
Chapter 1354: Deal

This condition put forward by the old ancestors of Fuli can be said to be extremely good...

This promise Lin Fei can only wait until the real body level, before triggering, and then I don’t know when it will be, and what’s more, Lin Fei can also be shot without endangering his safety...

It can even be said that this is just a promise about the future.

And the future is always illusory...

It's hard to say that if Lin Fei can't achieve his true body at that time, no matter what the ancestor of Nafei Lijie will pay, it's just an empty...

This ancestor of Fo Lijie is actually betting on his future...

"A golden monk who can smelt him into a free array and give the demon emperor the repulsion, what can the old man believe?" The voice smiled and said: "But you, can you trust the old man? Ephesus stayed out of the world for a year?"

"One year?" Lin Fei did not answer, but just looked at the oil lamp in front of him, and seemed to be thinking about...

Ancestor Fu Lijie was not in a hurry. An oil lamp was quietly rising and falling, and the light was suddenly bright and dark, just waiting there...

After a while, Lin Fei suddenly smiled and said: "You have all these excellent conditions, and I hesitate again, but somehow I feel awkward, then I will bother."

"Relax." It seemed to be an answer to Lin Fei. I had expected it for a long time. After the old man heard this sentence, there was no fluctuation in his voice: "After one year, you will not regret this decision..."

After that, the old man's voice was a light drink.

The oil lamp suddenly released a faint yellow light, which quickly spread to the distance.

A moment later, it was paved into a dimly lit road. This road quickly expanded with the misty lights, and the end of the road was vaguely revealing a beautiful mountain, which broke the space and directly led to another space. .

"bring it on…"

When the words fell, the oil lamp flew down this road.

Lin Fei looked at it a little bit later, but he no longer hesitated, but followed closely...

For a while, there were only a few heads left in the broken ancestral palace here, dumbfounded...

Several people looked at each other inexplicably, but the scene temporarily fell into silence...

They couldn't understand why at this critical moment when the Demon Emperor had just repelled, why didn't the ancestors come to them to discuss what to do next, and why did they disappear with an irrelevant outside monk?

A moment later, when the space road paved by the light was about to disappear, at the end of the light, there was a word suddenly...

"Today, the old man and the younger friend will be closed for a year. As long as it is not the demon emperor who personally attacks, don’t bother.


"Strictly follow the ancestor's law!"

Hearing this voice, the crowd of heads didn't think about it for a moment, and quickly responded with respect.

A few moments later, the path of the dim lights and lights completely extinguished, and several heads raised their heads and looked at each other, but still somewhat puzzled.

In the end, Xuan Yao Sect Master was the most uneasy, looking at the ghost oldest person who had the closest relationship with the ancestor on weekdays, and asked carefully: "You tell me, what's going on? Old ancestor he... Why is it weird?"

Not only the Xuan Yao Sect Master, but the other few masters also looked at Guilao.

However, under the gaze of several old acquaintances, the old ghost just frowned and shook his head: "I am not a roundworm in my ancestor's stomach, how can I know what my ancestor thought, but..."

"But what?" Xuan Yao Sect Master quickly asked.

"But the ancestor really looked very serious about Lin Fei..." Guilao sighed: "His old man, but he didn't even have time to explain the three demons. I think, the ancestor is a little anxious. , Even for that Lin Fei, I can't take care of these things..."

These words fell, and several people suddenly looked different...

Now that the Gu Yue real person is secretly the same as the demon emperor, and is the ancestor of the secret, now the position of the entire three demons is a bit awkward.

As the first major sect of Fulri, the head of the seven major schools, but there was a traitor.

In any case, now the Three Demon Sects should be cleaned first...


The ancestor couldn't even take care of these, but just let those people themselves figure out and take Lin Fei to retreat.

This is too eager...

"In the eyes of Lao Zu, the value of Lin Fei seems to be far beyond my imagination..." Speaking of which, Gui Lao sighed.

Shaking his head, he glanced around the messy surroundings and said, "Wait for this place to be dealt with, I will go to San Mozong again later."

As the voice fell, several heads nodded.

The ancestors explained before they left, they had to do everything but they did not give too specific orders.

Then these three demons, need six parties to discuss and deal with...

A few people simply discussed a few words, that is, the ancestral palace was cleaned up, and a few others were stationed, and the rest of the heads, under the leadership of Guilao, returned to Fo Lijie...

Time is running, in a flash, it is already half a year later...

During these six months, many major events have occurred in Fo Li.

The first is that the invasion of the demon world suddenly stopped.

Among the space nodes from all over, the trails of the demons are about to make an appointment, and they suddenly disappear. Among them, even include several important nodes that are about to be captured...

If those places are once captured, the demon world can occupy the position of the next bridgehead, thus playing a role that cannot be ignored in the subsequent battle between the two worlds.

However, between these half a year, the demons have evaporated and hurriedly retreated. For this reason, they even suffered a lot of losses on the road.

Although it is a bit unbelievable, many monks who are out of bounds know that this demon tragedy has just ended at the beginning...

From the beginning to the end, the damage caused by the Seven Gates has not even been lost...

Many martial arts were relieved, and each went back to their own Shanmen ancestral land to practice with peace of mind...

And the seven major schools that occupy the top of the entire Phrye Boundary have no chance to recuperate, but instead undergo a fierce power exchange.

The Six Gates sent together masters to enclose the Three Demons Sect Mountain Gate and control all the Three Demons Sect gatemen. This control lasted for half a year...

During this period, the head of the Six Gates School was busy and busy, and had not been able to relax at all, mobilized spiritual resources from the entire Fo Lijie, and sent it to the ancient cave house of the ancestor of Fu Lijie...

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