Celestial being

Chapter 822 Don’t say you didn’t predict what you said

Yuan Ming acted as if he had not heard what happened just now, and continued to search Wang Qi's soul. Soon, his eyebrows slightly raised, and his palms were removed from the woman's head.

Wang Qi groaned miserably, and collapsed on the ground like a ball of mud.

"Master, what tricks are these two playing?" King Kong asked.

"They are stalling for time. The forbidden door of the secret room where Yun Luo is imprisoned contains the soul power of Zi Mei. When I broke the forbidden door of the secret room, Zimei already knew that something happened here. I am afraid that we are on the way back now. Let's go first. Let's do it." Yuan Ming said quickly, raised his hand and emitted a burst of green light, covering Chen Yuluan and Wang Qi, and brought the two women into the Shura Palace.

"That Zi Mei is only in the late stage of returning to the void, so there's nothing to worry about. It's better if she comes, so we can catch her together." King Kong didn't take it seriously, clenched his hands into fists, and made a cracking sound of his joints.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!" Yuan Ming shouted in a low voice, and his body swept outside.

He saw the situation of Qingjin Tower in Wang Qi's memory, but he never expected that the place was the property of the Su Nu Sect, and the owner of Qingjin Tower, Lin Qingjin, was Ye Wuya's Taoist companion. Mei came here with the people from Qingjin Tower and the Island Lord's Mansion. It would be troublesome to escape.

Yuan Ming quickly left the cave with King Kong. He waved with one hand, put away the restrictions around him, and continued to fly outside.

At this moment, there was a loud thunderclap in mid-air, and two purple thunderbolts fell from the sky, striking Yuan Ming and King Kong fiercely.

Yuan Ming frowned, raised one hand, and a yellow light flashed out from the sleeves of his robe, and rose up against the storm, turning into a yellow mountain peak dozens of feet high to block in front of him.

"Crack it"

Purple thunder and lightning struck Houtu Peak, and the dazzling purple lightning suddenly flooded Houtu Peak and Yuan Ming below.

King Kong was completely unprepared. The purple thunder was incredibly fast. As soon as he raised his head, he was hit by the purple thunder. His whole body was immediately shaken and flew backwards. The chest area hit by the lightning tore out a huge hole. And the blackened wounds.

The sky above the Qingchun Garden Cave Mansion had turned dark at some point, and thick dark clouds were rolling in it.

King Kong turned over and jumped up, furious, there was a "crackling" sound in his body, his body suddenly swelled, and dazzling blood bloomed outward.

However, another purple thunderbolt fell, and the blood that had just appeared on King Kong's body was torn apart, and his body was hacked away for the second time.

Before King Kong could stand up again, purple thunder descended from the sky one after another, hitting King Kong with all of them.

King Kong's tall body soon became charred black, and he lay on the ground with serious injuries, making it difficult to move.

Dark clouds rolled in mid-air, and more than a dozen purple thunders appeared again, condensing into a huge purple thunder spear, piercing the sky with lightning speed, and piercing King Kong's head. The power was completely different from the purple thunder just now.

In the state of King Kong's serious injury, if he were hit, he would probably fall directly and his soul would be destroyed.

At the critical moment, a yellow shadow flashed past, and Houtu Peak appeared above King Kong.

Countless yellow lights fell, forming a bowl-shaped yellow light curtain that enveloped King Kong's body.

The purple thunder spear hit the back earth peak and immediately shattered. Thick thunder and lightning overflowed, but they were all isolated by the yellow light curtain.

"How? Do you know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky? Although the body of all phenomena is powerful, there are many ways to restrain it." Yuan Ming looked at King Kong and asked lightly.

"Thank you, Master, for saving your life." King Kong stubbornly raised his head, coughed out a mouthful of blood, and said reluctantly.

Yuan Ming activated the immortal tree in Dantian, and a root of the immortal tree appeared in front of King Kong, pierced his body, and injected streams of immortal tree demonic energy into King Kong's body.

The wounds on King Kong's physical body heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The thunderclouds in mid-air surged again, and nearly a hundred thunderbolts fell one after another, hitting the Houtu Peak, making the Houtu Peak tremble.

Yuan Ming muttered words, and two streams of blue light emerged from his feet, pouring into the ground under his feet, and then quickly spreading in all directions.

This dark cloud in the sky is a thunder and lightning array, and it is level five, otherwise it would not be possible to defeat King Kong easily.

When he and King Kong entered the Qingchun Garden, there was no such magic circle. Apparently Zi Mei's reaction speed exceeded his expectations.

However, Yuan Ming believed that with his current strength and various means, he should be able to cope with it as long as the presence of Dharma did not come.

The green light from the underground quickly touched the nearby thunder and lightning array and quickly began to explore it.

This magic circle seemed to have been set up in a hurry and had many loopholes. He quickly found out many of the loopholes.

"I see, the formation eye is here..." Yuan Ming thought, took out the Immortal Killing Sword, and waved it somewhere.

A violent sword energy shot out and stabbed somewhere in the air.

After an inaudible "poof" sound, the dark clouds in the sky quickly dispersed like deflated rubber balls, quickly returning to their previous clarity.

Dozens of figures suddenly appeared in the air, led by Ye Wuya, and five deputy island owners including Yin Lang, Yang Qing, Zimei, and Lin Qingjin were also there.

In addition, there are some Nascent Soul Stage monks standing further away holding magic weapons.

"Your Excellency is indeed proficient in formations. He broke through my Dayan Thunder Formation so quickly. It's really terrifying." Ye Wuya fell from mid-air and stopped not far in front of Yuan Ming.

