Celestial being

Chapter 672 Fire of Life

Yuan Ming did not answer Qiye, but carefully felt the changes in his body.

He clenched his fists, and all the muscles in his body immediately tightened, and lines like knives and axes emerged on them, revealing a beauty that seemed to contain explosive power.

Especially in the black magic pattern on his body, there was a burning sensation immediately. There seemed to be a force in it, instigating his blood to flow faster, stimulating him to conquer and fight.

Yuan Ming suppressed this impulse, and he felt that the strength of his physical body seemed to have increased again, and he was one step closer to the body of all things.

What was even more obvious was a strange feeling of hunger.

This feeling of hunger does not come from the spleen and stomach, nor from the Dantian, nor from the sea of ​​consciousness, but from the blood.

It was as if his flesh and blood suddenly had its own consciousness, and kept telling Yuan Ming that he was hungry, that he was not enough, and that he needed to eat to replenish himself.

Yuan Ming was slightly surprised and told Qiye about this.

"This is a good thing, don't worry. Your physical body is already very powerful. After being refined by the demon refining array, it has been transformed into a semi-demon body. This is equivalent to doubling the capacity of a bottle originally filled with water. Now it Being able to carry twice the amount of water will naturally make you feel empty." Qiye laughed after hearing this and said.

"You mean, just replenish the energy and blood power?" Yuan Ming pondered for a moment and asked.

"Not bad." Qiye affirmed.

After hearing this, Yuan Ming no longer hesitated. He immediately waved his hand, took out a set of black robes, put them on, and immediately unfolded the Asura Blood-devouring Diagram.

After this period of refining, all the remaining essence and blood in Master Shura's body had been refined.

Yuan Ming moved his hands, and the majestic power of Qi and blood surged out and gathered towards him.

Without any hesitation, he immediately absorbed the power of these qi and blood and began to use the Demonic Elephant Prison Suppressing Technique.

Seven days later.

There was a loud explosion outside Shura Palace, and a plume of smoke and dust exploded on the ground.

A black figure shot straight up from the smoke and jumped into the sky.

Huazhi and King Kong were both startled, and when they looked intently, they saw that it was their master Yuan Ming, and then they felt relieved.

"The master's aura has become much stronger..." Hua Zhi couldn't help but admire.

"This is the peak of the body that penetrates the body. The master is afraid that he will break through the body of all things." King Kong, who also follows the path of body cultivation, naturally sees it more realistically.

High in the sky, Yuan Ming stabilized his breath for a moment, glanced at the flower branches and King Kong below, and then rushed straight towards the sky again, as if heading straight for the great sun.


With only the sound of violent wind in his ears, Yuan Ming's body quickly rose up and soon plunged into the sea of ​​clouds.

Above the clouds, there is an even bluer sky, but it is not Yuan Ming's end.

Its figure continued to fly upward, and the wind around it became more and more violent, until it reached the deep sky where the strong wind was raging.

There are no more clouds here, the temperature has become extremely cold, and the only sound in my ears is the roar of the violent wind.

Only the big sun seemed to have become bigger. In addition to the white round sun in the middle, there was also a round rainbow with colorful luster outside.

Yuan Ming clearly felt that the power of the sun here was more than ten times stronger than on the earth.

But, the place he wants to go is still not here.

If you want to break through the body of all phenomena, you must go to the sky above the Nine Heavens Gangfeng and absorb the power of the sun without any hindrance.

Yuan Ming raised his head and glanced at the sky above. The spiritual energy there was thin and extremely chaotic. Countless vortexes of strong winds had disrupted the space. Except for powerful monsters like Kunpeng, almost no living beings could travel through it.

His eyes were bright, and there was no fear in his eyes. He turned his wrist, held the Wind-fixing Pearl tightly, and straightened his body, rushing directly into the Nine Heavens Gang Wind.

The moment he entered the Gangfeng, the sonic boom caused by the huge wind blocked his hearing. Even with the protection of the Fixed Wind Bead, he could still feel the huge force around him that was destroying the world. It's surrounding him.

One moment it was a pulling force that was tearing his body apart, and the next moment it was an unbearable squeezing force. Fortunately, Yuan Ming's physical body was strong enough, otherwise he might have had a hard time getting through this level.

I don't know how long it took for Yuan Ming to fly past, and finally passed through the whirlwind and vortex, broke out of the scope of Jiutian Gangfeng, and came to the higher void outside the sky.

The sky here has turned into a deep blue with black color, but the temperature in the surrounding void has been much higher than before. There is no trace of wind around, and the air is full of burning breath.

Yuan Ming looked up at the sky. The big sun was dozens of times bigger than what he saw on the ground. Its surface was no longer white. He could see streaks of blazing flames. Huge fireball.

He could clearly feel that the intensity of the sun's power here was far more than a thousand times higher than on the ground.

