
Chapter 1352: The dust settles

And the sword tide disappeared suddenly, as Lin Fei stretched out his hand, the countless sword lights, quickly converged, and converged towards Lin Fei's palm...

After the eruption of the sea of ​​swords, black light, blood, and sky fire all disappeared, as if it had never existed...

In an instant, peace returned to heaven and earth.

Except... the heads of people.

It's a bit weird to say that in this war, each of these heads had time to start, and from the beginning to the end, they were all protected by the oil lamps of the ancestors of Fuli.

Taking advantage of Lin Fei's decisive battle with the demon emperor, several masters finally played their part.

The battle between the ancient ancestors of Fo Li and Gu Yue was almost to the extent that the Fa can intervene. Several masters seized the opportunity and showed their magical powers to deal with the demon emperor...

In this whole battle, several heads did not play a big role, in the battle of the real body, it looked like ants.

However, that's just because the power levels are too different...

Being able to stand in the top position of Fuli away from the world, several of the heads are not easily comparable.

Once given the opportunity, the Gu Yue real person was also losing ground without the protection of the demon emperor.

Until the time when Lin Fei-shi exhibited his free array and suppressed the demon emperor who had run out of light, the battle came to an end...

The six heads of the team work together to help the ancestor of Fuli from the world, imprison the real person of Gu Yue, put it in the oil lamp, and refining...

The ancient Yue real people struggled more and more violently, but the power that was obtained from the ancestors of Fuli was originally stolen with the help of the demon emperor, but it was not stable.

After being trapped at this time, it is already in despair...

At this time, this Gu Yue real person was confined in the oil lamp, little by little, re-transformed into the nourishment of the ancestors of Fo Lijie...

After doing all of this, several heads of directors just breathed a sigh of relief, but then looked up, and a heart was raised again...

I saw that in the center of the battlefield, Lin Fei stood in the sky, surrounded by countless sword lights, the solemn and vast sword intention, permeated irresistibly.

At the moment Lin Fei, standing on the sword light, standing in the void, it is a bit strange...

This scene, Lin Feidun did not maintain for a long time. After soaking in this state for a while, he realized what he was, and soon he converged Jianguang and returned to his previous appearance.

Except that his face was pale and his clothes were scattered, it seemed that it was not much different from the ordinary Jindan monk.

However, seeing this scene, whether it is ghost old, or a few heads, are not dare to carelessly at this time, it can even be said that in the face of Lin Fei, there is an unspeakable pressure...

The battle situation has changed too fast and abruptly just now. There are many details in it, and they are not clear. Even how Lin Fei appeared in the end is not clear.

However, before the death of the demon emperor incarnate, they threatened, but they heard clearly...

The demon emperor said by himself that Lin Wanfei lost all his efforts for ten thousand years...

Today, although this scene has subsided, the heads of the crowd are in a hurry, and I don’t know how to get along with this sudden young generation...

If it had been before, there was really nothing to struggle with. After all, although Lin Fei was invincible among the younger disciples of Montenegro.

But in the eyes of several heads, it was just a noteworthy and promising Jin Dan monk.

It’s just that...

At present, the Great Tribulation of Fuli is not worthy of a practice, and it takes too much energy for it.

But now...

The scene of the Jianguang sea tide just now, and the miserable scene before the death of the demon emperor incarnate, but let the few heads no longer have a way to treat it as a Jindan monk...

As a result, I hadn't waited for several heads to react. The oil lamp that was smelting Gu Yue's real person suddenly fluttered and fluttered a bit, but the route was very straight and flew towards Lin Fei.


This time, all the heads who saw this scene were a little caught off guard and were taken aback.

Now that the ancestors have suffered a lot, it is precisely when they should have a good rest. How can they take the initiative to a Jindan monk and welcome them?

Not to mention a few masters, even Lin Fei was quite unexpected at this time. Unexpectedly, at this time, the other party actually took the initiative to come up.

To be honest, the relationship between the two parties at this time is really not well defined.

Although Lin Fei helped to repel the demon emperor, in fact, he came to seek his freedom map after all...

This self-contained array, but specifically used to suppress Shouyuan for another ancestor, is regarded as the treasure of the ancestral palace town hall.

Seriously, now Lin Fei collects it. For Fuli, it is naturally a loss, and the two parties should be regarded as a hostile relationship...

Although nowadays by chance, Lin Fei helped Fo Li to destroy the incarnation of the demon emperor, but now the relationship between the two parties is really subtle.

It is an enemy or a friend, and it only depends on the thoughts of this old ancestor.

Instead of thinking so much, it is better to leave Lisuo directly...

Therefore, just as Lin Fei was about to set off to find Yu Hua and leave together, the oil lamp had already arrived first.

"If you want to leave now, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult..."

"Oh?" Lin Fei heard this, but turned around, looked at the oil lamp, and smiled and said: "Could you be Senior, you still want to hold your juniors to talk more?"

Between the words, a strong sword spirit was already around Lin Fei, born out of thin air.

This sword intention seems to be some kind of fierce beast lurking deep in the water. Although it appears, it is not attracted. This sword intention becomes more and more serious. It seems that just waiting for Lin Fei's order, it will burst out...

Lin Fei had already prepared for the attitude of this ancestor from the world, and he knew that as long as he paid some price, he could kill...

Now that this old ancestor from the realm has experienced some calculations from the demon emperor, let alone how much power he has exerted, it is not easy to maintain his own continuity.

In this state, it is impossible to fight desperately with Lin Fei, who possesses his free array.

In just one moment, Lin Fei can get away smoothly...

"Oh, you misunderstood, you helped me out of bounds to drive away the demon emperor, the old man thanked you for being too late, how could he be malicious to you."

Surrounded by sword intentions, the oil lamp at this station was still quietly suspended, without any response. When the old voice sounded again, it was still quite kind.

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