
Chapter 1345: war

Gui Lao looked up and continued to look at the battlefield with anxious eyes.

In the sea of ​​flames that evolved from the lights, the demon emperor kept tumbling, stirring the sea of ​​turbulence, and was constantly shot into sparks.

If at the beginning, the demon emperor still had a slight disadvantage, then now, the scene has been pulled back.

The sea of ​​fire is still violent, but it has stopped expanding.

On the other side, the power of the demon emperor became stronger and stronger, and the vast coercion covered the sky, and the black sun's light continued to expand endlessly.

The sky has been occupied by black light, and it is constantly intimidating towards the oil lamp. Under the terrifying power, it seems that the mountains are shaking...

At this time, the battle has become fierce, and both sides have begun to fight to the extreme.

The demon emperor wrapped in the infinite black light, and the sea of ​​fire that the six gods turned into fire, kept contacting and colliding.

Each collision erupted with powerful waves of power, igniting thousands of layers of fire waves, making the space twisted and twisted, as if it was unbearable.

There were terrible cracks on the ground, thick magma rushing out of the ground, monsters lying on the ground, shaking, and finally fell under the ground, they were afraid to move.

In the distance, the river is continuously transpiring, and the amount of water is drastically reduced. The giant turtles are lying on the bottom of the river, and they dare not move...

As for the few masters, in this ruinous momentum, it is also very small. Even if they are the strongest Gu Yue people, they can’t intervene and protect themselves and others from being affected. They have done their best. …

In this heaven and earth in the Ancestral Demon Hall, cracks in space can be seen everywhere. As if this battle continues, this heaven and earth created with great magic power are all destroyed...

at last…

With a tremendous anger and rumbling spread all over the world, in the flames of the sky, the round of the black sun's rays could not stop bursting out.

Thousands of dark lights are like swords, piercing everything, and madly fighting the sea.

Soon, I saw the demon emperor, struggling out of this sea of ​​fire, the large scales of the body surface were black, and even the key points were all traumatized, the scales fell off, and the whole body exuded a burnt smell …

However, after the scales fell off, they were healing quickly again, and the new scales quickly grew back, covering the flesh again.

In an instant, the entire Demon Emperor returned to its original state, and the scales on the surface reflected a strange luster, as if it had never been injured.

And it's not over yet...

Soon after being separated from the sea of ​​fire, the demon emperor roared and rushed into the sea of ​​fire again...

This time, it seemed to have dropped a meteorite towards the sea.

The yellow fire suddenly exploded, sweeping the fire waves towards the surroundings, and countless sparks fell, as if it was a fire and rain...

"Old stuff, today is your death!"

The demon emperor shouted loudly, and the grim body covered by the scale armor was tossing in the sea of ​​fire. Every time, it would cause a large flame to be destroyed...

This time, the sea of ​​flames did not have much power to contend with, and every time when the demon emperor ripped into a void, it was difficult to bridge anymore...

In the vast sea of ​​flames, an oil lamp flickered. Under the violent offensive of the demon emperor, the lights flickered and flickered, so fragile, it seemed that it could easily be blown out...

"Ancestor...I can't hold it anymore." At this time, when Guilao looked to the sky, his pale face was already desperate.

"That may not be right, I think the ancestors may not be defeated, the battle is uncertain..." Someone said hesitantly with a glimmer of hope.

"Impossible." Guilao shook his head: "Now, the ancestor is afraid of approaching the limit. The last bit of power can only escape from the demon emperor at most... Everyone, then you don't have to take care of each other. …"

The words fell, all the heads were silent, and the atmosphere was depressed.

"It may not necessarily lose."

At this moment, there was a sound without fluctuation, but it suddenly sounded.

"Gu Yue?" Guilao looked up and saw the speaker, but he was shocked.

Not only Guilao, but the rest of the heads also looked at the real people of Gu Yue...

"How can I win... wait, do you have a way?" Sovereign Xuan Yao wanted to refute it at first, but later he didn't know what he thought, but his face was a little surprised.


"When is this time, you don't want to sell it!"

Xuan Yao Sect Master was a little excited.

Guilao and others did not speak, but they quickly looked to Gu Yue.

"My three demons, and the last bit of kerosene, that's me..."


"Oh, why, are you surprised?" Gu Yue looked at Guilao with a sneer. "Don't you ever think about this method?"

As soon as this remark came out, the old man's face was a little embarrassed.

And the other heads looked at each other in silence.

At this point, everyone naturally understands the meaning of this sacrifice. The disciples of the Three Demon Sects practiced special exercises, enjoyed the accumulation of high-end resources from the entire world, and paid a huge price to cook the lamp oil for the ancestors.

In other words, Gu Yue's future is actually destined to become a lamp oil...

It is the only possible way to pay tribute to the real people of Gu Yue, to become the ancestor lamp oil, and to provide power. After all, the demon emperor is only an incarnation. As long as there is enough time to delay, under the rules of the day and night, the demon emperor itself cannot exist here. Too long...


Turning the body into a lamp oil, the real person of Gu Yue will also turn into nothingness, and the last hope of escape will be buried.

This kind of self-denial, no one dares to take the initiative.

Now, the real person of Gu Yue has taken the initiative to say that invisible, it has reduced a lot of pressure on everyone.

"This one…"

For a time, after the proposal of a real person from Gu Yue, several heads looked at me and I looked at you with different faces, neither agreeing nor disagreeing...

The battle in the sky was shocking, and the flames and the demon emperor almost broke the world, but between the few heads, there was a strange silence.

"Oh, why, I have been so embarrassed to enjoy my Three Demon Sects for so long?" Gu Yue is actually ridiculous: "My Three Demon Sects have devoted so many generations, and I am not alone, sooner or later."

Ghost Old has a complex complexion and deeply commends: "Ful Lijie will not forget the sacrifice of the Three Demon Sects. If today's hardships can be overcome, the Three Demon Sects will still be the first door of the Fuli Departed, and we will live together to protect each other. "

"Ha ha…"

Gu Yuezheng sneered, but ignored it. After that, he looked up and looked at the fiery sky without any fluctuations, and walked towards the sky...

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