
Chapter 1304: screen

Half a month later, the genius still did not find any opportunity to break through the realm of law.

In the last three days, he has almost given up this opportunity and pinned his hopes on the next time.

Finally, while chasing a monster, I stumbled upon a place with a strong aura, cultivated some of the elixir seeds I found, and forged a ban with thunderweed cold iron, ready to collect it again next time.

That is now this medicine garden...

If the matter ends here, Lin Fei's turn will not be reached by this pharmacy. It may have been picked by the monk as early as a thousand years ago.

But it was good to die, the monk found the stone gate just like Gu Fei after setting up the pharmacy, and it was also opened...

It's just different from Gu Fei. After opening the stone door, the monk didn't encounter any ghost emperor, nor rushed out anything inside, but went straight in.

Afterwards, the memory seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, even if it was a dark earth, it could not be interpreted...

Only when he came out again that day, he had already lost his flesh, and only a ray of soul was left, and even this soul was still defective, and even he could not do it by changing the ghost path.

After the soul flew out, just by instinct, he returned to the medicine garden...

Thanks to the essence of this medicine garden, this genius can be maintained for thousands of years without collapse, and it has been retained until now...

Lin Fei saw this, but could not find any valuable information, and after tossing through the nether earth, the ghost would soon dissipate.

But as the ghost gradually dissipated, the stone spear that was originally buried in it suddenly shuddered.

Then, it suddenly broke out and absorbed the ghost in an instant...


The stone spear moved too fast, Lin Fei was shocked, but before he could react, the stone spear had already swallowed the ghost, and after swallowing the ghost, the momentum of the stone spear seemed to sink even more. Condensed a bit.

"Do you rely on devouring spirits to advance..."

Lin Fei glanced and suddenly realized.

It seems that this is the advanced method of this stone spear.

However, this stone spear was in the underworld, but did not take the initiative to hunt for any ghosts, but now it is quite excited...

Could it be because the predecessor of this ghost was a human genius monk, of high quality?

If this is the case, you can feed them well in the future. After all, once such a thing as a **** grows to the top, it is quite scary.

Lin Fei had seen a mysterious underworld in the last life, and even had the singular ability to suppress Shou Yuan and freeze his life state for the powerful body of the legal body. At that time, it was one of the true treasures of the Wu people.

I just don't know if this stone spear will grow to the horror level of the top penins of the previous life.

As for this ghost, swallow it, anyway, for today's Underworld, this is not too important...

"Huh? This is..."

Just when Lin Fei looked back, he suddenly froze.

After swallowing the ghost, the stone spear suddenly shuddered, and the whole breath was strong, as if it were alive.

After that, it seemed that he had eaten a big tonic, and the momentum was actually rising, and a lot of black gas was emitted, wrapping the stone spear...

This seemingly unpretentious stone spear floated up and down in the black air, but it seemed somewhat mysterious.

"Are you going to advance?"

For a time, Lin Fei was a little surprised, just a ghost, not so easy to let a witch advanced?

This is too easy, right?


Soon, Lin Fei knew that he was right, this is not an advanced...

This momentum rose for a while, but it fell sharply, but the rough surface of the stone spear was covered with a layer of black gas, and in the black gas, a picture was looming and quickly flashed...

"This is... that ghost's memory?"

After watching it for a while, Lin Fei recognized it. I have just seen these pictures.

The screen flashed frequently, and it was already at the memory break that Lin Fei read...

But unlike Lin Fei's memory, when he arrived here, the screen was not broken, but continued to appear frame by frame.

However, the speed of these pictures flashed too fast, Lin Fei didn't have time to read it and quickly flashed it, only to see a few of them...

Although it was impossible to see clearly, several of the pictures suddenly attracted Lin Fei's eyes...

In the picture, it is the Jiaolong and the White Tiger Demon Emperor who once chased Gu Fei...

However, in this picture, the two demon emperors struggling for life are surprisingly harmonious.

On the endless earth, the white mist rises, vast and desolate, and the two top demon emperors are now showing their original form, standing silently, and the dragon is a blue and black scaly scale armor. A pair of golden yellow eyes pierced the mist like a giant candle.

The White Tiger Demon Emperor lay prone on the ground, hidden in the white mist, the real body of Baizhang was looming.

The distance between the two demon emperors is not too far away. There is no such thing as Lin Fei's arrogance. At first glance, the two top demon emperors stayed in this mist like two towering mountains...

But the most striking thing is that there are a few scary figures near these two demon emperors...

Just because of the fog, the towering figures were looming, and only a rough outline could be seen, but the details could not be seen, but they were able to stay next to the two demon emperors. .

But at this time, these people existed, but they seemed to ignore each other, but stayed there safely, and they all looked up at one...

It was the thickest part of the cloud, and a pyramid-shaped stone platform stood towering from top to bottom. They were all composed of white stones with white textures. These stones were carved with stripes on the surface. At a glance, they seemed to be carefully carved white jade. …

On that stone platform, from bottom to top, it became narrower and narrower, and on each floor, various treasures were suspended.

Only because of the cloud cover, Lin Fei could only vaguely see a few pieces, some were an ancient clumsy sword, some were a beast pattern tripod covered with patina, and some were a huge snake sloughing, entrenched in the stone platform On, lifelike.

This stone platform is divided into nine layers from bottom to top. Each layer is filled with these things, but the more you go up, the less things are placed, and the more blurred the picture...

However, with Lin Fei's eyes, only those at the bottom level can be seen, although those things are damaged, but without exception, at least they are magic weapons, and even the Xuanjie magic weapons are common among them. …

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