
Chapter 1315: Mess into a pot of porridge

In a dull and grand noise, this small mountain was no longer defending, but moved, carrying the power of greatness, and slammed towards the white tiger!


In the roar of the white tiger, there was infinite anger, as if he hadn't thought of it, this stone dared to take the initiative to attack himself.

Followed, but also exudes a tragic and fierce breath, rushed towards the small mountain turned into stone.


Two times, three times...

At this moment, the two collided with each other for at least a dozen notes, each time making the crack in the world shaking, the mountains shook violently, but they were inseparable.

It's just like an unbreakable shield, hard against the bombardment of the White Tiger Demon Emperor.

The white tiger demon emperor had a serious injury. After many confrontations, the white tiger demon emperor seemed finally tired. In the face of this violently shaking small mountain, he did not continue to bombard, but slightly. Retreat...

"Damn, so dangerous..."

As the white tiger stepped back a few steps, Lin Fei suddenly felt that the surrounding pressure was greatly reduced, as if the field of golden power gradually faded, the whole person seemed to be pulled out of the water tank, and finally he was relieved. .

However, Lin Fei did not dare to relax...

Because Lin Fei knew that the stone itself was not prohibited, and its attack ability was almost zero. Just this hard fight, the stone relied on the indestructible body and used the power of earthquake to shake the white tiger demon emperor.

This was finally a few steps back to the White Tiger Demon Emperor.

This is considered to be the old book, and then I must seize this precious time and quickly escape from here...

Wait until the inner hall of the ancestral demon can truly be rid of.

Having endured the severe pains in his body, Lin Fei escaped a few fragrant and fragrant elixirs, but it was too late to distinguish the specific effects. As long as it contains a strong medicinal power and can repair the body, all of them are swallowed in one swallow. under.

Followed on the other side to urge the heavenly sword tactics to refine the power of the gold line that filled the body.

Lin Fei was anxious and fast. While doing all this, the speed was not slowed down at all, and he still fled towards the front...

Fortunately, after doing all this, under the full operation of Zhu Tian Wan Jian Jue, the body has also stopped deteriorating, and there is more and more light in front. It seems that soon, I can go out...


At this time, behind Lin Fei, there was a breath different from that of the White Tiger Demon Emperor, and suddenly came.

Majestic, overbearing, yet revealing a high momentum and majesty.


In a deafening roar, the sound of thunder and thunder exploded out of thin air!

Soon after the thunder sound exploded, a thick black cloud came up. Among the black clouds, countless thunder snakes fluttered, silver light and shadow, tearing the darkness, reflecting in the black cloud, there was a dragon with a long body and a fierce claw.

"Damn, you are all sick!"

Through the thunder and silver light and shadow, Lin Fei was stunned when he saw that Jiaolong.

That was the Dragon Demon Emperor who was fighting the White Tiger Demon Emperor at the beginning!

Even the realm of the dragon demon emperor is even higher than that of the white tiger demon emperor. When the two battled, the dragon emperor had the upper hand. The scary wound on the white tiger was caused by the dragon.

The question is, what does it matter to you?

First of all, the White Tiger Demon Emperor appeared inexplicably, but now it is finally possible to get out. This Jiaolong Demon Emperor also appeared?

Just kidding?

If you can, Lin Fei really wants to ask, why did I offend you two, why did you follow me so deadly?

Unfortunately, at this time, Lin Fei is destined to say nothing.

Because at this time, after the appearance of the Dragon Demon Emperor, the White Tiger Demon Emperor also met with enemies, divided into red eyes, and fell into a rage on the spot.

Without saying anything, I just turned around and rushed towards the Jiaolong, and suddenly, in two equally brutal roars, the eruption suddenly burst into flames...

For a while, this place was a mess.

Fortunately, between the two demon emperors and Lin Fei, there was a small mountain made of stone as a barrier, which was finally not affected...

It’s just that the stone didn’t think so much...

"I depend, you hurry up, hurry up..."

At the beginning, the stone could resist the white tiger demon emperor, but now the two came together. Although they did not directly attack it, the aftermath was enough.

The pressure of the stone suddenly increased suddenly, there were cracks on the surface, and the healing was slower and slower. The anxious continuous sound urged Lin Fei to speed up...

At this time, Lin Fei was almost deaf to all the disturbances, and even ignored his own injuries, but urged the speed to the extreme, and flew out towards the light in front of it as if it was close at hand...

The way out is getting closer...

Three thousand feet...

A thousand feet...

Five hundred feet...

Finally, it is close to the front exit...



The battle behind him also became more intense.

The claws and tines are staggered, and the violent force tears the space, leaving a deep gully on the nearby stone wall, and the hot blood splashes out. Deep traces.

The thunder and lightning danced, and the golden energy struck vertically and horizontally.

There hasn't been a good place nearby, even this crack is crumbling, as if it will collapse at any time.

Feeling this, Lin Fei understood why the good stone gate was destroyed like this.

When these two demon emperors came out, I am afraid that such a fierce battle broke out in this channel.

"Shit, finally came out!"

Finally, at this time, with the bright future ahead, Lin Fei turned into a streamer, and in a flash, he rushed out of this exit...

Behind Lin Fei, the small mountain turned into a stone also shrank rapidly, and immediately behind Lin Fei, rushed out of this place together...

Without the block of this stone, the two demon emperors at the back no longer have any barriers. They seem to be rushing out while fighting.

However, just when the exit was touched, the two demon emperors caught in the battle seemed to have sensed at the same time, and the brutal killing was very incomparable. When they arrived at the exit, they came to a sudden stop...

This scene is very strange...

Obviously the two sides are already fighting, but they have changed from extreme movement to extreme silence without warning.

The white tiger demon emperor's eyes are blood red, which is full of countless murders, but when looking at the exit at this time, there is an indescribable fear...

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