Celestial being

Chapter 966 The real plot

Jiezha looked at Wulu and said calmly: "What do I want these things for? It's just that back then, the ancestor of Wandu and I also had a relationship. Today, seeing someone who inherits his inheritance can be regarded as a worry. This Wandu ancestor You also take the Divine Poison Cauldron and the Ten Thousand Poison Flags with you. The Ten Thousand Poison Ancestor was also a great person back then, so don’t let his reputation fall."

When Wu Lu heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately promised: "Senior, don't worry, I will make the name of the Patriarch of Ten Thousand Poisons resound throughout the Izumo Realm again."

Jie Cha nodded, said no more, raised his hand and put away all the remaining treasures in the secret room.

"Where do you want to go, senior?" Wu Lu asked hurriedly when he saw this.

"I have been the helmsman of the Immortal Boat of the Three Realms for many years. Today I blew myself up and was buried, which can be regarded as the end of the cause and effect. From now on, the world is vast, and naturally there is nowhere I cannot go." Jie Cha said calmly.

"But senior, the Three Realms Immortal Boat is such a sacred object. If you were not here, wouldn't it soon fall into the hands of the demons of the Three Realms Sect? They collude with the demons. If they get the Three Realms Immortal Boat, it will definitely endanger the safety of Izumo Realm. "Wulu was anxious and quickly advised.

There is actually a thought hidden in his heart, that is, Yuan Ming is still outside. If Jie Cha leaves just now, Yuan Ming's situation will really be bad.

Jie Cha saw through Wulu's thoughts and said calmly: "You said so much, but you just want me to help the boy named Wan win the Three Realms Immortal Boat, right?"

When Wulu was told the central issue, his face showed embarrassment, but he still said frankly: "I don't dare to deceive my seniors, I have this intention. But it is not entirely selfish. My good friend is a man of great luck and extremely talented. Excellent, profound cultivation. If you can control the Three Realms Immortal Boat, you will definitely not disgrace this treasure."

"Perhaps what you said is true. But the Three Realms Immortal Boat was originally built by the Three Realms Sect, and now it falls into the hands of the descendants of the Three Realms Sect. It is a matter of course. As for whether it will be used by the demons or the Izumo Realm in the end, that doesn't matter. It is the choice of the descendants of the Three Realms Sect and has nothing to do with me." Jie Cha shook his head and said.

At this moment, a loud "rumbling" sound suddenly sounded in the secret room, and the void around Ulu shook violently, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

"This place will completely collapse soon. We can't stay any longer. Please come with me." After Jie Cha finished speaking, without waiting for Ulu to respond, he raised his hand to activate the silver magic circle and disappeared directly into the secret room with Ulu. middle.

Baidi City.

On the horizon, the gorgeous red clouds burned like a raging fire, dyeing the sky crimson. The mountains were shimmering with silver light, like stars falling, shedding warm light, dispersing the surrounding darkness, making all evil spirits invisible.

This Baidi City is like a majestic palace in the sky. Before the complete outline of the city is revealed, it already reveals a majesty that shocks the mountains and suppresses all monsters.

As the sun rises, the golden sunlight shines on the city wall, making it even more sacred and solemn.

The city was already bustling with activity. The store clerks were busy cleaning the stores in preparation for welcoming the new day's customers. The sounds of hawking on the street were already coming and going, with a few childish voices mixed in between.

The monks who went out to hunt monsters walked together and left the city in high spirits, their figures looking more and more vigorous in the morning light.

On a new day, the entire Baidi City is full of vitality and vitality.

And thousands of miles away from Baidi City, there was a sudden loud "rumbling" sound.

I saw a huge Three Realm Immortal Boat speeding towards me, its hull flashing with dazzling light, cutting through the sky, leaving a long trajectory.

Above the ship, there was a sudden fluctuation in the void, and Jie Cha and Wulu appeared out of thin air.

As soon as they stood upright, they saw the silver-white boat speeding away, heading straight towards Baidi City.

"Is that giant ship the body of the Three Realms Immortal Boat? Why did it suddenly move? Who is controlling it?" Ulu looked at the silver-white giant boat that was getting further and further away, with a look of surprise on his face.

Jie Cha looked at the Three Realms Immortal Boat going away, with a relaxed smile on his face, and explained: "The people of the Three Realms Sect have been planning the Immortal Boat for a long time, so they will naturally have backup plans. Although the master of the Immortal Boat has not yet been decided, it is not Meaning it cannot be manipulated."

"Are those two women controlling the Three Realm Immortal Boat? No wonder they didn't come down with us before. Judging from the flight direction of the Three Realm Immortal Boat, it seems to be heading to Baidi City. What are they doing in Baidi City?" Ulu The doubts in my heart became even worse, and I couldn't help but ask.

"Their purpose is very simple, that is to break the Hongjun Pillar and destroy the Tianhong Formation." Jie Cha said with a smile.

"Hongjun Pillar? I have lived in Baidi City for a long time, but I have never heard of what this Hongjun Pillar is." Ulu's face was full of confusion.

