
Chapter 1131: The first person of the young generation!

"This battle will almost endanger the world and lead to a big disaster, but thanks to the nephew of the master and neglecting the safety, the big disaster is strangled in the bud, otherwise, this big disaster will be big!"

"That, no, I'm not, I don't have..." Little Devil's face was stunned, listening to the Dragon Ghost Domain Master's more and more outrageous, he waved his hands again and again, but the Dragon Ghost Domain Master looked enthusiastic, actually put his words They are all blocked.

"Master nephew is really the pillar of my eunuch, if the Three Demon Sects will continue to prosper in the next ten thousand years, it will fall on you!" The dragon ghost domain master seems to sum up, but it is a final word, a slap on the little devil. On the head and shoulders, it seems that the heavy pressure really fell on the little devil's head and shoulders.

"Huh? Fou is out of bounds, that..." Little Devil's head was dazed, and he came to show his power. Why did he suddenly discuss the rise and fall of the Three Demon Sects in the next ten thousand years?

However, at this time, the Lord of Dragon Ghosts seemed to talk about the rise, but it was actually carrying mana and spreading the world with a loud voice: "In this big catastrophe, the small demon heads of the Three Demon Sects have made great contributions, and are regarded as the disciples of Ephesus. First!"

The words fell, and the whole Montenegro was fried.

Putting it in the past, what is called the first person of the younger generation of Fo Lijie is spread among young people. The seniors of the Fa phase are just watching with cold eyes and discussing with ridicule.

But nowadays, the prestigious dragon and ghost domain masters in the Forbidden Realm have personally admitted the status of the little devil?

Dharma phases are different. At least in the future, everyone will have to respect the little demon heads, and the disciples of the Dragon Ghost Palace will see them, and they are even white and short. If they offend, they will be playing the face of the Dragon Ghost Domain Master. ...

"This guy, what did he tell the Lord of Dragon Ghost Domain..." Zhao Shu looked at the source of the sound in the sky, and he was also unexpected. He murmured while touching his chin: "No, I have to go and see ."

With that said, he just jumped into the air.

The devil was surprised when he heard the sound of heaven and earth. Suddenly he saw Zhao Shu's escape from the sky. He hesitated a little and turned into escape.

At the same time, when the little devil heard this, he felt the burning eyes of his disciples, and suddenly he twitched.

Things were inexplicably developed to this point, even if he knew it was a bit wrong...

As a disciple of the Three Demon Sects, how long will the Dragon Ghost Domain be known to him?

There is a problem, there is a big problem!

However, after all, there are three Fas, and the Dragon Ghost Domain Master who talks to himself is also a fierce character. The little devil is also very cautious in speaking, saying: "Uncle Master, this matter needs my Master. Come……"

"Haha, Master Nephew, rest assured, you, Master, you will be the one to say, "This battle, you should be the first one! Don't worry, no one can take your credit!" The Dragon Ghost Lord smiled lightly and calmly. , But the strong self-confidence in the words is beyond doubt.

The little devil thought it was a bit wrong, but when he heard the word "first merit", the little devil suddenly stunned and followed, just like he was struck by lightning...

When I patronize myself, I forget the important things, and I forget such an important thing...

Others don't know it, but he knows it very well. The so-called first merit is entirely made by Lin Fei. He may have a little credit, but it is definitely not so exaggerated.

Originally thinking about exaggerating a little bit in front of the Master, Lin Fei could not know, but now, the master of the Dragon and Ghost Domain has directly informed the world.

Moreover, it is a hundred times more exaggerated, and directly transfers what Lin Fei does to himself...


I took credit for Lin Fei...

Thinking of this, the little devil's head was awkward. If only the credit of others was robbed, robbing Lin Fei's credit would be the same as finding death...

Thinking of the Thunder Ghost Emperor who died under Lin Fei, the little devil touched his neck and felt no harder than Thunder Ghost Emperor's.

The most important thing is that in Lin Fei's eyes, these so-called background strengths are all negligible...

But the deadly thing is that the Dragon Ghost Domain Master didn't know what medicine was wrong, and blew himself to death.

If this is normal, it’s no big deal to let him blow it up, but this time it’s different. If you go on like this, you will definitely become famous and leave the world, completely replace Lin Fei’s credit, in case Lin Fei is really annoyed and will fall later. In the case of a single encounter, that scene is ugly...

With Lin Fei's disagreement with the temper of the ghost emperor, he didn't have to hesitate to kill himself...

"Uncle Shishu, you may be a little misunderstood. In fact, this is not the case." In the torrent of the Dragon Ghost Domain Master, the little devil easily found an opportunity to interrupt quickly.

"Oh?" The Dragon Ghost Domain seemed surprised, glancing at the little devil's head: "Is it because I underestimated the merits of the master nephew, in fact, the master nephew did more?"

"No, it's not." Xiao Motou sweated down on the spot, and quickly waved his hand, embarrassedly: "Actually, the uncle has overestimated my credit. In fact, I just passed on the letter. The rest of the matter did not follow me. It's too much."

"Oh?" Long Guiyu narrowed his eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Don't be humble, the teacher and nephew, you are the strongest here, except for you, who else can accomplish such a big task."

"It's really not me..." Little Devil said with a guilty conscience: "It's a young monk named Lin Fei, I just followed him..."

"Lin Fei?" The dragon ghost domain master seemed to chew the name, but shook his head and smiled: "This is impossible. I know the famous disciples of Fuli from the world. I know one or two, but for this Lin Fei. I'm really not impressed."

"He only appeared this time, and he once killed the ghost emperor with a single sword..." Little Devil hurriedly defended.

"Well, you don't need to say more, Master and Nephew, although modesty is a good thing, but if it is too short, it will not be beautiful..." The Dragon Ghost Domain interrupted with a smile, his face full of loving expressions to care for his juniors.

Xuan Yao Sect Master nodded in a deep face: "The merit is the merit, the nephew does not have to be too humble, whoever refuses to let him talk to me!"

At this time, Lord Liufeng touched his white beard, seeming to be relieved by the outstanding old ancestors of the younger generation, and he was directly put to the conclusion: "I haven’t been out of the world for such a good young disciple for a long time. Things have ended here. The disciples in other worlds are competing for men."

"What?" Little Devil's head suddenly looked dumbfounded. Why did he want to cross the border to fight for heroes in three words? When did you reach this height?

I just wanted to continue my argument, but after seeing the three Fas make a decision, they actually gathered in a small circle, as if discussing something, and ignored the little devil...

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