
Chapter 1371: Advent


Suddenly, when Zhang Ran saw this scene, the whole person froze there. After a while, he rubbed his eyes and wondered if he had misread it?

This black sword, comparable to magic weapon, is really broken...

Zhang Ran looked at his hands a little bit dumbfounded, and then looked at the fragment: "I am really so strong?"

However, soon, Zhang Ran froze.

Before Zhang Ran could react, a familiar roar sounded in his ear.


A sharp sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded in his ear, and he was caught off guard. Zhang Ran had no time to turn back, he felt a great force, and he came head-on.

This time it was like a big mountain hitting head-on. Zhang Ran just felt that his eyes were black and he was knocked out.

When he was still in the air, Zhang Ran had a sweet throat and suddenly spit out a blood, but at this time, Zhang Ran also saw the other side clearly...

That was the middle-aged monk who died under the sword of Xiaomu...

But now it seems that he is just like the two who were judged just now, with a greasy face, red eyes, red hair flying, like a burning black flame, his body faintly faint, and pointing like a knife, constantly tearing around Golden seal seal.

Between the roars, there is no trace of reason, and the eyes are full of violent and violent, like a crazy demon.


Zhang Ran was shocked, and at this moment, he even thought he was the wrong person?

It's true that the monk will turn into a ghost after death, but how can there be such anxiety?

At the very least, it will take a decade or eight years to slowly transform into a ghost, a luckier monk, or even a ghost repair path.

What's wrong with this middle-aged monk? How long did it take to die, it turned into a ghost, and it seems that the combat power has not lost much.

Was he **** foul?

But whether you admit it or not, it is too late to say anything at this time...

At this time, the middle-aged monk seemed to be mad. In the roar, his blood-red eyes were fierce, and he suddenly looked at Zhang Ran, but regardless of it, his five fingers were like a knife. He caught a fierce wind in the air and broke through. Thirty-six golden seal seals rushed towards Zhang Ran.

"I depend!"

At this time, you can see Zhang Ran's reaction.

After the rise of the Mojin School, the outstanding disciples cultivated in recent years did not belong to the true disciples of the Dapa School at all.

Faced with this aggressive but unavoidable attack, Zhang Ran did not have any fear, but instead retreated, the red scarlet seal appeared again in his hand, and the body rushed up...

All of a sudden, I just heard a loud noise...

The moment the two met, the crimson rune burst into endless fire, entangled and collided with the fierce ghost, the flame slammed, and the black ghost was ignited, and the red was burning, and it looked like a cloud of fire...


The ghost seemed to care little about the flame.

Regardless of the fact that the seals burst into flames and set off huge flames, it seemed that the ghosts transformed by the middle-aged monk were nothing but skin trauma.

It seemed that the whole ghost was wrapped in flames, but the ghost was only a scratch, and the large flame was shredded. He killed Zhang Ran's footsteps, but he was not contained at all.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is...

With the continuous explosion of this Taoist seal, Zhang Ran's movements were eventually deformed and dull.

It was only a moment of dullness, but for the ghost that the middle-aged monk transformed, it was enough.

Before the characters and seals explode, the ghosts have burst through the flames and killed them.

At this time, Zhang Ran's reaction almost reached the limit of the existing state. At the moment when the other party was close, a crimson red seal was thrown out.

However, at these speeds, it is still not enough.

The ghost did not pause at all, and directly tore the oncoming Fuzhuan into the sky fragments, followed by a roar, and the claws fell down fiercely...


The claw fell **** Zhang Ran's arm, and a large piece of blood flower flew, directly leaving five deep scratches.

Under this severe pain, Zhang Ran was really at the time, and no longer had the power to defend.

Amidst the fierce roar, ghost spirits accompanied the ghost's claws...

Although Zhang Ran had tried his best to avoid the key points, but every two or three times, there were more than a dozen scratches on his body. The whole person was **** and cold and ghostly, and he rushed in along the wound.

Zhang Ran's entire face was pale.


Feeling the ghost spirit rushing in the body, the fast-evolving real element, Zhang Ran's heart was instantly cold.

Not to mention myself, even if the real Jin Dan came, it was almost dead.

In despair, Zhang Ran's heart regretted wanting to vomit blood...

I shouldn't have taken this sect mission in a silly way, and came to this ghostly place to run around indiscriminately.

Originally I was practising in Zongmen, although the speed was a little slower, but the victory was steady, but in two or three years, I had the hope to advance Jin Dan. As a result, I was fascinated. For Master’s unreliable promises, I now want to Take your life...

I knew this already, and I shouldn’t have used the wooden sword so easily...

If there is still a handle now, this situation can be solved now...

For a moment, Zhang Ran's mind flashed countless thoughts, but when he saw another sound of claws breaking through his ears, Zhang Ran's thoughts were instantly solidified, and his eyes were almost closed.


At this time, in Zhang Ran's ear, there was a faint cough...

Coughing? !

Zhang Ran was stunned at that time. Where did the coughing sound come at this time?

What the hell?

However, when Zhang Ran opened his eyes subconsciously, all the vision in front of him was occupied by an extremely brilliant sword light!


Zhang Ran was a little embarrassed at that time, could it be that I was dazzled?

Where is the sword light?

But immediately, Zhang Ran froze.

That sword light seemed to come from the void, slashing towards the ghost in front of him.

Which exudes a sword-like majesty, revealing an awe-inspiring majesty.

At the moment of splitting, I saw the ghost. It was like a tofu with a sharp blade. It was too late for a scream, and it was directly split into two in the middle.

The section is extremely smooth, without any roughness, as if it were natural...


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