Others also flew down, offering various magic weapons and surrounding them.

"You are Ye Wuya, right? Why did you stop me?" Yuan Ming stopped treating King Kong and asked.

"Fellow Taoist Yuan Ming, Ye has no intention of becoming your enemy. As long as you leave behind Fairy Yunluo, the Alchemy King's Secret Book and the Zhoutian Exquisite Cauldron, you can leave immediately. Ye swears by his inner demons that he will never stop you." Ye Wuya's right hand said. Green light flashed, and an emerald jade flute appeared, saying.

"These things Yuan are still useful, I'm afraid Island Master Ye's trip will be in vain." Yuan Ming shook his head and refused flatly.

"Since Fellow Daoist Yuan is not willing to take it out by himself, we have no choice but to take it out ourselves." Ye Wuya said leisurely, showing absolute confidence.

All the elites of Wuya Island are here and occupy favorable terrain. Now, even if two or three peak returners join forces, they will never be able to get out.

"Master Ye Island really wants to stop Yuan? The water inherited from Danwang Pavilion is very deep and cannot be joined by the small Wuya Island." Yuan Ming said calmly, not caring about being surrounded.

Ye Wuya looked at Yuan Ming's calm face and was slightly startled. He muttered to himself: "You are still so calm at this moment. Could it be that this person has a back-up plan?"

Zimei also felt a little uneasy in her heart and quickly thought about the possible actions Yuan Ming could take.

"Haha, you are just a monk in the middle stage of returning to the void, but your tone is very loud. For those who don't know, you think it's the Dharma phase power coming?" Yang Qing didn't take Yuan Ming into his eyes at all. Hearing this, he burst into laughter.

The others had similar thoughts. Instead of retreating, they surrounded Yuan Ming and King Kong even more tightly.

Several people who are proficient in earth attribute magical powers have quietly cast spells to seal the underground to prevent Yuan Ming from escaping later.

"Yuan has already given you a chance. Since you are still stubborn, don't blame me for not predicting what I said." Yuan Ming said lightly, using all the powerful soul power of Consciousness Sea.

A cold and huge wave of soul power erupted, not much inferior to the power of Dharma.

The spirits of everyone present were overwhelmed, and their vision was distorted.

"No, this person is a soul cultivator, be careful with illusions..." Zi Mei suddenly widened her eyes and shouted loudly.

However, she was only halfway through her words when her vision suddenly went dark, and she fell into a deep sleep without any resistance, falling into an endless dream.

The same goes for everyone else present, and they all fell to the ground and fell asleep.

"Is this the master's nightmare power?" King Kong also had a look of shock on his face.

He had followed Yuan Ming for many years and naturally knew that he had the magical power of nightmares, which could force people into dreams. However, he did not expect that when this magical power was used now, it would be so powerful.

Yuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Although the nightmare magical power was easy to use and could force people with soul power lower than his to fall into deep sleep, there were seven Void Return monks present, causing so many monks of the same level to fall into nightmares. The soul power was consumed. It is also extremely huge.

He adjusted his breathing, raised his hand and pointed quickly with his fingers.

Seven rays of black light shot out one by one and disappeared into the seven returning bodies in a flash, which was the seal of the mysterious demon.

Zimei, Lin Qingjin, Yang Qing and others fell into a deep sleep and had their magic power imprisoned before they woke up.

Ye Wuya's body suddenly lit up with a layer of white light, but it was a white jade pendant hanging around his waist that blocked the mysterious demon seal.

Not only that, the jade pendant also shot out a white light, which disappeared into the center of his eyebrows.

Ye Wuya shook his body and immediately woke up, looking at Yuan Ming with some horror.

"Soul Cultivation Lingbao... It seems that the island owner Ye Daoyou is not in vain." Yuan Ming took another look at the white jade pendant and waved his hand to cast the Dream Butterfly Illusion Technique.

Ye Wuya's eyes flashed as illusions appeared one after another, unpredictable, like a kaleidoscope, making him unable to help but be immersed in it.

At this moment, the jade pendant glowed with white light again. After a flash, Ye Wuya's eyes immediately returned to clarity.

When Yuan Ming saw this scene, a gleam of cold light flashed in his eyes. The jade pendant Ye Wuya was wearing was an extraordinary object. It seemed to be able to restrain all soul-cultivating methods.

However, everyone else has been sealed by him, and only Ye Wuya is left, unable to make a big splash.

While he was thinking about it, the sword technique in his heart flashed, and a green light flashed in front of him. The Immortal Killing Sword and the Soul-Destroying Sword appeared at the same time. In a flash, they turned into hundreds of fierce sword energy and slashed down towards Ye Wuya overwhelmingly.

The Immortal-Zlaying Sword Qi resounded through the void, but the Soul-Destroying Sword Qi was silent.

Ye Wuya's face was solemn, and he waved the jade flute in his hand, and countless green bamboo shadows appeared out of thin air, emitting bursts of psychedelic sound waves, colliding with these sword energies.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, a continuous muffled sound broke out. Most of the green bamboo shadows collapsed instantly, but the incoming sword energy was also blocked.

Ye Wuya took advantage of the force and flew upside down, shooting towards the distance.

At this moment, he had already realized that the monk in the middle stage of returning to the void was not simple, and immediately planned to evacuate here first.

After all, if the fight continues, he is not sure that he will be able to gain any advantage, and even if he is not careful, he will fall into a situation that is beyond redemption.

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