
Chapter 1338: Cause and effect

"I can't escape the rules of heaven and earth like this...but it's easy for me to die. What should I do with this ancestral palace?" The old man sighed: "I thought, wait slowly, there will be in the end from this world Who knows who can inherit my position, I don’t know if it’s limited by the laws of the Forbidden World or the juniors’ lack of talents. I’ve waited for so many years and I haven’t been able to wait for a qualified person.”

"I can't wait that long. I can only suppress myself with many magic weapons and fall asleep during the week. Using this method to delay the death of Shouyuan, I did not expect that in the middle, an accident occurred..."


The old man said: "Forcibly suppressing Shouyuan, after all, it is a move against the sky. In the dark, I must pay a price. About 3,000 years ago, I found that while I used these magic weapons to suppress Shouyuan, these magic weapons and mine The entanglement is getting deeper and deeper, they are like vines, forming a cage, trapping me here."

"When I discovered this, everything was too late, no matter what method I used, I couldn't get rid of the cage formed by these magic weapons..."

"It turned out to be like this..." Lin Fei heard this, but suddenly realized what happened to the so-called opportunity: "You asked me to collect a magic weapon to break this prison?"


"This kind of thing, you are not cheap to your juniors?"

"Oh, how can it be so easy?" The old man suddenly smiled bitterly: "These magic weapons have accumulated over a long period of time, and the vitality has been implicated. They have long been combined into a nearly one body, unbreakable. The way to crack is to find a junior of the Golden State and transplant one of the treasures in the realm of death..."

"These treasures were mostly in the celestial hierarchy before, only because accidents turned into fragments, and they took root in a promising realm of life and death, giving them the opportunity to return to the peak, enough to entice them to take the initiative to separate."

Lin Fei nodded, but the old man was thoughtful.

The promotion of the realm of life and death to the world of Faxiang will also experience a thunder disaster.

Thunder Tribulation is not just destruction, but also an opportunity for freshmen...

In the refinement of Thunder Tribulation, the realm of life and death will change a lot, that is from the inside out, a real reincarnation...

Even things that are rooted in the realm of life and death will also benefit.

For example, Qi Dao Qi, its power will go further.

If the Heavenly Order magic weapon fragments can seize this opportunity and refine in the thunder, it will also be a rare opportunity.

"It's just that the realm of life and death itself must be perfect enough to attract these fragments of heaven-level magic weapons. The most important thing is that after carrying these fragments of heaven-level magic weapons, it will not be immediately exploded, making the previous achievements abandoned."

"So you just fell in love with me?"

"Yes!" The old man seemed to be quite helpless about this: "It's okay to wait for a qualified successor, but for so many years, there wasn't even a sensible Jin Dan monk, so it was difficult to meet one. Still a traitor."

"Traitor? Are you talking about the little devil?" Lin Fei reacted immediately. Before himself, the little devil came in once...

Moreover, afterwards, he went out peacefully and was besieged by many monsters and beasts at the top of the mountain, using the power of the demon emperor to continue to slaughter.

Until later, he fought himself again, and even caused the demon emperor's phantom to come...

"It's the heir of the Three Demon Sects...I thought the young disciple could help me this time, but I didn't expect that he had been manipulated by the power of the demon emperor, and even concealed my eyes, while I was preparing for him. When washing the essence and cutting the pith, he shot secretly." The old man shook his head: "At that time, he was just awakened from his deep sleep, but it was a bit negligent, otherwise, he will not be able to succeed easily."

"and after?"

"Later I was invaded by the power of the demon emperor, and I could only suppress the injury and escaped by him. Fortunately, I could still manipulate the monsters around and let those monsters help intercept."

Speaking of which, the old man shook his head and sighed: "Fu Lijie... really needs to be rectified."

"Really..." Lin Fei also nodded with empathy. The current enemy of Fo Lili was out of bounds. As a result, the heirs of the core sect actually played a set of rebellion.

It can really be said to be a wonder of ancient and modern times...

"If you are ready, I will help you to collect this magic weapon..." After the old man finished speaking, he looked at Lin Fei, as if Lin Fei would not refuse.

"Oh?" Lin Fei listened, but didn't immediately agree, but looked at the old man with a smile on his face: "It's easy to collect the magic weapon, but only after receiving the magic weapon..."

"Why, I'm afraid I will settle the accounts after the fall?" The old man was not in a hurry, just smiled...

"Ha ha…"

"You don't have to worry about this," the old man shook his head. "The old man has no time to control you."

With that said, the old man suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly, on this stone platform, a powerful wave suddenly erupted.

There was a strong aura above the old man's head, rising from the sky. It seemed that this aura was only less than a foot away, but the higher it went, the thicker it became.

This aura is hidden in the sky, but it is already like a tornado, I don’t know where it leads...

"This is... the force that trapped the Demon Emperor's phantom?" Lin Fei looked at it, and in this aura, felt a terrifying power of terror...

"Yes." The old man took another move, and this aura suddenly disappeared: "This time the demon emperor paid a big price. In the projection outside, there is its real blood power. I am stuck here and can only deal with it temporarily. , But it can’t be maintained for too long. Only by getting out can this phantom be completely wiped out..."

"It turns out so." Lin Fei nodded. At least the two sides had to fight for a few hours.

The old man has a very clear meaning. At least under the power of this demon emperor, he has no interest in taking care of himself...

"Did you think about it? I think you are not far from the Fa phase. If you are in the Fa phase of Thunder Tribulation, refining the fragments of the magical power, you will immediately get a good magical power."

Although it was a question, the old man's expression was calm, as if he didn't expect Lin Fei to refuse.

In fact, Lin Fei did not hesitate at all, and smiled and said: "Oh, if I don't agree, I would have lived up to such good luck, thank you."

"I can’t trap the ghost image of the demon emperor for too long, we don’t have enough time, we need to speed up..."

The old man smiled, there was no slight fluctuation in his expression, as if he had expected Lin Fei's decision. After that, he simply explained to Lin Fei, how to deal with it next.

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