But at this moment, the next battle has already begun.

The moment Yuan Ming saw the people on the stage, he couldn't help but be slightly startled. Then he smiled and sat back down while pulling Xi Ying.

"Why don't you leave?" Xiying asked in surprise.

"Watch one more show." Yuan Ming said with a smile.

Xiying followed his gaze and looked towards the martial arts stage, and saw a white-haired old woman and a young man standing on the stage. The former was nothing special, but the latter looked familiar, but for a moment I couldn't remember it for a while.

Yuan Ming could clearly see that the young man representing Bloodyan Island was none other than Wulu.

"This guy is so big-hearted that he doesn't even change his appearance and just comes to compete?" Yuan Ming thought to himself.

After thinking about it, he realized clearly that this time he was probably not on a family mission, or that he was not lurking into Blood Swallow Island to steal the secrets of cultivation like before, but he was probably here for the Immortal Fruit.

Therefore, Ulu does not need to do much concealment.

Ulu's opponent was also a second-class island monk, and he was much weaker than him. Within a few rounds of their fight, he was knocked unconscious by a heavy blow from his hand.

Seeing Wulu step down, Yuan Ming did not go over to recognize each other, but left with Xiying and returned to his residence.

The first day had the most competitions, which lasted until the evening when everything was settled.

After Bi Shuirou returned from the venue, she directly approached Yuan Ming and Xi Ying.

As soon as Xiying saw the faint joy in her eyebrows, she immediately guessed the reason and said with a smile, "Has the match list for tomorrow been released?"

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