Celestial being

Chapter 873 The Way of Luck

After Yuan Ming's figure only dropped more than ten feet, a ball of protective light lit up around him. He stabilized his figure again, hovered in the air for a moment, and immediately looked towards the sky above his head with a stiff face.

The group of giant blue birds had dispersed, and the originally bright moonlit night was obscured by a large black shadow at some point.

At a glance, the shadow has no edges. It is said to be pure darkness, but it seems to be shrouded in a layer of moonlight. It is a bit hazy and blurry, but it has an indescribable strange feeling. .

Yuan Ming was convinced that the sharp scream came from that dark shadow.

His brows furrowed slightly, and his face became a little solemn.

The appearance of this black shadow was so strange that he didn't even notice it beforehand.

However, after waiting for a while, the sharp screams were no longer heard, and nothing unusual was seen in the black shadow.

Yuan Ming immediately sent a message to Lei Yu, asking him to speed up and make a detour so as not to disturb the thing in the shadow.

Leiyu didn't hesitate at all. Green light surged around his body, and electric wires wrapped around him. His body turned into a bolt of lightning and flew away, bypassing the shadow, Yuan Ming, and galloping forward.

Yuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and planned to stay away from here as soon as possible.

Although I don’t know what’s weird there, there is nothing wrong with oiling the soles of your feet.

He flew away with all his strength and his body turned into a rainbow. Just when he was about to catch up with the thunderstorm, his eyes suddenly jumped and his heart suddenly shook violently.

Above the head of the thunderstorm, at some point, a black shadow shrouded in the hazy moonlight appeared.

Yuan Ming looked back and saw that the previous shadow had disappeared.


Yuan Ming was so excited that he had no time to remind Leiyu.

In the strange shadow, there was suddenly a flash of blue and purple lightning, and a lightning-like trace of light lit up from it, and a vague figure as big as a mountain vaguely emerged from it.

It looks like a giant bird, but has four legs. It is covered with black feathers and has blue-purple arcs flashing on it.

The giant bird opened its hook-like mouth, and a ball of blue-purple plasma spurted out, turning into a huge tree-shaped lightning that instantly lit up the entire night sky and struck down the thunderstorm below.

At the critical moment, Yuan Ming's two arms suddenly turned into two immortal tree roots, which penetrated directly into the void and came to the top of Leiyu's head. One of them rolled up the God of Destruction Cone with the top facing upwards, and the other grasped the Thunder God Hammer fiercely. Hit it hard.

"Boom" an explosion.

A golden electric light burst out from the God of Boom cone, rushed straight into the sky, hit the terrifying tree-shaped lightning, and then sounded a thundering roar.

The bursting electric light scattered in all directions, turning into countless irregular arcs and sparks, striking in all directions.

Nan Shangfeng, who was on the back of the thunderstorm, raised his head, opened his mouth, and saw a scene that he would never forget!

The sky-wide arcs poured down like waterfalls, and the dazzling electric light shrouded the surroundings, exuding bursts of breathtaking aura of destruction, as if he was trapped in a huge cage made of thunder and lightning.

He believed that if Yuan Ming had not stopped him from doing this, he would have been wiped out long ago.

When the lightning dissipated, Yuan Ming had already taken the opportunity to rush over.

But I saw that the God-Destroying Cone and Thunder Hammer in his hands were all red, as if they were about to melt.

Without any pause, Yuan Ming put away the two treasures, and summoned the Immortal Killing Sword and the Soul-Destroying Sword, holding one on each side, urging all his magic power to flow into them, and slashed towards the sky.

Two huge sword lights flashed out, intersecting like scissors in the high air, forming a huge cross slash, which immediately tore through the black shadow and slashed in.

A shrill scream suddenly came from the shadows, it was sharp and unbearable.

Yuan Ming was still able to withstand it, but Lei Yu and Nan Shangfeng couldn't bear it anymore. The former was barely supported by the strong body of the demon clan and continued to fly, but the direction was shaking a little, while the latter rolled his eyes and directly Passed out.

After Leiyu escaped a hundred miles unsteadily, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no longer a shadow above his head.

Yuan Ming has been holding his breath and concentrating, using the power of his spiritual consciousness to explore the surroundings to prevent the thing from appearing suddenly and attacking them again.

Fortunately, that thing seemed to have been injured by Yuan Ming, or maybe it was frightened, but fortunately it did not continue to chase.

However, Yuan Ming and the others did not remain stable for long, and they accidentally ran into a thunderstorm sea area again. They were chased and struck by countless thick thunder and lightning for a quarter of an hour before they finally escaped from that area.

Afterwards, the thunderstorm was too tiring, so Yuan Ming took them to an island to rest temporarily.

As a result, not long after they landed on the island, there was a huge earthquake under the island, and the island's volcano, which had been dormant for unknown years, suddenly erupted.

