
Chapter 1376: Silver world

This condensed sword spirit, under Lin Fei's manipulation, was very spiritual, like a living creature, and drilled in along the crack.


It's just that, just after entering this other free array, Lin Fei suddenly felt stunned.

"Sure enough, there is this..."

In Lin Fei's vision, a misty silver world appeared.

Up and down, left and right, in all directions, are occupied by a faint silver ray. The ray of light is like a meteor. It flashes out in this world, and it will sometimes cross across the sky, disappearing and disappearing in this silver ray.

The whole world looks misty and vast, reminiscent of the vast galaxy.

But if you look closely, you will find that every silver light that extinguishes exudes a unique sword.

Each silver streamer exudes a sword meaning, they are different, but all belong to the same world, co-prosperity and symbiosis, constitute a strange and harmonious whole, or even the whole, constitute an incredible kendo Formation.

For Jianxiu, this world is almost dreamlike, as if the swordsmanship itself was displayed in front of...


Looking at this scene, Lin Fei's face suddenly became serious.

The so-called self-contained cave sky is a unique feature of innate things. A congenital thing itself contains a cave sky, which contains yin and yang, five elements, and sun and moon.

It can even be said that that is the first embryo of a small world.

It is said that it is because the innate things have witnessed the development of the heavens and the earth. In the chaotic process, a projection of the world development was recorded. Among them, there are even many hidden secrets about the evolution of the world.

As for the scene in front of me, Lin Fei actually had some expectations in the past six months. After all, this free self-array is a half-step innate treasure. Although it does not have a complete self-made hole, it also has its own space. .

But Lin Fei did not expect that he would see him so soon.

After all, this self-contained array is in a state of autism. I usually have no chance to see it...

Now through this crack, actually came in...


In this in-depth view, Lin Fei also had a panoramic view of everything in front of him, but he did not find where the source of the **** power was...

"Can't it be hidden? No?"

Lin Fei frowned. The **** power was in his self-freedom map. Who knew what the origin was, the significance could be large or small, and even affected the other spirit of the self-free array. The culprit may also be.

If you don’t dig it out, Lin Fei feels that it is a little uncomfortable for the bedroom afterwards...

"But the thing was so loud just now, where is it now?"

Lin Fei looked around and found no trace of that power, and suddenly felt a little strange. This thing was still so powerful, how can it disappear now?

The disappearance is too complete, right?

"Is that thing deliberately hiding from me?"

Lin Feiyue thought that it felt a bit wrong, yes, the innate things were indeed spiritual, but that was only dead.

It's like how precious the jade is, but it's just jade. It can't be compared with the lowest spirit.

In any case, this thing is not so spiritually powerful as to be comparable to souls.

I have just come in, can that thing perceive his own threat and take the initiative to hide?

This sense of smell and cunning, a little too sharp, is it too much?

However, this is not a way. You have to find a way to find out the other party. You have been playing hide-and-seek with it like this, and you can’t afford to spend your time...

All of a sudden, Lin Fei had a headache...

As time passed, Lin Fei concentrated his thoughts and slowly swept around to search for the trail of that power.

As time passed, Lin Fei's patience gradually ran out.

After all, time is now very precious to him. This **** power lurking in his free array, although troublesome, has not reached the point of burning eyebrows...

This is really not possible, only to give up temporarily, and wait to solve it later.

Only when the time comes, this force has a breathing opportunity, I am afraid that it will hide deeper, and it will be more troublesome to find...

and many more…

Just when Lin Fei was a little hesitant, a sudden flash of light flashed through his mind, and he suddenly reacted. He actually ignored one thing.

"Should it be like this?"

Lin Fei no longer hesitated. Raising his hand was to release his own true yuan, release a few ways, and follow it no longer. Let these uncontrolled real yuan freely roam in this silver world.

Following this, Lin Fei also gave up his search, but locked these few silver lights with Shen Nian, and carefully observed their routes.

Compared to Lin Fei’s purposeful manipulation, these real elements are now like headless flies, wandering around in this silver world, but in a moment, they wandered most of the world at random...

However, Lin Fei was not in a hurry, but continued to lock in these real routes...


A few moments later, the random chaotic routes of these real elements changed, and they seemed to be suddenly appointed. Although they were still chasing around, they gradually adjusted their routes in the same direction. , The closer the closer.

"Sure enough, it's that simple..."

At this time, Lin Fei scolded, for such an obvious thing, I still thought about it for a long time.

I almost forgot. Why did I notice that the crack was not right at first, wasn't it because of the breath transmitted in the crack that made my real element agitated?

That being the case, it is simple.

Just let yourself be free and let them look for the **** breath that excites them, so why bother to find it a little bit...

"it is as expected…"

After I figured it out, Lin Fei no longer disturbed himself, but condensed his mind, looked at the few free-action real elements, and observed their increasingly converging routes...

A few moments later, these real elements are close to each other. In this silver world, a small encircling circle is formed...

"It turned out to be hidden here!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Fei sneered, without any hesitation, urging the few real elements, and flew out.

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