Yuan Ming opened his arms and let the hot breath hit his face. His whole body was bathed in the extremely hot sunlight, as if he was undergoing some kind of baptism.

His eyes reflected the shadow of the scorching sun, and the Demonic Elephant Prison Suppressing Skill in his body began to work crazily.

The next moment, the fireball-like sun hanging above his head was raging with raging flames, and streams of pure solar power spurted out from it, turning into a fiery ray of light that enveloped Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming's eyes widened angrily, enduring the unspeakable scorching power, and began to absorb the power of the sun crazily.

His clothes were burned by the flames and turned into ashes. The exposed body with almost perfect lines was exposed to the power of the sun, and his skin quickly turned red.

However, after a moment, the skin on Yuan Ming's body was chapped, revealing horrific blood marks.

But before the blood in the blood stain had time to flow out, it was dried up and scabbed by the hot temperature, and then torn apart again, over and over again.

Yuan Ming endured waves of unspeakable burning pain, but had no intention of giving up.

Instead of retreating, he faced the light and flew closer to the sun. The Demonic Elephant Prison Suppressing Skill in his body was running crazily, constantly absorbing and refining the seemingly inexhaustible power of the sun.

However, before he could adapt to the pain, there was a sudden movement in his body.

The power of the sun that he sucked into his body failed to be completely refined, but instead had a backlash. For a time, the fire overflowed, burning his body with external fire, and he fell into a dilemma.

His body burned and turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye until it was reduced to charcoal.

Under the unimaginable severe pain, Yuan Ming's consciousness was finally unable to withstand it, and he finally lost consciousness. His body also fell from the sky, passing through the strong wind, and fell straight down.

King Kong and Huazhi, from the moment Yuan Ming started trying to break through, had been guarding below with nervous expressions on their faces.

Seeing a charcoal-like figure falling from the sky, both of them had panic in their eyes.

King Kong ran wildly towards the direction where Yuan Ming fell, but Huazhi was one step faster than him.

I saw vines intertwining together, intertwining in mid-air, turning into a huge vine palm, firmly supporting Yuan Ming's body, quickly shrinking and recovering it, until it was placed on the ground.

"Master..." Huazhi's eyes turned red the moment he saw Yuan Ming's appearance clearly.

She quickly took out a bottle of elixir, trying to open Yuan Ming's mouth and pour the elixir into it.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Ming's face had also been burned to pieces, and a piece of burnt flesh fell off as soon as his hand touched it. Huazhi's hand could not help but freeze in mid-air, and could not help but tremble.

King Kong rushed forward and quickly transformed into a human form. He couldn't help but open his mouth. He knew that it was not easy to cultivate the body to advance to the body of all phenomena, but he did not expect it to be so dangerous.

"Don't be too busy crying. The master is not dead yet. We have to find a way to wake him up." King Kong said.

He could still sense a faint breath of life from Yuan Ming.

Hearing this, Huazhi hurriedly wiped away her tears and quickly pressed her palm on Yuan Ming's head, trying to wake him up with the power of her soul.

However, no matter how she tried, Yuan Ming lay motionless on the spot without any reaction.

King Kong also stretched out his palm to hold Yuan Ming's head, trying to wake him up as well.

As a result, it is naturally useless.

That weak fire of life seems to be extinguished at any time.

However, at this moment, a green light suddenly lit up in the Dantian area of ​​Yuan Ming's lower abdomen.

The light spread from his lower abdomen and covered other areas of his body, wrapping him up in a short while.

In the green light, the originally shaky fire of life suddenly surged, exuding an extremely rich breath of life.

Hua Zhi's eyes were filled with surprise when she saw that pieces of burnt skin on Yuan Ming's body that was no different from charcoal suddenly stood up, as if being pushed up by something.

She hurriedly got closer and took a closer look, and saw that under the fallen skin, small green tree buds sprouted, and quickly grew into thin green and black vines, which soon covered Yuan Ming's body. The whole body is wrapped in it.

Seeing this scene, Huazhi and Jin Gang both breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

The two of them stayed by Yuan Ming's side, from dawn to dusk, and from dusk to dawn the next day.

It was not until noon that the vines covering Yuan Ming's body began to wither little by little, turning into ashes and peeling off, revealing a naked and smooth body.

Yuan Ming held his head in his hands and slowly sat up.

"Master, how are you?" King Kong asked with concern.

"Master, are you okay?" Huazhi also asked hurriedly.

Although she transformed into a woman, she had no concept of the defense between men and women, so she didn't know how to avoid it.

Yuan Ming took out a robe and put it on, rubbed his brows, and said after a moment: "It's okay. Fortunately, there is the original power of the immortal tree, otherwise it would be impossible to recover so quickly."

After that, he took out a few pills and swallowed them, then he sat cross-legged and meditated, closing his eyes and regulating his breathing.

Seeing this, Huazhi and King Kong stepped back a little distance in a tacit understanding, keeping Yuan Ming in the middle.

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