
Chapter 1324: Cruel little devil

"So cruel?"

"Yes, after killing the fire, he also stained the blood of those disciples on a shriveled head." Recalling this scene, Huo Fengzi still had a little distraction on his face: "Every time after getting some blood , The shriveled head will be enriched a bit, and at the end, it is almost lifelike, and finally I don’t know how the little devil made it, the head flew out of his own, and spared a circle in those monsters, those monsters Will go crazy and kill each other..."

"Kill each other? So to say, these crazy World of Warcraft are all caused by little devil?"


"It turned out to be the little devil..."

Lin Fei looked at the dead monsters, not only did he not get rid of it, but also became more intense...

Something doesn't make sense...

Through several interactions with the little devil, Lin Fei naturally knew that the cultivation of the Three Demon Sects had nothing to do with the skill of the witch.

How could the witchcraft technique among these monsters be related to the little devil?

And these demon kings are all just gone, what about the demon emperor? With the cultivation of the little devil, even if you master the skills of the witch, you should not be able to secretly calculate the demon emperor level...

Suddenly, Lin Fei didn't know what to say. Suddenly he looked at Huo Fengzi and continued to ask, "Then you fled down the mountain?"

"I rely on, of course I have to escape!" Speaking of this, Huo Fengzi was immediately excited.

"You didn't see what he was like at that time, it was a different person, cold and ruthless, but among the people who killed him, there were brothers who grew up with him, and they didn't kill them with soft hands. If I run Slower, fearing that he will die in his hands..."

"What does that shriveled head look like?" Lin Fei frowned and asked suddenly.

"This..." Huo Fengzi is a bit inexplicable, and I don't know why I suddenly asked this, but I recalled carefully: "It looks like the people of the tribes in the mountain, oh, yes, there are still some people on the head. Strange lines..."

"Texture? What kind of texture?"

"This... I haven't seen anything like this before, I think about it."

Saying that, Huo Fengzi simply drew a few strokes on the ground while recalling, but there was still some uncertainty in the middle, so he changed it and took a long time before taking a breath and confirming: "That's right, this is it, you have a look..."

In fact, I don’t have to say more about Huo Fengzi. Lin Fei already looked at the strange pattern on the ground, but after only a few glances, he immediately frowned, and his face was a little dignified...

"Have you seen these runes?" Seeing Lin Fei's expression, the Fire Phoenix suddenly wondered.

"I've seen it before..." Lin Fei nodded. In fact, more than just seeing it, Lin Fei could even identify some of the irregularities on this pattern, and he could correct it.

After all, Lin Fei has seen such lines not long ago...

That was when analyzing the blood of the white tiger, there was a picture, and a big witch appeared in the picture.

And the pattern on the big witch is 90% similar to the pattern in front of him...

It seems that the head of the little devil may be related to the Wu people, and it is likely that the level is not low...

Speaking of which, Huo Fengzi's emotions also calmed down. He looked at this **** picture at his feet, hesitated, looked to Lin Fei, and said again: "Well, where did you come from, That me..."

"Why, want to go out?"

Although Huo Fengzi didn't finish talking, Lin Fei understood. The genius of the mysterious demon sect was not shocked at this time, he didn't want to find any chances, he just wanted to escape.

"Yes." Huo Fengzi should be in a hurry, but as soon as he finished speaking, Huo Fengzi reacted, not to mention that the relationship between the two was not very good. Even if they met for the first time, Lin Fei had no obligation to help himself.

As for how to let Lin Fei help...

After a moment of hesitation, Huo Fengzi said a little bit of pain: "I didn't bring much spirit stone with me this time, but after going out, I will definitely make up for you..."

"That's not necessary."

Lin Fei is really polite. Not to mention that when he was at the top of Heishan Mountain, Huo Fengzi has been searched by himself. There is no oil and water left. Even if there is still oil and water, Lin Fei’s net worth really doesn’t look like Huo Feng now. Zina is at home.

If you look at it now, you know that you have suffered such a serious injury. As a result, the healing remedy I took just now is only the blue spirit phantom of three hundred spirit stones.

For ordinary Jindan monks, this has been regarded as a top-grade panacea with good results, but it is really shabby for the first true biography of Huofengzi.

This also shows that at this time, the first true biography of the mysterious demon sect has really reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted...

"After you go down the mountain, walk north along a big river, and you will see a giant turtle. That giant turtle should be able to exert its demon emperor-level combat power. Don’t mess with it. There is a crack near the giant turtle. A crack can go out, and by the way, when I came, there were two monster emperors fighting in the crack. I don’t know if I’m gone now. In short, be careful on your way."

At the moment, Lin Fei has no intention of concealment. Anyway, he doesn't need to go back. He has the door to the realm in his hand. As long as he gets the other's freedom map, he can naturally leave this space.

The route is already pointed out. How does Huo Fengzi go out, it is not his business...

But after listening to Huo Fengzi, his face was a little ugly...

What kind of wonderful route is this?

Along the way, whether it is a demon emperor or a demon emperor, can this route go away?

Huo Fengzi really wanted to ask, are you really teasing me?

How did you come to this wonderful route?

However, Lin Fei didn't care so much. After he finished speaking, he was ready to leave and continue to go.

But, this next route, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult to go...

The most important thing is that the little devil makes Lin Fei feel a little uneasy...

When dealing with the demon prince together with the little demon head, Lin Fei felt that the little devil head was a little abnormal, and there seemed to be some changes in his body.

It's just what changed, but it's hard to tell...

Looking at the description of Huo Fengzi now, I am afraid that the little devil really has some kind of big problem. Not only is it a cultivation, but even his temperament has changed greatly...

the most important is…

When the little devil in this state comes to this place, I am afraid it has a certain purpose.

If it conflicts with one's own purpose and conflict, it may also cause a lot of trouble...

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