Countless lava and fire rains fell from the sky, and they managed to escape with the help of Yuan Ming's array and constant interceptions.

But then, the tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption formed a huge wave and rushed towards them.

In desperation, the thunderstorm had no choice but to fly above the clouds again. As a result, it attracted a group of birds and monsters to attack.

Yuan Ming was better off, but Lei Yu was tortured quite a lot.

Nan Shangfeng was also accidentally injured, and he was in a very embarrassed state, with many wounds visible to the naked eye.

After finally getting rid of the entanglement of the monster, Yuan Ming quickly took out the elixir, drank it, and meditated to regulate his breathing.

"That's not right. Ever since we flew across the sea, bad luck has happened all the time. How come we can encounter all sorts of monsters, monsters, and natural and man-made disasters?" Nan Shangfeng finally couldn't help it and spoke.

Yuan Ming had actually realized that something was wrong, but there were constant big and small problems along the way, and he had no time to think about it. It was only now that he had a little chance to breathe.

"Senior Kong, you should know what happened to the situation we encountered, right?" Yuan Ming asked in his heart.

Between thinking hard on his own and asking others for advice, he chose the latter.

After all, if Senior Sora could tell him the answer directly, it would definitely be easier and more accurate than guessing.

"You're unlucky enough to be like this, can't you figure it out?" Surprisingly, Senior Sora was very considerate this time and responded immediately.

"Is it related to the evil curse altar?" Yuan Ming asked tentatively.

In fact, he already had some vague guesses in his mind, but he couldn't be completely sure yet.

After all, luck is invisible, intangible, mysterious and elusive.

"Not too stupid," Sora replied.

"How to crack it?" Yuan Ming asked immediately.

This was the reason why he chose to ask Kong for advice. After all, even if he guessed where the problem was, it would not be easy to find a solution immediately.

And the next round of bad luck will come, no one knows when.

"This thing is indeed not something you can deal with now, it's just three million spirit stones." Kong's voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"What?" Yuan Ming didn't react for a while.

"Give me three million spirit stones and I will tell you how to crack it," Kong replied.

"Senior Kong, do you want spirit stones instead of wishing pills this time? What do you want three million spirit stones for?" Yuan Mingqi asked.

"This is not something you should worry about. In short, if you want to know how to solve the current predicament, give me three million spirit stones, or you can find a way yourself." Kong did not explain.

"Okay, I promise you, but I don't have enough spirit stones right now. I won't be able to give them to you until I get to Zhongzhou Continent." Yuan Ming hesitated and said.

"Yes. The attack of the evil curse altar is far more mysterious than you think. This attack is even more subtle than your curse rune attack. It is almost impossible to resist and difficult to detect. Once hit by it, not only the body will be affected. The erosion of the power of the curse will also affect luck." Kong explained directly.

"Luck? Senior Kong is talking about luck?" Yuan Ming asked.

"It can be said that Nan Shangfeng is currently plagued by bad luck. He will encounter accidents wherever he goes. It is precisely the curse that affects his luck." Kong continued.

"Is there such an attack method? Is there any way to deal with it?" Yuan Ming felt that it was an eye-opener.

"If you want to completely lift the curse, you still can't do it with your current ability. However, there is a way to temporarily avoid the bad luck. All you need to do is cut off his contact with the outside world." Kong ignored Yuan Ming's emotion. , continued.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Ming was immediately disappointed.

"I have already tried this method just now and placed him in the Kongyu Temple. However, the dangers encountered along the way were not reduced at all. They all happened to me without landing."

"Ordinary space spiritual treasures naturally cannot isolate the impact of the curse on his luck, but the space in the Heaven-Stealing Cauldron can. You only need to hide it in it to block the bad luck and reduce the impact of the curse on him." Kong. He chuckled lightly and said unhurriedly.

When Yuan Ming heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he turned to look at Nan Shangfeng.

Nan Shangfeng, who had been on tenterhooks all the way, was now as frightened as a bird. Seeing Yuan Ming looking at him, he subconsciously thought that something had happened again.

"What, what's wrong?" he asked in panic.

Just as Yuan Ming was about to speak, he heard rolling thunder suddenly coming from the sea ahead.

"Why isn't it over yet..." Nan Shangfeng suddenly showed bitterness on his face, looking like he was about to cry without tears.

Yuan Ming raised his eyes and looked into the distance, only to see thousands of feet away, rolling waves, thunderstorms roaring, and the gloomy sky seemed to have entered the end of the world, with indescribable pressure from heaven and earth, rolling towards this direction.

"It's okay, we'll be safe soon." He looked away, and while saying this, he raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

A bright light lit up in his palm, and a talisman shaped like a colorful butterfly flew out from his palm and circled around Nan Shangfeng's head.

A layer of mist suddenly appeared in the latter's eyes, and then he rolled his eyes and fell into a deep dream.

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