"This Hongjun Pillar is the biggest secret of the Nineteen Cities of Ten Thousand Monsters. You are still relatively young, so you naturally won't know it. Everything in the world is fighting against each other, just like the eternal battle between the Izumo Realm and the Demon Realm. The battle between humans and demons has never stopped. Tens of thousands of years ago, the battle between humans and demons finally came to an end, ending with the defeat of the demon clan. Before his death, the only remaining demon emperor of the demon clan, the Mahayana Demon Emperor, threatened to completely destroy the Izumo Realm, forcing The human race Mahayana made an oath with him to leave the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains as a place for the demon tribe to live and not to completely destroy the demon tribe." Jie Cha said calmly without any surprise.

"I have read about this in the classics. In the end, the Mahayana ancestor of the human race agreed to this request, and the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom was able to be passed down. However, is there another plan in this?" Ulu nodded and said.

"The human race will naturally not let go of the demon clan easily. After the Demon Emperor passed away, although the human race Mahayana did not annihilate the demon clan due to its oath, it secretly built nineteen cities in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, which are now the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. Nine cities. There is a Hongjun pillar underground in each city, which is connected to the underground spiritual veins, forming a Tianhong formation that covers the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. This formation brings all the spiritual veins in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains under the control of the human race Underneath, the human race completely suppresses the demon race." Jie Cha continued.

"So that's it, these nineteen cities in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range actually have such origins." Ulu's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but sigh.

Jie Cha continued to talk: "Not only that, this Tianhong Formation has the magical effect of suppressing luck. Even if the demon clan can use the power of spiritual veins to cultivate to the level of the sixth-level demon king, they will not be able to If we go any further, we will not be able to cultivate a true seventh-level demon emperor. This is the true intention of the human race’s Mahayana, they want to bind the demon clan to this Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range forever.”

After hearing this, Wu Lu suddenly realized and sighed: "No wonder no seventh-level demon has been born in the Izumo Realm for tens of thousands of years. It turns out that it was suppressed by this Tianhong Formation."

Jie Cha nodded, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes: "The Tianhong Formation was personally designed by a Mahayana master. Each Hongjun stone pillar is extremely strong. Unless a Mahayana master takes action personally, it will never be broken. Therefore, only With the current power of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream to destroy the Tianhong Formation."

Ulu's heart moved, and he seemed to understand something: "I understand! This treasure hunt in the Fire Rock Desert is actually a conspiracy between the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom and the Three Realms Sect. From the beginning, the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom had no intention of looking for any sky fire, nor did it I never thought about taking away the Three Realms Immortal Boat. All this is just to give the Three Realms Sect a gift. As a price, the Three Realms Sect will help them destroy the Tianhong Formation and let them completely get rid of the suppression of the human race!"

Jiezhan looked at Wulu, a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes: "You are quite smart, you can tell the truth at a glance."

Wu Lu did not feel relieved, but felt anxious: "Senior, we must not sit idly by and let the demon clan's plan succeed. Otherwise, once the Tianhong Formation is destroyed, the Izumo Realm will surely fall into chaos, and the demon clan will The tribe may also take the opportunity to invade. At that time, there will be a war and the lives of all people will be destroyed. These are our sins!"

He had lived in Baidi City for many years and had his friends there. He could not imagine such a disaster coming.

Jie Cha just shrugged and laughed: "That is something you need to consider, and it has nothing to do with me. I was trapped in the Three Realms Immortal Boat by Gongshu Lingren for countless years. I finally escaped from the trap, and I still want to be free. It’s been a while.”

After saying that, he laughed and flew away, leaving Ulu alone, standing there with a look of helplessness on his face.

At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded: "Want to feel comfortable? You can't help it!"

As the voice fell, a ball of white light suddenly appeared in the void around Jie Cha, surrounding him.

Jie Cha's body suddenly became unable to move, and his expression changed drastically.

The void near the white light split open, forming a space passage, and a blind old man on crutches walked out of it.

Although his completely white eyes could not see anything, they seemed to be able to see through everything.

"Xia Jie, it's you!" Jie Cha looked shocked, obviously he didn't expect to meet this old man here.

But when Wulu saw the person clearly, he was overjoyed: "Senior, it's you!"

Xia Jie nodded, looked at Wulu with his white eyes, and said, "Your cultivation has made good progress. Why did you switch to Wandu's technique? Did you give up on the virtual thought technique I taught you?" This technique may seem partial, but when practiced to a high level, it is not inferior to any technique in the Izumo Realm."

"What the senior taught me is this. It's just that after the junior has broken through the realm of returning to the void, he needs the skills of fellow practitioners of the Five Elements to improve his cultivation. Although the virtual thought skill is exquisite, it can only regulate the alien magic power in the body and has no use in improving his cultivation. This junior I had no choice but to give up." Ulu lowered his head and said after hearing this.

Hearing this, Xia Jie frowned slightly and said, "Idiot! The essence of Xu Nian Gong is to refine all kinds of magic power. Who told you that it is limited to the body? This skill can also refine external spiritual power. Watch it carefully."

As he spoke, an aura of humility emanated from him, and the surrounding aura seemed to be summoned, pouring in like a tide and integrating into his body.

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