
Chapter 1307: stone

All of a sudden, I saw this medicine garden, the cage of the Taiyi sword gasification gradually gathered from the outside and the inside, Jin Cancan's light was dazzling, puncturing the dark night like countless swords...

As Zhenyuan urged, Taiyi's sword energy became tighter and tighter, and has shrunk from a square to a size of ten feet. The sharp sword gas on the ground was drawn into deep hills.

"It's very bearable..."

Lin Fei sneered, but didn't care, and continued to urge this Taiyi sword qi to continue to contract. In an instant, this sword qi range shrank to almost three feet square.

At this time, the golden light emitted by Taiyi Jianqi was already very rich, creating a space so narrow that even a child could not hide it.

At this time, if you look closely, you can find that there is a faint shadow in the dazzling golden light, which is divided into disharmony with the brilliant golden light around...

Lin Fei did not stop, but continued to urge Taiyi Sword Qi to draw closer and closer. This shadow rushed left and right, but there was no way to go. In the end, he was quickly approached to a corner...

At this time, Lin Fei could clearly see the original face of this thing through Jin Guang Da Sheng, then Lin Fei was stunned...


That's right, it really seems to be a stone...

In the cage created by Taiyi Jianqi, a stone was suspended there...

It seems to be ordinary, showing an irregular circular shape, a slightly rough surface, without a trace of spiritual power fluctuations, it looks like an ordinary stone common on the roadside, and it is not worth noting at all.

"What is this?"

Suddenly, even with Lin Fei's knowledge, they felt a little strange.

Before he caught the stone, Lin Fei originally thought that it might be a monster with a peculiar bloodline and some kind of magical power that made him hard to detect.

But take a look now...

Just such a stone, let alone a monster, in the Ancestral Demon Hall, it is almost everywhere...

It's no wonder that he didn't realize it, because let alone searching, even if he stood in front of his eyes and observed for a long time, he didn't find any anomalies that he should pay attention to...

The experience of traveling to the heavens in the last life is not lacking, but I have never seen such a wonderful thing...

You know, all things in the world, grass and wood elves can become monsters, stones become monsters, Lin Fei is not unseen.

But that was more or less natural, with a bit of enchantment, at least to make people notice a little clue.

But this stone is too common. Even if Lin Fei is holding it now, if he doesn't know its origin, I'm afraid he will really treat it as a roadside stone.

Of course, this thing is obviously not as simple as curbstones...

Even though he is under siege, this stone is still unwilling. In the encircling circle formed by Taiyi Jianqi, he is still struggling hard, colliding with the golden light around him, struggling to collide and trying to get out.

Of course, this is also destined to have no effect...

Taiyi Sword Qi is made of innate fine gold, which is rare in high-level world. Once a cage is formed, unless it is an innate thing, or the strength can reach the level of the law, otherwise no matter what monster you are, once it falls into the siege Among them, it is difficult to get out of trouble.


All the resistance of the stone was in vain. While struggling, he was flying towards Lin Fei under the package of Taiyi Jianqi.

After taking the stone, Lin Fei did not dare to carelessly. This thing is too strange. I haven't even seen it. Who knows if it will have some strange ability.

"Is it a magic weapon?"

Lin Fei grabbed the stone and looked at it, but he still had no clue.

"Who do you call a magic weapon? You are the magic weapon, and your whole family is a magic weapon!"

As a result, just holding the stone in his hand, a cursing voice suddenly sounded from the stone...

"I depend!"

From catching the stone to now, Lin Fei was shocked.

Actually still talking?

It doesn’t look like a magic weapon...

"Is it a monster?"

"Bah, you are a monster. Your whole family is a monster. Lao Tzu has nothing to do with those stinky things..."

As a result, this time, the stone's reaction was more intense, as if to call it a monster, a huge insult to it.

"I want to die, right?"

Lin Fei's face suddenly turned black, whether it be a monster or a magic weapon. I saw a lot of myself in various ways. No matter what it was, it was really the first time I saw such a cheap mouth.

Obviously, he was caught, and it seemed that he was the winner.

Lin Fei didn't get used to it either. After he finished speaking, he began to mobilize the underworld, preparing to throw it in, refining it first, and pulling out his memory to see and talk.

As a result, before Lin Fei started, the arrogant voice sounded again: "Boy, I advise you to respect a little bit, otherwise it will delay your future, don't blame me for not reminding you."

However, Lin Fei did not hear the clamor for this stone, and ignored it, and continued to open the nether...

The stone had to say something, but suddenly felt the breath of the underworld, as if knowing his next destiny, and the tone was anxious: "Hey, human, warn you, don’t move...you listen to me, I can’t get into this thing, or everyone will be unlucky...you, you stop me!"

As a result, the words hadn't been finished yet, and the underworld suddenly opened, swallowing him directly.


Originally, Lin Fei wanted to send this stone directly to the nether earth to refine it and extract memories.

Who knows, this stone just fell into the underworld, but it seemed that a drop of water had fallen into the hot oil pan. At the moment of falling into the underworld, the ghost sea suddenly turned up and set off a huge wave, the tip of the wave almost caught the sky.

Even the dark day in the sky trembles slightly, the endless spirit shakes, and all the ghosts panic.

It is not just the dark earth that was affected, but also the stone. After being sent into the dark earth, it was suspended in the air and could not fall. The surface of the stone was shaking, as if it was enduring an infinite force.

This gave Lin Fei the feeling that it was a whole piece of underworld, and he did not welcome the advent of this stone...

"I depend?"

Lin Fei was shocked.

You should know that your own body of the dark earth is transformed by one of the nine Yin's Yinli sword symbols. It was born, that is, the existence of the level of the dharma body, and it itself contains a small world.

Only with this kind of existence can it be transformed into a haunt with unlimited potential after death.

It is rare for the high world with the yin and the level, Lin Fei walks along the way and collects a lot of promising things, which are perfectly contained by the dark earth, and even gave birth to the existence of 18 layers of hell.

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