Celestial being

Chapter 495 Anna Qi and Blood

"Haha, since everyone has no objections, then the matter is settled. As for how to obtain the Earth Core Fire Lotus, I ask you to express your opinions. Why don't you ask fellow Taoist Yuan to speak first." Taoist Qianbao laughed and looked at Yuan Ming. There was an inquiring look in his eyes.

"These fire crocodiles are not weak in strength, and they don't know how many there are. I'm afraid it won't work to kill them all and then collect the lotus. The best way is to separate some people who are good at escape skills to collect the fire lotus, and the rest will serve as assistants to help contain them. And stop the fire crocodile, so that we can harvest the Earth Core Fire Lotus with minimal losses." Yuan Ming secretly warned Taoist Qianbao, but said calmly on his face.

After the words fell, everyone, including Taoist Qianbao, fell silent. Many people's eyes fell on Yuan Ming, as if they were considering the feasibility of the method he said.

"I think this method is feasible." After a while, Fairy Jinyun broke the silence and nodded.

"This method is indeed suitable, but who will be responsible for picking the lotus?" Taoist Qianbao also agreed and then asked.

"I'll go." Qingtong was the first to respond. No matter what happened in the end, he naturally took the initiative by holding the fire lotus in his hand.

"I can try it too." Bing Xin also wanted to try her luck relying on her ice lin spirit beast.

"I think I can do it too..."

There was a lot of noise for a while, and almost everyone volunteered.

"Compared with who will pick the lotus, I am more concerned about how to distribute the collected fire lotus?" Huan Lingzi said suddenly.

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other and was silent for a moment again.

"In my opinion, since everyone worked together to do this, it is natural to put them in one place after collection and distribute them fairly." Long Chong said.

"The number of people and the number of fire lotus collected may not be equal, so how can we talk about fair distribution? You can't just chop them into pieces and judge the weight, right?" Qing Tong stabbed without any yin or yang.

"Compared with the protection task, the risk of lotus picking is obviously greater. Even if it is evenly distributed, it is not fair." Hou Santong also said at this time.

Everyone has their own thoughts, and with every word you say to me, I suddenly have no reliable ideas.

"If you want to keep arguing like this, it's useless to cooperate. Let's fight based on our ability. If you die, there will be no resentment, and if you get hurt, there will be no blame." Qingtong saw everyone talking for a long time, but did not say anything about it, and said disdainfully.

"Why go to all this trouble. Those who pick lotuses must at least ensure that they collect enough for each person. As for the excess, they will be divided equally among others. If the quantity is not enough, they will be compensated with spiritual stones and spiritual materials. How about it?" Yuan Ming asked.

"This method is not bad." Fairy Jinyun glanced at Yuan Ming, with admiration flashing in her eyes.

"I agree." Hou Santong said.

"I agree too." Long Chong nodded.

Seeing that no one objected, Taoist Qianbao said: "Since everyone thinks it is reasonable, it is settled. Those who just said they would pick lotus for everyone, please come forward."

His voice fell for a long time, but no one responded.

Just now, they were afraid that their own interests would be damaged, so they were all proactive. Now that their interests have been guaranteed and everyone can get an Earth Fire Lotus, naturally no one is willing to take risks.

"I'll do it." Yuan Ming said.

During the competition the day before yesterday, everyone had seen his magical power that was close to the lightning escape technique, so no one objected.

"Count me in." Fairy Jinyun said proactively.

Seeing this, Qiongyun wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Yuan Ming's message.

"Fellow Daoist Qiongyun, you and Long Chong have to protect me. I can't trust anyone else." Yuan Ming's voice rang in her sea of ​​consciousness, and she stepped back.

"If there are only two people, the collection speed will be too slow. As the saying goes, things will change if things are delayed, so it is best to fight quickly." Huan Lingzi said.

"In that case, why not invite fellow Taoist Huan Lingzi to join us?" Yuan Ming said with a smile.

"Everyone knows that I am not good at escape. If I go to pick lotus, I'm afraid it will be a drag." Huan Lingzi cursed in his heart and refused.

"Isn't Taoist Brother Huan Lingzi good at escape techniques? Why do I remember that Taoist friend can transform into golden light and escape to the ground? Could it be that I remembered it wrong?" Yuan Ming touched his chin and pretended to be confused.

When Huan Lingzi thought about the "Golden Light Talisman" that Yuan Ming had forced him to use before, he couldn't help but have veins on his forehead protruding, and his heart was full of anger. However, he controlled his emotions very well, and the protruding veins quickly disappeared.

"Haha, maybe fellow Taoist memory is wrong." Huan Lingzi said with clenched fists in his sleeves and still maintaining a smile on his face.

"That's all. Although I'm not good at escaping, I still have some magic weapons around me. I'll go pick the lotus as well." Seeing that no one responded, Taoist Qianbao had to say.

"Three people are enough." Yuan Ming nodded.

"Everyone, whether it is picking lotus or luring away the fire crocodile, it is not an easy task. Here, let me declare in advance that no matter who it is, no one is allowed to secretly kill others while picking lotus. Anyone who violates this will be punished. Not only will you lose the qualification to distribute the Fire Lotus, but you will also have to hand over everything you have obtained before and be kicked out of the team!" Fairy Jinyun warned.

Her warning might not be enough, but with Fuso Island behind her, no one would dare not take it seriously.

"It's natural. If he does something small at this time, it wouldn't be an exaggeration if we all kill him together." Long Chong glanced at Qing Tong with a meaningful look and agreed.

