
Chapter 1404: Brothers facing each other

A moment later, in the sky behind the monster, there was a blood cloud floating suddenly.

This blood cloud is extremely dense. The red one is almost like bleeding. It doesn't know how wide it is. Between the **** clouds and the clouds, it directly covers a hundred miles.

The wandering seems to be very slow, but the coverage area is too wide. In an instant, it spans a distance of more than a dozen miles. The **** shadow directly covers the desperate beast in front.

The blood cloud is getting thicker and thicker, constantly rotating, forming a vortex, it seems that the punishment of the sky will always be lowered

And in that **** vortex, a fierce and tyrannical breath emanated from the sky...


In the moment covered by the blood cloud, the unceasing monster beast suddenly raised his head and screamed, his figure stopped at that time.

The head with a deep bone scar lifted up, rushed towards the vortex of the blood cloud in the sky, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and made a roar of earth and earth.

A pair of eyes suddenly turned crimson, which contained a determination and warfare, as if there was nowhere to go, to face this blood cloud and launch the final challenge.

That tragic and invincible breath, like a flame, rises into the sky.


Just when the demon emperor just stopped his body, the blood cloud vortex seemed to turn more and more rapidly, so that the blood clouds in a circle of hundreds of miles were quickly gathered together and caught in this vortex.

In the end, where the blood cloud vortex was so thick that it could not be dissolved, the vortex finally stopped turning.

The heavy power is already suffocating like a giant mountain suspended in the sky,

But this is not the most important...

In the center of the blood cloud vortex, there is an extra figure, stepping on the blood cloud, a pair of blood-red jade eyes, looking at the feet...

Unlike the brutality in the blood eye of the monster, this young man does not have the slightest anger in the eyes, but is calm and indifferent. When he looks at the monster on the ground, he even takes a few moments to check...

This figure looks very young, at most not more than 20 years old, wearing a black robe, ankles, and skin exposed at the neck, but pale to pale.

A long, dark, black hair spread down, slightly swept by a powerful force...

This young man is clearly a human appearance, but between his hands and feet, there is a very strong demon spirit, lingering with him...

This demon spirit was actually stronger than the demon emperor below.

It seems that what came out is not a human being, but some kind of demonic creature.

at this time…

The monster on the ground, like an enemy, is tight all over, and no more blood flows out.

The paws the size of a human head, holding the ground tightly, a pair of eyes staring closely at the young man in the sky, the nose is not hot, but Mars mixed with blood...

at last…

The monster seemed to be unbearable any more. The young man's eyes were fixed on him, and in a violent roar, the power of the demon burst out, rising up, and rushing towards the blood cloud in the sky.


Just listening to the harsh sound of breaking the air, the monster was able to break through its own rapidity in an instant, and in the air, there was a sound of thunder.

If in the real world, this blow will make the space unable to bear, and there will be cracks...

But this world has not been formed, and there are almost no rules. At this time, the demon emperor's level of combat power is completely vented.

Carrying a tragic momentum with the enemy, rush straight up!

Suddenly, in front of the monster that broke out to the extreme, the large blood cloud was shaken for it. This monster that was almost extreme, was in the blood cloud, and rushed open a channel.

This blow seemed to break up the blood cloud.


At this time, the young man in the blood cloud did not seem to see it.

Just gently reached out a hand...

The young man's movements were light and slow, and that hand was quite thin, revealing an unhealthy paleness.

However, as the young man reached out his hand, toward the void, a light grasp...

A wonderful wave of volatility seems to fill the sky. It seems that the whole void has undergone some inexplicable changes. With this catch, it seems that the whole void has become frozen...

And the monster that looked like it was going to rush over like a sudden bump into a wall, or it was caught in a quagmire.

I saw its torn space, unstoppable figure, suddenly stopped in the air, struggling movement is awkward and slow, as if its every move, it seems to be under great power.

Moreover, that force seems to be getting stronger and stronger. After a while, this monster can't move at all, like a static sculpture in the air, and can't move anymore.

Except for the panic and panic in his eyes, and the hard breath, the demon emperor had no other actions.

The most important thing is that the power in this space is still slowly tightening.

After a while, this demon emperor will stop even breathing, and it will be pinched to death like a bird held by a big hand.


At this time, the slowly tightening force was a meal.

"Li Qingshan, stop it!"

Because, a very loud and loud shout suddenly sounded out of thin air.

In this thick voice, with strong power, when it sounded, it seemed that the space was lightly rippled, making the almost condensed space all loose.

This time, the monster was suddenly given a breathing opportunity.

Li Qingshan also turned his head suddenly, and those blood-red eyes looked toward the horizon...

A strong and deep breath came from far and near, galloping, and after a while, his body was revealed.

If Lin Fei is here, he will immediately recognize it, which is exactly the Wang Lingguan he is looking for...

It’s just that, I’m afraid I will find that this situation seems a bit strange...

Although the relationship between Wang Lingguan and Li Qingshan was not good on weekdays, he asked the Jianzong Zhenzhen disciple, and he was generally passable. Although there would be some friction with him, there would be no hatred.

But now, the two brothers of the division are standing hundreds of feet away from each other. After Wang Lingguan stopped his body, he was just at the edge of the blood cloud and refused to move forward.

And Li Qingshan is in a similar state. Looking at Wang Lingguan indifferently, he is silent, without any indication...

That look, as if the two brothers and sisters, even a little bit hostile...

For a time, the atmosphere between the two was very strange...

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