"Yes, it is a disaster to keep such a person who does not care about the overall situation."

"As it should be..."

While everyone responded, their eyes involuntarily swept over Qingtong and Long Chong.

The two of them looked at each other intently and ignored everyone's gaze.

After the discussion was completed, everyone began to make preparations.

Zhong Ling and the other three took out stacks of formation flag formation disks and many green wooden pillars, and began to arrange the Ten Thousand Wood Formation. The leaders of each team also explained the tasks of their respective members.

Yuan Ming and Long Chong also gathered together to discuss the next action.

"Next, we will act together with Huan Lingzi, Qingtong and others. Everyone should be careful to prevent them from doing anything sinister." Yuan Ming reminded the three of them.

"I'm sorry they don't dare." Long Chong snorted coldly and said.

"You guys, don't be careless." Qiong Yun said dissatisfied.

Yuan Ming used his emotional ability to sense that Huan Lingzi and Qing Tong were full of resentment, so they might not dare to take risks. Just as he was about to say something, Hong Ling's voice suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness:

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, Xueying and I are busy in Shura Blood Devouring Map every day. Those fire crocodiles are difficult to deal with. We can help when needed."

"Two fellow Taoists, I appreciate your kindness, but I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to appear on this occasion." Yuan Ming hesitated and replied through a message.

"Don't worry, we will be very careful in our actions and will not be noticed by others." Hong Ling said.

"No, you two just stay in the Asura Blood-devouring Map." Yuan Ming refused without hesitation this time.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, to tell you the truth, you must also know that we, the blood slaves of the Shura Blood-devouring Diagram, need the pure power of qi and blood to survive and practice. The power of qi and blood in the Shura Blood-devouring Diagram has been "Use the light. The fire crocodiles in the magma lake are huge and full of blood. We can smell them even through the magic weapon. There are many of them. They are perfect for refining into the power of blood." Blood Shadow interjected and said.

"Oh, really?" Yuan Ming was noncommittal.

He naturally knew that Hong Ling and Xue Ying needed the power of Qi and blood to practice. These two people were in the Nascent Soul stage. If they could be favored by Master Shura and refine them into the Shura Blood Devouring Diagram, their talents would definitely be good. If there was a steady stream of talent, If the power of Qi and blood is provided, the two of them will break through to a higher realm.

Yuan Ming's cultivation is only in the early stage of pill formation, and the worship of the Shura Blood Devouring Diagram is not deep enough. The strength of Hong Ling and Xueying is too high, which is not a good thing.

"Collecting the power of qi and blood is not just for us. Fellow Daoist Yuan, it seems that the second level of your Demonic Elephant Prison Suppression Skill is about to be completed. Next, you need a lot of qi and blood to practice. There is no chance to store the power of qi and blood right now. See you more often." Seeing Yuan Ming start to hesitate, Hongling quickly added.

After hearing this, Yuan Ming finally felt moved.

If he encounters one or two more star rains next, his iron-bone body will be completed, and he will really need a lot of pure energy and blood later.

"Okay, I can let you capture some fire crocodiles later, but no one else will find out that it was me." He pondered for a moment and said through the voice.

"Don't worry, we have our own means to prevent them from finding out that it's related to you." Hong Ling said hurriedly.

The rest of the people were quickly prepared and took action.

Although they were acting together, all parties were roughly divided into three teams according to their respective teams, preparing to attack the fire crocodile in the center of the lake from three different directions.

On Yuan Ming's side, only Wulu, Long Chong and Qiong Yun helped him stop the Fire Crocodile. Their strength was a little weak. Taoist Qianbao couldn't find anyone to help him, so he could only discuss with Huan Lingzi to let him Someone came over over there.

I thought Huan Lingzi would refuse, but unexpectedly he agreed very simply, and then sent Qingtong over.

Yuan Ming saw that Qingtong was assigned, and he wanted to refuse, but Fairy Jinyun was already urging her: "Don't wait any longer. If there is another star shower later, the situation will only get worse. Start quickly." Bar."

"Friend Qing Tong, I didn't expect that we would have to act together next, please give me some advice." Long Chong looked at Qing Tong and said hehe.

The latter just grinned, looking indifferent.

After everyone was ready, Taoist Qianbao gave an order, and Zhong Ling, Hua Ping and Baili Zhui were the first to take action.

They sat cross-legged on the shore of the magma lake, each holding a cyan disk in their hands, and began to press the disk with their hands and close their eyes to cast spells.

As their mana poured in, green light quickly lit up on the disk, forming circular green circles of light under them, spreading like water ripples.

Wherever the green light passed, the ground burst into life, and a layer of green moss grew out.

On the shores of the magma lake, the green wooden stakes they had buried earlier came to life one after another, twisting and growing one by one, turning into huge green trees.

There are no leaves on the giant tree, but extremely thick vines hanging down from it.

"Let's begin." Taoist Qianbao shouted.

The dozens of towering trees immediately twisted their waists, waving their canes and slapping toward the lava lake like living creatures.


There was a crackling sound, and the giant tree vines were actually very fire-resistant. They splashed countless sparks in the rolling lava water, but were not burned.

The fire crocodile, which had just fallen silent, was disturbed and surfaced again.

However, because the area affected by the vines was too large, this time dozens of fire crocodiles were disturbed at the same time, and each of them opened their mouths to bite the vines with great ferocity.

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